
Pi Li MIT: Fast Forward

In the room

"Li Xiao Xing."

007 said again, and I, was still searching for my voice to answer him, but yet, I still failed.

 Outside the room

"Miss Cherry, don't you think something's suspicious is up?"

"Now that you mentioned it, I do think so 747, what about you? What do you think, 187?"

"Miss Cherry, do you really think something is up? 007 and Tian Mo Xing are always like that,don't worry Miss Cherry, your sister's probably needs some rest, that's all."

"Hmm.......187, you never fail to make me feel better, even if your always holding your mirror, hehe.."

"Miss Cherry! This is serious!"

"747! Voice down! Now what's serious?"

"Didn't you saw the envolope 007 was holding just now?"

"Huh? What envolope? When?"

"In the room, Miss Cherry."

"Heh? Are you sure 187?Hmmm.....Let me recall......Wait......A yellow envolope, 747?"

"Yes! What do you think it contains?"

"Her health test results."

"Uhh......Thank you very much for telling me Mr Dufuss(187)"

"That contains results saying she's expecting."

"QIAN FU HAO 187! How dare you say that!"

"Huh........747 calm do-"

"Miss Cherry! How can he say that? How can she be pregnant?"

"Shhhh............................187? Your were joking right?"

"*flashes a smile* Of course Miss Cherry."

"See 747?"


"But, at this rate,  I think 007 won't tell us the contains, maybe we should just ask."

"Brilliant! Let's go 747! 187!"

(747) " Mi..Miss Cherry!"


Nurses desk.

Miss Cherry: Excuse me Miss?

Nurse: Yes? May I help you?

747:Yeah, were looking for a patient's doctor.

Nurse: Which patient's?

Miss Cherry: Li Xiao Xing, from room 870 ( 187, 747,007)

Nurse:Umm......Let me check.........Ahh yes! Doctor Chen Yi Xun. Go along this hallway here, then turn left, his office is the second door.

747:Okay! Thank you!

Miss Cherry:747! Wait!



187:Can I have your number?

 Doctor Chen Yi Xun's office

D.Chen: Yes? How may I help you?

Miss Cherry: We're here to ask Li Xiao Xing's condition.

D.Chen:Ahh yes, her husband was here just now, he didn't tell you?

747: Hu......Hus.....HUSBAND?!

D.Chen:Yes. Is.....Is there any problem?

Miss Cherry: No No, may I know her conditions?

D.Chen:And you are her....

Miss Cherry:Her sister

D.Chen:Ahh, yes, sorry for being rude...

Miss Cherry:No, no worries, so, how's Li Xiao Xing?

Dr.Chen:She's doing fine, but she really needs to rest, keep her out of preasure, heavy work and do watch her eating habits.

Miss Cherry:Uhh.....Okay.....But.....

Dr.Chen:Oh, yes, silly me. (What a happy go lucky doctor.) She is ????


(If you guys were wondering, 187 was still flirting with the nurse)

Room 870


"Li Xiao Xing."

Is this true?

"Li Xiao Xing, do you know about the child?"


Okay, sorry for not updating.......Spare me!

And....If you still don't get my message......Do continue reading, and if you do understand my message, just...wait for more...

AND COMMENTS!!!!!!! Please please please please please

English: PLEASE

Chinese: QIU QIU\

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this looks interesting!
wintxry #3
OMGGGGGG!!!!!!! Oh my god!!&%@%%$!$(*(*^&%!##&*&(*^&#^%&%@.@<br />
So from chapter 1 until now ... there is no ending yet?? :-/<br />
Well, why don't you just kill all MIT members and end your story le!! sooner or later everyone will die ... so why not?? <br />
KILL them all la! :p <br />
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Kidding XD <br />
Don't you dare lay a finger on my Gui & Lun >:[ you're dead meat xP <br />
shiningKat #5
OMO! i really hope the she didn't die. :( I can't imagine Pi Li MIT without her. :(
*gasp >:O <br />
please update the continuation soon! I cannot wait to find out what happened to TMX.
Update!!!!Update!!!Update!!! I really like this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
litotinachow #8
update soon :)
If you know you tell me ke? I will transfer some of mine to you XD
Can we do that?? I don't know how to transfer karma le -.- <br />