


It was like any ordinary day for Taemin. Go to practice dance his off and then go fawn over the ist man to ever exist. That man is Kim Heechul. Taemin has had a crush on Heechul ever since he became a trainee. Of course when he was younger it was just admiration and respect towards the rapper but as soon as Taemin hit puberty he knew how he felt about Heechul and knew that it wasn't just a brotherly love feeling. Taemin knew he had to keep his lust for his hyung a secret because even though Heechul did alot of fan service he definitely couldn't be gay. As Taemin was on his way to go watch Heechul practice like he did every day he over heard someone talking in hushed tones so he decided to listen in. You never know it could have something to do with Shinee or him.


"Yes he has decided that he is ready to enlist," Taemin over heard Leeteuk saying. Taemin knew they must be talking about a Super Junior member but who? It couldn't be Heechul could it? Taemin knew Heechul was getting older and would have to enlist soon but he didn't know it would be so soon.


"I'll miss Heechul Hyung so much we should definitely throw him a going away party," Taemin's heart sank into his stomach and he felt like he couldn't breath. Heechul was leaving for the army. The man he has admired from a distance all these years he wont even be able to say hello to for two whole years. Without Taemin even knowing his legs started to lead him to somewhere and not until he was standing in front of the practice room door did he realize he came to see him. Taemin knew he didn't have a chance but at the least he could talk to the man once to fill the void he will soon be feeling. Taemin slowly opened the door to seen Heechul scribbling down what looked like song lyrics.


"Heechul Hyung?" Taemin asked reluctantly as he entered the small studio room. Heechul turned around instantly putting a smile on his face. Taemin didn't know this but Heechul always had a soft spot for the kid and liked to occasionally watch him as he dancing around the clouded dance room. Heechul for sometime wanted to express to the younger that he was absolutely amazed by him. But of course Taemin wasn't gay and even if he was dating inside the company a big no-no.


"Hey Taemin, How are you?" Heechul asked with the best fake smile he could muster up. He was leaving soon so it would probably be a good idea to start forgetting about the younger as soon as possible and concentrate on his military service.


"I'm okay I guess but u-umm," Taemin tryed saying anything , anything at all but there was a lump starting to form in his throat and he was ready to break down into tears any second now.


"What is it Taemin-ah?" Heechul asked with full concern as he staired at the shaking boy before him.


"I-I heard y-you were leaving," Taemin said as clearly as he good with out shedding a tear. "F-for the military s-soon." Heechul was surprised to hear the younger knew of his departure. He was also very in shock about they way Taemin was acting he always awed at Taemin from far away they never had a really close relationship.


"Taemin come and sit down," Heechul patted the spot next to him on the little couch. Taemin instantly without hesitation sat directly in the seat Heechul pointed to. "Yes, I have decide it's time for me to carry out my military duty."


"Oh," was all Taemin respone with. So it was true the guy Taemin has always wanted to call his is now leaving and he never got the chance to even really developed a friendship with him. A single tear streamed down the youngers face and before he knew it he was being embraced by no other then that man. He couldn't control it anymore all of his emotions released themselves as he cuddled closer to the other.


"Shh don't worry Taemin it's only two years I'll be back in no time," Heechul consoled him the best he could as he was trying to grasp the fact that Taemin was actually in his arms.


"B-b-but I-I never even got to be your friend h-hyung." Taemin stuttered through sobs. Heechul then realized before he had to leave he would spend as much time with the boy as possible even if it was only friendship Taemin wanted.


"Well I won't be leaving for a couple more days. What do you say we become best friends hmm?" Heechul felt like he was back in kindergarten again asking such silly questions but if it comforted the younger he would do anything to make him happy again.


"O-okay," Taemin said as crying finally started to settle down. Taemin never wanted to leave this position. His body fit so well next to Heechul's as if they were ment to be like this. Heechul finally decided he better release the other otherwise he might want to stay like that forever and that could be dangerous.


"Taemin?" Heechul questioned. Taemin reluctantly looked up waiting for Heechul to continue. " Lets go back to my place and spend today together just you and me." Taemin eagerly nodded with a timid smile. Heechul grabbed Taemin's wrist and lead them out to his place.


They arrived at Heechul's apartment fairly quickly it was only about 10 minutes away from the company building. Taemin was now patiently sitting on the couch while Heechul got something from the kitchen. He soon came back with two bottles in his hands that Taemin knew all to well what they were. Taemin fairly recently became of drinking age and the boys of Shinee decided to get him completely drunk and after that Taemin vowed to never drink a drop of alcohol again. Well that was until he was sitting here and it was Heechul the one offering it to him.


"You can drink right Taemin?" Heechul asked. If him and Taemin were going to be friends Heechul thought it would be a good idea to loosen up a little first. Without thinking Taemin nodded and Heechul filled up his shot glass. " To friends," Heechul said as he raised his glass for a toast.


"To friends," Taemin agreed throwing back the shot all in one go. Taemin could already feel the alcohol coursing through his system and he knew that tonight would be a long one.



About two hours and several shots later Taemin was positively drunk and Heechul was starting to feel the effects himself. Heechul was really glad though that he got Taemin completely wasted it really turned the boy talkative. He informed Heechul all about his family and practically his hole life in those two little hours and Heechul couldn't be happier to just sit there and listen to Taemin's drunken stories.


"And the reason I decided to audition for the company...well actually I think that reason was you hyung," Taemin revealed. Heechul sat there in disbelief. Why on earth would Taemin join the company for him. "I saw you being interviewed once on TV, and I don't know ever since I first saw you I wanted to be closer to you." Taemin confessed. " Actually hyung I know this might sound bad but I think I kind of love you." Heechul's head was spinning was Taemin confessing to him? Heechul didn't know how to respond but it seems like he didn't have to as Taemin swung his leg over his lap and was now straddling him. " I love you Heechul." Taemin repeated as he leaned cautiously into Heechul. They're lips soon connected, They both instantly melted into the kiss. It was the most amazing thing both of them have felt in they're whole life. Heechul nervously bit down on the younger's bottom lip asking for entrance which was easily granted. They soon were in a battle of teeth and tongue as they explored every centimeter of each other. Heechul wanted Taemin so much but he knew better. Taemin had consumed alot of shots and was obviously a light weight he probably had no idea what he was saying or doing. Heechul had to stop this before it got any farther so he sadly released his lips from Taemin which now had a slight pout upon them.


"Taemin we are both not in our right minds I don't want to do something you will regret," Heechul stated and felt absolutely terrible because the younger looked like he was about to cry again. "It's not that I don't want to, because I do it's just I have to leave soon and having to leave you is going to be so much more difficult."


"It's fine, I understand," Taemin mumbled as he moved his way back over to his previous spot on the couch. " I should get going."  Taemin stumbled his way over the entrance and slamed the door shut on his way out. Heechul ed up big time. The one person he loved the most he just let slip away and now it was too late he was going to be leaving and would probably never get another opportunity to speak to the younger for two straight years.



It has been 4 weeks since the drunken confession. Taemin and Heechul haven't talked to each other and frankly it would be way to awkward to even try to start a conversation. Taemin was now sitting lazily in his bed watching a re-run of some running man episode when Minho came in.


"Taemin you know Heechul is leaving today," Minho stated. Taemin just rolled his eyes and continued to stare blankly at the TV set. "Taemin im your best friend im not stupid I know you love the guy," Now that caught Taemin's attention he never told anyone that he liked Heechul let alone that he was gay."You didn't think I know? Well you his name when your in the shower is a pretty dead give away Tae." Taemin was now red from embarrassment he didn't think he was that loud.


"Well it doesn't matter anyways he doesn't care and neither do I," Taemin responded clearly not fooling Minho in the least bit.


"Your a terrible liar now get up lets go get banana milk," Minho lied but the younger didn't need to know where he was really going to take him. Taemin got up immediately, He could never pass up free banana milk.


The next thing Taemin knew he was standing outside Heechul's apartment complex deserted by Minho who told him to call him when his problems were settled. Well crap what am I suppose to do now Taemin thought. Taemin took a seat on a little bench just outside the complex and started to recall all the event from that night. As Taemin sat there he realized Heechul was only looking out for him and he probably thought that Taemin said those thing just because he was drunk. Which he did but he did truly mean them. He had to go and explain to Heechul again his feeling before it was too late. Taemin rushed up the stairs of Heechul's building to impatient to wait for the elevator and rapidly knocked on the door waiting for the beautiful man on the other side to answer. 


"Hello," Heechul answered the door looking very different with his hair now buzzed short for his service time.


"Heechul....I..Need..To..Talk..To..You..." Taemin stammered between breaths now thinking it would of been a better idea to take the elevator. Heechul stood blankly waiting for Taemin to continue with his important statement. "That night..I..I really do love you Heechul," Taemin was suddenly pulled into a suffocating hug and whispered the sentence he wanted to hear from this man his whole life.


"I love you too Taemin." Heechul notified the younger not ever wanting to let go. Taemin and Heechul cuddled up next to each other on the couch and decided to just talk normal about everyday things trying to keep they're minds off what they both knew was inevitable. But it was soon time that they would have to be separated the inevitable has come.


"I have to go now," Heechul said as he grabbed his duffle bag. "I will call when ever I get the chance so you better answer," Heechul demanded as he pulled Taemin in for a sweet peck on the lips.


"And I will write you every week so you better write back ya got that," Taemin responded with a giggle. Surprisingly he wasn't crying but he was actually happy even though he wont be able to see Heechul he was his and no one could change that.


"I will love, wait for me?" Heechul asked with a sincere smile.


"Of course I will always wait for you hyung." Taemin answered giving him one last kiss.

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luna-15 #1
Chapter 1: adorable.. i really liked it... i ship them so hard
Chapter 1: heetae so cute...
love ur story!!