
Church Boy

Did you miss my long one shots?
Well, here you go XD
I hope you'll like it

Like every day for the past few months, Choi Siwon went to the church to pray for his and his family’s well being, his future, and his current wishes. However, on that particular day, the church was occupied, apparently holding a wedding ceremony.

Choi Siwon let his eyes wander over the decorated place, white flowers everywhere making the place look heavenly beautiful. The guests were already coming in, ushered by two men, whose task was to ask and lead them to which side they were from, the groom’s or the… groom’s.

Siwon’s eyes narrowed as he read the big poster by the church door. The wedding was between two men which got him quite curious. It wasn’t like he was a homophobic or anything, but he had never been to a gay wedding before and that was where his curiosity came from.

Deciding to wait until the church was free again, he went out to the garden, just walking on the green grass and enjoying the sun shining on his handsome face. His mind was busy thinking about where his life would be taking him next.

Snapping out of his thoughts, he let his eyes roam around as he realized that he reached the back of the church. When he decided to go back, his sight suddenly fell on a young man, leaning on the wall, rubbing his hands together while taking deep breaths.

Siwon stared at the man with a neat black tuxedo for a few minutes, carefully scanning him from head to toe before fixing his eyes on the guy’s face.

There was no doubt that the man in front of him was beautiful… breathtaking… gorgeous… just perfect. Siwon cannot deny the unfamiliar tingling feeling in his heart as the boy with the fluffy hair noticed he had company and turned to face him.

Siwon’s eyes literally popped out when the man tilted his head to one side in the cutest way he had ever seen. Siwon felt like his heart had dropped to his ankles with the way the man looked at him through his almond shaped doe eyes.

“Can I help you?”

The boy sweetly asked, his voice coming out as some sort of melody to Siwon’s ears. The latter swallowed hard before taking a few steps closer.

“I was just…” He couldn’t finish his sentence as the boy also walked toward him. The latter frowned a bit, waiting for Siwon to finish what he was saying but when he realized he wasn’t going to, he could only sigh and divert his sight to the floor, eyes fixed on his shiny shoes.

“A-Are you okay?” Siwon carefully asked, earning him another deep sigh from the boy who slowly raised his head and looked at him while pouting.

This boy didn’t seem to know that he was making Siwon’s insides a river of confusion. He didn’t have to try hard as the simplest acts or moves were making Siwon awed and pretty much speechless.

“I’m getting married”

The boy exclaimed with a low tone, and that came as a slap to Siwon’s face. The latter’s eyes widened, hands starting to sweat and heart pounding inside his chest.

Is this love at first sight? But he’s getting married…

“But I don’t know if it’s the right choice” The boy added when he didn’t get any reply. He knew that the man in front of him was a stranger and so it felt liberating to talk to someone he didn’t know.

Siwon’s heart fluttered a bit at the slight light of hope, although he had no idea why he would feel relieved about it. He then intently inspected the boy’s face, searching for an answer to his own question.

“Do you love him?” He found himself asking, nervously watching the boy’s reaction.

There was a tint of red on the boy’s face as he averted his gaze away, biting on his lower lip and nervously fidgeting with his fingers.

“I don’t know” He lowly muttered, making Siwon take a step further until he was standing in the boy’s private space.

The latter yelped, surprised when he looked up and found Siwon’s face just inches away from his. He could move away… however, he didn’t.

“I can help you with that” He confidently stated, making the boy’s eyebrows raise to his hairline in confusion.


Siwon smiled at the question before resting his hands on the boy’s shoulders and leaning his face even closer.

“I can kiss you and then you’ll know”

That was something Siwon had never done. He wasn’t the type of guy to approach someone willingly or just ask for a kiss out of nowhere. Siwon wasn’t even a person people. He always avoided those who don’t really matter to his life.

However, here he was, offering to kiss a man he just met seconds ago, but nevertheless, it felt right. He didn’t feel any hesitation even though he was about to kiss a guy for the first time in his life.

The boy eyed him for a minute, blinking at him while trying to process what just came out of Siwon’s mouth. His cheeks turned red, while his jaw slightly hanged open.

But, after thinking it over for a second, and although it sounded irrational and unfair for his future husband who was waiting for him at the altar, still something inside him made him shyly nod and slowly close his eyes.

Siwon’s eyes sparkled as he didn’t expect the boy to agree on his lame approach. However, without wasting any time, he slowly closed the gap between them, pressing his lips on the boy’s for a couple of seconds before sandwiching his upper lip between his.

The boy didn’t move. He just closed his eyes and surrendered to what Siwon was doing to him. He felt something weird in the pit of his stomach the moment their lips touched, like magical electricity that he never felt like before, and he couldn’t deny that it felt strangely good.

Siwon nibbled on the boy’s lips, moving from one to another and enjoying the plumpness as much as possible. His mind was somewhere else at that moment as all that mattered was how his heart was beating fast inside its ribcage.

What made him even more pleased, was when he felt the boy moving his lips as well, kissing him back. It might’ve only been slow twitches of the boy’s lips, but it helped in leaving Siwon wanting more.

Siwon wrapped his arms around the boy’s waist, bringing him closer as he slowly probed his mouth and swiftly slipped his tongue inside. He felt the boy’s body flinched at the action as his hands clutched on Siwon’s collar, but soon he relaxed and started massaging his tongue with Siwon’s as well.

Pulling away, the boy slowly opened his eyes, timidly biting on his bruised lips when his orbs met Siwon’s. He didn’t know what was that feeling growing inside of him and with the way Siwon was looking at him, it was hard to figure it out.

Siwon on the other hand, was feeling his heart twisting from joy to anxiety to confusion. He just kissed someone who was about to get married, and a guy nonetheless.

Taking a step backward, Siwon detached himself from the boy, shifting his gaze to the floor for a second, before looking up again and smiling at him.

“You can always faint at the altar”

He suggestively exclaimed, a wide smile on his face that left the boy’s eyes bulging out when they fell on the man’s dimples. By the time he could snap out of it, Siwon already turned around and started walking away, leaving him abashed and confused as hell.


Half an hour later, Siwon found his feet dragging him toward the church hall, standing by the big door while watching the previous boy standing at the altar next to another man. His insides twisted in a bizarre way and although he wanted to leave, his mind wasn’t complying.

Leaning on the door with his hands in his pockets, Siwon could tell that the boy was nervous based on his body’s language. Siwon couldn’t understand what he was doing standing there, somehow his heart was hoping that the boy’s doubt was in place. He also didn’t know why the thought of going in there and stealing the boy even crossed his mind.

However, what he didn’t understand the most, was why his heart felt crushed when he heard the boy say ‘I do’.

That little word was what managed to make his head start functioning again as he turned around and walked away, taking large steps as he wanted to get out of there and maybe his life would go back to normal. Maybe he would forget the first boy he had ever kissed. Maybe he would forget how his lips tasted, how his eyes looked at him, how his voice melted his heart.

Maybe he was there for a good reason and that was to help the boy with his marriage doubt… 




Two weeks Later

Siwon walked in to Twosome Café, checking up on his staff and asking around if there were any problems.

After finding that everything was going smoothly, he wished his workers good luck and turned to leave. However, as he was walking out, he froze in place, surprised when he saw the church boy a couple of feet away, looking at him with a surprised look as well, but still managed to have a sweet smile on his face.

The boy’s heart started pounding with each step Siwon took toward him. When he was finally standing a foot away, he was taking aback when Siwon’s face broke into a wide smile, causing his dimples to appear even deeper than the first time he saw them.

“Hi” Siwon greeted, snapping the boy out of his daydreaming.

“Hey” The boy greeted back, shyly looking at the man he had shared a kiss with a couple of weeks ago on his supposed wedding day.

His cheeks blushed at the memory and he had to avert his gaze away to hide it. However, Siwon did see it, making him a tad curious to know the reason behind it.

“How have you been?”

Siwon calmly asked even if his heart was jumping in his chest. He couldn’t deny that the boy looked even more gorgeous than the first time. He tried his best not to sound disrespectful by checking him out from head to toe, but his eyes disobeyed him as his sight fell on the lips he tasted a couple of weeks back, the lips that he couldn’t forget about since the day he met him.

“Good... Are you here for a coffee?” The boy asked, not wanting the conversation to end just yet. He would be lying if he said he had never thought of Siwon after their kiss, but he had no idea that he would meet him again, considering how Seoul is a very big city.

“I actually own this place” Siwon sheepishly said, rubbing the back of his head while snapping his sight off the boy’s lips.

The church boy's eyes bulged out, wondering how faith works to make him decide to have a coffee here out of all places.

“That’s great. You have a great service to be honest” The boy complimented, blushing as he averted his gaze away from Siwon for a second before remembering something important.

“I’m Kyuhyun by the way” He introduced himself while stretching his arm for a handshake.

Siwon took a second to marvel at how everything about Kyuhyun seemed to mesmerize him even his name, before he took the hand stretched out for him.

His stomach did a major flip when their hands touched, gripping it just in the right force to feel his skin.

“I’m Siwon”

Smiling widely and not yet ready to let go of the younger, Siwon’s sight shifted to their hands, but regretting it right away as he felt a pang in his heart when his eyes caught a ring around Kyuhyun’s foruth finger. He didn’t know how to explain whatever happened to him at that moment because the words were blocked in his throat.

Of course he knew Kyuhyun got married the first time they met, but it managed to slip his mind when his eyes fell on him.

Seeing that wedding ring on the hand of the boy he had been thinking about for two weeks, made his heart sink and his face expression fall.

“I see you-“

However, before he could continue, a guy walked in toward them, standing between the two and weirdly eyeing him.

Siwon took the hint and let go of Kyuhyun’s hand, assuming the man in front of them was the younger’s husband.

He gave the man a sharp look before averting his gaze to the church boy, his orbs quickly turning soft as he exclaimed “It was nice meeting you again, Kyuhyun. Take care”

And before the younger could say anything, Siwon slightly bowed and exited the coffee shop. He couldn’t handle staying there because he was very disappointed.




The next time they met was a week later at a hospital. They ran into each other at the reception and once again they had surprised looks on their faces as their heads were questioning the reason for their latest coincidences.

Unlike the previous time, Siwon didn’t have a wide smile on his face but only a faint one. Inside he was very happy to meet Kyuhyun again, but the ring was on the front of his mind.

Kyuhyun on the other hand, was very excited to meet Siwon again and he wasn’t afraid to show it. His smile was very broad as he stared at the man in front of him.

“We meet again” The younger stated with a blush on his face, causing Siwon’s heart to flutter at the cuteness in front of him.

Before Siwon could reply to that, his sight landed on Kyuhyun’s arm that had a bandage on it, making his eyes widen in worry.

“What happened?”

Kyuhyun blushed even more when Siwon held his hand and started inspecting his injury. The older’s face was too close to his and it instantly brought him back to the day they kissed.

When Siwon didn’t get an answer, he raised his head and looked at him, eyebrows knitted together as he was met with an odd expression from the younger.

The latter’s orbs were fixed on Siwon’s lips while his mouth was slightly parted. The view was making Siwon confused, knowing the man in front of him was married. Nevertheless, his stomach and heart started acting out, his gaze also automatically shifting to Kyuhyun’s plump lips, and anyone who could see them would guess that they were about to kiss.

They both clearly wanted it from the way their eyes were ogling at each other’s lips, but neither dared to close the distance first.

Unfortunately, Siwon’s mind had to remind him that he was standing in front of a married man and so even if he didn’t want to, he took a step backward before glancing at Kyuhyun who seemed quite disappointed.

“I-I hope it’s not serious” Siwon exclaimed, averting his gaze away from the boy’s face since he knew he would do something stupid if he kept looking at those mesmerizing eyes.

“It’s not… Siwon, about that day at the church…” Siwon snapped his head at Kyuhyun’s direction at the mention of the day that had been hunting his mind for weeks. He intently stared at the younger curiously waiting for what he was about to say.

“I didn-“

Unfortunately, before Kyuhyun could say what he had wanted to say to Siwon since the 2nd time he saw him, they got interrupted by the same man from the coffee shop.

“Kyu, wh-“ The man stopped when he noticed Siwon. His lips instantly pursed into a thin line, clearly not liking how this man kept on running to Kyuhyun lately.

“You are?” He confidently asked, causing Siwon to clench on his jaw when the man wrapped his arm around Kyuhyun’s waist.

They both kept gazing at each other as if they were having a staring battle, but luckily Kyuhyun who felt the awkwardness, decided to step in.

“This is Siwon, hyung… Siwon, this is Yunho hyung”

Siwon didn’t know what to do right then. All of his focus was on the hand comfortably resting on Kyuhyun’s hip and he was trying hard not to spank it away because he knew it wasn’t his place to do so.

“Nice to meet you, Yunho-ssi”

And he only got a smirk for return, the man’s expression making Siwon want to smash his face up but when he looked at Kyuhyun again, the younger was slightly pouting, managing to make him feel relaxed again as he flashed him a sincere smile.

“Well, take care of yourself. Bye”

Siwon didn’t even look at the man beside Kyuhyun who was gritting his teeth at the way he was ignored. Kyuhyun on the other hand, felt bummed out because he wanted to talk more to Siwon.

So as Siwon turned around and walked away, Kyuhyun’s eyes were fixed on his disappearing back, tilting his head in curiosity when the older stepped into a certain patient room, leaving Kyuhyun wondering about what Siwon was doing in the hospital in the first place.

“Kyu, are you listening?” Yunho asked as he shook the dazed man’s shoulder.

“How do you know that guy?”

The question turned Kyuhyun’s cheeks pinkish as he recalled their first meeting so he averted his gaze away not wanting Yunho to see his flushing face.

“Doesn’t matter. Let’s go”

“I need to sign some papers first. Wait for me here, okay?”

Yunho stated before walking away from the boy who was biting on the side of his lower lip, his curiosity taking the best of him as he unconsciously found himself walking in the same direction Siwon went in.



Standing in front of the room Siwon went inside, Kyuhyun slightly peeked his head from the tiny gap of the open door, trying to check if he got the right room.

His sight fell on a little girl lying on the bed and when his eyes wandered around, he could finally see Siwon sitting on a chair next to the bed and holding the girl’s hand.

Kyuhyun unconsciously pouted as he suddenly felt something weird in his heart at the view, while his mind started asking all sort of questions concerning who that girl might be to Siwon.

Spacing out, he didn’t notice how the little girl saw him and when he snapped out of it, his gaze met Siwon’s staring at him which made his body flinch a step forward, causing him to push the door open.

Siwon’s eyebrows knitted in confusion as he didn’t expect to see Kyuhyun there. Thus, he only looked at him dumbfounded waiting for him to speak.

“I-I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to…” Kyuhyun didn’t know what to say since he didn’t understand why he had the urge to follow Siwon there. So instead of making up an explanation, he hung his head low, staring at his feet while biting on his inner cheek.

“Kyuhyun” Siwon managed to mutter as he stood up and watched the endearing blush on the younger’s face.

“Is that the church boy?” The little girl spoke up, making Kyuhyun snap his head up and look at her. Seeing her clearly now, his face expression turned sad as he noticed her pale face, the scarf wrapped around her head and the several needles hooked to both of her arms.

He then puzzlingly shifted his gaze to Siwon, looking at him as if waiting for some kind of introduction.

“Ah, Jiwon-ah, this is Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun this is Jiwon, my little sister”

Kyuhyun’s mouth formed an O, feeling relieved that the little girl is Siwon’s sister. However, as he noticed a big amount of sadness in the older’s eyes, his heart ached especially when Siwon sadly smiled at him.

Kyuhyun then averted his gaze toward the girl in the hospital bed, giving her one of his widest smiles as he approached her.

“Hey sweetie! It’s nice meeting you” He exclaimed as he sat on the edge of the bed before holding her hand.

Jiwon immediately blushed, her cheeks red like a tomato especially when she realized that Kyuhyun was even more gorgeous up close.

“Kyuhyun oppa, nice to meet you too” She shyly said while her gaze was fixed on the bed cover, avoiding eye contact.

Kyuhyun chuckled at the scene in front of him before turning to Siwon who was watching the scene amusingly.

“So what is it about church boy?”

Siwon was startled at the question so he just timidly rubbed the back of his not so itchy head and when he caught on Jiwon laughing at him, he pretended to glare at her but it was a fail because he could never look at her but with tender.

“Oppa was right. You are indeed gorgeous”

Kyuhyun tilted his head at Siwon, his cheeks turned red about the comment but he didn’t hide them. He wanted to see Siwon’s reaction to his sister ratting him out, which was eyes bulged out and a flushing face that Kyuhyun thought was adorable.

“Jiwon-ah!” Siwon snapped, his tone sounding desperate more that scolding.

“Fine, fine. But Oppa I don’t want you to stay alone. You know I’m leaving soon”

That statement left Kyuhyun dumbfounded as he turned to look at Jiwon whose face was showing tiredness mixed up with sadness. However, before he could ask anything, Siwon loudly stated.

“I told you I don’t want to hear you say that again! Please…”

“Oppa, it’s a fact. I’m dying and there’s nothing I or you can do about it”

The word dying made Kyuhyun gasp as his grip tightened on Jiwon’s hand. His eyes widened and he turned speechless.

Jiwon caught on the question mark written on his face as she explained “I have cancer…Leukemia. The doctor already informed us that I’m not going to live for long”

Kyuhyun felt a pang in his heart as he didn’t see how it was fair for a young girl like Jiwon to go through all of that.

“I-I’m sorry. But isn’t there some kind of surgery? A treatment?”

“I’m seventeen Kyuhyun oppa, and I’ve been in and out of hospitals for three years now”

Kyuhyun’s eyes got watery and he felt the urge to hug Jiwon as a way to show her his sympathy for what she had been through but he didn’t know if he should because he was still a stranger to her.

As if reading his mind, Jiwon opened her arms for Kyuhyun to embrace her. The latter smilingly did, soothingly rubbing her back while whispering ‘I’m sorry’ in her ear.

When he pulled away, he turned to face Siwon and his heart broke when he saw the older back facing them while his shoulders were slightly shaking.

Kyuhyun wanted to hug him as well but he didn’t. He just kept holding Jiwon’s hand and assuringly smiling at her.

“Kyuhyun Oppa, your voice is so sweet. Can you sing for me?” Jiwon sweetly asked, making it hard for Kyuhyun to refuse. However, before he could answer her, his phone suddenly beeped and that was when he realized that Yunho must’ve been looking for him.

Picking up, he informed Yunho that he would be in the lobby in a minute, and when he hung up the phone, Siwon was facing him again, some tear strains showing on his face although he was trying to hide them.

“You should go”

Siwon exclaimed, making Kyuhyun nod his head before looking at Jiwon again.

“I have to go sweetie”

Jiwon looked a bit sad, pouting and shifting her gaze to the floor. She seemed to like Kyuhyun already and just like her brother, she wanted to spend more time with him.

“How about this, if you promise to still be here tomorrow, I’ll come and sing for you”

Kyuhyun declared, making her raise her head and look at him again with a board smile on her face. She frantically nodded before glancing at her older brother “Can he, oppa?”

Siwon looked hesitant for a moment because as much as he wanted to meet Kyuhyun again, he didn’t want to get hurt knowing exactly how the church boy kept on hunting his world lately.

However, seeing the excited look on his sister’s face that he hadn’t seen in a while, made him nod his head in agreement.

Kyuhyun then leaned forward and pressed a kiss on Jiwon’s forehead making her blush again before standing up and walking away from her.

Siwon trailed behind him and when they reached the door, Kyuhyun turned around, glancing at Siwon for a second before launching his body on him.

The older was startled as he didn’t expect the hug, however, that didn’t stop him from wrapping his arms around Kyuhyun’s waist, returning the hug.

“She’s a wonderful girl. Be strong”

The words made Siwon’s tears gather once again in his throat but he fought hard not to shed them. He instead tightened the hug even more, crushing Kyuhyun against him as his heart started beating fast.

The younger wasn’t ready to let go either. His arms were wrapped around Siwon’s neck while his chin was resting on his shoulder. The embrace felt really good and it made butterflies dance in his stomach. He could feel his heart beating fast against Siwon’s chest and he liked the feeling.

Unfortunately, they had to pull away. Siwon sweetly smiled at Kyuhyun before reluctantly withdrawing his hands.

“Thank you”

He lowly muttered and Kyuhyun nodded shortly as he squeezed the older’s bicep before exiting the room.



The next morning Kyuhyun was excited to go see Jiwon because he hadn’t had any sleep the night before thinking about her. He felt really bad for her to have to go through all of that at such a young age, but mostly because he also had lost his father to cancer a few years back.

He didn’t want to mention it the night before to not make Siwon feel bad, but even though his dad didn’t suffer for three years like Jiwon did since they found out about his cancer at its latest stages, still he knew what it felt like to lose someone close to you.

Another reason he wanted to visit Jiwon, was her brother. Kyuhyun was feeling a weird attraction toward the guy, and after the night before, the feeling also developed into concern and sympathy.

Kyuhyun noticed that their parents weren’t around at the hospital and what Jiwon said about leaving Siwon alone, got him thinking all night.

When his father passed away, Kyuhyun was lucky to have Yunho by his side. The boy was a lonely child and so having someone close to him, who he knew for almost his whole life, was very comforting. He wanted to be that one for Siwon.

Kyuhyun worked as a teacher in a primary school, a music teacher actually. Although primary students are still too young to understand real music, however, to Kyuhyun, he always thought that it’s in the beginning of age is where you can nourish that artistic spirit in children.

After finishing his morning classes, he headed straight to the hospital, stopping by the gift shop to get Jiwon some flowers, Snowdrops that mean consolation and hope.

Reaching the said room, Kyuhyun froze in place when the door was open and the cleaning lady was changing the bed sheets making his heart drop to his stomach in fear. He had to look around and check if he was in the right room.

“Sir, can I help you?”

“Y-Yes. The girl who was here… where is she?”

“I don’t know but since I’m cleaning the room it means she’s no longer here. Maybe she got discharged?”

Kyuhyun swallowed the lump on his throat as a lot of theories started running around in his head.

Slightly bowing to the cleaning lady, Kyuhyun turned around and walked to the reception in a fast pace.

“Excuse me miss, the girl from room 103, what happened to her?”

“Are you family?”

Kyuhyun fidgeted in his place, but the next words confidently flew out of his mouth.

“I’m a friend”

“Well, Choi Jiwon was discharged early this morning. The doctor told her brother that it would be best if he took her home”

The receptionist informed, making Kyuhyun sigh in relief.

“Oh, I see. Can you please give me her home address?”

“I thought you said you’re a friend?”

“I am”

The girl looked at him questionably making Kyuhyun awkwardly smile at her which got her suspicious.

“Sorry Sir, those information are private”

After so many attempts, Kyuhyun finally got the receptionist to give him Siwon’s address.


Half an hour later, Kyuhyun was knocking on Siwon’s apartment door, nervously rubbing his hands together while taking deep breaths. When the door opened and there was Siwon standing in front of him with a dumbfounded look on his face, looking hot with blue shorts and white singlet, Kyuhyun’s breath hitched and his heart went tu-dum.

“Kyuhyun?” Siwon was surprised to see the boy standing at his doorstep.

“What are you doing here?”

Kyuhyun cleared his throat, hanging his head low and trying to will away the blush that crept up his face.

“I’m sorry. I stopped by the hospital and they told me Jiwon was discharged” Kyuhyun lowly muttered, suddenly feeling bad about showing up to someone’s home without a warning.

Siwon just stared at him for a couple of seconds before realizing that Kyuhyun might’ve interpreted his question wrong. He took notice of the boy’s pout and he quickly moved away from the door and pulled him inside.

“Come in. I didn’t mean to”

Kyuhyun glanced at him again, slightly smiling at the confused look on the older’s face.

“I promised Jiwon” Was all that Kyuhyun needed to say to make Siwon smile as well in appreciation.

“How did you find our address?” Siwon curiously asked, watching how Kyuhyun sheepishly smiled at him before clarifying.

“I kinda used my aegyo on the receptionist?”

Siwon started laughing as his mind started imagining Kyuhyun doing aegyo while wishing he was there to witness it.

“Well, I’m glad you’re here” he stated after calming down his laughter. Kyuhyun’s flushing face was making him utterly nervous.

The younger could only nod while his gaze was lost in Siwon’s. They kept silently staring at each other for a few seconds before Kyuhyun shyly bit on his lower lip and averted his gaze away.

“Jiwon is asleep. Wanna drink something until she wakes up?”

Siwon exclaimed after clearing his throat. His heart was pounding but he was glad Kyuhyun was there even though he knew he couldn’t have him in the way he wanted.


So as Kyuhyun settled down on the couch in the living room, Siwon excused himself to get them some drinks.

When he got back with a tray of two glasses of orange juice in hand, he also settled down next to Kyuhyun before handing him his glass.

“Thank you”

Kyuhyun muttered before raising the liquid to his mouth and taking a sip. His insides were boiling since Siwon was sitting a foot away from him, his shorts rose up to the middle of his thighs making the younger suddenly feeling hot.

“You have a nice house” He complimented, trying to get his mind off Siwon’s body.


Then it fell awkward for a couple of minutes since Kyuhyun was trying hard not to focus on Siwon’s thighs, while the latter was clutching hard on his glass because he wanted nothing but to jump on the boy next to him since he was feeling a strong power pulling him toward him but he knew it was wrong.

“Siwon? Can I ask you something?”

Luckily Kyuhyun broke the silence, making Siwon face him as he curiously nodded his head.

“The other day, I noticed your parents weren’t there?”

The younger hesitantly asked, suddenly regretting his question when he noted how Siwon’s face expression twisted into a painful grimace.

“They passed away” Siwon announced, causing Kyuhyun to clasp a hand over his mouth as he sadly stared at the man next to him.

“They were in an accident when I was nineteen. Jiwon was still ten by then but luckily the social services thought I was capable to take care of her on my own since I already had a part time job and a trust fund”

Kyuhyun didn’t know what to say. His heart was aching as he couldn’t imagine what Siwon must’ve been through when he lost his parents and then his sister was going to die as well.

“And now Jiwon… It’s really hard”

Siwon’s eyes started b with tears at the thought of losing his little sister. His head was bent down as his grip tightened on the glass in his hands.

Kyuhyun slightly scooted next to him, reaching for the glass and putting it on the table before cupping Siwon’s hands in his, while the other one soothingly rubbed his back.

It has always been Siwon and Jiwon and so the older never had any friends because he was always busy. He worked really hard to come to the point he was that day but talking to Kyuhyun and being comforted by him felt really good.

He never once showed his weaknesses in front of anyone since he has always been strong. However, something about Kyuhyun made him feel vulnerable and so he leaned his head on Kyuhyun’s shoulder, burying his face in the younger’s crook as he let a few tears break free.

“I lost my father to cancer too” Kyuhyun confessed, feeling the urge to share this information with the older.

Siwon’s eyes widened and he wanted to look at Kyuhyun but when the latter’s hand tightened on his arm, he just stayed silent.

“It happened four years ago. I was twenty by then and it felt horrible. I know what you’re going through now and I want you to know that I can be here for you if you want”

Siwon didn’t know what to say to that so he just squeezed Kyuhyun’s hand and slightly nodded his head against the younger’s neck.


A few minutes later, Siwon calmed down and slowly straightened up, smiling at Kyuhyun while caressing his hand in appreciation.

“Ah, I never cry!” He exclaimed as he wiped his tears, laughing a bit to lighten up the mood.

Kyuhyun’s hand was still on his back, drawing small circles as he watched how Siwon was trying to act strong again.

“It’s okay to cry from time to time” The younger stated, his free hand joining Siwon’s on wiping his tears which made the older slightly flinch at the contact, fighting hard not to close his eyes at the tender touch.

“Come on, Jiwon must be up”

Siwon chose the safe path because he didn’t want to mess up and make a wrong move toward Kyuhyun. The latter nodded, slightly disappointed.


When Jiwon opened her eyes, a wide smile graced her lips when her gaze fell on Kyuhyun. She was so happy to see him and at that moment she realized that she wanted that boy to be with her brother.

Siwon already talked about Kyuhyun non-stop since the day he met him but he skipped the part where the boy was married because he was just scared to say it out loud. Jiwon had never heard her brother talking about anyone the same way he talked about Kyuhyun and she was curious to meet him.

When he stepped into her hospital room the day before, she instantly knew what Siwon was talking about and as minutes passed and seeing how her brother was looking at him, she really wanted Kyuhyun to stay in Siwon’s life when she wasn’t around.

What made her like him even more was how he kept his promise and showed up all the way to their house. That left her determined on knowing more about him in the short time she had left, and maybe making things work between him and her brother. Jiwon might be only seventeen, but she was very mature.

“Kyuhyun oppa! You came!”

She excitedly exclaimed as Siwon helped her sit down by putting a pillow behind her back. Kyuhyun was sitting once again on the edge of her bed, smiling widely at her although deep inside he felt upset because just from the night before to that day, her tone was different and she sounded more ill.

“I promised, didn’t I?” Kyuhyun proudly said, making her nod her head while fighting hard to keep the smile on her face because she was in that phase when she always got sleepy.

“You also promised to sing”

She reminded him, making Kyuhyun slightly pinch her cheek as he found her to be too cute and she totally reminded him of her brother.

With that thought, Kyuhyun turned to check on Siwon, finding him leaning on the wall and silently watching him and his sister. A soft smile was plastered on his face but when Kyuhyun broadly smiled at him, it soon expanded.

“What song do you want me to sing?”

Kyuhyun asked as he turned his focus back on Jiwon. The girl thought for a second before excitedly declaring “Who I am. It’s Oppa’s favorite”

Siwon was taking aback by that, eyes popping out at his sister who only playfully stuck her tongue at him.

Kyuhyun blushed, never used on singing in front of people he just met but Siwon and Jiwon had a special effect on him. So looking between the two, he took a deep breath before closing his eyes and letting the first notes flew out of his mouth.

No music needed because Kyuhyun was that good, and that was what Siwon and Jiwon found out after hearing his voice.

When Kyuhyun finished the song, he was met with ogling eyes and hanging jaws which made his face redden. He sweetly smiled, looking at Siwon who seemed to be still lost in the boy’s voice.


“Wow! Kyuhyun oppa, you should be a singer!” Jiwon declared, clapping her weak hands together to show how serious she was.

Kyuhyun felt happy about those words but he still wanted to know Siwon’s opinion. So he looked at him again, waiting for him to say something but the older was clearly spacing out.

“Oppa?” Jiwon called to get his attention and that was when Siwon snapped out of it, shaking his head and putting a smile on his face.

“You really have a great voice”

Kyuhyun blushed even more at the comment, feeling happier about it than Jiwon’s compliment.

“Thanks” He softly muttered as he bent his head down, gazing at his entwined fingers.



That day Siwon had to stop by his coffee shop, entrusting Jiwon to Kyuhyun even though he wanted to stay with them but he couldn’t.

So for the rest of the afternoon, Kyuhyun stayed with Jiwon as they talked about a lot of things together, finding out that they both liked music and how Jiwon always wanted to learn piano but never got the chance to, or how they both liked playing video games and so deciding to go for a round although Kyuhyun had to play slow to not make Jiwon feel bad.

When Siwon got back home in the evening, he found his little sister peacefully sleeping on her bed, while Kyuhyun seemed to have fallen asleep on the couch.

As he approached him, Siwon was happy for the first time in a while and he didn’t want to lose that feeling. He was starting to realize that he was falling for the boy deeper by the second and he knew he shouldn’t have.

“Hey, Kyu” He lightly shook the boy’s shoulder, smiling when Kyuhyun pouted in his sleep and shifted into a more comfortable position.

Siwon wanted nothing but to keep the boy in his house, but he knew there must be someone waiting for him at home. The thought made him clench his jaw.

“S-Siwon?” Kyuhyun stirred in his sleep, finding Siwon crouching before him.

“Sorry I’m late”

“No, you’re not. I was just taking a nap” He sat down, rubbing the sleep from his eyes while letting out a cute yawn “We had so much fun. Wish you were here” The last part was spoken in a whisper but Siwon heard it nonetheless.

“Come on. I’ll drive you home”

Siwon offered but Kyuhyun shook his head and smiled at him “You don’t have to. I have my car”


“No buts. You must be tired”

How could Siwon say no to such an adorable creature? So instead he walked Kyuhyun to his car, wishing him a good night and thanking him for all he had done for him and Jiwon that day.

As Kyuhyun was getting in the car however, Siwon held his arm, turning him around to face him before leaning down and pressing a kiss on his cheek, but since Kyuhyun was kind of startled, he moved a bit and it ended up on the corner of his lips.

They stared at each other for a moment, their orbs showing how they were both having mixed up feelings but clearly both agreeing on one thing.

Slowly, each started leaning a bit closer until there was merely centimeters between their faces. Kyuhyun’s hands then fisted Siwon’s shirt collar before taking the initiative and closing the gap left between them.

Siwon’s arms immediately wrapped around Kyuhyun’s waist, deciding to forget about everything for that moment as he gladly kissed the younger back.

Their lips met hungrily at first, satisfying their needs that had been hunting them ever since the second time they met at Twosome.

The kiss turned even more heated up when Siwon pressed Kyuhyun on the car, making the latter gasp and thus giving the older a chance to slip his tongue inside his cavern.

The kiss led them back to the church where they kissed, and it felt even better since Kyuhyun decided to fight for dominance this time and not just surrender to Siwon like the first time.

Siwon smirked when he felt Kyuhyun’s muscle fighting to enter his cavern, his hands leaving the younger’s back and cupping his face instead, tilting it a bit to get a better angle.

When they both felt breathless, they reluctantly pulled away, foreheads resting against each other as they regulated their breaths.

Kyuhyun was having the time of his life at that moment, letting out a cute whine at the loss of Siwon’s lips, butterflies were dancing in his stomach, heart fluttering like crazy, and he then realized that he was falling hard for Siwon.

The latter on the other hand, thought that it was by far the best kiss he had ever had. He wanted to feel more of Kyuhyun, wanted to ravish him with more kisses but when they pulled away, suddenly he was back to reality.

“Jiwon has my phone number if you ever need to talk, or… you know” Kyuhyun mischievously said, smirking at the dumbfounded look on the older’s face before pulling away completely and stepping inside his car, leaving Siwon frowning.

Aren’t you married? I admit I’m falling for you but I can never separate a married couple! Don’t you respect your husband? Don’t you love him? Why did you marry him then? Why am I feeling disappointed in you?



However, it didn’t quite go as Kyuhyun predicted. It had been two days after his magnificent kiss with Siwon and the older hadn’t called him yet. Kyuhyun was sure that Siwon had the same feelings as him, but then he started doubting it.

He wanted to visit Jiwon again but he didn’t want it to be awkward and he didn’t want to impose himself on Siwon. So instead, he just waited, living his life like usual while hoping his feelings were returned.


Meanwhile, after that mind-blowing kiss, Siwon was confused as hell. He knew that he had falling hard but he still hadn’t quite figured out Kyuhyun yet.

To him the man was married and that was a big thing. Kyuhyun was the one to initiate their kiss but Siwon loved it and couldn’t resist not kissing back although it was indeed wrong yet it felt totally right.

That night, Siwon couldn’t sleep at all. The kiss, Kyuhyun, his voice, everything about him was stuck in his brain and it left him frustrated.

When he went to check on Jiwon in the middle of the night, he found her awake and they had a little chat…

“Hey” Siwon greeted his little sister as he took a seat next to her on the bed.

“Oppa, are you okay?” Jiwon worriedly asked, noting the tired features on her brother’s face.

“I should be asking you that”

“I’m the one who’s dying, yet you look worse than I do”

Siwon’s heart broke at those words but he just faintly smiled at her before tucking his body under the blanket and lying next to her.

“Is it about Kyuhyun oppa?” She lowly asked, carefully inspecting Siwon’s reaction. The latter bitterly smiled at her before slightly nodding his head.

“You’re gonna be okay, oppa. He’s a really good guy”

Siwon didn’t want to share with his sister how a married man kissed him, so instead he pecked her on the forehead before asking “So what did you do today? Did you have fun?”

That question got Jiwon excited as she started telling him about her afternoon with Kyuhyun. Siwon felt happy that his sister had fun because ever since she fell sick, he had never seen her this excited, which only reminded him of the reason behind it… Kyuhyun.


On the fourth day after Kyuhyun visited Siwon’s house, he was starting to get upset since the latter hadn’t called him yet.

That morning, he was packing up his stuff after finishing his class, and as he was about to leave the classroom, his phone beeped and an unknown number showed up on the screen.

Kyuhyun felt uneasy for some reason as he stared at his phone for a couple of seconds before picking up.


> Kyuhyun? <


Kyuhyun’s heart made a leap when he heard the voice of the man he had been yearning for.

> Yes… <

He waited for him to continue but he could sense something weird in Siwon’s tone.

“Siwon? Is Jiwon okay?”

He worriedly asked, immediately hearing a sob that made his heart break in half.

> She… she passed away, Kyuhyun <

When Siwon broke into a fist of tears, Kyuhyun’s eyes got watery as well, clasping a hand over his mouth to hold back his gasp. He felt sad about Jiwon but he felt more devastated about Siwon.

“Siwon, where are you?”

> On my way to the cemetery. Kyuhyun… Can you… <

Before finishing his sentence, Kyuhyun understood what Siwon wanted to ask.

“Siwon, text me the address. I’ll be right there”

> Okay <


When Kyuhyun hung up the phone, a tear escaped his eyes and he suddenly felt his heart tightening. Jiwon’s image flashed in his mind, her sweet smile leaving him cursing at the harsh world they were living in.

Once he calmed down, he picked up his things and headed home to change, wearing a black suit before leaving the house. Siwon sent him the address of the cemetery and half an hour later, he was there.

His sight fell on Siwon standing alone in front of his sister’s grave and his heart broke into pieces at the view. He could feel Siwon’s hurt and it made him walk faster toward him and immediately hold him tight.

Siwon was very thankful that Kyuhyun was there with him. He didn’t have any family left and so it was only him. He tightly wrapped his arms around the younger’s back, his tears coming out as a flood. Kyuhyun started sobbing as well, his heart pretty much affected by Siwon’s sadness.

They stood in that position for several minutes before Siwon pulled away, his eyes puffy and red as he gazed at Kyuhyun with a lost look on his face.

“I lost her” He said between his sobs, hands firmly clutching on Kyuhyun’s shoulders.

“I’m sorry… It’s going to be okay” Kyuhyun comforted him although he knew the guy lost his only family and things were bound to be difficult for him from then on.

“She was my only family, Kyuhyun! I have no one now” Siwon’s sobs were getting louder again, his head hanging low while his arms helplessly fell to his sides.

Kyuhyun hated to see Siwon like that. He knew the guy must’ve been hurting but he was there. Siwon had him and he wanted to make him believe that.

“Siwon, look at me” He started, cupping the older’s face and making their gazes meet. The older was sniffing and the way Kyuhyun looked at him was making him sadder.

“You have me” Kyuhyun assured, wiping Siwon’s tears with his thumbs.

“I’m here for you, didn’t I say that before?”

Those words made Siwon break down once again, his knees failing to hold him and he collapsed on the grass.

“You don’t understand! I don’t have you” Siwon stated between his sobs, making Kyuhyun frown in confusion.

The boy then kneeled next to him, hugging him tight while pressing a couple of kisses on the top of his head.

“Yes you do. I’m here, Siwon”

Kyuhyun repeated but it made Siwon abruptly pull away as he snapped at him.

“You’re married, Kyu! And I have feelings for you, I’m sorry but I can’t… It hurts!”

Kyuhyun’s eyes widen in realization and he had to curse himself for not telling Siwon about his marriage before. The older was clearly hurting, clutching his hand on his chest, looking broken and vulnerable.

“I’m not married, Siwon! I didn’t get married!”

Siwon looked at him puzzled, his mind trying to process those words but he just couldn’t make sure he heard him right.

“I have feelings for you too. I have ever since that day in the church. That kiss made me realize a lot of things and so I took your advice”

Kyuhyun gripped on Siwon’s hands as he waited for him to respond. The latter however was shocked because he saw how Kyuhyun said I do at the altar and the ring on his finger and that guy Yunho… Siwon was confused, sniffing and looking bewilder at the man before him, but as Kyuhyun was waiting for too long, he decided to bring Siwon back from his thoughts by a kiss.

The older was startled but before he could react Kyuhyun already pulled away.

“You’re not married?” Siwon asked just to make sure, making Kyuhyun chuckle at him before shaking his head.

“But the ring, and that Yunho guy”

“Ring?” Kyuhyun questioned, looking down at his hand and suddenly his mouth formed an O.

“It’s not a wedding ring. It’s a purity ring, Siwon”

The older was dizzy from the load of new information he just got, so he could only look at Kyuhyun dumbfounded, blinking his eyes repeatedly before finally managing to speak again.

“So you fainted?”

Kyuhyun was glad Siwon’s mind was functioning again. He smilingly nodded before leaning forward, resting his forehead on Siwon’s.

“After our kiss, I couldn’t stop thinking about you even when I was standing there almost getting married. Before the priest could announce us as a married couple, I fainted”

“I couldn’t stop thinking about you too. You have always been in my mind and I was so happy when I met you again, but I couldn’t help feeling disappointed thinking you were already taken”

Siwon declared, cupping the younger’s face and closing his eyes, enjoying the proximity between them. They fell silent for a minute before Siwon spoke again.

“I hope Jiwon was here to see this” Another tear escaped the corner of the older’s eye as he imagined how his sister would be cheering for him if she was there.

“She kind of knew”

That made Siwon open his eyes and questionably look at Kyuhyun who could only blush before clarifying.

“We talked the other day about you, and I told her about my feelings for you, well more like she figured them out. She was very supportive and she asked me to take care of you”

Siwon then abruptly pulled Kyuhyun to his embrace, once again sobbing over his shoulder but this time it wasn’t only because of sadness but also because of happiness. It was like Jiwon was taking away from him but was replaced by this angel in his arms.

Kyuhyun smiled, his fingers lovingly running through the older’s hair. He took a glance at Jiwon’s tombstone before looking up at the sky and smiling widely. He knew she was watching over them right then.


When they pulled away, Kyuhyun helped Siwon back on his feet, entwining their fingers and gripping on them tightly, not willing to let him go.

Siwon loved how their hands fit perfectly together and he was thankful to god for giving him this amazing guy standing beside him. He wasn’t going to be alone as long as Kyuhyun stayed with him.

When they decided to go home since it was getting late, they were heading to the parking lot when Siwon suddenly stopped walking and nervously looked at Kyuhyun.

“I don’t wanna go home… I can’t”

Kyuhyun knew that it would be hard for Siwon to go back to his house where he and Jiwon lived, and so he sweetly smiled at him before tugging on his hand.

“It’s okay, come on. Let’s go to mine”

Siwon appreciated the offer, shyly nodding his head as he followed Kyuhyun to his car. Once standing beside it, they both smiled widely remembering their last kiss.

Kyuhyun was blushing as he tried to avoid the older’s intoxicating gaze, while Siwon was amused by the way the younger was timidly acting.

Moving closer, Siwon cupped Kyuhyun’s chin, lifting his head so he could face him. The younger lovingly smiled at him before taking Siwon’s hand and planting a couple of kisses on its back.

“You’re going to be okay” Kyuhyun felt like he should assure him again. He could see the sadness in his dark orbs but who could blame him? He just lost his little sister. However, Kyuhyun’s heart couldn’t handle seeing the one he loved sad and upset. He wanted to make Siwon feel better.

“I’m happy I met you” Siwon stated, leaning closer and nuzzling their noses together, emitting an adorable chuckle from Kyuhyun.

“Me too”

Siwon beamed at that before claiming Kyuhyun’s lips, sighing in content when Kyuhyun sensually bit on his lip and then on it sweetly before taking the chance to deepen the kiss when Siwon slightly hissed, giving the younger’s tongue a chance to slip inside his cavern.

Their tongues mated in a sweet and loving dance, putting all of their feelings into the kiss until they run out of air and had to pull away.

“I’m falling in love with you, Kyu”

“I’m falling in love with you too, Siwon”


When they reached Kyuhyun’s house, Siwon had a surprised look on his face upon examining his surroundings. The apartment wasn’t quite organized as there was a lot of cd’s scattered on the living room carpet, a gaming console thrown on the couch, while several paper sheets were lying on the coffee table.

Kyuhyun instantly blushed when he noted the surprised look on the older’s face. He quickly moved further inside, trying to gather the things on the floor, making the living room as presentable as possible. He wasn’t expecting anyone to drop by and so he was lazy to clean up.

“You’re not perfect after all” Siwon commented, causing Kyuhyun to stop what he was doing and face him with a confused look on his face.

The older only smile at him making him bend his head low in embarrassment. Siwon noticed the sudden change and he immediately regretted saying his thought out loud. He stepped closer to the boy, cupping his face and bringing him closer to him.

“At least there’s something you’re not good at, organizing. I was intimidated by your perfection since I’m far from being perfect”

Kyuhyun’s eyebrows rose to his hairline as he understood what Siwon meant. He quickly shook his head before cupping Siwon’s face as well.

“I’m not perfect Siwon, trust me”

Siwon pulled him to his embrace, holding his tight while running his hand over his back.

“You are to me”

That made Kyuhyun flush heavily as he buried his face deeper into Siwon’s neck, his hands clutching on the back of the older’s jacket.

“Let me show you the guest room”

Kyuhyun decided to break the awkward moment, for him at least, because he was not used on this kind of compliments. Well, not from the man he was in love with.


“Here’s a spare of my clothes. I hope they’ll fit you”

Kyuhyun put one of his pajamas on the bed, shyly looking at Siwon who kept on staring at him with a serious yet soft look that was leaving his heartbeat racing.


“Have some rest, okay?”

Kyuhyun suggested, earning a nod and a smile from the older.

“I’ll be in the next room if you need anything”

Siwon nodded again, this time approaching Kyuhyun and wrapping his arms around his back as he whispered thank you in his ear, his hot breath against the younger’s neck made the latter not willing to leave Siwon’s arms. So to avoid any awkwardness, he pulled away, smiling at the man before turning around and escaping the room.


The next morning, when Kyuhyun woke up, he headed to the shower first, oddly taking longer than usual because his mind was full of Siwon. The boy didn’t have enough sleep because he couldn’t believe that Siwon felt the same as him. Even though he felt really sad about Jiwon’s death as her image was still painted in his mind, he was determined on taking care of the older just like he promised her.

Finishing up and dressing up in a new pair of pajama pants and a long sleeve t-shirt, Kyuhyun decided to head down to the kitchen to make something for Siwon, assuming the latter hadn’t had any food the night before.

As he passed the door, the bell suddenly rang, making him turn back to see who might be coming at this early hour.

“Yunho hyung”

Kyuhyun was surprised to see Yunho standing in front of him, a worried look on his face as he immediately pushed the door and stepped inside.

“Where have you been? Your phone is off. I was so worried about you!”

Kyuhyun felt guilty because he had plans with Yunho the night before but when he got the call from Siwon he forgot all about it.

“I’m sorry hyung, I had to turn it off”


Yunho curiously asked, but before Kyuhyun could respond, a voice came out from the stairs, making the two look in its direction.


Siwon stopped in his tracks when he caught on Yunho standing there, looking sharply at him.

“What is he doing here?”

Yunho asked between his gritted teeth, looking straight into Kyuhyun’s eyes who suddenly felt nervous.


“Seriously Kyu? I thought you’re better than this”

Yunho snapped at him before Kyuhyun could even explain what happened. The younger’s body flinched and he shakingly opened his mouth to speak.

“Hyung, don’t”

Yunho seemed really upset as he was blinded by anger. His feelings took the best of him as he stepped closer to Kyuhyun and gripped on his arm making him hiss in pain.

“I thought you needed time but you were with him all along?”

Siwon was about to interfere, not taking on how Yunho was hurting Kyuhyun. However, the latter looked at him and lightly shook his head to stop him.

Although the older was furious at how Yunho was treating the younger, he could only clench his jaw and stay still because after all, he didn’t know what Kyuhyun’s and Yunho’s relationship was like.

“I didn’t ask for time, hyung. I told you I can’t marry you. You’re like my older brother!”

Kyuhyun retorted, raising his tone a bit to prove his point. Nevertheless, that made Yunho even angrier.

“And he’s what?”

“I love him”

Kyuhyun’s eyes widen at his own words. He didn’t want to hurt his hyung but he was indeed in love with Siwon.

Yunho’s grip tightened upon hearing those words, but even though it hurt, Kyuhyun could see passed the angry look on his hyung’s face, and soon his expression turned soft as he reached his hand to hold the older’s that was clenched into a fist.

“I’m sorry, hyung. I never planned for it. It just happened”

Yunho was always weak when it came to Kyuhyun’s touch. However, as he was about to let go of him, he turned to look at Siwon again, noticing how both him and Kyuhyun seemed to just got out of shower, making his insides boil again.

“Did you take a shower together? Did you sleep with him?”

“No!” Kyuhyun snapped, feeling really hurt about Yunho’s words. He didn’t expect him to be cool with the situation from the start, but he did expect him to at least understand him.

“Then what is he doing here wearing your clothes? He will hurt you, Kyu. He looks like a playboy!”

The younger didn’t know what got into him all of a sudden as he slapped him. Those words triggered something inside him and he felt the urge to defend Siwon because he knew what a good person he was although they didn’t know each other for too long, but the short amount of time they spent together was enough to realize what a good man Siwon was.

“How dare you, hyung? His sister just passed away! He needed a place to stay!”

Yunho was shocked since never did Kyuhyun act like that toward him. The slap and the way he defended Siwon made him kind of jealous but it was also a wakeup call to realize what a selfish man he was acting like.

“I’m sorry. I… I-“

Kyuhyun felt the grip loosen up around his arm before Yunho let go of him completely and took a step backward. He could see Yunho’s eyes getting watery and he felt bad because he was the reason behind the older’s hurt.

“Hyung, you’re a brother to me. You’re the one I count on the most, please… I’m sorry if I’m asking for too much but I love him and I want to be with him. I don’t mean to hurt you, I swear”

Yunho bent his head down forthfor a second, his mind trying to process what just happened while mending his broken heart. A few seconds later, he looked up, sadly smiling at Kyuhyun whose a couple of tears already broke free as he apologetically gazed at his hyung.

“It’s okay. I guess I always knew that you don’t love me”

“I do, hyung. Just not that kind of love”

Kyuhyun sadly exclaimed, earning him a faint smile before the older leaned forward, pressing a kiss on his forehead before muttering “Be careful”

The younger looked after him as he left his house, his heart ached at seeing him brokenhearted but it was bound to happen. Even before Kyuhyun had met Siwon, he never had an excited feeling about his relationship with Yunho.

Wiping the tears off his face, Kyuhyun took a deep breath before facing Siwon and faintly smiling at him.

The older approached him, wrapping his arms around him as he worriedly asked “Are you okay?”

Kyuhyun only nodded, feeling suddenly tired after that conversation. He slowly detached himself from Siwon and walked to the living room, slamming his tired body on the couch.

Following him, Siwon took a seat next to him, sadly watching how Kyuhyun was closing his eyes and clearly thinking about what just happened. Siwon felt bad because he was somewhat the reason behind the fight and something inside him was very curious to know the real relationship between the two.

“You sure seem to care about him a lot”

Siwon stated, elbows resting on his knees as he supported his head with one hand while still staring at Kyuhyun.

The latter slowly opened his eyes, examining the older’s expression before answering.

“He has been taking care of me ever since I was young. He was there for me when my dad passed away. I really respect him”

Siwon felt somehow intimidated by Yunho since he seemed to hold a special place in Kyuhyun’s heart. He shifted his gaze away, looking at the floor while putting a fake smile on his face.

Kyuhyun however, saw behind that smile and he felt the need to assure Siwon that his relationship with Yunho was nothing like theirs. So he laid on the couch, putting his head on Siwon’s lap.

The older was a bit startled by the move but he removed his hands nonetheless, letting Kyuhyun comfortably borrow his lap.

The younger’s fingers started caressing Siwon’s knee, humming in content when he felt the latter’s hands running through his hair.

“Jiwon used to like it when I do this as well”

Siwon declared, his voice cracking up at the end although he tried to hide it with a small laugh. Kyuhyun not wanting to make the older cry again, only squeezed his knee before bringing the hand in his hair and bury it in his chest.

“She’s in a better place now”

Kyuhyun said, feeling Siwon nodding while his grip tightened on his hand.

“How did you get engaged in the first place?”

Siwon tried to change the subject, making Kyuhyun turn to lie on his back, squinting his eyes for a second as he thought of an answer.

“I don’t know. It just happened, something about a promise between our fathers”

Siwon nodded in understanding, his heart loving how Kyuhyun was playing with his fingers at the moment.

“I’m glad you fainted on that altar” He admitted, making Kyuhyun glance at him and widely smile.

“I’m glad I did too”

“But didn’t he ask to get married again?”

Siwon curiously asked, his other hand was back ruffling the younger’s hair and tucking a few strands away from his eyes.

“Well, our family’s doctor, Leeteuk hyung, is a very good hyung of mine and of course he knew there was nothing wrong with me but he told my family that I needed to be under bed rest for a couple of days. A week later, I couldn’t lead Yunho hyung any longer, so I told him the truth”

Kyuhyun ended his explanation with a deep troubled sigh, causing Siwon to decide that he should figure out a way to talk to Yunho and maybe they could become friends because he would do anything to please Kyuhyun.

“He seems like a good guy”

“He is”

“But I don’t like him when he touches you”

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes but he was smiling nonetheless. He turned to his other side, facing Siwon’s abdomen as he teasingly asked “So you’re the jealous type?”

Siwon let out a short laugh, leaning down until their faces were inches apart before he whispered “Do you have a problem with that?”

Kyuhyun flinched, his cheeks burning at the proximity but he wasn’t the kind to give up easily. So he moved even closer until their noses were touching as he exclaimed “Not really”

Siwon then pulled away, leaning his back on the couch and leaving Kyuhyun pouting because he was expecting a kiss. The boy buried his face in Siwon’s stomach to hide his disappointment but a second later he was rolled over to his back and a pair of lips was crashed on his. 

Kyuhyun was startled at first but when he felt the softness of Siwon’s lips that he became very fond of, his body relaxed, letting Siwon do to him whatever he wanted.

Nevertheless, when Siwon attempted to pull away, Kyuhyun’s hand swiftly landed on his nape, pressing his face firmer against his, not yet satisfied.

The older smirked at the action, slowly taking his time in devouring Kyuhyun’s lips, emitting a couple of sensual moans from him when he slid his tongue inside and freely mapped it out.

Breaking the kiss to get some air, Siwon Kyuhyun’s bottom lip one last time, then pecking him on the nose and the forehead before completely straightening up.

Kyuhyun was still having his eyes closed, still lost in the after kiss effect, while a wide smile was plastered on his angelic face.

Siwon smoothly ran his hand over the younger’s cheek, amused when he felt him leaning into his touch.

“You’re a very good kisser” Kyuhyun shyly whispered, his face blushing as he slowly opened his eyes and was met by a tender look from Siwon who was grinning at him.

However, now that he got the chance to really look into Siwon’s face, Kyuhyun could also see the dark circles and the swollen eyes, indicating that Siwon probably hadn’t slept well either and that he was obviously crying throughout the night, and that left his heart aching.

“Am I the best kiss you've ever had?” Siwon proudly said, his finger poking Kyuhyun’s nose a couple of times before his hand rested on his neck.

“Well, since you were the first… then I have no one to compare to”

That confession left Siwon’s eyes popping out. He shockingly stared at the younger, who was chuckling at his reaction, for a couple of seconds before asking “What? You mean… that day…”

Kyuhyun nodded causing Siwon’s eyebrows to almost disappear behind his hairline.

“My first kiss was at the church”

“But why didn’t you stop me? I mean it was your first kiss! You must’ve been saving it for someone special” Siwon argued, not noticing how Kyuhyun was pouting at his words.

“In case you hadn’t noticed, you are my special someone” Kyuhyun whispered, his gaze shifting away from the surprised look on the older’s face.

“You know what I mean… I was a stranger that day” Siwon explained and Kyuhyun could only smile as he was taking back to that day.

“Well, I was hypnotized twice that day” Kyuhyun confessed, making Siwon look at him questionably.

“First when you asked if you can kiss me, I just froze and couldn’t say no. Second, before you turned around to leave, you flashed me this dimpled smile and I froze in place once again”

Siwon beamed at that, adorably giggling at Kyuhyun’s words while the latter hid his face behind his hands from embarrassment.

“You mean these?” Siwon asked, smiling widely until his dimples appeared. Kyuhyun peeked behind his hands, his fingers immediately reaching to poke the twin holes, causing both men to burst out laughing.

When their laughter died down, they stared at each other for a while before Siwon broke the silence.

“I have to go back home” He sadly exclaimed, immediately feeling Kyuhyun’s face expression change as the latter sat up and nodded in understanding while looking down at his lap.

“Will you be okay?” Kyuhyun asked while worriedly eyeing Siwon.

“I have to be… Besides, don’t I have you now?”

Kyuhyun smiled at that, frantically nodding before moving closer and hugging the older.

“Are we like… lovers now?” The younger hesitantly whispered in Siwon’s ear, tightening his hold around his neck, nervous about the answer.

Siwon grinned at that, wrapping his arms around Kyuhyun’s waist and bringing him to straddle his lap as he returned the hug with as much intensity.

“If you’re willing to take me”

Kyuhyun’s heart fluttered at Siwon’s answer, planting a kiss on his neck before slowly pulling away and timidly nodding his head.

Siwon took the younger’s hands in his, nervously playing with them before he could finally ask “Are you and Yunho-ssi going to be okay?”

Kyuhyun smiled, appreciating how Siwon was concerned about his relationship with Yunho even if he made it very clear that he was jealous of him.

“I’ll go talk to him. He’s a good guy, he’ll understand”

Siwon nodded, although he didn’t like the idea of Kyuhyun meeting him alone, afraid the man was still upset and might hurt him.

“Can we meet up later?”

Kyuhyun cutely tilted his head to one side, narrowing his eyes and pretending to think about it while the truth was his stomach was jumping from excitement. However, when he saw the nervous look on the older’s face, he didn’t have the heart to . They would have time for that later.

“I would love to” Kyuhyun then leaned forward, pressing a long kiss on Siwon’s lips before standing up on his feet.

“Call me?”

Kyuhyun adorably asked as he stretched his hand for Siwon, but the latter seemed a little bit distracted by the younger’s ring to respond.

“Purity ring, ha?”

Kyuhyun blushed, withdrawing his hand and playing with the silver band around his ring finger as he nodded.

“Meaning no until marriage?” Siwon boldly asked, causing Kyuhyun to redden even more as he nodded again.

“Is that okay with you?” He unsurely asked, his chin almost buried in his throat as he was scared to look at Siwon, afraid this little ring would be an issue between them.

However, to his surprise, Siwon stood up, gripped on his hand and brought it to his lips as he pressed a loving kiss on each finger.

“You’re so pure, Kyu. I love you”

Kyuhyun’s heart turned upside down at the older’s words and he slowly raised his head to look at him.

“This whole thing seems irrational” Kyuhyun expressed, causing Siwon to frown as he tried to figure out what the younger meant.

“You and me… how we met… how we ran into each other… how we’re in love… it feels weird and strange yet… I can’t help but admit that I love you too, Siwon”

Those words made Siwon’s heart melt from too much sweetness. He widely beamed at Kyuhyun before pulling him closer and tugging him in a tight hug.

“We have plenty of time to get to know each other, but chemistry and love don’t come with time. It’s either there or not. And in my case, it was love at first sight”

“In my case as well”




Six Months Later...


“Are you sure you don’t wanna faint?”

“Not a chance!”

They whispered against each other’s lips before diving in for their first kiss as a married couple. The guests were clapping and cheering for them as they engaged in a passionate kiss that sealed their new marriage.

Pulling away, they turned to face the crowd with a wide foolish grin gracing their lips, neither had ever been any happier in his life.

Kyuhyun looked at the front row, his gaze meeting Yunho, who was also clapping for him, and a man snuggling to his arm as he was sniffing ever since the ceremony started.

Kyuhyun was happy when Yunho came to him a couple of months ago, saying he found his special someone. The younger was ecstatic as the heavy guilt was taken off his heart. Changmin, Yunho’s new fiancée, was so sweet that he was able to break into the older’s broken heart and mend it with a new love.

They shared a sweet smile, both sincerely happy for the other and understanding that they just weren’t meant for each other.

Kyuhyun muttered a thank you before he was abruptly swept off his feet as Siwon picked him up bridal style and started running out of the church. Laughter was echoing around them as they headed to the awaiting limo that would be taking them to the reception.


However, before continuing their celebration, they both decided to stop by the cemetery first. Standing in front of Jiwon’s tombstone, Siwon was excitedly telling her about how he finally dotted the knot with Kyuhyun and how happy he was.

Kyuhyun could only watch him with a tender look, his head resting on his shoulder while their hands were intertwined, their wedding rings clasped together.

“Jiwon-ah, am I taking a good care of your brother?” Kyuhyun childishly asked, emitting a chuckle from his husband.

“Baby, you are the best. I’m sure Jiwon is very proud of you” Siwon was the one to answer him, his free hand cupping his face and pulling him in for a chaste kiss.

“Won, thank you for being at the church that day”

Siwon inspected his husband’s face for a few seconds, everything that they have been through when they first met came flashing through his mind and he couldn’t be enough thankful for the man next to him.

“Destiny loves games”

Kyuhyun nodded, agreeing with Siwon.

“But in our case, it played us just fine”

“Yes it did. I’m happy to fall in love with my church boy”

Siwon commented, sneaking his arms around Kyuhyun’s back and pulling him closer. The latter’s arms automatically wrapped around the older’s neck as he proudly pursed his lips into a pout.

“I love you, hubby”

“Well I love you too, baby doll”

They sealed their love words with a kiss, slow yet with a lot of passion. Their kisses were always like the first one. Their undying feelings were getting stronger with each day.

Siwon and Kyuhyun… Destiny might have put them in each other’s paths, but it was them who built the bridge to reach for the one they love.


“Do I look like a doll to you, Won?” Kyuhyun sulked when they broke the kiss, pinching his husband’s side and making him wince in pain while pleading him to stop.

“Baby, a doll is beautiful. You are beautiful. So you’re my baby doll!”

Siwon exclaimed matter-of-factly, causing Kyuhyun to annoyingly squint his eyes. However, feeling the next death glare, Siwon raised his hands in surrender and took a step backward as he awkwardly started laughing.

The younger sighed before turning around and facing Jiwon’s grave as he stated “Sweetie, your brother is cheesy and I’m gonna teach him a lesson now, okay?”

Siwon was watching him dumbfounded and he was taking off guard when Kyuhyun stood in front of him once again, an evil smirk on his face as he mischievously warned him “Better run, darling

Unfortunately, Siwon seemed to snap out of it in time as he attacked Kyuhyun before the latter could do anything. He crouched a bit, circling his arms around Kyuhyun’s thighs and lifting him over his shoulder before he started running toward their limo.

Instead of feeling ambushed, Kyuhyun burst out laughing, clutching tightly on Siwon’s back while playfully kicking his legs in the air.




“So, no purity ring anymore?”

“Hell no! Make me yours, Siwon”



Their wedding was only the start of their happy married life. They might’ve quarreled and argued, but they promised never to sleep mad at each other. They might’ve got busy with their jobs, but they always have time for each other no matter what… What they had was true love and what started with a kiss, ended up with a long happy life with their adopted little girl Jiwon.



- end -

FINALLY! Sorry for the late update (_ _) 
But now you know why since it's freaking 13 331 WORD!!!

I hope I didn't bore you ° _ °'


PS: Okay, so some of you know how much I don't like YunKyu pairing >_<
To me if I have to use him in my fics (because sometimes he's the best fit), it will be like this. 
Kyuhyun doesn't have any feelings for him... Has only eyes for Siwon... and thus Yunho is not considered as a rival at all

(Well that's just me after all XD)

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Merettevan #1
Chapter 1: I loved this story, sweet and heartwarming, I admit I got teary about Jiwon :'( Their first encounter was magical and when I read the words that seemed to mean that Kyu was finally married, I felt really bad, but then, it was like destiny wanted together since they kept bumping on each other time and time again. And I'm happy that there was no , not that I don't enjoy reading it, but the way you presented the story, I think it's perfect as it is! :)
It was a beautiful fanfic, thank you for this <3
Luhma1817 #3
Chapter 1: How had I never found and read this before?
I especially like what sets this story for me: "Destiny could have put them in each other's ways, but it was they who built the bridge to achieve what they love."
Chapter 1: this is too long story oneshoot who ever i read. So easy going and sweet on the way. I love when they meet at the first time, how they meet at the 2,3,4 and more time in the other day. I like even destiny playing of their heart until destiny through them in the clearly problem but their feeling make him always tgt...

I love really much for this story.... Sweet & romantic relation.
Chapter 1: Oh, I love this story :') I especially love how Kyuhyun was a and remained a until he married Won. It's refreshing, to tell you the truth. It's not all about lol
sjmunchkin #6
Chapter 1: It's so sad that jiwon died but as long as there is a happy ending for kyuhyun and siwon, i wouldn't mind a little shed of tears....great story author-nim ★☆★☆★
Chapter 1: Omfg lol the ending hahah kyu so funny >.<
Loved the story overall >.<
dianti232 #8
Chapter 1: Love it, beautiful happy end, thank you for the story....:)
Chapter 1: Beautiful story....glad to see happy end