we're late!

It's always embarassing



By the next day the others had arrived, and all started practicing, ready for debut…


--1 year later--


“Only 1 more day until we start the new choreo” Sandeul thought, excited but at the same time he had a familiar knot in his stomach. Lately he had found that whenever he had been playful with Baro, he had felt nervous, and at first he accredited this to the fact that he had not had female interaction for over a year. So here he was, sitting at his desk, trying to come up with all the reasons he was not into Baro.

Sandeul grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and started.

  1. First of all, he has stupid squirrel teeth. Yeah maybe he does a cute impression, but still. Did I just say cute?
  2. He is always bugging me, and making fun of me. I back, we are just playing
  3. He seems to have more fans, and more media than me. well he deserves it, he has great variety skills
  4. He can make people laugh
  5. he makes me laugh
  6. he is cute when he laughs


Sandeul realised the list was not helping. Whenever he tried to feel any hatred towards Baro, he would immediately think of a reason why that was simply untrue.

Maybe he did like Baro. The way he made his heart beat faster when he grabbed his hand. The stolen glances and stifled giggles.

“AIISHHH” Sandeul shouted and crumpled the piece of paper and aimed for the bin.

Sandeul glanced at the clock. It read 11:46. “Maybe I should sleep” Sandeul yawned, and promptly trotted over to his bed and rested there until morning. Sandeul however, did not notice the text he received from Baro about 3 minutes earlier.


Sandeul woke up in morning, yawning and managing to contort his whole body whilst stretching; he reached over, half asleep, and grabbed his phone. To his surprise he had 1 new message.


From: Princess Squirrel

To: Deullie


Hey! I can’t sleep ㅠㅠI am remembering our trainee days! Do you still have my yellow duck? Come to the market tomorrow at 2. Be there or else



From: Deullie

To: Princess Squirrel


Sure! ^.^ but aren’t you trying to boss me again? Remember I’m the hyung!


From:  Princess Squirrel

To: Deullie


Hehe whatever! ~ just be there okay?


Sandeul sighed, a contented smile lit up his face after making contact with the rapper. He wondered why he wanted to meet him so badly. He heaved himself out of bed and showered, putting on his favourite t-shirt and jeans, he headed out the door just before 2. Of course he was late, slightly out of breath and a little sweaty when he arrived, but Baro didn’t seem to mind. He waved from across the road to Sandeul and made his way over to him.

“Hey Deullie~” Baro said enthusiastically

“Whats up with you” Sandeul teased playfully, realising the rapper was in a much happier mood than usual.

“Nothing, well, I say nothing” Baro spoke, after grabbing Sandeuls hand and leading him to one of the market stalls. This made Sandeul flush slightly at the contact.

“This is where I got your duck toy! And when we got close as friends” Baro had a slightly pink complexion and was awkwardly staring at the ground, all the confidence replaced with a cute shyness that made Sandeul internally squeal.

“That seems so long ago huh” Sandeul said, sitting down on the nearest bench and felling Baro’s hand rest on his. Sandeul made a mental note that Baro was being very friendly today.


They continued to walk along the market for a while, picking up random items, trying to bargain but turning up unsuccessful.


“how much is this bow tie” Sandeul inquired towards the shopkeeper

“But why would you want a bow tie you wear mainly t-shirts…” Baro trailed off, realising, sadly, that Sandeul just wasn’t listening.

“So can I get this for 15000 won right?”

“what do you mean no”

“well how about 16000 and I’ll sing you a song”




Baro promptly put his hand over Sandeul’s mouth. After apologising to the slightly shocked vendor, he dragged Sandeul away to a shaded spot under a large oak. After finally releasing the now angry and mumbling male, he ducked an oncoming fist and prepared for a rant.

“Cha Sunwoo what were you doing I was just about to make that bargain buy and you went and ruined everything ugh you are always like this just stop okay this is why we cant have nice things you need to be more frugal gosh…”


Baro tuned out. He had heard rants like this many times before. Usually Sandeul had one or two good points in the beginning, and then went into pointing out every flaw and about everything. Then, as if on queue, Sandeul huffed and abruptly plopped down under the large oak. Baro took a seat next to him.

“Sandeul I know you’re not really mad” Baro smiled, while closing his eyes gently.

“yeah… haha thinking about it now the bowtie was pretty ugly, It only had squirrels on it, no ducks psshhh” Sandeul chuckled giving Baro a small shove, making them both laugh.

“What are we even doing here” Baro said to quietly, taking in the gentle breeze.

“Well it was your idea stupid” Sandeul replied lazily, fixing his hair before settling down, back facing the hard oak next to Baro.

They stayed like this for a while, just taking in the freedom for a bit, before Sandeul felt a weight on his shoulder.


As he turned his head, he saw that Baro had fallen asleep, and was using his right shoulder as a pillow. He smiled softly. He could stay like this forever. A sigh escaped his lips as he realised that it could probably never be like this again. They were due for a comeback in a month and had a lot of stuff to practice. Not that he didn’t like it, the opposite, he was living his dream, but at the same time he felt like he was missing out on the little things.


Sandeul looked down at his watch. 6pm already! They were due at the studio half an hour ago! He quickly shook Baro awake.

“mmm...wha…huh.. OH! What time is it!” Baro exclaimed, jumping up and pulling Sandeul up with him.

“Time to get going” Sandeul rushed, walking fast towards to studio.


When they finally arrived they were greeted by Jinyoung, with his arms crossed over his chest, and a worried looking Gongchan behind him. “Where were you guys!? Its 6:30 we were meant to start an hour ago” Jinyoung ranted, concern leaking through. “I’m just glad my hyung’s are safe” Gongchan smiled sweetly, running up to Sandeul and hugging him. Nobody noticed Baro flinching at the sight.

“Wheres CNU?” he inquired, looking around the room.

“Oh he’s having a personal tutor session while we wait for you. He didn’t want to waste time with the choreographer” Jinyoung replied, pulling on his hoodie and walking to the center of the room, as CNU and the Choreographer rentered the room.

“Right, this is a new dance concept…” the Choreogrpaher stated, and they all listened intently.


2 and a half hours later, they were sweaty and tired, but they had the first part of the dance routine down.

“Good work everybody, you all did great” Jinyoung said happily “Tomorrow at 10 we have another run through, and Sandeul, Baro, don’t be late!”

“Fine” they groaned in unison, as they put on fresh clothes, and left for the dorm.


Jinyoung and CNU set off first, Gongchan trailing behined them, as they stared towards the dorms. Sandeul was just about to follow, when Baro called him to wait while he tied his shoelaces. They never caught up to the others, and just walked I the dark together, a comfortable silence surrounding them. As Sandeul was about to reach for the door handle, Baro grabbed his arm and spun him around.


“Baro…I..” but was cut off by a pair of warm lips on his own. He felt his eyes softly shut, and the world slow down. They stayed like this for what seemed like forever. Finally, they broke apart.

Baro had his head down. His face was red as a tomato and he just sat there, not letting go of Sandeul’s arm.

“I-wha-Baro?” Sandeul breathed, trying to look into Baro’s face for an explanation.

He paused for an eternity.

“I like you Sandeul” Baro stated. His face dead set and serious, knowing there was no going back.

Sandeul could have died at that moment. His heart was beating fast.

“I like you too” Sandeul almost yelled, before tackling Baro in a bear hug so he could hide his glowing face.


They stayed like this for a while, before deciding that maybe, it’s the imperfections that make it all worthwhile.


Thats it guys! sorry i took a while posting this~ 

and also sorry if its short TTTT I can;t write long fics to save my life! I'm working on a B1A4/VIXX crossover fic at the moment so anticipate it ^^

Thanks for reading~

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Chapter 3: Aigoooo this was so sweet and fuzzy cuteeee! (/>v<)/
The ending was a bit short, but it was cute anysways, thanks! ^^
BaDeulcutie #2
Chapter 3: I will wait another badeul ;)
Mrducky #3
Chapter 3: Awwwww~~~ its so cute!!!
BaDeulcutie #4
Chapter 2: I love this fluffy story !!! Update sooon ♥♥
nyungnyung #5
Chapter 2: Supa cuteeee *die*
i love it so much x3
Mrducky #6
Chapter 1: AWWW~~ Sandeuls so cute here!!!!~ i lub how he blushes!! ITS SO ADORABLE!!