More Than Friends

In Love






      I spent each day with my best friend. A friend who I unexpectedly fell in love with.

I don't really want to go into all the details on how I ended up getting stuck in this position because I'm very lazy. I'd tell you my current situation though.

To cut to the chase, the person I love is none other than Kim Taeyeon.

We knew each other since we were babies. That's very young, right? I know.

I didn't think I'd be in this situation.

This feeling unexpectedly came to me. I found out I just loved everything about her. From her gorgeous hair all the way to her little cute toes.

It's kind of lame when you think about it. We promised each other we'd forever be best friends.

But I just... want to be more than friends.

Every day, I think over how it'd be like if she was mine. Holding hands. Kissing her lips. Cuddling all night.

omo... It all sounds so heavenly to me. But unfortunately, I always have to get knocked back into reality and realize that she only views me as just a friend.

Nothing more. Nothing less.



   I woke up this morning in a daze. The morning sun hit me like a bulldozer. I tried stretching a bit only to feel the sensation of being... trapped.

Why can't I move?

I looked behind me only to sigh in relief at the sight of Taeyeon cuddling me like a koala.

I giggled at the sight. Taeyeon and I act like lovers and I love that we do. However, again, it's just a matter of mere friendly skinship to Taeyeon. To me, I think I'd explode and die in happiness.

I silently untangle her body from mine and finally did my morning stretch. I swear. In commercials, when people wake up and stretch, it looks beautiful.

When I do it, I look like a spazzing seal. Oh well.


   I walked down to the kitchen and made myself some breakfast. I'm not a very good cook... so I satisfied myself with a bowl of cereal.

As I munched down my delicious cereal, I checked the time.

8:46 A.M.

It's so early... and it's the weekend. I might as well finish eating and hop back to bed.


   Finished! Yum yum! It was delicious. The milk wasn't expired this time.

I put my bowl in the sink and went to brush my teeth. Yes, I eat before I brush. Problem? No? Wonderful.

As soon as I finished brushing my teeth and pretended my toothbrush was an airplane, I went back to the kitchen. It wouldn't hurt to clean my bowl before hopping back to bed.

As I was washing my bowl, I heard footsteps and immediately knew who it was from.

I tried to act oblivious and continued washing the dishes. I felt sneaky arms wrapping around my waist... again. I secretly smiled. Oh how I loved the way we interacted.

Good thing she didn't see me. I ended up smiling like an idiot and blushed as red as a fire truck. My similes aren't very common and romantic, sorry.


"Sica-ah~" Taeyeon cooed.

Most people would cringe at such aegyo but I loved it. I love her aegyo and I love her. Cheesy, I know.

"Yes, Taengoo?" I questioned. 

She tightened her grip on my waist. I almost gasped but I held it in. It was a bit rough but I couldn't do anything but giggle.

This girl makes me do so much of the unexpected it freaks me out.

"What are you doing?"

"Washing dishes. And why are you up so early?"

She released her grip and I felt a bit sad. That feeling of warmth just vanished and I was not very pleased.

She walked to my side and watched as I cleaned the bowl with much fascination. I looked at her and without me realizing it, I smiled once again.

I never really DON'T smile when I'm with her. She's just so adorable to me.

As I tried my best to impress her with my finest washing-cleaning-polishing dish skill, she snuck a kiss on my cheek.


   I didn't have to be shocked or be embarrassed. She does this to me every morning.

Not like I have a problem with it because I don't. I smiled once again.

"Cutie." I complimented. I snuck a quick peck on her cheek as revenge.




   We watched TV after having our little moment in the kitchen.

"Sica-ah, can I ask you a question?" Taeyeon asked.

She scooted closer to me and snuggled next to me after her question. I felt like burning. I loved this so much.

"Sure Taengoo baby. What is it?" I asked.

"How do you confess your feelings to someone you really love?"

I froze.

She loves someone?


   "Just be direct." I said.

She pouted cutely and I tried my best not to smile. But just like if it was a bad habit, I subconsciously smiled.

"Is it really that easy?" she asked me.

Honestly… I don't really know. I've loved the same girl for like ever and haven't had the guts to be direct. I'm a chicken, I know.

"If you really love the person… they will love you or reject you. If they reject you, respect their decision." I replied.

I was almost at the point of tears. Just a bit. I should've confessed to her a long time ago… now she loves someone else. I'm such a fool.

Taeyeon sat there thinking. I sat there silently crying.

We sat like that for almost ten minutes.


   I didn't like this feeling… I wanted to run. Run away from this feeling. I got up but was held back.

"Where are you going…?" she questioned. I didn't want her to think I was going somewhere to cry.

I wanted her to be worry-free of me and live happily with the person she loves.

"Just to get some fresh air…" I said and I did not look at her.


I ran.




   She wasn't holding onto my hand that tightly so I was able to pry myself away and run. I ran outside the front door as I heard Taeyeon yelling.

I didn't want to come back. I felt hurt. I felt betrayed. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me… which wasn't far.

I ran to a nearby park. I searched around for a place to hide and cry.

No luck.

Suddenly, beyond in the trees, I saw that there was a hill close by.

I ran through pretty much what was a forest.


   It was beautiful. The hill had one bench on it and it sat directly to the horizon.

I slowly walked up to it and and sat down. It was a beautiful sight. Did no one else know about this place? for them.

This place is plain breath-taking. I sat there and let my tears flow freely.

You can say I was a… weeping angel. Haha. Get it? No. Okay.


   I didn't realize how long I was sitting there crying. I suddenly felt tired. Crying really brings out the tired-ness in you.

I laid down. I guess it wouldn't hurt to take a quick nap.




 I woke up at the exact time of sunset. I frantically checked my watch.

6:57 P.M.

Omo… I slept for way too long. Well… the sunset did look gorgeous. I might as well watch the sun go down.

I was happily drowned in my moment when I suddenly heard footsteps behind me.

I was on alert. I had no weapons with me. Oh my… who could it be? A kidnapper? A murderer? An ice cream man? Who knows!?

"Sica, I found you!!"


   I stiffened. Taeyeon? What is she doing here? How could she have found this place? It's well hidden behind the forest of trees in the park. The majestic trees.

I looked back and saw my precious Taengoo out of breath… wait… wha-what am I saying!?

"Sica… I demand to know why you ran away from me!"

I narrowed my eyebrows. Who gave her the rights to demand such a thing? I stood up and slowly walked towards her.

I was about to pass by her when she grabbed my arm.

"Please Sica… what's wrong? Tell me. We're best friends."

I lost it.


   With my reflex skills, I grabbed Taeyeon's arm and flung her down to the ground. Not too hard because I didn't want to hurt her.

The moment she touched the ground, I went on top of her and pinned her hands down at her sides.

"Is that all we are, Taeyeon!?" I shouted at her.

It looked like she is was in a state of shock, confusion, and misconception. Is that all we are…?

"Was I always just a friend to you? Why is that you would love someone els--"

I felt something soft on my lips.

Taeyeon kissed me… wait. TAEYEON KISSED ME!? I was so taken aback, I loosened my grip on her hands.

She took that opportunity to use her right hand to pull me down and deepen the kiss.

After what seemed like forever in Heaven, she pulled away and smiled. I was stoned like a statue.

What just happened?


   "You wouldn't stop talking…" she murmured. I was still stoned. The girl of my dreams just KISSED me. Passionately. [A/N: I'm just gonna let that sink in… lol.]

I slowly started to finally blink again. I couldn't process everything in my head so quickly.

"Wha… why would you kiss me? WHY!?" I raged. I got mad. Why would she kiss me when she loved someone else? Cheater! Big fat cheater!

She's just playing with my feelings! And it's not funny! I hit her chest repeatedly to let out my anger. Taeyeon on the other side… she's feeling helpless.

"Why? Why? Why? WHY?" I kept asking.

"Why would you kiss me when you love someone else? Why?" I kept asking.

I was so upset. I was so mad. I forgot how beautiful and perfect that kiss was to me.

I forgot it all. Now all I think about is betrayal.

I kept hitting her. Crying while doing so. I needed to let everything out.

"Love someone else? Sica-ah… I love you and you only."

I stopped.


   Did I hear that right? Taeyeon loved me? Taeyeon LOVED ME? I sat upright on her thighs and she sat up as well.

She groaned, considering the fact of how I straddled her and how long it lasted.

"I loved you for a long time. A very long time. And with those many skinship moments that we have, I figured you'd start feeling the same. I just wanted us to be more than friends…" she said.


And pretty soon… we WERE more than just friends…



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Okay, I know. It . LOL

I was in a hurry >:

I finished it in one night... daebak~ :3

Considering this was new to me again,

I wasn't that good at another

one-shot... mianhae... ^^"

I tried my best!! o:

If you think I should make more one-shots,

please subscribe and comment! c:

tysm. SARANGHAE ALL OF YOU. :* xoxoxo-

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Chapter 1: it is a great story
please write more
acetpn52 #2
Chapter 1: Hahah this was really cute, sica was totally clueless XD such a dork
Thanks for the oneshot :)
taengsica #3
Chapter 1: beautiful :)
Chapter 1: Aww.. Pabo sica~ >_< not even know Taengoo was talking about you
Chapter 1: Ahhh, so touching moment for taesic
SkyeIceFizz #6
Chapter 1: ah,this story is dont have to worry Author nim.
Chapter 1: Nice one shoot Author-shi..:D
taenytaengsic #8
Chapter 1: Thanks for this T.T
taengsica #9
update soon :)