Junsu grip tightly his lip between his teeth to hold from scream of pain. His tears drop without he realize. He determines to be strong to against his cancer.

‘Mom...Dad...Jae hyung...Junho hyung...Su it hurt’ 

“Jae hurt...Jae hyung... I miss you” Junsu unconscious call Jaejoong name when he feel the pain become stronger. He doesn’t know why but he needs Jaejoong beside him right now. He feels like Jaejoong that give strength for him.

“Jae hyung”

Junsu unconscious after the treatment. He feels so tired after a long treatment.



Hyukjae just look Junsu’s pale face that lying on the bed. He holds tightly Junsu’s hand while his free hand wipes his tears that are nonstop drop from his eyes.

 He cannot accept his best friend have a cancer. He cannot accept that his best friend suffer like this.


“Oh my god, Su” 

Hyukjae quickly bring Junsu into his embrace. He feels he still cannot believe what Junsu say. ‘Why must Junsu?’ His heart monologue inside.

 “I try to accept this cruel fate but I not strong to accept it. I scare if my family know about this. I don’t want to see they sad face, they disappointed face. Why must I have this cancer, Hyukkie”

Hyukjae pull from the hug and wiped Junsu wet checks lovely. He knows they need to accept this news even they don’t want it.

“So, what Doctor said?” Hyukjae ask after Junsu calm a bit. 

“That why I come here. I said to Jae hyung that I will oversleep here. I need to hospitalize at least 3 day for the next treatment. I need do bone marrow biopsy” Junsu explain while hold his tear from coming back.

“What test?”

“Bone marrow biopsy. We need to know what type and level the cancer.”

Hyukjae just nodded his head as know a bit about the test.

“I’m sorry Hyukkie to use you in my problem. But I need to tell someone about this. I cannot to hide this from everyone. I need you to support me to against with this cancer” Hyukjae wipe Junsu’s tear that came back wet his best friend cheeks.

“Thanks, Su. You want to share it with me. Don’t worry we will through it together. I will always with you. But I need you promise me you will tell me about the result. Don’t hide it from me”

Hyukjae know Junsu like to keep everything in his heart. He don’t le to bother someone else with his problem. Junsu nodded with Hyukjae request.

“So, when the test?”

“Tomorrow, but I don’t know what time. But I need to go there in the morning”

End Flashback      

Hyukjae flinch when someone opens the door. He smiles to doctor as he bows to him.

“How he condition doctor?” Hyukjae asked.

“He is stable. He just needs a lot of rest. If there is nothing wrong he can be discharge in two day.” He say after he done checked Junsu condition.

“Thanks God. Thanks doc.” Hyukjae relief when he heard that.




Jaejoong continuously press the calls button. He begin feel uneasy when everytime he call Junsu he will goes to voice mail. He knew Junsu never off his phone if he doesn’t have work.

Jaejoong get up from his cheer and walk around to loose his stiff neck after read a bunch of documents. 

“Come in” Jaejoong said after someone knocks the door. 

“Hello Jaejoong. I just want to remind you have an appointment this afternoon” His secretary said will check her black notebook.

“Can I don’t go this appointment? You ask someone else replace me or just tell Changmin go. I’m tired since this morning I read all this documents” Jaejoong point the fails on his desk.

“No, you cannot. You don’t remember you are one that postponed the meeting last time. You must go and let me remind you that Changmin will go with you today meeting. If you don’t go you know how big Changmin mouth.” Her laugh when Jaejoong crunch his face with the statement.


“After lunch. 2.30 pm”

“Ok. But after the meeting I don’t come back office. I have to go home”

“Ok...Whatever boss. If you don’t have anything else I will out first”

Jaejoong just nodded without look to his secretary. He don’t realize that her stare him on this time.


“What else?” Jaejoong feel bother when his sectary call him again.

“What if after the meeting you go meet him”

“How did you...”

“I know what you think. Did I your friend?” She out after her said that.        

Jaejoong don’t know how his sectary knows about his secret.


*another bored chapter*


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yunho_dana #1
Chapter 65: great story god bless you
awwh, thank you for finished this wonderful story :D
kim_rara #3
Chapter 65: Hwaaaaaaa.....
It's finish....

Thank U Author-nim....
This fanfic is amazing.....
prinsesamaria23 #4
Chapter 65: Thank you for this beautiful st0ry.^^
Manze f0r happy JaeSu!♥
I can't believe itš finished. Finally!
I'm happy for the good ending ^^
Chapter 64: ah, finally they found suitable bone marrow for Junsu! hope he will be healthy again! jaesu deserve a happily ever after :)
update soon please!
Chapter 63: I'm crying :'(
It's so sad, so heart wrenching..
Please don't let junsu die.. (˘̩̩̩^˘̩̩̩)
Update soon bb^^
kim_rara #8
Chapter 63: Hwaaaaaaaa
I'm cry when I read this chap....
It's so saaaaddd
Chapter 61: i hope Junsu will healthy again and cured from the cancer..
please make Jaesu happy :'(
and please update soon..
Chapter 60: Ahhh,, I re-read from the prologue.. I'm happy because jaesu are married, but I'm sad with junsu's condition,, please update this story soon.. I really love this story..
•..τнänκ (∩_∩) чoü..• <3