That's My Type

I Pull Back My Word That I Love You



I'm took me so long  to update the first chapter.  I hope you can enjoy it and sorry for grammatical error and mistyping...




A boy with a milky skin and beautiful face in school uniform looks running along the way in one corner of Seoul city. His silky hair that waved by the wind, big doe eyes, pouty red lips, a combination that makes he often mistaken for a girl, attract the attention a lot of people who he passed along the way. He seemed keep running while constantly mumbling to himself.

“I’m late...I’m late...I’m late”, unconsciously he mumbling a bit loud.

He keep looking at his watch as he ran that suddenly he shouted with a loud voice, widened  eyes,


People around him shocked by his loud voice and look amused to him.  Realized he disturbed other people and being laugh at, he bowed immediately and increased the speed of his run felt really embarassed.

Not far from that place, a smile tugging in someone face.



The bell rang signaling the break. The teacher leaved the classroom and the students started running out of the classroom  used their breaks to have lunch in cafetaria, resting in the library or just spend their time on the school rooftop.

 “Jaejoong ah..” one boy approached his friend who seem still not moving from his chair, only resting his head on the table between his arm. “lets get lunch”.

The boy who being called did not turn his head or answer him  just keep resting his head on the table while keep sighed and grumbling about something in inaudible voice surrounded by dark aura.

“What’s up with that aura Jae? Are you late again this morning?”, said the boy as he chuckled seeing his childish friend attitude.

Jaejoong turned his head slightly with a big frown in his face and dont-ask-me-that looks and palmed his face, pouty obviously.

“Hahaha...seriously Jae, you can record as the king of late this year”, said the boy while holding his laughter.

“Shut up Park Yoochun..!! That’s not funny!!”, hissed Jaejoong as the sullen look more visible on his face.

“But you’re amazing to never got bored being scolded every morning”, the boy said amusedly as he continued to hold the rest of his laughter.

He keep teased jaejoong knew he could not be angry and only would pouting and whining more to showed his resentful.  Jaejoong threw his sulky face to his friend gave him death glare and re-buried his head on his table raised his hand through his hair, muttering something under his breath and closing his eyes hoping that he could shut his anger reminded what happen last night that made him like this.


“Jae hyung, Yoochun ah, lets go to have lunch”, two boys, Changmin and Junsu, another their friends were seen standing at the door waiting for them. Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu and changmin, they are four buddies who have been friends since their childhood. Their house located near to  each other where Jaejoong  and yoochun are neighbour while Junsu’s house and changmin’s located in few houses away but still in the same neighbourhood. Their parents are bestfriends and colleagues in business. They are always go to the same school til now and their friendship is more like brothers. They like to hang around together. Although changmin actually two years younger than them but his amazing brain made him often got acceleration class until he got the same class with his hyung. In this high school, jaejoong and yoochun shared the same class while junsu and changmin in another class together. They always keep the chance to have lunch together in the break time.

“What happen Jae hyung?”, Changmin asked as they approached them eyeing Jaejoong who still has not moved from his chair. “Are you sick?’ Junsu added with concern in his voice.

Seeing Jaejoong who does not want to answer, they turned to yoochun who kept chuckled and shook his head at Jaejoong from the side table. Yoochun mouthed something to them and got answer by ‘oooo’ as they join him chuckled shaking their head. Jaejoong who peeking at them between his arm and knew he being laughed at lifted up his head to face them with a big frown in his face.


“Nothing..we are just curious where jae hyung who always fresh and flashing a smile in his face everywhere with ‘blink blink’ aura go? What causes you to turn out to be like this?”, Junsu replied.

“You should sleep properly hyung”, said changmin as he slumped his in the chair in front of jaejoong.

“Yeah..if you keep restless like that you could get sick and your eye bags will never dissapeared Jae”, added yoochun.

“you would turn ugly and getting old quickly”, junsu said. “and you could die young, hyung”, changmin said cruelly.

“ YAAH STOP can I SLEEP PROPERLY IF THAT BASTARD KEEP CALLING ME EVERY NIGHT...?????”, jaejoong screams his heart out loud, remembered his poor night last few months.

“you can turn off your phone hyung”, said changmin calmly as if they are already expected such a loud response from jaejoong.

“I can’t, I need to keep that on to give me alarm to get up in the morning. You knew my alarm oclock already broken last month because of him”.

“it’s not because of him hyung , it’s you, you are the one that caused it’s broken”, replied changmin still calmly.

“but it’s because of him who annoy me that time”, hissed Jaejoong  getting irritated.



11.00 PM RIIING ...RIING ...

A cellphone ringing on the bedside table awaken his owner that had just stepped into dreamland.


“ joongie baby”

“who are you?”

“you don't know me? It's me your secret admirer, we already keep contact since a month ago, aren’t we?”

“I don't know you”


The owner unconnected the phone and placed his phone back on the table ad he continue his sleep.


11.09 PM RIING...RIIING...


“you got the wrong number, don’t calling back!!”



11.14 PM RING...RING... the owner ignored his phone

11.17 PM RING...RIING...

11.20 PM RIING...RIING... the phone keep riinging


11.25 PM RIING...RIING...


“I miss you”




11.37 PM RIING...RIING...

11.40 PM RIING ...RIING..


“I know, but i want hear your voice”






“I can't sleep coz i keep missing you”




11.55 PM  RIING...RIIING...

The phone keep ringing until the late midnight


01.57 AM RIIIIng...RIIING...



End of Flashback


“You know what... he keep ing calling me all the night... can you believe that? And that sick bastard is H.I.M”, jaejoong threw his anger remembered how he can not sleep that night, how he be restless and got eyes bags in the next morning, late to catching up his bus and got scolded for being late at school that he got punishment  to cleaning the bathroom, how he forgot to bring his homework because he went in haste that eventually his teacher gave him extra homework after school. Such a worse day in his life. It’s all because of him. H.I.M. Because of that ing U-know, initial of the person who always annoys and disturb his happy life.

“you can just turn off your phone at that moment, hyung”,junsu said

“yeah but I forgot that”, jaejoong pouted.

“so why you have to broke you alarm? He just calling you hyung”. Junsu said as they all narrowed his eyes at the jaejoong face, staring at him in amusement.


“and the reason I broke that alarm is because....”




The phone keep riinging till past midnight caused the owner could not sleep at all.


03.03 AM  RIIING ... RIIING ...


“No”, the man in other line replied calmly.

“BICHOSOOO...???? WHO ARE YOU ACTUALLY?? SICK STALKER....??  A  KILLER.....???? STUPID CRAZY ERT....???”,the pale lad shrieked angrily.

“Oh you already interest in me now? I already tell you I'm your future boyfriend”, chukled can be heard in the other line made jaejoong feel his anger up from the extra high to dangerous.

“DON’T YOU DARE TO PLAY WITH ME!!! WHAT DO YOU WANT...?????”, jaejoong said furiously.

“Owh..isn’t it so obvious? I want you..”,


The phone lying on the floor after being threw by his owner who grumbel angrily, very angry where you can see the smoke coming out of his head. The phone unconnected automatically and the room back to silent again as the owner intent to continue his beauty sleep but it did not last long because after a while the sound of phone ringing can be heard again in the corner of the room where the phone had been threw earlier.

“AAAAARRRGGGGG...”, jaejoong groaned angrily, cursed under his breath as his anger up  to extra ultimate-great-hero-special-ultra-super-megaton-spectacle-suspense-thriller-road-movie-love-romance-adventure-real-new-fantasy-oddysey HIGH that made he grabbed anything in his side and bedside table, threw it to the poor phone that rang nonstop in the floor. That ‘when’ he unconciously threw his alarm o clock along with glass, music box and two pillow...broke them into piece on the floor around the phone and sadly those all not touch the phone that nonstop ringing till few more second later.

End of Flashback


"OMG jae..the phone just rang but you destroyed all of thing in your bedroom?”, yoochun said amusedly.

‘Don’t call that ‘ JUST’, you don’t know how annoying it that. It was so creepy how its keep ringing all the time and haunted me all the night”, jaejoong said while showing his terrible face that shiver with his own thought.

“And it’s ALL BECAUSE OF HIM””, dangerous alarm blaring full blast in his head. “what a mistake i have done until i had to face that ert sick stalker”, jaejoong added as his face turn sorrowful.

“but hyung, why you should avoid his calls like that, sure he did that because he likes you”, junsu said after his brain connected all the thing.

“Yeah, why don’t you just try to be nice to him? Maybe you also can try to meet him, who know he is a gorgeous guy and you can be his boyfriend”,Changmin added still calmly.

“NOOOOO...!!! Do you want me to ruin my life?”

“but it’s could solve your problems jae, if you do not like him then you can avoid them immediately, only to make him understand  not to disturd you again”, yoochun siad seriously.

“What if because of that he do not want to let go of me then? What if he haunted and stalked me everywhere ang everytime?”,

“yeah, at least you would not die hyung, it’s would just added one of freak fans of you”, Changmin simply replied as if its was not anything out of the ordinary.

“changmiiiiinnn....!! Ahhh all really cruel for being my friend, i do not understand why i'm being friend with you all in the first place”, jaejoong pouted at his friends who he think do not try to help him at all. ‘why they like to teased me?'.

The trio grinned widely and replied at once “its sure because you loves us and we love youuu..”, they try to hold their laughter at they adorable sight of his his hyung who pouted even more as they are success to .

Though jaejoong is the oldest among of them they like to treat him like the youngest. They are like to teased jaejoong but also very protective over him. Not because jaejoong  is immature or weak, jaejoong actually very mature in many ways. He has warm heart and always helped them if they have a problems. The one you can count on. It’s jaejoong. But in he other case jaejoong was so clueless, clumsy and innocent one, he often be exploited by others and getting hurt because of his kindness. It’s all made they are became very protective over him. Beside of that, out of his mature side he like to whining and pouting a lot, made he look so adorable and cute, he has super baby face among  four of them that made he look like younger than his ages.

“okay..forget it then..come on we have to got lunch before it too late, my stomach already craving for foods”, changmin said as he dragged his hyung out of the classroom to cafetaria.


While walking to the cafetaria jaejoong went briefly to the bathroom. “ Please order some food for me too”, he said to his friends before dissapeared into the bathroom door.

When he was washing his hand in the sink after completing his business some boys walk into the bathroom. They seems like gossiping and cursing someone. Jaejoong initially did not care think that its really not good to talk about others behind their back but after his ear caught a familiar name, he forget his thought and determinated to eavesdropping them.

“U-Know.. yesterday he got into a fight again with some students from another school”, one boy said.

“Really? I know he is so scary, he seems keep doing bad thing lately”, another boy said.

“Yeah, he was also known as a big playboy, he mutually exchange his girlfriend like changing his clothes. He must so full of himself”, their friend added.

“Yesterday,,i heard my cousin’s friends break with him after they went to a love hotel. I'm sure he is really spoiled brat kid”, another boy said. one by one they cursing  at the same name.

Back from the bathroom, frown and pout back to jaejoong face confused his friends.

“why hyung? Another bad thing happen?”, Junsu asked.

“He called you again?”, yoochun curiously asked.

“no..nothing..i just found out that it turn out that i was right, that annnoying bastard is an arogant selfish and spoiled brat who love to playing around”, jaejoong spoke furiously. ‘how can a bastard like that must calling me everynight? He want to toys me? Oh do not be so full of yourself U-know i'm not that easy’, jaejoong state in his mind.

“who? U-know guy?”, changmin asked while keep shoving some food to hi mouth.

“who else”,

“you just meet him?”, junsu asked suprised.

“not yet, but i heard someone gossiping abot him in the bathroom”.

“do not believe rumour like that, I have heard about him that he is a handsome boy who good at sport and always help other students if they getiing bullied by student from another school”. Yoochun spoked queitly.

“I have heard about that too”, junsu added.

“whatever.. i don't care, surely he is not my type and I'm not going to meet a coward and big playboy like him”, jaejoong simply said as he continue to shipped his juice and scopped some food to his mouth.

Suddenly their lunch interupted  by shouting and cheering of many girls that just walk into the cafetaria . “what happened?” jaejoong ask out of his curiousity. “ I don't know”, yoochun said as he also confused by the girls that suddenly became so excited and noisy.

There  two man seems just walking into the cafetaria surrouded by the girls along his way, clinging onto them right and left especially at the man that looks higher than the other one.

‘huh..just spoiled brat kid who thinks they are the greatest”, thinks Jaejoong in his mind and continued his lunch. But when he turn his head for the second time because shock with a loud voice of the girls behind him his eyes meet a pair of brown eyes that was looking at him directly. He has semi tanned skin and taller body and very hansome face with perfect jaw that fitted his musculer body perfectly. He is definition of perfection an masculinity in jaejoong thought. His stare was so deep that unconciously melted jaejoong heart.

Stunned by the man's deep eyes, jaejoong unconciously mumbling to himself,

"Oh noo..that's my type”



A/N: yeaaahh....a boring chapter for the begining. I hope you don't mind...><...

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Chapter 1: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah........i can't stop laugh...