Unfolding Time

Bits and Pieces


"Anyone could be passionate, but it requires real lovers to be silly"
Rose Franken



Cho Kyuhyun had never been a person that enjoyed exercising too much, yet he was running for dear life at that very moment. Being quite a professional procrastinator, he was used to cope with little amount of time to do what should have been done much earlier. This time, though, was different. Everything he needed for his life to collapse completely was just a split second of delay. He could hardly remember the past forty eight hours that followed Donghae's phone call. Siwon was going to be married in less than thirty minutes and Kyuhyun couldn't accept that.

Everything between them began out of sheer chance. Kyuhyun still couldn't remember how the two of them ended up at the very same party, he only remembered a couple of beers more than what was necessary was all he needed to end up in an unknown bedroom with Siwon's moans deliciously filling his hears as he was riding him at a maddening pace. Kyuhyun thought that it would have been a one night stand, a particulary memorable one, but nothing more. It took only one day to prove him wrong. The day after Siwon had trailed him into an empty classroom, muttering something about not even remembering whatever happened that night and some even lamer excuse on how alcohol was to blame for it all.

«I can swear you enjoyed it...want a help remembering?» Kyuhyun smirked «Oh yes...faster Kyu...fast..oh god!..»
Before he could finish replaying in the other's ears the mindblowing that he had the night before, he found a hand muffling his lips.
«Do you think you were any better?» Siwon hissed «Oh yeah Won...right there..harder..please harder»

But as Kyuhyun triumphant gaze met his own, Siwon realized that he had fallen for the younger's trick and he was left with nothing else to do than to take him again, right there in the school, with the fear of being discovered that only enhanced their lust. 

Kyuhyun always said that Siwon was just . He couldn't even call themselves firends with benefits, because they had never even been friends and he honestly thought that everything was bound to end as Siwon left for college that summer. Once again, though, he had to relize how mistaken he was. A year later, as he entered his room at the college dorms, he found himself in front of a dumbfounded Siwon. They hadn't even know which college the other would have liked to go, so it was a really cruel twist of destiny to have them forced to live under the same roof. This time, though, something was going to change. Living together brought a bigger involvement than occasional meeting between the school corridors and Kyuhyun found himself head over heels for his roommate before he could even relize it. But in spite of Siwon's constant declarations -and extremely pleasurable demonstrations- of love, he could never bring the three mgic words to cross the plump border of his lips. Because he knew that Siwon was going to inherit the biggest bussiness of the country and he knew that the Chois were the most conservative, traditional Korean family therefore he had to accept that one day they would snatch Siwon away from him. So he just pretended that he didn't care, fooling himself that maybe if he only acted this way long enough that lie would actually merge into his truth. The separation arrived long before Kyuhyun had ever thought. The night when he entered the room and listened to a desperate Siwon telling him that his parents wanted him to marry this girl from whichever rich family they mentioned, came just two years after their reunion. Kuhyun could only answer that he was going to the States, accepting the scholarship that was offered to him that very morning. Pretending that he had long accepted that Siwon didn’t belong to him was just another of the lies that he enjoyed to use as a mask for his cowardice.

Distance didn't help him to forget the other though, not even a single bit. At first he thought it was just about and for a while he could fool himself that during those wild nights he had let go of any feeling whatsoever he had for Siwon. Soon though he had to admit that the illusion of not feeling any pain, as he let strangers in and out of his bed, only brought a whole new definition of suffering the morning after. Because he found himself missing the feeling of waking up smelling the familiar scent of white musk and spices that Siwon wore all the time, the sensation of his still unshaved cheek over the crook of his neck, the astonished look on his face whenever Kyuhyun would pretend to reject him. It was all the silly little things that he had grown used to without even realizing and now it hurt like hell to suddenly discover that they were not going to come back. And so he had found himself desperate for the man he had left behind, wondering if he still had any time left to fight fo him. Because it didn't matter how hard he had tried to deny it, he was forced to admit that it wasn't about at all. Anyone could have given him a good , but it took love to transform everything trivial into something utterly special. So he decided to fight, even though he only had a bunch of hours left before his man was given to some unimportant girl who would have never been right for him.

As he opened the church's door and his eyes finally found the deep brown orbs he had missed so much he could feel his heart skipping a beat. Maybe Siwon didn't want him back, maybe he had fallen in love with this girl and was disappointed to find only a sweaty Kyuhyun on the door, instead of his beautiful bride with a white gown. His worries vanished though as Siwon's lips curved into a wide smile, showing off the dimples tha Kyuhyun loved so much. He walked down the aisle, his eyes never leaving Siwon's. He couldn't even dare to blink, afraid that maybe all of that would disappear if he only allowed his lids to darken his view just for an instant. When he reached Siwon he flung his arms to the older's neck and held him tight. He could feel Siwon stiffen under his touch at first, but then a pair of strong arms circled his waist and he knew he was where he belonged.
«Marry me» he muttered in the other’s ear, his hot breath sending shivers down his spine.
Siwon looked at him in disbelief, cupping his face and it gently with his smooth fingers and Kyuhyun could almost feel him wondering if that was just a dream. But then he lent down and pressed his lips on Kyuhyun's softly, as if he was handling something that could break any moment. Kyuhyun kissed him back almost desperately, nibbling the other's lips, before caressing the lower lip with the tip of his tongue. A sigh escaped from Siwon's mouth and Kyuhyun took advantage af that moment to slip his tongue into the hot cavern he had missed so much, tasting again the flavour that he had craved all that time they had been apart. He knew that few things were as silly as entering a church and going to the altar to kiss the soon-groom-to-be, but then again....wasn't it all that love was about?


So here it's my first entry! And actually is also my first time writing something in English or posting on this website which makes me kinda nervous but...well I figured out that if I had actually submitted it for a contest I might as wel post it! That's it pretty much and I hoper you'lle enjoy this :)
Spread WonKyu love all around <3

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Saravy #1
Chapter 1: This was my number 1 choice. I really loved this story!! It was so sweet and just really good.^^ I loved how Kyu tried to keep himself in denial to protect his heart. That was understandable, but him interrupting the wedding was priceless! Good for him.

You write really well, so don't worry about that. I never would have figured English wasn't your first language, if you hadn't said so.^^ The only thing I would suggest, is the formatting. It's kind of scrunched up here on AFF. >_< Great job, and good luck in round 2!! XD