Myth or not?

Who's Afraid of the BIG Bad Wolf?


The autumn breeze blew, touching my delicate skin. I unconsciously shivered. I stood up from my chair, dragging my feet to my open window to close it. Hours passed already—3 o' clock in the morning to be certain but I couldn't seem to close my eyes and drift to dreamland. An exasperated sigh escaped my mouth. I feel so restless. The sudden feel of creep struck me that every hair on my body stiffened. I feel someone's eyes on me again. My glass window's not helping either. I looked through the thin crystal, looking at nothing but a dark atmosphere. Suddenly, just like a snap, the picture of the dying Dohee came into my head. I cringe at the horrifying thought.

"Ugh...I should really stop thinking about these kind of things."

I went back to my study table, turning off the lamp before throwing myself on the soft mattress, hoping I could eventually sleep. Slowly...I can feel the sleepiness abducting me. My eyelids are getting heavier and the last thing I remembered that time was the clock, ticking loudly through the soundless wall of my room.



Soundless thud, stomp... the soft footsteps—weightless steps that it almost sounded nothing, came from the bathroom. The girl's bathroom of XOXO's University to be specific. A hand run to the sink's surface, lifting it up and inhaled the scent that left the trail of the murderer. The owner of the hand frowned. Eyebrows furrowing in puzzle. Then in the midst of air, he disappeared like a lightning that no one could tell when. It's still dawn but like how he vanished, the time seems to be running faster than it should be that the sun rises, it's light engulfing the whole city.



Kai walked in the corridor, his uniform wasn't that presentable and he let his bag's strap hang over his right shoulder. He turned his head to the left when he felt someone's walking with him. It's his brother, Sehun. Kai smirked at Sehun's sneakiness.

"Hey, you." Kai greeted nonchalantly.

Sehun walked silently beside him. His bed hair looked so natural with him that he remain so good looking. Kai could only chuckle. It's obvious that Sehun came from a deep slumber again. 

"Lay did it." 

Those were the first words Sehun uttered. His uniform doesn't look the way Kai's did. It looked more decent even if the two first buttons were undone. His hands inside his pockets, expression didn't change unlike Kai's. The look of puzzlement was lying on his face at Sehun's sudden words.

"Did what?" Kai asked.

"The murder yesterday. He did it." Sehun replied.

Kai's eyes bulged—growing big as they can be but he didn't stop from walking. He was trying to remain his composure, not wanting to lose 'the-cool-reputation' he has. They both continued until they turned right. Both brothers stood facing each other. Sehun leaned on the cold surface of the wall, retreating his hands from his pockets and crossed his arms over his chest. His expression never changed, still wearing the famous poker mask.

"How can you be sure?" Kai began to broke the ice.

It's not like he's not putting a trust on his brother but he just want to make sure. This is not a game. He needs to make sure if Lay really did it. Sehun narrowed his eyes, looking intently at Kai for receiving doubt from him.

"Trust me. If there's anyone in the family who can puzzle out something that easily, it would be me. And if you think I'm too proud of it, well yes. I am." He said and Kai raised a brow. "I'm not bragging." Sehun added, tone damn serious.

Kai nearly laughed at it but he swallowed it in. Sehun wasn't playing. The look on the latter's face needs answers. Sehun glared and Kai sighed in defeat.

"Fine. I just want to know how you knew. I mean...we can't be reckless about this!" 

"You're always reckless." Sehun bluntly said that the latter was taken aback. He knew Kai can be so slow sometimes and needs further explanation and he did. "I checked the bathroom where the incident happened. Lay left a trail and I knew each scent of our brothers."

"Right." Kai looked away, in deep thoughts. He rubbed his chin, walked without waiting for Sehun. 

He exactly know why Lay did it. It definitely has to do with his lost pendant. A magical pendant that tempted Lay to find it for his own desire. Sehun knew something's going on just like how Baekhyun suspects Lay. 

"Yah." Sehun put a hand on Kai's shoulder that made the latter stop. 

He looked over his shoulder to find Sehun wearing the look of 'I'm-ready-to-listen-for-your-unimpressive-situation'. Kai rolled his eyes and both of them continued to walk side by side. Still and quiet.

"Lay and I seem to be frenemies right now." Kai started.

Sehun throws him an accusing look and the brunette have to laugh at that. He just has to. Sehun always amazed him and maybe that's why the youngest is the closest one to him. His buddy.

"Alright. You got me," Kai grinned. "we're like frenemies since we were kids and I just don't like him, ok? Just the way he hates me."

Sehun understands. He didn't have to utter another word but his silence was enough for Kai. After all, they do understand each other. So every gestures or looks, both brothers know what it means. Before Sehun got drowned in his stillness, he recalled what he was trying to ask Kai.

"What's going on Kai?" He said nonchalantly.

Kai raised his head to glance at Sehun and he let his eyes back on their path they're taking. He frowned, his hand reached up to his nape and rubbed it gently. That gesture which means Kai's hesitant to say something—to speak out the truth. Sehun glared at him and that moment, Kai gave in.

"I lost my pendant." He said that made Sehun's eyes grow as big as they can be.

"You what?!" Sehun blurted out, stopping.

Kai didn't stop though. He continued walking, sighing as he already knows—expected the reaction of Sehun...and the packs...that is if they'll know too.

"Look, I'm looking for it now before Lay could, ok?" Kai said, glancing at Sehun over his shoulder.

"Wait what? How did it happen? Ok scratch that. I know how reckless you are so the point is, how did Lay know?" Sehun walked, catching with Kai's pace. 

His eyes narrowed, waiting for a proper answer from the careless brother, Kai. Sehun softly growled that made Kai looked at him in the corner of his eyes with a frown on his lips. Kai messed his hair, almost pulling it out off of his scalp out of frustration.

"Gah. One question at a time Sehun!" 

Sehun threw him a look of disbelief. "Dude, they were just two questions and I even scratched the first one. You just have to answer one question and sorry if they look a hundred to you." He sarcastically said.

"Oh off Sehun. You know I don't talk smart like you do." Kai said, shoving his brother's arm.

"Sorry if I don't talk trash too." Sehun nonchalantly said.

He put his hands back inside his pockets, walked coolly and let Kai do the speaking. He just doesn't want to waste any words if Kai couldn't even get him. It would be nonsense. He walked, straightly to his class when Kai's voice seems to start fade away. Sehun nearly stopped—he slowed down as he watched someone walking, the girl from the hills he met, leading to the same room he's going in for.

"Are you even listening?" Kai said after slumping his arm around Sehun's neck, pulling him down to level his mouth to Sehun's ear.

"I SAID, LAY SAW MY PENDANT FROM A GIRL!" He loudly said—yelled at Sehun's ear.

"Ugh." Sehun groaned, breaking free from the headlock.

"I'm not deaf." He glared.

"Hah, I can see that." Kai scoffed. "What are you looking at anyway?"

Kai threw his gaze back to where Sehun's looking at. Students walking in different directions, turning to different corridors and rooms. Nothing special. Kai raised a brow before chuckling.

"Staring at these dumb people sometimes always makes me laugh." Kai said out of the blue.

"You call them dumb when the truth is they're even smarter than you." Sehun smirked.

Kai sharply threw a look at his 'oh-so-smart-brother' before punching his right arm. "Well thank you for the very nice compliment." Kai rolled his eyes, frowning.

"C'mon! I thought we're best buddies! Why are you on the side of these filthy people?" Kai paused, inching to Sehun's side. "I can kill them with my bare hands."

Sehun stopped on his tracks. He glanced at Kai in the corner of his eyes. He was flabbergasted of the latter's sudden words. His conscious was hunting him again. The day Tao caught him with human blood on his hands came into his head. The guilt was killing him softly and he just want to forget about it. 

"You ok?" Kai softened.

Sehun blinked, shaking his head softly to washed off the nightmare in his head. He turned his head to Kai, nodding with a small smile. Kai grinned in return and they were nearing to their perspective classrooms. 

"I'll meet you later so we can talk about Lay...on whatever he has on that head of his why he killed that girl yesterday." Sehun said and Kai nodded.

"Later then!"

Kai ran, passing by his classroom. He's skipping class again. Nothing odd about that. Sehun eventually entered his classroom, hands inside the pockets. Everyone turned their heads and there was a deafening silence embracing the whole room.



"Morning." Lily greeted as I entered our classroom.

I smiled in return. It seems like a really new day. Students don't even talked about the incident yesterday...or just even Dohee. Maybe it's a good thing. I don't want to remember what I saw too. I'm really sorry for her. I straightly went to my seat, dumping my bag on the floor and buried my head on my desk. I feel so lifeless. I slept late last night and the nightmare is getting frequent. I always hear voices in my sleep. Sometimes it felt so real. Hot breath brushing my skin...a voice that makes me feel so anguished.

"Hey, you ok?" I heard Lily said.

I raised my head, frowning. She's sitting on the edge of my desk, holding that book of hers again. It intrigues me but I don't have the vibe to talk about such things right now. Lily smiled at me, patting my head gently.

"You look restless. What you've been up to last night?" She asked.

"Reading the book about wolves...for our history class. And I'm getting a lot of nightmares...I don't know why. Gaaah~ I need some sleep." I almost cried.

I banged my forehead on my desk and I softly yelped. What am I going to do? I shouldn't have gone for school today. I should've just stay home, locked up in my room and sleep all day...faking that I'm sick or whatever. I felt my eye lids getting heavier and nearly of closing them, there is a sudden deafening sound. And it is not very good in my ears. What's happening?

I raised my head, narrowing my eyes to the person standing in front of the doorstep of our classroom. It's Sehun. I blinked. His auburn hair seems to start getting darker...or is it just me? I shake the thought off my head. He started to walk towards his seat which is just beside mine. He never fails to amaze me with his poker face. He looks so cool in the surface...but I wonder if he still keeps that kind of emotion in the inside. Sehun sat down on his chair, placing his chin on his palm as he throws his gaze outside the window.

"Good morning." I said.

I don't know what's got into me. I just have the feel to say something to him. 1, 2, 3...he slowly turned his head, staring at me with those cold eyes. He looks so bored. My heart skips a beat...don't know if it's because he charms me or I'm just hell nervous every time he looked at me this way. His eyes travel from my eyes down to my feet and then looked back at me. What is he thinking? Sehun turned his head back to the window and stared into the midst of nothing. I breathed out, relieved. I'm more thankful that he didn't say anything. At least...he heard me.

"O---k. I better be on my seat." Lily said, patting my shoulder.

"Stay up Minhee. History class is coming." She continued.

Right. History. I've been waiting for this. I even read book for it and I can't waste a discussion just because I'm sleepy. I inhaled, giving my cheeks some light slaps and blink several times. I'm good. I'll be fine. I took a last glance at Sehun who seems to be out of this world before getting my book out of my bag.



"I assume people here in class studied about the assignment I gave. So can someone tell me about wolves?" Mr. Kang asked.

He jumped lightly, sitting on his desk with the chalk playing in his fingers. He waited for somebody to at least raised a hand and give him some answers. He smiled, pointing at Jea, one of the nerds in the class (well everyone's smart in this class...that's why it is class A but Jea is just more of a...nerd, not cool like the other kids). 

"Based on my research Mr. Kang, wolves feel threatened. They're taught to fear humans and the society especially hunters. As what Lily had shared in our last  meeting, they're not harmful unless you threat them. They're bigger than dogs and for me, they're cool." Jea explained, moving her eye glasses to it's proper position.

"Thank you." Mr. Kang gestured her to sit down.

"I'm glad all of you put some effort to study..." He said turning his eyes on me and smiled.

Ugh, I probably look like a panda

"Moving on, we are actually going to discuss about werewolves. Some say it's just a myth but I'm going to ask you this...what do you think of this creature? Is it true or will just stay as a myth?" Mr. Kang finished his sentence with a smile, eyeing each one of us.

Mr. Kang pointed at my column that I thought he calls for my attention but guess I was wrong when Lily started to say something. Lily volunteered and starts to say her opinion.

"I have to say they are true. I may have no proofs to show you guys but that's how I see it. Anything can be possible...even werewolves." She said, her tone was very determined.

Mr. Kang pursed his lips, making the gesture of letting Lily sit. I looked over my shoulder and Lily winked at me. I smiled and turned my head back to face Mr. Kang.

"You know, I have the same answer as Lily. Werewolves are true and if she doesn't has any proof...I do." Mr. Kang said earning gasps.

"You do?" I loudly said, raising a brow.

Mr. Kang looked at me then rolled his long sleeve up. There is a large scratch on it. "I encountered one before."

While everyone's busy discussing about the scar and whether werewolves are really true, I'm caught of a very irritating sound. Squeak...squeak...I turned to look at Sehun, jaws flexed and the squeaking sound comes from him—fingernails digging into his desk, scratching the smooth surface of the wood. 

I wonder what's wrong.

"Sehun...what do you think?"

Mr. Kang called out his name but it seems like I'm the one who flinched because of being startled. He still looks calm but the his eyes can kill like the way he looks at you...his eyes pierce you with daggers. Sehun stood up from his seat, walking nonchalantly to the center. 

"Excuse me." He coldly said as he passed by Mr. Kang.

We all watched him exited the room and everyone is dumbfounded...even Mr. Kang. Why didn't he say anything? He's a teacher. Teacher don't let their students go out of their class without permission or any valid reason. My brows furrowed, lips frowning.

Why did you leave? 

It seems like Lily knows what's bothering my head. I felt a tap on my shoulder that made me look back. Lily sheepishly smiled. 

"Don't worry. Before, he does that all the time. Nothing new. Even the teachers get used to it. They can't do anything anyway. Even he skips classes he still gets to the top." Lily softly said.

Sehun, Sehun, Sehun...just who are you? Why do you hide in the puzzling box of yours? The mystery he made me feel the first time I met him back in the hills still lies within him. The most mysterious guy I have ever met. I sighed...and just listen to the discussion as Mr. Kang continued where he left.

Happy New Year dear readers! ^ ^

I'm sorry if I haven't updated for a very long time.

I'm really busy and I won't lie to you guys that I'm being lazy sometimes frequently

So, short update. I'll make it up to you if I have the chance.

I love you you. Thank you for the patience and support ;]]

Keep Supporting! 



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Yes, Who's afraid of the big bad wolf is actually progressing. I mean, it's really fun to write it and I hope it's fun for you to read it as well. So stay tune~


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se_xing #1
Chapter 7: Sehun and kai r so handsome and hot and y and cute and idk hahaha i met them last saturday and it was the best :')
SherlyThe #2
Chapter 20: FUUUUUUU
Waiting for your next updateeeee ;))
Chapter 20: omaigad *^* i love this
Chapter 20: Plzzzzzzz update soon
ayeThere #5
Damn, didn't expect that it was Suho! :0
Chapter 19: WHAT???!!! WHOAATT???!!
i FREAKIN THOUGHT THAT HE WAS LAY.. the one who asked taehyung to kill minhee
waaah that's cool really hope you
update soon fighting !
rieru_mashiro #8
Chapter 19:'s so unexpected author dear. I guess he's maybe Lay or Tao. but, the fact really shocked me author..that innocent and look like angel Suho is the provocateur of this . what did he wanted form Minhee, author?? why he really want to kill her? oh...Suho oppa, is that what you learned after your birthday few days ago?? hahaha^0^' lol. hope you'll update it soon author dear^^ and I really love how Sehun tried to protect Minhee author. I hope the next about their sweet moment together^////^