
Everyone has secrets...

No one's POV: 

The next day, Sehun was up bright and early with a grin plastered on his face. Today wasn't just any other normal day, today was the one year anniversary since he and Luhan got together. Making sure the other was still sleeping, he slowly got out of bed and quickly got dressed. Once he was dressed, he slowly wondered over to Luhan's bed and gently shook said boy to wake up 
"Five more minutes" Luhan muttered, turning over and leaving Sehun there to pout 
"But today is a special day" he whined 
"I said five more minutes" Luhan whined back whilst Sehun stood there, arms crossed with a very visible pout on his lips 
"Luhan" he said but the boy didn't wake. 

"Luhan" he said again this time, slightly louder
"Sehun it's 6:30 in the morning what do you want?" Luhan asked whilst Sehun's eyes widened
"You don't know what day it is?" he half asked half shouted whilst Luhan laid there smiling 
"Well?" Sehun asked and his eyes widened a little when Luhan wrapped his arm around his waist and pulled him down 
"Of course I know what day it is, but it's to early to celebrate yet" Luhan replied
"Well then how much  longer do I have to wait?" Sehun asked to which Luhan sighed
"Five. more. minutes"... 


"Ready now?" Sehun asked when Luhan finally wondered out of the bathroom, dressed and ready to go 
"Get your coat on then" he replied, making Sehun frown
"Where are we going?" he asked 
"Out" Luhan replied, chucking a coat over to Sehun 
"But it's 7:30 in the morning" Sehun said whilst Luhan glared at him 
"Says the boy who woke me up at 6:30" he replied, slipping his coat on and pulling Sehun out of their dorm and down the hall to start the plan that Kyungsoo and Yixing had organised the day before... 


"You alright?" Kris asked as Tao jumped a little and turned to face him 
"Y-yeah, just daydreaming" he replied whilst Kris frowned 
"Are you sure? You've been jumpy since last night" he asked and Tao frowned
"Have I? I didn't think I was" he replied, there was no way he was going to tell Kris that someone rang him up and threatened him... the boy would flip! Before Kris could say anything else, there was a knock at the door and Tao was quick to answer it before Kris could do anything. 

"Ah you're awake" Kyungsoo said happily when Tao opened the door 
"My aunt dropped in some vouchers for half price at some stores. One of them is Gucci and seeing as Jongin doesn't like shopping... want to come?" he asked and Tao's eyes widened as he turned to Kris 
"Can I, can I, can I?" he asked whilst Kris laughed a little before nodding 
"Knock yourself out" he replied and Tao quickly grabbed some of his stuff before running out the hall and dragging Kyungsoo with him.


"Here you go" Luhan said as he handed Sehun his bubble tea and the two exited the shop, only to have the cold breeze hit them and they started to shiver 
"Is that Kyungsoo over there with Tao?" Sehun asked, pointing over the road to see Tao dragging Kyungsoo into a Gucci shop 
"Poor boy, he has no idea what he's just got himself into" Luhan replied, making Sehun laugh before he took Luhan's hand and led him down the road. 
"Where are we going?" Luhan asked 
"You'll see in the minute" Sehun replied, making Luhan frown. He was the one who had everything planned out today so why was Sehun taking him somewhere instead of vice versa?

"You know I should really be the one who takes you to places" he said but Sehun shook his head
"You've treated me enough and took care of me when I was at my lowest, today I'm treating you" Sehun replied and Luhan's eyes widened... this was not how today was suppose to go 
"But-" he began 
"No but's mister" Sehun interrupted and Luhan had no choice but to comply 
"Fine... but just before we head back to school, you have to come with me"  he said and Sehun paused to think 
"Deal" he replied and continued to lead Luhan to wherever he planned to go. 

A few minutes later and Luhan finally felt Sehun slow down before finally stopping 
"We're here" he said and when Luhan looked out, frowned 

"Myeongdong?" he asked and Sehun nodded his head 
"I know you like to come here shopping, so today I thought we could do nothing but shop and if you want anything tell me and I'll buy it" he replied 
"You don't have to do that" Luhan said softly but again Sehun shook his head
"Like I said, you've taken care of me and done so much for me so this is my thank you" he replied and took Luhan into the first shop he saw. 


After almost spending the whole day shopping... and Sehun blowing almost all of his money against Luhan's wishes... the two were finally finished with Myeongdong and whilst Sehun wanted to go back to his dorm and have an early night, he had also promised Luhan and followed him into the park 
"Why are we here?" Sehun asked and Luhan smiled 
"Sit down here and I'll be back in a second" he replied and whilst Sehun sat down confused, Luhan walked towards the entrance and met Yixing who was standing there with a picnic he and Kyungsoo had made before Kyungsoo had set of with Tao this morning. 

"Good day?" he asked as he handed the basket over
"Brilliant" Luhan replied smiling 
"Oh yeah, have you heard from Tao or Kyungsoo at all today?" Yixing asked 
"No... why?"
"Nobody's heard from them since lunch" Yixing replied and the two of them stood there frowning before Yixing nudged Luhan 
"Go get back to him then" he said and Luhan nodded before making his way back to Sehun 
"Picnic?" he asked and Sehun smiled when he saw the basket. 


"Today has been brilliant" Sehun said as he and Luhan laid on the grass 
"It has" Luhan replied smiling as his front and leant down to kiss Sehun 
"Happy anniversary" he whispered and Sehun smiled before he pulled him in for another kiss, the stars of the night there watching over them... 

Yeah the last part was fluffy... so fluffy... I'm sorry! 

Anyway, what do you think has happened to Tao and Kyungsoo? 
Are they alright? 
Until the next chapter!!

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fangrlxbecky19 #1
I really liked the Joonmyun plot in this story! Sulay was my favorite relationship in this story. This story was really good ;)
Chapter 54: Omgg who is it?! This was a great story I can't wait to continue!
Chapter 55: This is really good(:
Omg now I get it! The way the other story ended...didnt know this was a continuation xD omg so sorry
JinWoo #5
Chapter 54: Ooooooh pleaseeeee
shineetrixie19 #6
exogreenhulahoop #7
Chapter 54: who the hell ia that..(curious to death)
exogreenhulahoop #8
Chapter 53: i'm curious about one thing..
why did use they instead of him/he
i think that there's only one person who met xiumin on the door and you should write he said or he replied..because they is plural