You've Fallen For Me...Again (Season 2)

A/N: I'm so sorry for the late update :(

Lee Shin had gone looking for the theater girl and now roamed the streets deep in thought. Was it true all she said? If so, he should rush to talk to Lee Kyu Won.
Suddenly, he realized he was standing outside the apartment building where the young director lived. He was actually surprised for he walked all the way unconsciously.
He looked up at the windows, not knowing exactly which was her apartment. He tried to imagine her inside and then turned to leave.
- What are you doing here?
The young man jumped up when he faced her. Kyu Won was coming back home when she saw him at the door and now they were face to face, alone.
- Kyu Won...
- Lee Kyu Won. - Said the girl. - To you I'm Lee Kyu Won.
The guitarist looked at her in awe and then remembered Ki Young.
- For me you are Lee Kyu Won and to Hyung Ki Young you're just Kyu Won? - He asked annoyed.
For her, the question had no sense whatsoever, but for him it was extremely important.
- My relationship with Ki Young oppa is not of your concern. - She said with a frown. - In fact, anything that is related to me, is not your concern.
The guitarist got even more pissed to listen to her statements.
- You're wrong. - He said returning the gesture.
She twisted her eyes indicating her displeasure with the last comment. Then she began to walk towards the door trying to pass him by without any physical contact with him.
However, when trying to avoid him, she tripped over her skirt and was going straight to the floor when he put his own body in front of her, falling both to the floor.
She immediately heard a strange sound and a moan from the guitarist, who was holding his left wrist tightly.
- Lee Shin! - She exclaimed, remembering that incident a few years ago.
She quickly took his wrist to examine it, but realizing her reaction she immediately released him.
Now they were looking into each other's eyes. Time stopped in that moment, lost in the eyes of the other and in close proximity to their lips. Their breaths even mixed bringing their mouths memories of their love.
Lee Shin started to approach slowly to catch her ​​lips in his.
- Stop. - She whispered just before rubbing.
Kyu Won rose hastily, her face reddened by the scene. Before Shin could do the same, she ran to the door.
- Is your hand fine? - She asked still worried.
He stood up and nodded.
She sighed and disappeared inside the building.
Lee Shin left a few minutes later, thinking a lot about what had just happened. If he had managed to make her act in that way, it was possible that she still loved him. Then what was really happening with Hyun Ki Young?




The next evening, Lee Kyu Won went to dinner with the actor, as he wanted to talk to her alone... again.
She did not seem very lively, but had accepted the invitation trying to clear her mind about the acts ocurred the night before.
Ki Young encouraged her by telling her that she had advanced too much in that whole month and that Shin should not be let into her life again. She could not agree any less, but just could not control her heart. Just thinking about that possible kiss made her heart quickly accelerate.
However, she didn't say anything about it to the young man, she knew that he would be capable of punching the guitarist the next time they met.
- Let's change subject, please. - She asked him.
- Okay. - He accepted without further ado. - Have you seen the news lately?
- News? - She asked puzzled by the question. - What about them?
- Well, our presentation is being mentioned a lot already. - Replied the actor. - Especially in entertainment channels.
- Really? - Asked the girl, happy. - What do they say?
- They look forward to opening day. - He continued. - They are very curious about our work. They want to see how much of our culture is immersed in the play.
She was happy and proud to represent their country in the most famous theater district in the world. Definitely this news served as encouragement to continue working hard.
- And Kyu Won. - He called. - You must prepare.
- What for? - She asked with one of her typical confused expressions.
- U.S. media will for sure be coming soon to you for interviews.
Knowing this made her more anxious, but also more pleased.
Both were so deep in conversation, they didn't even realized that someone was watching at them intently.
Later on, they left the restaurant and walked to the director's department. Upon arrival, the young man held her tightly, making her blush.
- Oppa. - She said breaking the hug.
- Did you enjoy dinner? - He asked her, smiling widely.
She nodded and he took her hand.
- I hope we can have another date soon. - Continued the young man.
Kyu Won's eyes widened in surprise at the comment.
- Oppa. - She called again. - What are you talking about?
The young man kissed her hand just like the other night.
- Kyu Won... you know I love you.
She worried even more after such blunt confession.
- Ki Young!
Ignoring her exclamation, the young man got slowly closer to her face, to her lips.
The situation immediately brought to her mind the face of Lee Shin, coming closer to hers.
- No ... - She said placing her hands on his chest to stop him. - I can not.

Please comment and I'll update soon! See ya'!

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alfinina #1
Chapter 5: Love the story. Update pleaaaaaaaaaaase... ^.^
Lramos70 #2
Chapter 5: Still waiting for the continuation of this story, please update soon, I want to know what's going to happen...
demonicangel226 #3
Chapter 5: oh please update! I'm dying to see these two fix their problems!
Chapter 5: Is that all??
keina1 #5
Chapter 5: Nice story... But, why is there another girl "Samantha" who like Lee Shin?? And Hyun Ki Young?!! They must be made another way to make Dooley couple get into misunderstanding again... Please update soon.. Yongshin figthing!! ^_^ Thank you
aienne2587 #6
Chapter 5: Finally an update!thanks author! Aishh! I got carried away with your story..this is the dark period of lee shin and shin hye's journey of their relationship..probably towards the happiest ending ever! <3
Chapter 5: What will happen next ?!. I hope Dooley will meet.:)
diehard_yongshin #8
Chapter 5: update soon dooley fighting!!
ananda23 #9
Chapter 5: Kya i'm very curious author! Update soon~
aienne2587 #10
Chapter 4: My heart cries for lee shin..i was deeply touched by the story. .