
Help! I'm In Love! Oneshot #1


Heeyoung's POV:

“Min Heeyoung!!!” Argh. Another day with him: The Grumpy Old Man.

I’m still sleeping! Leave me alone!

“Min Heeyoung!!!!!!!!!!!” AISH! Stop! I can’t sleep!

I heard a loud bam, sounds like Old Man opening my door open, no, make that killing my door open. Our ‘parents’ aren’t home. They’re working. I call them my parents coz they’re like those real parents who doesn’t do any harm to their children, but I don’t consider this old man as my brother. NE-VER!

“What do you want, Old man?!” I slightly shouted inside the sheets

“Where’s my basketball?” what?

“What are you talking about?” still under the sheets. Why would he even care about that? He never plays basketball.

“TCH! GIVE IT BACK TO ME!” he shouted

“I don’t have it! You probably have eaten it while you were sleeping, old man!” this time I took off the sheets and told him, but I didn’t shout. I never shout. I just argue back at him using my calm but irritated voice.

“I know you took it! You love taking my things!” he shouted again. Aish, this old man!

“Psh, like I do! Your things are just useless!” okay, I lied. I love his things. They’re so… useful and he takes care of them so much, just like now… he’s talking about his precious basketball.

“Ya! Just give my ball back! I need it now!”

“Like I care…” I turned and covered myself with the sheets again.

“Min Heeyoung!!”

“Go away, I need to sleep. I’m tired…” I fake yawned

“So? I don’t care; just give me back my ball!”

“No way, ahjusshi” I replied. “Just ask mom when she comes back and leave me alone.” now this just made him go out and slam my door close. What’s up with that? Usually, he’d go ‘Stop including her at this time’ or ‘Just shut up and give it to me’ but it’s different this time. But… Phew, at last… peace...

Okay, I was joking about sleeping and great, now I’m bored. I’ll just go downstairs. I don’t care if he talks to me again. I’ll just ignore the old man. I took off the sheets and went outside. Before I continued walking, I stood in front of my door and looked at his door. It was closed. Huh, who cares?

I went down the stairs and headed to the kitchen and saw him. I sighed and went to open the fridge. I took out the box of milk and took a glass.

I stole a glance at him and saw him with his head down and his elbows on the table with his hands on the back of his head. What’s wrong with him? Psh, I don’t care. I drank my milk and put back the box of milk back to the fridge. I went to the sink and washed the glass. From the corner of my eye, I saw the old man twitch. I guess he didn’t know I was here since a while ago. He looked at me and went back to his previous position. What the fish-nuts? What’s wrong with him? Sigh. I went to the living room and watched TV.

It’s been an hour and he hasn’t come out from the kitchen. I should know coz the kitchen’s just near the living room. Okay, I’ll just… go there and ask him what’s wrong. I’ll just do that. That only; nothing else.

I went to the kitchen and saw him with the same position he was in an hour ago. Is he still breathing? Is he still alive? Can he move his body? Did he become a statue or something? Is he sleeping or what? I went beside him and started poking him awkwardly. He got startled by my actions and finally looked up and move!


“I know who I am, Heechul.” Wow, it’s the first time called him by his name this year.

“Go away…” he went back to his position

“What’s wrong with you, Heechul? You’ve been like this for the past hour!”

“Just go away, you don’t care.”

“Uh… yes, I do. I hate seeing people around me being like this for a long time!”

“AS IF YOU DO CARE!” This time he looked up again with his eyes filled with water. T-tears? He’s crying? I’ve never seen him cry before.

I froze at my position as I saw him like this. I’ve never seen him like this. We may have always argued but… this is serious. And I hate serious.

“H-Heechul…wh-what’s w-wrong?” I stuttered. I’m not good at comforting people and I’m not good at caring about things like this either.

“Just go away, I don’t need you here.” Okay now, he sounded serious! I told you I hate serious. And this kind of serious will just make me mad.

I calmed myself down as I really don’t like fighting. I like arguing but arguing for me is just a playful action. Fighting for me is a dead serious thing.

“Fine… I’ll go…” I stood up from my seat but something pulled me back. I looked down at my wrist as it was being held by a hand, his hand.

“What now, Heechul?” I kept staring at our skin ship

“Don’t—don’t go.” He whispered

“I thought you didn’t want me here!” I glared at his confusing action

“I said I didn’t need you…” he whispered again, very calm. What the epp is wrong with him?

I hesitantly sat back down at my chair. I expected him to let go of my wrist but no, he just kept clinging his hand onto it.

“Wha-What’s wrong, Heechul…?” Still awkward about this.

“She’s gone.” He whispered


“Forever…” he said this between cries

“Heechul, what’re you—“I didn’t finish because I got cut off

“SHE’S FOREVER GONE, HEEYOUNG!” he suddenly stood up and let go of me. He kept crying and crying.

I stood up too and looked at him. I felt this thing where I felt like my heart sank down. What’s happening?

He got down on his knees and continued crying hard. I didn’t know what to do. All I know in ‘comforting’ people is that you hug them. Should I? I hope it’ll work.

I pulled him up and hugged him. I froze as he hugged me back. I never knew it would work. I tried pulling away but then he hugged my tightly. I hesitantly patted his back as he cried more. I feel awkward about what’s happening but I felt comfortable when hugging him as well. And I also felt wet liquid dripping on my shirt. Just comfort him, Heeyoung, just don’t care about wearing a wet shirt.

“T-Tell me what’s wrong.” I told him. He got silent at first but then he started talking

“She’s gone…”

“Wh-who?” I’m so bad at this

“M-mom…” he cried more and more. I got shocked by this. What… what does he mean by that? What’s wrong with mom? What’s happening?

“What’re you talking about?” I started panicking and tried to pull away but whenever I do that, he hugs me tighter

“She’s gone forever!” he slightly shouted

“KIM HEECHUL, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!?!” this time I shouted. I have never shouted before… unless something’s seriously wrong. Damn, I hate serious.

“SHE’S GONE, HEEYOUNG! FOREVER!!!” he pulled away and looked at me with sad eyes. Eyes that I can’t stand to see.

She’s gone… forever? Is he saying that she’s… d-dead? Noooooooo…

I knelt down and looked at the ground. Minutes have been passed until I knew I was crying. Gosh, I have never cried. I hate crying. Crying never occurred in me unless these stupid SERIOUS things happen!

“Mom…” I whispered. I stood up and ran up to my room, leaving him down there. I stayed in there for a lot of hours. I can’t believe this. She’s gone? How? I never wanted to hear that word. ‘Dead’/’Die’/’Died’. Damn, effin word! This can’t be happening. Why would something like this happen? I have loved her as much as my real mom. I already considered her as my real mom and never thought of having another. She was the best person in my life. She was my hero, and she will always be. I… don’t want this life without her. I love her. I love her so much than my life. She’s always there for me and now she’s… g-gone! NO! This is a joke. Maybe he’s just fooling me—how can this be a joke? He loves mom more than I love her. She’s been there since he was born. I… don’t want this. NO! This is not happening… please… tell me this is not real. But… wait a damn minute!

Heechul POV:

After I told her about mom, she ran up to her room and I heard her slam the door. Is she serious? She believed me? I guess she really does loves mom. Now, I feel bad. Oh, what the heck, Heechul. You don’t care about her!

Okay, I did that because there was this dare for me. My friends dared me to make Heeyoung cry… and I know nothing can make her cry. She has never cried. Until this thought of mine awaken. I knew she hates serious and she would cry or shout about it. So, the only thing that came up to my mind is about mom’s fake death. I never wanted to do that first but when they told me the prize is… money. Great, saying that made me feel greedy. I better go up and check on her. Sigh. I’m being ‘caring’ again.

I went up to the second story and walked through the hallway. I stopped in front of her door and before going in, I leaned my ear on the door and heard nothing. She’s silent crying, I guess. I opened the door without knocking and there she was… on her bed, sitting—hugging her knees, leaning on the wall, head down, silently crying.

“H-Heeyoung-ah…?” I whispered and gulped, I have never been this ‘sweet’ to her.

She looked up to me with wet watery eyes and her breathing heavily. Damn, I shouldn’t have told her this, I knew she has heart problems! “Hee-Heechul…” she breathed. I just stood there, not even moving a muscle.

Then she started whimpering. Oh no. I rushed to her and just watched her. I didn’t know what to do.

“Heeyoung, are you alright?”

“Ah!” she shouted as she got hold of her chest

“Heeyoung, I’m sorry, I was just joking with you… mom, didn’t really die.” I blurted out. I can’t stand it anymore.

“Heeyoung just stay quiet, I’ll bring you to the hospital.” I said as I carried her on my arms, bridal-style.

Then she suddenly started laughing hysterically. What the ?

“Ha! You fell for it!” What!??!?!

“What the hell, Heeyoung?” I shouted as I let her fall on her

“Ouch! Ya, ahjusshi!” she said. Oh, good, she’s okay. BUT WHAT?!?!

“What the hell, Heeyoung?!” I repeated. Aish, Heechul, what’s wrong with you?

“Ya, you already ask that. Ask another question.” She said as she stood up. Aish, her and her calm voice.

“Did you just— Did I—Heeyoung!” I exclaimed. I don’t know what to say, I finally got fooled! >,<

“Ha, dude, just accept that you got fooled, okay? And by a girl…” she started chuckling and smirked at me

“Min Heeyoung!” I glared as if I wanted to strangle her she would die! I want to…

“What? Hey, you started it first! You tried tricking me mom is…” she stopped at mid-sentence “what ever that stupid word is!” wow, she really loves mom and really hates serious! Aish, this girl!

“H-How’d you know?” Well, I’ve got to ask her. I mean how can she just play that trick on me when she really has heart problems?

“I was there when they gave you that stupid dare, Grumpy!” agh, how many nicknames does she have for me?

“Y-ya! Giraffe, how the hell?”

“You can’t hide anything from me, old man, you know I’m sly!” she went up to her bed and reached for her laptop

“Even if I really cried, at least I passed my dare too…” I heard her mumble

“What dare?” I asked

“And you care coz?” she looked up to me with a smirk

I glared “It’s about me! Of course I would care!”

“You’re crazy, Kim Heechul!” she said

“As if you’re not!” I fought back. It wasn’t a good comeback, to tell you the truth.

“Just go make out with your girlfriend, Heechul.” She said. M-make out? Girlfriend? Aish. Whatever

“Aish. Whatever!” I went out and slammed the door. Aish! This girl! >,<



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Why did you mark it as complete?<br />
I'd you continued it would be a really cute story ^^<br />
keke but it was fun to read (:
please continue the story^^