Old but Gold Memories

First Love Never Dies
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Sumin’s P.O.V:



              The sun smiled at me early in the morning. I rose-up from my bed and accomplished everything I needed for myself. I wore on my favorite baby blue flowery dress; it was my favorite because it’s my mom first gift for me and it’s during my debut. If you ask for my age, no way I’m gonna tell but I’m giving you hints, not below twenty but not surpassing twenty-five.

                                                                      (A/N: Is the pic visible?)

              I opened the wooden door and the smooth breeze of the morning welcomed me. I can even see droplets of dews anywhere due to the endless rain last night. I don’t know what suddenly crossed at my mind that I dragged my feet to the old playground not so far away from our house.

           Dumbfounded I hop on the right swing and to my luck it hadn’t collapsed; a good sign I didn’t gain so much weight. I stood but still my placed on the swing’s rusty, metallic seat and I set my distance backward and eventually I took a forward blow and I raised my feet from the ground.

         I shut my eyes as I’m reminiscing and cherishing the moment. The wind gently blows lovey dovey words in my ears. The cold breeze caressed my face while my hair waved friendly at them. I can hear the melodic song the birds have chirped. Everything was tranquil. Every moment seems right. Every moment I barely recall, the first time I felt like this before.

        I stood-up and attempted to make another blow but a familiar voice stole me away from Jubilee.

“I know I’m going to find you here.”   That familiar husky, deep, nerves-wrecking, goose bumps-rising and heart-stabbing voice---- NO. It can’t be. I must be hallucinating. He can never be here; He already left me.

     I shrugged off my hesitations and succeed to make another blow; I remained my eyes shut. I tried to still cherishing the moment but the cracking sound of the metal beside me was a huge disturbance. I ignored it. Damn! Why everything now seems wrong?

      My heart stopped as we, if ever someone’s there, exchanged intense gases between as we both fly. But then again, my hesitations ate me, thinking it was all kinda sort of fantasy. But why everything seems so real?

Crack! Phew! Crack ! Phew! The metal was the sound audible but deep inside my ears were bleeding as my heart screamed loudly.

“Are you still mad at me lazy turtle?” That name. He’s the only one who called me that way. He can’t be him. Impossible. My brows furrowed deeper as I tighten my grip on the swing’s holder as if it gonna be destroy anytime and my hands were perspiring to death. I halted from flying and opened my eyes.

           My eyes were balancing from the direct contact with the sunlight. As I blinked my eyes for several times, I slowly printed a picture of a man; Good-looking man. My eyes eventually viewed a crystal clear image of him. My heart stopped from screaming. The world stopped revolving. My jaw dropped on the ground. He then nodded his head from left to right and he gave me a smirk,

“Having a disease called amnesia, lazy turtle?” he remarked

No it can’t be. Not Possible. He’s …………………………………………..







“Kri—kris?!” I screamed in a questioning manner.

“You heard it right. My name is Wu Yi Fan Kris, call me Kris for short. And you are?”

I opened my mouth to answer but a lot of air came-out from my mouth. I felt like a mute.

“What I can’t understand you?” he furrowed his brows as he stare at me.  I motioned to open my mouth again but his deep, husky voice interrupted me for the second time. His voice was already manly even though at the age of fifteen. His Adam’s apple was completely visible which gave him the appeal.

I wasn’t paying attention to his speech as I was carefully zoomed on every detail of his facial features. He have alluring thick brows which suited him well, seducing eyes, his tippy pointy nose and his puffy naturally lips, his captivating smile and Oh, his perfectly molded jaw line that can gave you a first impression that his not any human being at all. He’s an angel in disguise.

“I call you, lazy turtle from now on. Arraseo?”  His last remarked

Lazy Turtle? I blinked my eyes rapidly. I furrowed my brows deeper and gave him a confuse glare. He seemed got what I meant, as if my eyes were talking to each other. He smirked.

“Lazy turtle. It suited you well. You are shy, uncapable of protecting yourself from those who bullies you, you always slouch, hmm slow learner and you always hide from your shell.”  He scoffed why he ruffled my upper head making my loosed-pony tailed hair messier. I was flabbergasted with the sudden action. It was the first time someone made a mess with my hair, but a comforting one. I gave him an ‘O’ mouth. He then played ridicule at me.

“Lazy turtle, you shouldn’t act like that to your ‘Oppa’ or I’ll misunderstand it.”

Oppa? My mom never ever adapted anyone as far as I can remember. Dumb me. Of course he can be my oppa in some points. He’s my sunbae, older and higher section than me.

“You know what, you shouldn’t let them treat you like that. Bullies are useless people. You’re better than them.” He stated. I didn’t react as we both halted from flying with our magic swings. I stared at his eyes like gesturing him to continue. He looked away from my intense stare and looked at the ground blankly.

“You can’t let other people brings you down. You cannot let them define the real you. There’s nothing bad to fight back especially if you’re on the right side. I-I don’t want you to be like me.” I felt my heart was crumpled into a piece of thrash. I know he has struggles of his own. I want to help him too. I want the melancholic atmosphere to be vanish, so I gave him the best warm smile I can plaster on my awkward, dirty face and nodded vigorously like I’m getting what he meant and if I’m gonna apply his words of wisdom sooner or later. There is no way I’m gonna face those bullies.

He seems bought my acting skills. But what I felt for him is no joke. It’s nothings but real; I felt sad for him too.  His eyes enlighten. My heart was racing back and forth. “Thank you.” He gave me a wide smile.

Those two words darted my heart by the cupids. What have I done? Why he’s thanking me? For what? I have done every single task every day at home but my mom never thanks me. This was the first time someone thanked me; the first time I felt useful.

He gave me his big hands, “So, friends?”

Friends? I repeated the word in the back of hypothalamus. This was the first time someone wants to be befriended with me. I nodded happily and vigorously grabbed his hands, “Friends.” I answered as we both exchanged handshakes. The first friend I ever have.




Cling! Cling! The bicycle bell rang. I never turn back to where it came from. I was terrified that it was another bunch of bullies, playing prank of me again and again. As I heard it sounds came closer to me, I quicken my pace but never run. I maintained a calm composure outside but inside the panic inside me arousing. “Yah! Lazy Turtle!” I almost faint on the ground. I abruptly stopped from moving but still no turning back.

I heard the tires skid-off.  “Are you ignoring me?!” I hung m head lower and hid my eyes with my long hair. He let out a heavy sigh. “Come on. Ride.” He ordered but I maintained frozen. “I hated to repeat what I just said. Aigoo! Ride!” he insisted. I maintained a cold composure. “So you’re totally ignoring me now? I have no choice but to do this! Don’t cry like a baby, arasso?”

Before I can protest, he already carried me like a bridal style. “Put me down! What are you doing?” I screamed while slapping his chest. “Letting you ride! Gosh! You’re lighter that I thought!” he ridiculed causing me a pint of red tints on my face.

Finally he put me down on the bicycle’s back seat.  “Hold on tightly.” I followed him. I don’t want to die yet.  It was autumn; Perfect timing for strolling around. The wind caressed with a small tornado and swirl of brown and green leaves giving a background. The bike was moderately moving. “Isn’t it marvelous?” he scoffed. I nodded. “But it’s more when it’s faster. Hold on tighter!” he smirked. Before I can protest again he already increased the speed of the bike, kicking the pedal faster. I embraced of his chest tightly then he started screaming like an expert retard. “WOOOHOOO! SHOOUUTT! IT FEEELS GREEAATT!” I followed him as I raised my hands up together on the air. Our voices were the loudest commotion on the street. The feeling of it was almost similar excitement every time we ride on the swings.

Eventually we arrived at our hiding spot. At the children’s playground which is only birds’ chirped were only audible as usual. It’s quieter and solemner than a library to be exact. He parked his bike with a stand and grabbed my wrist. He settled me first at the swing’s seat. He got something from his bag and quickly settled on the swing beside me.

He offered me a can of soda and a slice of chocolate cake. At first I declined it but he kept on forcing; He even do

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Chapter 1: why kris leave sumin? :O
sehundotcom #2
haiii :D di ko makita yung poster ;;