Chapter 4

A shooting star, a desire and a love.
 - I must speak with you.
 - I can not stay here ...
 - Why?
 - It's because ... do not know if I should tell you ...
 - Tell me, please.
 - It's too late, tomorrow we speak.
 - But ...
 - Tomorrow we talk, okay?
 - Okay - You said disgustedly.
Luhan left the room and thought, "Have I done something wrong? Why are you leaving?", You fell asleep.
He arrived the next morning and it was still raining. You left the room and did not see Lahan. You looked all over the apartment and met him. You sat on the couch and saw a note on the blanket that read:
"Sorry to have gone well, but could not go there.'s Not your fault, it's mine, please forgive me. Besides you have your desire, there is no need to continue there and repeat, forgive me." You could not believe that he's gone, the apartment was empty more and more silent, did not like that. You looked at the sleeping blanket with him and you began to mourn. The day passed and nothing was the same, for some reason you needed to you. It was night and you looked to the balcony, saw a shooting star and said: "I want things to be as before." You went to your apartment and you went to bed. Were you sleeping when someone noticed the presence of, you woke up and saw Luhan. You got up, you were going to hug but said:
 - Do not do that!
You stopped and said:
 - Why?
 - Because ... nothing. You make a wish right? Well ...
 - Luhan! I're hiding something and it's not, I know.
He came to you and said:
 - Do you really want to know?
 - If.
 - Do not run away?
 - Why would I run?
 - Well ... Remember the cramps?
 - How could I forget that? They hurt a lot ...
 - Well, are explained.
 - What?
 - When someone like me likes someone, if that someone is touching him, feeling a little thrill ...
 - What happens if you feel cramps?
 - That's it ... is completely in love.
Were you surprised to hear that much, then why Luhan was in love with you? Then you said:
 - When you left ... it hurt ... and I'm not sure if I like or not ...
 - Do you like me?
 - Do not know ...
 - But ... can not be together.
 - Why?
 - For us to be together, I must get rid of powers, then I am a normal person.
 - Do not. I do not want you to stop doing that.
 - But we can not be together.
 - But it is a very strong ...
 - But I want to be with you.
Luhan caught you You held hands and cramps as you could. Gradually it was closing in on you, you were about to kiss you, but a strong cramp got away this. I looked and said:
 - Luhan. I like you, but do not want to do that for me ...
 - I want to.
 - Think at least tonight, or what remains of it. Tomorrow tell me what you have decided.
 - Okay.
 - See you tomorrow.
 - See you tomorrow. - He left the room.
You slept on the bed again and were very nervous about the decision Luhan. It was a very tough decision.


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Chapter 4: Omo, this is so sweet and adorable story~!!! ^-^ I love it!!!!!!! <333
i'll read later... urggghh can't wait wait...!! the tittle already caught my eyes.. >.<
fahradwiputri #3
why dont you update? :[
I'm excited for thiissss <333