
I was stupid

A/N Hey my lovely subbies! Hey, I'm a bad author. WHAT KIND OF AUTHOR AM I TO LEAVE YOU GUYS WITH A CLIFF HANGER FOR A  MONTH?! Thanks for being good subbies and not unsubscribing ^^ sooo..ANYBODY GOTS A KIK OR AN INSTAGRAM?! instagram: @kylahtheroyal Kik: the_rolling_buffalo (my pic is Xiumin XP)

      Blood. Crimson red spilled onto the floor from the injured body. His breathing was normal and his pulse was present. Where was he? Why is he here? All he could remember is that he was holding his lover until he fell onto the ground with an unbearable pain on his right shoulder. Screaming was heard but faded as well as his sight that led him into a dark empty room. he's in a white dull gloomy room with a bouquet of roses in a vase that was placed on top of a night stand. A clear tube was inserted in his arm that led to a weird looking machine. thats when he realized he was in a hospital.

           The door opened by a young familiar man. He looked up to look at him with a big grin on his face. "Kris..." the patient whispered. "Tao...my sweet Tao. you're awake." he whispered and ran to Tao and embraced him tightly as if the younger was going to disappear.


"What happened?" he asked. He sat up slowly with the help of Kris.

"Someone is out to get you. I don't know who, but I will find that person and make sure he won't live to see another day."

"W-what?" Tao stuttered.

"Don't worry. I'll be here to protect you." Kris scooted closet and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. Tao remembered, Kris cheated on him. He was supposed to be strong and keep that wall he built around his heart so he wouldn't get hurt again. He roughly pushed Kris. The older looked at him confusingly.


"Get out..." he whispered loudly enough for Kris to hear. "Babe, what are you saying?"

"Leave. just go away." tears fell from his tired pale face.

"I can't do this anymore. I can't pretend that everything is okay because it's not. I can't forget that you cheated on me. I'm tired of feeling hurt and tired of feeling insecure. Most of all, I'm tired of not being able to trust you."


"Hello Mr. Huang." Dr. Kim came in and greeted tao and kris.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. my shoulder just hurts."

"The nurse will come by with your painkillers and food." "oh..um...Thank you."

"I would like to talk to you about your condition and the baby most importantly. "

"Oh my God the baby!" He shouted. He placed his hands on his stomach and still felt that bump. He felt relieved but still worried that he could lose the baby.

"The baby is doing fine, thank the heavens. Good thing you didn't get shot in your heart or stomach."

"OH MY GOD THANK GOD!" Tao shouted but quickly laid down after feeling pain on his shoulder.

"But after losing that amount of blood I think you should stay here longer."

"Yeah..." Kris stood there awkwardly with his hands in his denim jean pockets.

"I guess I'll leave you two alone now." Dr. Kim bowed and exited the room.


             Awkward silence. A thick silence that suffocated the room. Tao looked out the window with tears spilling from his eyes while Kris was sitting in the corner watching Tao's every move. He mentally killed himself for doing something that stupid.

"Once the baby is born..." He swallowed before continuing. "I'll move back to my hometown in China. We'll both stay out of your life so you could be happy." he turned away from Kris and brought the blanket up to his shoulder.

"Tao, I know what I did and I'm sorry. I love you. I love you. I love you. how many times do I have to say it? I was an and I shouldn't have done that. I know I'm not good at apologizing but I want you to know that I'm truly and deeply sorry for what I have done. Please forgive me and please give me a second chance to make it all right. so we could be happy family like I promised."

            He placed his hand on Tao's arm and kneeled on his knees. He kept whispering please while tears escaped from his eyes. eventually he began sobbing and his breath was uneven. He repeated the words I love you over and over make Tao know that he loves him. Tao bit his bottom lip. He wanted to forgive. He really did but something is stopping him. Was it insecurity? was he afraid of getting hurt again? possibly a little bit of both?

            Tears were now falling from his tired eyes. He refused to look at Kris and refused jumping on him and kissing the daylights out of him. But his baby needed his father around... __________________________________________________________________

"Missed?! What do you mean you missed?!" Chanyeol yelled and threw an empty beer bottle at the wall.

"How the hell can you miss? ! I thought you were good at this!" He punched the shorter man right in the stomach. Baekhyun clenched his stomach and fell to the ground. "I can't..." He coughed up a little bit of blood on the cold concrete floor. "...do this anymore."

"What?" He grabbed a metal pipe from the ground and walked closer to him. "repeat that one more time." Baekhyun took a deep breath.

"I can't do this anymore. I won't. this is wrong and messed up. Get this through your skull. He DOESNT love you anymore!" Chanyeol struck baekhyun with the metal and beat his weak body until he saw blood appearing. "If you won't kill him then I will." He grabbed a gun from Baekhyun's back pocket and turned to leave.

"HE'S PREGNANT!" Baekhyun yelled hoping to make Chanyeol realize what he's going to do but he was taken back by the answer he received. 

"Even better." He smirked and left Baekhyun on the cold hard ground.

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biasesinmylife #1
Chapter 20: Author-nim! Could write the chapter where baekhyun shot tao. I wanna seecthe reaction of suho, lay n kris at that moment? Anyways, i love the storyline...
Akahaka_Scarlet #2
Chapter 20: Here my bias is a maniac who tried to kill my bias wrecker...shimmy shimmy kokobop I think I like it~
Akahaka_Scarlet #3
Chapter 13: The note at the end of this chapter just made me cry...miss ot12 even though I joined the fandom in 2016 only...
Glitterpuke_101 #4
Chapter 20: You are such a great author.I knew you were from the Philipines the moment you said kuya
Chapter 20: This is a little angst.... yet so sweet~~~
KPopFan1304 #6
Chapter 20: I love Chanyeol irl but CHANYEOLL NEEDS TO F**KING DIE!!!
Exofan12345 #7
Great story
Hello new reader here! I would like to look forward for your update. I begin curious about what would happen to Taoris and their baby. Will they end up happy together? Please update soon author-nim! Have a nice day <3
JaeYong_TY #9
Chapter 20: aww, adorbs

but i was so freaked out when the part about taking the plastic off kris's head cuz i read it as, taking kris's head out of the plastic


Chapter 20: Baekkis, love you forever.
Yay ~ Tao is safe! And his baby is perfectly fine ~