The murder

So, it's you...

          An agent aimed her target at the man in black. He was dragging a girl with him and was holding a knife firmly. The polices and other agents slowly and carefully surrounded him. But he still held the girl by her neck. The place was really dark and spotlight, and flashlight were flowing in the area. 

"Don't come near me. If you do, I will stab her," the man bellowed.

His voice was getting harsh and there were sweats all over his face. From what everybody saw, he was truly nervous. There was a huge cut on his left arm. His eyes, red in pain, were staring straight into the agent girl's eyes.

"Put your gun down. Now!"

The police tried to approach him. The agent slowly kept her guns low.

          The girl in the hands of the man was suffocating. She painfully looked up at the posse of polices. And weakly, her eyes shut and a few minutes later, she was unconscious. Everyone was dumbfounded. The man threw the girl swiftly and began his escape. He had been finding his way to escape and now this was the best chance.

          Everyone was puzzled. The agent girl quickly made her way towards the man but she soon lost trace of him.

          Hours later, all the polices and agents gathered at the scene. The unconscious girl was taken away to the hospital by the ambulance. The sirens were all over the place.

          The agent girl was exhausted after chasing the man. Just then, another agent gave her a signal and led her to a room. The girl went in and was startled. There was a girl, lying flat on the ground with blood streaming down from head to toe. She was already dead. The agent dialed a number and whispered with a sorrowful voice,"I'm sorry. Your sister is dead." Then, the line went dead.

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