The End Is Just The Beginning


[ L U H A N ' S * P O V ]

I can't trust for I'm too broken. 

Child by child, having to let them love you, saying that they will never leave you to collect dust at an abandoned corner of the room. In the end, they always break your heart & promises... but this is what dolls are created for. Such unloyal creations of God...

There's no meaning anymore. Whatever I say to them used to have meaning but now... they're just words without anything that the phrase or sentence is worth. Just empty words. Empty words that these naive creatures believe.

Trust. The one lone word that can never be true. It takes so long to create but just a simple action can break it. Such a fragile object.... I hate it. Why does it exist? 

Once our owners find their true love, we'll just be tossed aside because we're not needed anymore... All the memories we made with them will cease to exist. They wouldn't remember us, when that happens.... the process will start... Feeling yourself being taken aback, that feeling of fading away... That hollow feeling. Of all the countless children, I have to feel this emptiness. 

But.. there was one child that got pass the wall I built around my cold heart..This one child made me feel Love out of all the children that had ownership over me. That child's name was Oh Sehun. He made me feel my heart beating for once & it wasn't for myself but for him.

We made endless memories & he told me he loved me.. but that was when he met this... this girl.. I knew he was meant to be with her but I didn't want to let go... but the ending was inevitable...

Like all endings, I faded away into the dark abyss with all his memories.. It pained me but what helped me go on was to see him happy.. to see that smile of his that he used to show to only me which was was now lost to that girl... 

I wish there was a place where Love doesn't exist... Love isn't fair. That's what I learnt when dolls were made so humans can just live happily ever after while we suffer.

This opposite realm where we dolls wander around is such a beautiful world. We are the opposite of how Gaia is, where it has day and night while we are forever shrouded in darkness.It's just haunted by the moonlight that will flicker hope once upon a time that will never come true. Why couldn't Earth be the same?...

Looking up at the sky, where it seems like glitter was thrown out into the blue-black abyss, rain started to fall. I realised how stupid I was for even thinking about trying to seperate Sehun and that girl... I've always been thinking that he would keep his promise and in the end it was broken just like any child that he had to love. Though there was aching in my chest, I was smiling like an idiot... It felt wonderful to be drenched in the heavy downpour that made the tightness in my chest looser but it stayed there.

Go away...go away...go away.. Why aren't u going away... Oh Sehun, why did u have to make me fall so hopelessly in love with you even when you're gone?...


I trudged heavy footsteps back to the Creator's House. Just when I was about to open the doors, they were flung opened to reveal a frantic-looking Baekhyun. When his eyes came into contact with mine, his gaze softened.

" Luhan, why did u just go out like that....," he said as he inspected me from head to toe. " You need to go and dry yourself before we go to Master..."

I looked up at him with pleading eyes. I didn't want to go for a mission when i just came back from one 3 days ago. All Baekhyun responded with was a weak smile and mournful eyes. Even without words I could see hwo reluctant he was.

We went to the kitchen and grabbed a towel. Ruffling my hair dry, I threw the towel into the laundry basket.

I followed him up the flight of stairs and stopped in front of the door with carvings of flowers on its top and bottom rail. We held our breathes as my knuckles came into contact with the mahogany wood causing the resonating silence to be broken with the knocks. We hear a muffled 'come in' before entering. As we opened the door, there at the guest chairs sat 4 people - Tao, Yi Xing, Kyungsoo and Xiu MIn....

Oh no....

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sunggyustummy #1
I love this! Well done. :)
Chapter 2: I'm a new reader and subbies and i like this story i wonder what'll happen next .-.