Chapter 10

Hold On, my Warrior


The next day was...interesting, to say the least. When I got to my class, Kris and Daehyun were waiting for me at my desk. “What’s up?” I asked, setting my stuff down. “We’ve been challenged by a neighboring school.” said Kris. “We’re meeting at the park near here at 7 o’clock tonight.” I nodded in understanding, and the day went on as usual. After school, I went home for a bit to relax before tonight. At about 6:30 I decided to take my time and head over to the park. After about 15 minutes of walking, I realized I had no idea where I was going. Dammit Kris! You could have given me a bit more than “a park near here”! I wandered aimlessly for about 20 more minutes, and was about to give up and go home, when I saw a large group of kids standing together. I walked over and noticed Kris and Daehyun among them. I walked up to them and slapped Kris on the arm. “Ow! What was that for?!” He said, and they both looked at me, surprised. “That was for not properly telling me where the hell I was supposed to go! And what kind of park is this?!” I gestured at all the gravel and stone around us. “There’s no time for that!” Daehyun said, pushing me towards the front of the group. “Himchan’s been waiting for you! He’s not going to be happy.” I stumbled to the front of the crowd and looked at the huge crowd in front of me. I glanced to my right, and saw Himchan standing there, arms folded, glaring straight ahead. “Sup?” I said, leaning over to him and giving him a little half-wave. He ignored me, and instead walked forward and stood in the middle of the two groups. I watched as a guy stepped forward from the crowd and walked up to Himchan. They stared each other down, and seemed to be talking about something that I couldn’t hear. I turned to the guy next to me and whispered, “Who’s that guy?” “That’s Oh Sehun. He’s the jjang of Two Moons High. He’s been demanding a fight with Himchan for a long time now, but Himchan hasn’t agreed to it until now. I wonder why.” Himchan suddenly turned back to face us, a smirk taking over his face. “Give them no mercy.” Everyone behind me roared, and charged forward into the other group. I was about to join them, when Himchan suddenly grabbed me and pulled me to the back. “You’re staying with me.” was all he said. I stood with him at the back for about five minutes before my hands really started to itch with the need to fight. I watched Himchan out of the corner of my eye, and when he wasn’t looking I jumped into the fray. I heard him yell out at me, but I was too busy beating the out of all these guys to care. All of a sudden I heard him cry out; not as though he were calling my name. With a feeling of dread, I quickly punched the guy in front of me in the face, and made my way out of the frenzy. I looked around and saw Himchan on the ground clutching his leg, with Sehun standing in front of him, metal bat in hand. Without a second thought, I ran over to Sehun, ripped the bat from his hands, and took a full swing and slammed it into his chest. The bat hit the ground as he did, and I quickly ran to Himchan. “Hey, are you okay?” he glared at me – still clutching his leg – his face contorted in pain. “You see what happens when you leave my side? Help me up.” You could have at least said “thank you”, . I grabbed his arm and pulled him up. He hobbled onto his right foot, favoring the left one greatly. “How bad is it?” I asked, glancing down at it. He ignored me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, using me for support. I walked him over to a bench close by, and he sat on it. I was about to sit down next to him, when he suddenly swung his legs onto where I was about to sit down. I looked at him, annoyed, but he just closed his eyes and put his hands behind his head and rested it back. Having been forced to resort to standing, I crossed my arms and sulkily watched the battle. Due to a difference in numbers, our side soon won out. I saw Kris and Daehyun emerge from the crowd, and was about to go over to them, when I felt Himchan grab my shirt. “Don’t even think about it. You are now responsible for me; or did you forget that again?” I sighed and faced him. “Then what do you need me to do?” He opened his eyes and stared at me. “Take me home.” I looked at him, surprised. “Where do you live?” “About a 10 minute walk from here. Twenty, with a cripple holding you up.” He said, sitting up. “Can’t you just call one of your drivers or something?” He grabbed my arm and pulled himself up. “I relieved them for the night.” Was all he said as he wrapped his arm around my neck once again, and told me where to go. Kris and Daehyun looked at me, confused, as we passed by them, but I just shook my head and waved goodbye to them. We had been walking for about five minutes before I started to get really annoyed at our slow pace. Before he could protest, I grabbed him and put him on my back. “It’ll be faster this way, so just shut up and tell me where to go.” “For such a small guy, you sure are a brute.” He said, causing my eye to twitch. I managed to cut our time in half, and soon enough we were standing in front of a large mansion. I scoffed at the size of the place, and Himchan kicked my leg with his good one and told me to keep going. I carried him in, to the shock of his servants, and followed his directions up to his room. I set him down in a chair and pulled his shoe and sock off his bad leg and rolled his pant leg up to see a large purple bruise taking up his shin. I felt the wounded area, causing him to wince in pain. “I don’t think it’s too bad. Nothing seems to be broken or fractured. Just put some ice on it, and keep off of it for a little while. It’ll heal all by itself.” I stood and was about to leave when I heard the front door open and slam shut. A maid suddenly ran into the room, looking panicked. “Himchan sir! You father’s home!” “What?!” Himchan hissed. “He wasn’t supposed to be back for another month!” Confused at their panic, I stood back and watched Himchan quickly put his shoe back on, wincing slightly, and roll his pant leg down. He stood – wiping his face of all signs of pain – just as a stern looking man in a business suit walked into the room. He walked up to Himchan and slapped him with all his might across his face; the sound ringing throughout the room. I watched in shock as Himchan held his ground, his head bowed. “What the hell’s this I hear about your grades?!” the man yelled. Himchan looked up at him. “It’s nice to see you too, Dad.”

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NessaLarin #1
Chapter 32: The suspense is getting to meeee. Hopefully one day you'll be able to pick this story back up. Fighting!
Chapter 39: Yay!! I'm gald ur back!!! I'll be looking forward to your next update!!! :D
Chapter 39: don't worry about it, the same thing happened to me a while back
Chapter 38: O_O I have no idea who to ship her with. They both worry about her so much. Im leaning towards Rasa but Himchan is very sweet too
Chapter 37: Awww, he's worried about her! :3
Chapter 36: awwwww, they're so cute together.
Chapter 36: Awww, with every chapter this story just gets cuter and cuter!!!! Can't wait for the next update!!!
Chapter 35: Yay!!!!!!!! Update super soon please!!!!!! (^。^)
Chapter 35: awwwww, so cute! awesome update!!!
Chapter 34: Hehe I love this story!!! (I probably comment way too much!!) I can't wait till the next uodate!!!