
Give me a chance



Give me a chance


It was a normal Friday. You couldn’t wait for history lesson to end before you could rush straight home to watch your favourite drama.

“_______! Please come here.” Your teacher’s voice boomed in the quiet classroom.

You lift your head to look at your teacher.

*What does she want from me?*  You thought.

You had always been a A+ student and you have no idea why your teacher would call you now in the middle of the class. Had you done something wrong?

Nevertheless, you walk towards your teacher’s desk. One part of you expected a stern lashing from her. But none of it came.

Instead, your teacher smiled at you and asked, “________, could you do me favour?”

You can’t actually say no can you?

“Sure, what is it?” You ask politely.

Your teacher continues smiling as she stretches out her arm to point at him.


Him as in Luhan

Luhan, the school’s most popular guy.

The school’s soccer captain.

The guy that every girl would love to date.

Why would your teacher want to put you with the school’s king ka?

“I would like you to tutor Luhan. His history grades are the only thing that is falling. And, I’ve watched you, ______. You are really good at history, so would it be okay if I ask you to tutor him?”

“Y-yes.”  *No!*

“That’s fantastic!: Your teacher clapped her hands. “I’ll just ask Luhan and you to stay after class for a while to discuss this. Thank you so much _____. You may now go back to work.”

Is this for real?

You gave a slight bow and walk back to your seat. You can feel Luhan’s gaze on you the whole time as you quietly sat down on your seat


It was the next day and instead of sleeping in like you usually would, you had to miss this Saturday

Your grip on the piece of paper tightens as you try to search for Luhan’s house.

House #406…

You can’t seem to find 406…

You look around you as you try to search for someone that could assist you. That’s when you find someone wearing black not so far away. Your put on a smile and walk towards the stranger.

The stranger has his back facing you so you tap  his back to gain his attention.

“Excu—“ You were cut short when the person turned around.

“________?” He raised an eyebrow.

You nodded meekly. This was the first time that you get to see him up so close. He apparently dyed his hair pink and some of it was covered by his hat. Normal guys wouldn’t look good with pink hair, but he looked amazing. You continued to gawk at his doe eyes and his delicate skin. God! He looked so handsome!

“Um, ______?” Luhan waved his hand in front of your face. That snapped your attention. You cheeks reddened in embarrassment while you scratch the back of your neck.

“I- I was about to ask you where your house was, because I couldn’t find it.” You stuttered slightly.

Luhan continued to frown at you, “Didn’t I give you my house address?”

You nodded again. Somehow words aren’t able to come out of your mouth. You took the piece of paper from your pocket and handed it to him.

He glanced at it and snatched it from your hand. He read it again and again before looking back at me.

He smiled apologetically and gave me back the paper, “I guess it was supposed to be #400 instead of 406. Sorry if my handwriting was difficult to read.”

You immediately waved your hands in front of him and said, “No! No! It’s fine. I just couldn’t read it that’s all. It’s not your fault at all.”

He smiled and took your hand, “Come on ______. You’re supposed to tutor me now right? I’ll lead you to my house then!”

Both of you started walking to his house. You stared at your hand. It was engulfed by Luhan’s. You suddenly blushed, thinking of the first skin ship you two had just shared.

What the heck were you thinking? He probably has a girlfriend. Plus, no way he would like a nerd like you.

After what seemed like hours, both of you reached his house. You were greeted by a scent as you enter his house.

Luhan’s scent.

“Aren’t your parents here?” You ask out of curiosity. He replied a simple no as he took out his books from the bag. You sat down at the living room where there was a coffee table large enough for you to tutor him.

You took the books from his hands and spread them evenly on the table. You smiled at him as you took the first book, “Let’s start with Ancient Greece.”


You couldn’t concentrate on teaching him now when the whole study session, all he did was stare at you and nodded his head like he understood what you said. Or maybe ‘pretend’ to understand.

“So could you tell me the meaning of agoge in the Spartan society?” You asked him while holding his book up to your chest so that he wouldn’t be able to peek.

Luhan snapped out of his gaze from you and asked you to repeat your sentence.

“You aren’t paying attention to what I just said did you? I asked if you could tell me the meaning of agoge in the Spartan society.”

Luhan smirked and answered confidently, “It means the military training of Spartan boys.”

You were surprised at his answer. The whole time he was only staring at you and you thought that he wasn’t paying attention. You shrug your shoulders and smiled at him. “Good. At least we are making progress now. I have to go now so would you excuse me.” You said while standing up and packing your things.

As you took your first step to walk towards the door, he called out, “______! Wait!”

You turned around. Luhan’s face was flustered and red. By chance was he… blushing?

“Yes?” You asked.

“I-I…Would you go out with me?” Did you hear right? Did he just ask you out? You look confusedly at him and wonder, *Did he really just—*

You thought about it.

It was him.


Him as in Luhan

Luhan, the school’s most popular guy.

The school’s soccer captain.

The guy that every girl would love to date.

Why would he ever ask you out?

Sensing that you were rejecting him he said, “You probably won’t believe me right, ______?”

You shook your head. You really didn’t want to get played with like a toy.

Luhan ran his hand through his hair as he sighed nervously.

He took a step closer to you and stared straight in his eyes.

“I’ve liked you for a long time, ______-ah. You probably won’t believe me but that’s why I am telling you now. I planned this for a long time. I purposely failed my entire history test and then I confronted the teacher to ask if you could be my tutor. I’ve been watching you for 3 months, _______-ah. Please give me a chance. I really like- no I love you ______. Would you be my girlfriend?”

You looked up to meet his sincere eyes. Then you look at his cheeks. It was red, so was yours.

You slowly nodded your head. Luhan eyes turned into crescents when he heard your answer. He rushed forward and hugged you tightly. You head nuzzled against his chest as he continued to hold you.

“You’re finally mine.”


Giving him a chance wasn’t so bad after all right?

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Chapter 2: sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet thats so cute >_<
ReinaPark #2
Chapter 1: cuteee.... love it
Chapter 1: i demand a sequel :3 okay that was too much u_u pleaaaaase write a sequel *puppy eyes* <3
Chapter 1: You better have a sequel for this story
panda0502 #5
Chapter 1: sooo much fluff.. hope to have a sequel
Chapter 1: Baaah kyaaaaa
So fluffy!
I love confessions!
Chapter 1: AWEE~~ If only that could really happen one day..
vachina #8
Chapter 1: That was so cute!! Can I just... sjgb. Inhaler, anyone?
Chapter 1: Luhan's tactics is so cute :bd
crazyexotic #10
Chapter 1: I Hope I can be his history tutor...