Do You Believe Me?

It's a DIARY! I was TEMPTED!

"Baby, can we talk?" Nichkhun asked as he re-entered the room. He took a seat on the couch and clasped both his hands together. His face was masked with a serious expression. Wooyoung stared at him worriedly. He got out of bed and sat down on the couch next to Nichkhun.


"What's wrong, hyung?"


"Do you believe me?" The question startled the younger boy.


"What do you mean?" The younger boy asked. "You know I do. I've known you for years."


Nichkhun took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a second. He was embracing for whatever was about to happen. "Woo....Vic's pregnant." It caused the other to gasp sharply. Nichkhun turned to his dongsaeng and watched the multitude of expressions being displayed on Wooyoung's face at the moment. There was surprise and a hint of pain. And then there was only a frown, while his eyes began tearing up. Wooyoung had the habit of biting his lips whenever he was extremely upset. He was biting them really hard right then.


"...What?" Wooyoung started to panic, losing control of his breathing speed. Why must this happen now? Oh God.


"I'm sorry..." Nichkhun wanted to pull his hair out and scream it's not mine! but he didn't want to put a bad name on Victoria. She trusted him. That was what their marriage was based on. He couldn't bear to look at his lover at the moment, but he managed a glance and noticed that Wooyoung was clutching his chest. Unable to see him in pain, Nichkhun stood up, told him to go back to bed and then rang for the doctor. "I'm sorry for doing this to you Wooyoung. I hope you get better soon. I need to be there for Victoria when she arrives." Here, he actually turned to Wooyoung and continued, "Please...just believe me." The last sentence twisted a gut in Wooyoung's stomach. How could I believe you now when you just said you impregnated a women? And someone you barely even knew. He kept quiet, looking down at the floor. Is Nichkhun hiding something?


Wooyoung was surprised to find that Nichkhun had already disappeared by the time he looked up. The doorway was left open, and moments later, his doctor and a nurse arrived. "What happened?"


"I...." Wooyoung choked, holding back his tears.


"Does it hurt?"


Yes. "No." He lied. His chest was hurting so badly. He could feel his heart pounding ten times faster. And then his head began to spin. When the doctor shifted over to check his pulses, Wooyoung passed out.




Nichkhun was waiting for Victoria in the lobby. He was just as upset about Wooyoung, but he was more worried about her. When she arrived, she had donned a pair of tight jeans and an extra large shirt to cover her figure. Her hair was tied up and her bangs were clipped up under a Yankees cap. She looked pale, tired. Her eyes were watery and her lips were swollen, as if she had just been kissed. 


"Are you okay?"


"Yeah, I'm fine." She said in a low voice. "Let's make this quick. I've got practice after this."


"You're still going to practice in this condition."


"It's just a little morning sickness." She muttered, and to assure him she was fine, she flashed a quick smile at him. Nichkhun was still not convinced however.


"Did you try to find who the father is?"


"I don't know where to start." She replied as they rushed along the busy hospital crowd towards the front counter. There, she registered her name and requested for a health check up. The nurse stared at her closely, and realized that she resembled a celebrity. "Are you Victoria-ssi?"


Victoria simply smiled back. "Yes." The nurse got excited and asked for an autograph.


Even in this condition, she can still serve her fans, Nichkhun thought, admiring her versatility.


Once fully registered, she was given a number to wait for her turn and they waited together. Nichkhun remembered to put on a cap in order to avoid unwanted attention. They waited for a good twenty minutes before the doctor finally attended to them.


"What seems to be the problem?" The doctor asked, looking at Victoria. He was a short man, no taller than Nichkhun, but young nevertheless, probably in his thirties. He looked happy to see the couple, but his attention was mostly focused on Victoria. Then again, she was the patient. She told him her problems and he began to check her pulses and take her temperature.


"I seems as though you are pregnant." He said. "Congratulations." This, he directed towards Nichkhun, who was watching the whole transaction with the greatest detail. He wanted to be sure if he was capable of taking care of Victoria. When the doctor congratulated him, he simply nodded his head and proceeded to ask, "So what do I need to do now?"


"You need to keep supporting her, and make her happy. Childbirth is the most painful process of a woman's life, so a lot of care and love would need to be given in order to have a healthy baby." The doctor advised. "The first thing you should do is research into the type of food that Victoria could eat. She has to lower her intake of cold and spicy food. A lot of water would also need to be consumed in order to avoid dehydration because she has to feed not only herself but the baby."


Nichkhun listened to his speech attentively, taking down mental notes on specific food and activities that Victoria could take and do. "Last but not least, try to avoid putting on any sort of pressure on her. It could lead to stress and there is a high possiblity of a miscarriage."


"I see. Well, thank you, doctor. I will look into it.:"


"You're welcome. Now, if you don't mind leaving the room for a moment, Nichkhun-ssi. I need to talk to the patient about her medication intake for a while." Nichkhun hesitated, not wanting to leave her alone. But Victoria assured him that everything will be fine.  He took her words for it and simply left.




Once they were sure Nichkhun was out of earshot, Victoria got up and gave the doctor a quick pat on his shoulder. "Good doing business with you, Mr. Hyun." She said, grinning at him. "The second payment has been deposited into your account so the the next one will be during my monthly appointment."


"Thank you, Miss Song. Now, my nurse, Miss Siu will assist you to collect your medication. Those pills are not real of course. Just Vitamin C. You can take it, but control the intake so that it won't run out too soon. I see you in two months then, Miss Song. Good luck on your marriage."


"Thank you." With that farewell, she left his office and joined Nichkhun in the lobby.







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min_michi #1
Chapter 10: Wooyoung is too weak.... he is into Nichkhun so mcuh but I want them to be happy...
min_michi #2
Chapter 9: Seriuosly Khunnie, seriously??? Brother??
Will a brother ask for cheek morning peck?
Come onnnn
min_michi #3
Chapter 8: Nochkhun is being soooo selfish. He acts like he is wooyoung owner but still hurting him by what he talks about Victoria come on Khunnieeeee
min_michi #4
Chapter 7: Khun hyung is back!
I want something sweet between them ughhh ><
min_michi #5
Chapter 7: Khun hyung is back!
I want something sweet between them ughhh ><
min_michi #6
Chapter 6: Wooyoung is trying to move on... Seriously if Khun worried about Wooyoung so much, he should already realize how he feel towards Wooyoung urghhh
min_michi #7
Chapter 5: Nichkhun you start to be jealous of Taecwoo!
Wooyoung dont be so sad, khunnie is realizing himself.
min_michi #8
Chapter 4: Hahaha Khunnie is so struggling , i think I can understand how he feels though. Taec is such a nice bro. Wooyoung aaaaa
min_michi #9
Chapter 3: Is Wooyoung okay? Khunnie please take care of him.
And please read the diary (?) hahaha
Vikijia2107 #10
I really hTed Victoria in this! The ending was pretty good.