The Drinks

Noona's Boy

You always hated situations where you were alone; looking like a loner. Anyone could see right. hrough you as you played with your phone to hide the fact that you had been waiting there for quite some time.

It was early in the morning, and you were waiting at the front doors of the office, at a time where you'd usually still be showering. But it wasn't just any day at work; it was the first of many that would be spent managing the schedule of U-KISS' Eli. 

Thousands would do anything to be in your position, but as you stood in the haze of the early morning in Gangnam; you would think that they were crazy.

"Where are you?" You gritted your teeth, before closing the front of your coat as a shifty looking figure made their way up the stairs to the front doors of the NHM building.

The stairs were dimly lit, not allowing you to clearly catch a glimpse of the shady person's face; all you could tell what that it was a guy.

"Hey you" A voice called out, obviously directed to you as he paced even quicker towards you; a particular grin on his face.

"Yah!" You lightly pushed Myung in his chest as he approached you, chuckling heavily,

"Awww!" He teased you, poking your warm red cheek, "Was _____-ah scared?"

"No" You poked your tongue out, a reflex you regularly exercised in the presence of Myung, since he was your chingu, "I've just been waiting here for too long"

Myung shook his head lightly as he pulled out his ID pass from the back pocket of his formal black pants,

"Why don't you just wait inside for him?" He swung his ID, whilst referring to Eli, 

"Because I told him that I'd be waiting here. Exactly here" The ever organised person within you made their point, "Anyway, why are you here so early?"

"You remember the new girl, Mi-hyun?" Myung asked, "Blonde streaks, short, very short?"

"Yeah I know she is" You rolled your eyes, "What about her?"

"Well, she's helping me with this thing" He explained vaguely, "And I'm helping her with this other thing-"

"-oh alright" You sharpened your eyes, as you folded your arms, giddy at the thought of Myung possibly getting interested in a girl after what happened with that T-ara member, "No need to explain"

Catching on to what you were suggesting, Myung was quick to defend himself,

"Hey, it's not like that!" He pouted, the inner child within him escaping, "We're just-"


With the sound of heavy footsteps and attention seeking cough, both You and Myung looked to the person, who appeared to be patiently waiting by the top of the stairs,

"...______" Eli addressed you, a sense of awkwardness in his tone; both his hands in his front pockets.

"I'll be off then!" Myung was keen on escaping the strange tension, " the way, you call her Noona!"

As soon as Myung rushed hurriedly into the building, you took the courage to converse with him by breaking the ice,

"Don't mind him" You forced a welcoming smile, "That's him being normal"

A grin crept up on Eli's face as he took a few steps closer towards you,

"I always see you two together" Eli said honestly, "Is he your..."

"Boyfriend" You blurted, overwhelmed by the thought of Eli actually seeing you before being assigned this position, "He's-"

"You two suit each other" He nodded,

"No" You shook your head, "He's not my boyfriend. He's my friend. Just a friend"

"Fair enough" Eli began to move towards the front doors of the building, "Shall we go in?"

Without a word, you agreed and followed behind him; distanced enough to not make it seem as if you were some creep.

"After you" The rapper stepped aside at the doors, motioning you to go ahead of him.

"Thank you" You replied softly, almost beneath your breath, "...Oppa"

You had to admit that you felt like there was a computer or TV screen between you and Eli as you coily watched him practicing his lines for his MC Role for Simply KPOP. There were other employees in the practice room, but it was if he didn't focus on anyone else in there but you.

"Here today, we have a Q and A with the beautiful" Eli focused on the words on the palm cards before looking up, "..._____"

From your seat across the room at the table with your papers sprawled in an orderly manner, your ears perked at the sound of the accidental mention of your name,

"Did someone call for me?" You asked out loud, pretending that you didn't know that it was Eli,

"Ah, aniyo" The PD replied, readjusting his cap, "Just a misunderstanding"

"Oh, okay" You said innocently before grinning as you continued to eavesdrop on Eli's rehearsal.

After coughing a few times, Eli began to read what was written on the cards, starting from the very top,

"Alright" He started off with, before being stopped by the PD,

"Eli!" The PD began to scold him, "You have to stop saying 'alright' all the time"

Slumping in his seat, the rapper rubbed his eyes then returned to his senses,

"I know" He dragged his words, "I can't help it; I say it when I'm nervous"

"You shouldnt be nervous anymore" The PD wrinkled his nose, "Aren't you Eli of U-KISS?"

"Yes" Eli answered without enthusiasm, "But still-"

"Just whenever you get nervous" He encouraged him, "Think of anything else besides the word 'alright', got it?"

"Alr-" A  cheeky smile formed on his face as he stopped himself, and ended up simply nodding.

Happily, you signed off multiple papers laid infront of you as the sound of your phone's alarm went off, ringing throughout the room. It was break time and you had to make sure that Eli went on a break then went back to his schedules right on time.

"Break time" You called out specifically to him as if he was a little child,

And with the mention of the word 'break', Eli swiftly bounded from his chair, grabbed his hoody and headed straight out the doors as you, just as quickly, packed up your work and diary into your arms and raced after him,

"Twenty minutes" You ordered him, the sound of your heels clicking behind you as you caught up to him, "Nothing more and nothing less"

"I'm listening" Eli answered back sarcastically, as he stopped by a vending machine and pulled out a note from his front pocket and inserted it into the machine, pressing the button for a RedBull.

"That is so not healthy" You raised an eyebrow at his drink choice,

"It's what gets me going" He replied plainly before he opened the can, releasing the scent of caffeine, 

"Well I think you need something else to drive your motivation" You sounded so mature, "But as for me, I need my coffee"

Leaving Eli by the machine, sculling down his can of RedBull, you started to make your way to the coffee machine a few metres down the same hallway, 

"I'm pretty sure that thats going to be your third cup this morning!" Eli teased, mocking you at the same, "That is sooo not healthy!"

Heres to another chapter, cheers! ^^ How was it? Finally you've gotten somewhat closer to Eli. But how about Myung? hahaha Hopefully in the next chapter the rest of the U-KISS boys make an appearance.

Please don't forget to subscribe and comment my lovelies ♥♥♥





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Chapter 4: The office workers are a cute bunch of characters. Great work!
Chapter 1: this story is SSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOO good!!! I love your style of writing. I'm subscribing so I can read more as you update ;) <3 <3 <3