Caught...? Almost?

Why Me?

"Jongup!!" Yongguk immediately shouted when we walked in the door.

He lept at Jongup and started messing uo his hair. I laughed as Yongguk hit Jongup's head multiple times.

"Ahh I'm sorry Hyunggg! But at least I wasn't the one going through her underwear drawer..." Jongup said defensively.
Yongguk stopped hiting Jongup, and Jongup used that time to run away.
"HIMCHANNNN." Yongguk yelled and ran to go find Himchan. "YOU BETTER NOT BE IN MIYOUNG'S ROOM."

Laughing, I kicked off my shoes and dropped my bag. In 30 seconds, they had made me forget all about my horrible day. Of course, they had been doing that way longer than they thought. Whenever I had a bad day, I would always listen to their songs, and instantly feel better.

"YAH. DAEHYUN. WHAT'RE YOU DOING TO ZELO??" I nearly screamed when I walked into my room.

Daehyun had Zelo on the floor, and was holding his hands. He stopped hitting Zelo with my brush and looked at me.

"Ah! Miyoung-ie is back!" Daehyun got off of Zelo and ran towards me.
"Noonaaaaaaa." Zelo wailed and rushed into my arms. It felt strange comforting someone so tall.
"What's wrong Zelo?"
"Daehyun Hyung was being meannn."
"I noticed," I laughed. "Why?"
"HE ATE MY CHEESECAKE." Daehyun accused, pointing at him.
"YOUR cheesecake? You mean the cheesecake in the fridge?" I raised an eyebrow.
Zelo nodded shamefully. "I'm sorry Noona...I got hungry, and Yongguk Hyung was too busy chasing around Himchan Hyung, and Daehyun, Youngjae and Jongup weren't paying attention to me..." Zelo sniffed.
I reached up as high as I could to pat Zelo's head. "It's alright...I wasn't saving it or anything anyways. You guys can just take whatever you like from the fridge."
"REALLY???" Daehyun exclaimed.

I paused, realizing the huge mistake I had just made. But I shrugged it off. It's not like money was a big problem for me anyways.

"Anyways, are you guys hungry? Do you want dinner?"
"Yes please." Daehyun nodded.
"Not you." I sighed.
"What?? Why not?? I matter too." He pouted cutely.
"Yeah, but you're always hungry..."

Zelo laughed. "It's true Hyung. But I'm kind of hungry...Daehyun did tackle me and eat the rest of the cheescake when he saw me."

Daehyun looked away and walked away grinning.

"Wait. Then why was he hitting you?"
"I tried to take it back." Zelo cried.
I laughed hysterically. "You should've known better than to try to take cheesecake from Jung Daehyun."


"Food is ready~" I called, trying to balance all the dishes on my arms and carry them to the table.
"Here." Youngjae came out of no where and took nearly all of them, leaving me with one in each hand.
"Ah - thank you." I blushed. "How long am I going to blush everytime I interact with Youngjae?" I thought to myself.
"Hey Noona. I have a question." Zelo mumbled with his mouth full of food.
"What do other people see when they see us? Like, they see you make the food. But what happens when I put it in my mouth?" He ate another spoonful as a demonstration.
"I....I don't really know Zelo." I blinked.
"Does the food disappear? And what about clothes? Do they see floating clothes?" He looked down at his shirt.

I blinked a couple times, considering it.

"I-I really don't know. I guess I can see you guys perfectly fine, and no one else is going to see maybe we'll never know."
"Yah. Miyoung-ah. Are you here?" A voice called from my front door.

Everyone froze. No one had time to move before Minho walked into the living room.

"M-Minho!" I squeaked. "A-a-ah. W-what are you doing here???"
"I just came to check on you-"
"Weren't you sick??" I just remembered.
He nodded, "But I ahh...I read an article online...." He gave me a look of concern, and I understood what he meant.
"O-oh. Nono I'm fine! Really." I gave him a smile to prove it.

Minho gave me a long, hard look. Then he nodded. He walked over and gave me a hug. Noticing all the dishes on the table, he paused.

"Do you have company over?" He tilted his head.
"EHH? Uhm, no...I just...I was just hungry today...." I glanced over at everyone else, who were sitting on the couch, staring wide eyed at Minho. Zelo was even backing away slowly.
"So you needed 7 plates of food...?" He stared at me suspiciously.
"I-uhm...I'm depressed okay?? Gosh..." I tried to make an excuse.
Minho sighed. "Well eating yourself sick isn't going to you want me to stay over for a while?"
"No!" I shouted in unision with Yongguk, Zelo and Youngjae.
"Wow you don't want me here that much?" He sniffed and grinned.
"I-I just want to be alone for a while..." I bit my lip.

Minho's face softened, and he nodded. He went to give me another hug, and when doing so, his hand brushed past Himchan's shoulder. I let out a little yelp. It didn't so much brush past, as it did go through.

After Minho left, we all sat there, not moving for a while. Himchan touched his shoulder, rubbing it slightly.

"Well uhm...." I wasn't really sure what to say. Youngjae ruffled his hair awkwardly.

"I'm not really sure what to do now...." I mumbled.
"Get seconds." Daehyun smiled with his cheeks full of food.

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Chapter 8: I liked it~~~ its so cute and its fine just focus on your studies!
Chapter 8: Gah I have exams too!!!
Good luck with yours! ♥

Take your time updaing ;)
School is important ;)
Chapter 7: I Love This Story So Much!! Haha I'd Expect It From You~^~^~
NeeCeeDee #4
Chapter 7: I'm so glad that I found this story! It's good! I like the plot and you're a good writer! I can't wait for the next chapter! Update soon! :D
Chapter 6: So they're kinda ghosts that only she can see, right?
And that part at night, omg sleeping next to Zelo~~ ♥
YYSdyno #6
Chapter 2: Hahahahahhahahahaha ! I cannot help but laugh !!! Haha ; " zwlo. If you dont shut up. I will kill you. Again."