Chapter 1 – Relationship status:

It's Officially Complicated

Chapter 1 – Relationship status:


“Let us now give the stage for f(x)’s goodbye stage!” The MC announced before turning around the platform to watch the group of four girls perform their carrier single for the last time as a wrap-up for the promotion of their 3rd full album.


It took the group almost a year in preparing for their full-length album and it ended with a success. The whole month of promotion of the album plus another few weeks of promoting their repackaged album sure took a toll on the girls’ bodies. It’s obvious how they all lost weight, but to them, it was all worth it after winning triple crowns in various music chart countdowns and breaking their own record sales.


And after all hard works, everybody deserves a rest.


“As usual, I’ll go back to my family in China for a few days and maybe treat my parents to a vacation overseas.” Their leader Victoria spoke, as the group discussed about their vacation plans after flopping on each spots in their dorm’s living room.


“Why don’t you tour us in China, unnie?” Sulli suggested, as she remembered that they haven’t visited their leader’s homeland since they debuted. “We’ll also bring our families with us!”


“That’s a great idea Ssul! It’ll be a great opportunity to practice my Mandarin.” Luna supported the younger girl.


The three girls then looked at the group’s maknae, who’s busy typing on her phone. Noticing her bandmate’s stares, the girl averted her eyes from her phone and was perplexed by the way the other three girls looked at her. “Why are you looking at me like that?” She asked as she noticed their mischievous smiles.


The three girls then looked at each other intently, as if having a short meeting in their heads. After nodding in affirmation of their plan, they slowly approached the youngest girl in the group, who’s now starting to feel terrified.


Just as her phone beeped, indicating an incoming call, Sulli swiftly took the phone away from Krystal’s grasp as the two other girls held the poor girl down on her arms.


“Omo… It’s the cute American lover-boy!” Sulli enthusiastically announced as she saw the name of the caller.


“Yah! Give me my phone! And Amber’s a girl. How many times do I have to tell you guys that?” Soojung said, as she stopped fighting the two girls who hold her down, keeping the tall girl safe from her. Instead, Krystal glared at the girl in front of her who looks like she’s not going to give in to the maknae.


Sulli then unlocked the phone and pushed the answer button, before putting the phone in loudspeaker mode.


“Hello!!!” She cheerfully greeted the girl on the other line.


Sensing that her friends won’t give up, she just mentally facepalmed herself and slumped down the floor. The two girls, sensing that their friend has finally given up, released their grip on her arms and quickly surrounded Krystal’s phone.


“Uhh… Hi? Who’s this? And… where’s Krystal?” the girl on the other line asked in English.


“Aish! Doesn’t your girlfriend know how to speak Korean, Soojung?” Luna disappointedly asked in Korean.


“First of all, she’s not my girlfriend. And second, NO, she doesn’t know how to.”


“Aww… you guys are no fun.”


“Wait, you told us that she’s an American-Taiwanese, right?” Victoria butted in. Without waiting for the younger girl’s answer, she immediately talked to Amber in Mandarin, hoping that somehow, she can understand her.


“She’s Taiwanese, not Chinese.” The young girl mumbled under her breath, as she walked towards the other girls, who are encircling her phone. She was surprised though, when she heard that Amber understood their leader. To Luna’s delight, she also butted in the two’s conversation, leaving Sulli and Soojung clueless as to what they were talking about. Though the youngest two could understand a few phrases, they were still having troubles conversing in Mandarin.


“Is it true that you haven’t asked Soojung out yet?” Victoria asked in Mandarin.


“Uhh… I uhh…” though they couldn’t see her, Vic and Luna could imagine vividly how the girl from the other line was blushing as she twiddled with something, maybe a pen, with her hands.


“C’mon, we like you for her, you know.” Luna told her.




“Yeah. So if you really like our maknae, you should make a move now and ask her out. There’s a looooooooooooong line waiting for her to choose. And you should be thankful enough that her eyes see only you.” This time, it was Victoria who encouraged the poor American girl.


And thankful enough that she could understand a few phrases, Soojung is now beet red after hearing their leader tell the tomboy that her eyes only see Amber.


Before the three girls say anything more to Amber, she quickly grabbed her phone and ran towards the room she often share with Sulli whenever she spends the night in their dorm, since she still stays with her parents in their home. After locking the door and breathing in deeply to calm herself both from the embarrassment and panic, she turned off the loudspeaker mode and held her phone against her ear. “A-Are you still there?” she asked softly. While waiting for the other line to answer, she started biting her thumbnail nervously.




“I… I apologize for my members. They are just being them… you know… playful and childish. Especially Vic unnie, who’s supposed to be acting maturely and stuff…”


“It’s okay. It’s expected you know.”


“Y-You knew them?”


“Not really. But I’m a fan. I just read it from forums, and of course, watched from variety shows and TV guestings.”


The younger girl was amazed as to how Amber kept on track their groups’ activities, and how she also still had time to watch some of their shows despite her busy schedule studying and managing the pizza restaurant.


“Are you really sure that you’re not a sasaeng fan?” Soojung teased, as she smiled widely at the thought of how Amber would react.


Expecting that the older girl would stutter, she was surprised as the older girl dauntlessly answered back, “Maybe if for you, I can become one.”


“W-What are you saying?”


There was a brief silence between the two girls, before a loud laugh was heard on the other line.


“Yah! What’s so funny?”


Panting, Amber explained, “Your expression right now.”


“Hmpf. As if you could see me.”


“I might not see you Krys, but at the back of my head, as I look up at the sky and think at how we’re still under the same sky, I can imagine how you contorted your face with worry and fear.”


Mentioning the night sky, Krystal walked towards the window and stared at stars too, as she started blushing again because of the tomboy’s words.


“And I could imagine how you’re still in your baggy clothing, eating in a mess your sandwich for lunch, while you’re in your office upstairs of the pizzeria.”




Again, the two were silent as they try to find the right words to say. It’s not that they ran out of words to say to each other from almost everyday phone conversations, but rather how to say the things in a less complicated way, like how are they going to say that they care for each other without directly saying the words to make it less complicated. Or like how they would tell each other that they badly miss each other without having that heavy feeling as the words of longing escape their mouths.


And most of all… how are they going to say those three words that lovers tell each other, when they are not anything more than friends… or that’s what they thought.


They both knew what they’re feeling for each other. And they both knew that it’s not just an ordinary I-care-for-you-because-you’re-my-friend feeling, but an I-love-you-because-I-love-you-more-than-a-friend feeling.


But the problem between the two is one, the fact that they’re miles away from each other, and two, is the fact that they are living in two different worlds. If ever they decided to label their relationship and go to that ‘lover stage,’ will they be able to bear the relationship’s commitments? Or will they just end up giving up on their feelings because of loneliness and after realizing that after all, they really aren’t compatible with each other.


“It’s already late, Krys. I think you should have some rest now.”




“And… I already booked a flight… Thank you.”


“For what?”


“For accepting my invitation… instead of spending your vacation with your family, you chose to spend it with me, even for just a few days.”


“Why are you saying that, as if you’re nothing? You’re… important to me.” Krystal shyly stated, still trying to avoid saying the words that of course, she wants to spend her time with the person she loves the most.


“Thanks for thinking that…”


“Am…” Krystal called out her name, wanting to say something, but as if Amber could read her mind, the latter cut her and bid a goodnight.


“Anyway, I’ll just wait for you there in the airport. Don’t forget to wear a disguise and tell me what you’re wearing, okay? Goodnight.”


“Wait!” Krystal said as she tried to stop Amber from ending the phone call, but she failed.






After opening the door to their bedroom, the group’s maknae was bombarded with question about their conversation.


“WHAT?! You’re going to Prague?” The three girls exclaimed.


“So it’s going to be like a honeymoon?” Luna teased.






“We’re not even in a relationship.”


“Then why did you agree to go with her? It’s going to be just you and her, alone.” Victoria asked.


“I don’t know. Maybe because I really want to see her. Or maybe, I just really want to make things clear about our relationship, and I know that it’ll only be solved if we talk about it face to face.”


“Do you love her?” Sulli asked this time.


“I… O-Of course I do.”


“Then let’s just hope that everything will be fine. Your feelings are mutual, we’re sure of that. And let’s hope that you guys will figure out something to make things work.” Victoria said as she gently patted the young girl’s back.






Gathering up all of her courage, she started typing the words that kept ringing in her head, preventing her from falling asleep that night. One more week, and they’ll see each other soon. One more week, and they’ll be able to clarify their own feelings, and what they’re going to do with those feelings. As if she’s going to have a nervous breakdown, Krystal managed to re-read the message all over again, making sure if she used the right words, and if she really will send it to her. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes before pushing the send button.


Meanwhile, across the globe, Amber was playing with her phone as she laid down her head on her office desk, thinking about their conversation earlier, and also what is in store for them once they step out of the airport and be welcomed by the city of Prague. She was surprised as she received a text message from the younger girl. After checking the clock, she was about to scold the young girl for staying up until dawn, but her heart seemed to stop beating when she read her message.







“Is it really okay for you… for us… to stay this way?”




Darn, took me a while to write the first chapter. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish writing TOP SPEED's update tonight.

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Chapter 8: Oh God! I just read this again and my delulu mind hoping that this could be true hahaha
Thanks for sharing it with us ?
bluesky2275 #2
Chapter 8: Thank you for sharing with us
Me love reading it.
Emjey012 #3
Chapter 8: Wow,so this is a trilogy?? Hmm, better read the others... This is really good! Thanks author-nim!
Feichin #4
Chapter 8: You are too good author ? thank you
Chapter 8: Cheesy kryber nice story
ddungie #6
Chapter 8: I love your story <3
TwinTurtles #7
Chapter 8: This story was so good! That epilogue was much needed and was the best, I'm really glad how everything turned out and how reliastic this story was! Thank you author!
nemonema #8
Chapter 8: Good stories..
I read it again and again espesially in epilogue part..
Keep a good job author..
Chapter 8: such a cheesy kryber !! awesome author .. make some more of this...pls..pretty pls.....