Chapter 9: Expectations of the Unexpected Part 2

Our Time Together

This is Chapter 9 PART 2, NOT Chapter 11.



“Dad..”, was all Alissa could say. She turned around to see if Show had heard of what she just said and to her prediction, he has a worried expression on his face. “Why did you call, Dad?”


When Show heard Alissa say “Dad” on her phone, he immediately knew something was wrong with her voice. He looked at her turning around; she looked angry and sad. He wanted to comfort her but how? How when she’s talking to her dad on the phone?

“Why did you call, Dad?” says Alissa. She looks like she’s about to cry, thought Show. What can he do to comfort her at a time like this? He goes toward her and before he could touch her, she screams. “NO DAD! YOU’RE WRONG! YOU’RE NOT MY FATHER! YOU’RE NOT OUR FATHER!!” Alissa cries echos in the room as she hangs up on the phone and sits on her bed.

“Hey”, says Show as he sits besides her on her bed. “You alright?” As soon as he said that, Alissa starts crying and he hugs her, which makes her cry more. They stay like that until Alissa falls asleep and he puts her under the bed covers. “Silly girl”, says Show as he smiles at her and leaves the room, closing the door on the way out.


“Show? Is that you?” says Alissa as she walks through a black hallway with very little light. She hears laughter from her right and she turns to see who it is but sees nothing.

“Show?” Alissa keeps going through the hallways hoping to find him. A figure is standing at the end of it with his back facing her and she goes over to him. “Show, why were you hiding here? I was looking for you everywhere”, says Alissa as she stands behind him but he doesn’t respond. “Show?” Alissa taps his shoulder but a sinister laugh comes from him.

“You really think he was going to be here?” says the man as he turns around to face Alissa. Her face goes blank as she sees HIM. The person she hates. The who left her in disgrace, her FATHER.

“You’re not Show’, says Alissa backing away slightly. “Where is he?”

“Did you really think I was going to let him be here?” says her dad. “Your boyfriend”, her dad points to Show behind him, who is on the ground, bleeding.

“Show!” gasps Alissa as she looks at the lifeless body of Show and looks at her father. “You bastard! What did you do to him?”

“Oh nothing…just made him suffer till he died”, says her father. Tears were in Alissa’s eyes now. “Why are you crying? He’s gone. Just like everyone will be around you. Even your sisters”, threatens her dad as he laughs.

“NOOOOOOOOO!!!!” Alissa yells as she wakens from a devastating nightmare, sweating. Suddenly, Show burst open the door and as soon as she sees him, she starts crying. He runs towards her and hugs her.

“What’s wrong?” asks Show as he hugs her tightly. “Nightmare?”

“I dreamt that…my dad killed you and he was…going to kill everyone around me”, cries Alissa against his chest.

“Shh…I’m here. I’m here now”, says Show as he calms her down by rocking back and forth.


After a good hour, Alissa calms down as Show tucks her in bed. But as he’s about to leave, she grabs his arm. “Don’t leave me”, says Alissa, tears in her eyes again. How can I leave her in this situation? She looks scared, very scared, thinks Show. “Please, Show”, Alissa cries.

“Ok. I won’t leave”, says Show as he gets under the bed covers with her. “I won’t ever leave you”, he kisses her forehead and hugs her tightly. Not a minute later, they both fall asleep in each other arms.


The next morning, Alissa wakes up to the sound of her phone ringing.  When she finally grabs it from her study table, she flips it open. “Hello?” says Alissa.

“Lisa. Where have you been? I’ve been calling your phone for the past hour”, says Jane’s worried voice on the other line.

“Oh, sorry Jane”, says Alissa as she rubs her eye with her left hand. “I just woke up”.

“Oh. I thought you were with Show”, says Jane. Hearing his name, she turns around and looks at her bed, hoping to see Show but he’s nowhere to be seen.

“Yeah. I thought he was, too”, says Alissa as she opens her room door, hoping to see Show again in the living room but still no sign of him. She suddenly hears humming coming from the kitchen. “Jane. I’ll call you later”, she hangs and puts her phone on one of the table and follows his humming to the kitchen. As she reaches the kitchen, she makes sure she doesn’t make any noise to let him know that she’s there. She stands there, watching him making breakfast and humming. He flips something in the pan but misses it and swears which makes Alissa snicker. He turns around and looks at her. “Sorry”, smiles Alissa.

“You’re awake. Had a good night sleep?” says Show as he gets back to cooking.

“Yeah, I did”, says Alissa as she walks over to him. As he moves to grabs something, she suddenly hugs him from the back. “Thank you”.


As Show went to grab something, he suddenly feels two arms around him and he smiles. He turns around to face Alissa who had her head down and was crying.

“Hey”, says Show as he puts his hands on her cheeks and makes her look at him. “Why are you crying again?” He wipes her tears with his thumbs.

“I don’t know…just wanted to cry again”, sniffs Alissa.

“Silly”, smiles Show as he hugs her. “Like I said last night, no matter what happens, I’m not leaving you”. I really am not going to leave your side ever again, thinks Show. Last night, he had decided that he would not leave her side because he didn’t want to see the person he loves the most get hurt. He lets go of the hug and wipes her tears again.

“Alright. Stop crying and go sit down”, says Show as he gets the food from the stove and puts it front of Alissa as she takes a seat.


“Wow”, says Alissa as she looks at the pancakes in front of her. “You made these?”

“Yeah. I struggled a bit but I think I made them right”, says Show as he takes a seat beside her. He waits till she takes a bite of the pancake and looks for a reaction. “How is it?” She suddenly makes a puking sound, which worries him. “Spit it out!!” yells Show but the next thing he hears is laughter coming from Alissa.

“Oh you should’ve seen your face”, says Alissa, still laughing.

“That’s not funny, Lisa”, says Show, a little angry.

“Awww. I’m sorry”, Alissa gives him a kiss on the cheek. “It really is good”, she smiles at him as she jabs her fork into a piece of pancake and points it at him. “Say ahhh”, Show opens his mouth and eats the piece, which makes his face, light up.

“See? I told you it’s good”, Alissa goes back to eating.

The two of them finish eating their breakfast and get ready for the day. Show comes out wearing white tank top with blue jeans and black shoes and he sits on the couch as he waits for Alissa to come out. Not a minute later, Alissa comes out wearing a white dress, which went up to her calfs, with a blue cardigan and blue sandals.

“Ready to go?” asks Alissa as she grabs her bag.

“Yeah. Let’s go”, as soon as Show takes a glance at her, he stares at awe.

Alissa feels his eyes on her and turns around to look at him. “What? I have something on me?”

“No”, smiles Show. “I was just thinking how pretty you look”.

After staring at Show for a few seconds, Alissa snorts. “Oh you really know how to sweet talk to girls.”

“Not just any girl”, Show side hugs her.

“Sure. If you say so”, smiles Alissa as she takes his hand. “Let’s go!”


Late afternoon, Show finishes with dance practice and as he gets out of Dance Soul studio, a boy wearing yellow shirt and blue shorts with sneakers bumps into him.

“Hey little guy”, kneeling down for the boy so Show could talk to him. “Where did you come from? Where’s your mommy?” The little boy turns around as if his mother was coming for him.

To Show’s surprise, a familiar figure came into view. “Victoria?” whispers Show to himself. What is she doing here? thought Show.

“Tony!!” yelling at the boy, Victoria comes running at him. “What did I tell you about not wandering off unless I’m with you? Huh?” She looks up at Show. “Oh….sorry. I thought you were someone else”.

“Victoria…”, was all Show could say right now. Wait….no way! thought Show as he looks at the kid down below. “It’s okay. It happens. But next time, be careful. You don’t want your kid to go missing”.

“You’re still the same”, smiling Victoria as he takes Tony’s tiny hand in hers. “Well, I have to go”.

“Alright. Stay safe”, smiles Show as Victoria takes off with Tony. I was worrying over nothing, thought Show.


Victoria gives the little boy to it’s rightful owner and a average-height guy wearing big square glasses with a camera in his hand comes up to her. She digs in her purse and gets out a load of money and gives it to the guy with the camera. “Now get those pictures in tomorrow’s newspaper”, says Victoria. Now Mr. Luo. Let’s see how you handle this, smirks Victoria.


The next day, Show is getting ready for the day when suddenly he hears his name called or was it yelling? He goes out of his room to find Xiao Shuang standing in his living room.

“Oh it’s you. Why are you yelling?” asked Show, looking rather confused. Xiao Shuang slams the newspaper that she has in her hand, on the table in front of him.

“What is the meaning of this?!” yells Xiao Shuang angrily. “Is it true?”

“Is what true?” asks Show, now really confused as he picks up the newspaper and reads the headlines, that has a picture of him Victoria with Tony. It says: “Asia Dancing King, Show Luo meeting with a woman and a kid. Is this his true identity, meeting with his girlfriend and his son? Is this what Asia Dancing King is all about?”

“What the..?!?! This isn’t true!!” slightly yells Show. “You’ve known me long enough that I wouldn’t do such a thing!!”

“I know but she’s your ex-girlfriend. You guys had a past”, says Xiao Shuang. “Now what do you want to do?”

“!” Show throws the newspaper on the table. “This is all Victoria’s doing for getting back at me”. All of a sudden, reality hits him and his eyes go wide. “What if….what if Alissa finds out?!”

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I saw your poll about your fanfic. I subscribe!!!