
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs...Plot Twist!


Long long ago… there lived a queen, a princess and a prince. At that time, the princess whose name is JongUp White, she knew how to dance and fight, some people wondered if she was a guy or a girl but never questioned her. Queen Sungyeol was in her castle, watching as JongUp White cried over her father’s death, King Daehyun was loved by everyone in his kingdom, though he was a bit strange because he always ate but no matter how much he ate, he never gained a pound, everyone came to the castle for the King’s funeral, everyone except for Queen Sungyeol whose castle is just at the edge of her kingdom, far far away from the King’s castle. In all of the confusion, Queen Sungyeol started shuffling her way, all the way to King Daehyun’s castle with her guards. Soon she took over the kingdom because she showed extraordinary dancing skills. Queen Sungyeol made JongUp White a servant of the castle, she cleaned, and cleaned, she cleaned so much that she had a six pack. Then one day she couldn’t take it anymore, she ran and ran as far as her short legs could take her, then she ran into someone, he was with a group of people.“Hi there, I’m cucumber Kyung, and we are the dwarfs” Kyung said “Dwarfs? Well that was unexpected” JongUp White said “What’s that supposed to mean?” Another Dwarf that looked like a teddy bear said“Aren’t you a bit too big to be dwarfs?” JongUp White asked“Aren’t you a bit too small to be a human?” Another dwarf that looked like he just came back from the army said.The sounds of horses were heard throughout the forest “The Queen’s Men!!! Is there anywhere safe that we could go to?” JongUp White asked “Yes, follow us” The normal looking one said and led her to a house which is deeply hidden in the forest “Is this where you live?” JongUp White asked“Yea, is there something wrong?” a dwarf that was oddly pretty said “No, it’s just so dirty” JongUp White said “Oh Really, I’m sorry that the royale princess doesn’t like the way seven men are” he said “I never said that, I just expected it to be a bit more clean” JongUp White said“Would you like to clean for us then?!” he said“Alright!” JongUp White agreed

The seven dwarfs started taking to each other as JongUp White was cleaning “What did you do!?” Hello Kitty Zico exclaimed “Well, I believe that I just out smarted princess over there” Diva Heechul said “You know, I hate you’re like this but, it is useful at times” Singer Insoo said “I know, I’m awesome aren’t I” Diva Heechul said and the rest of them sighted knowing he’ll never change, except for one dwarf who is always happy.

The Next Day

“Mirror Mirror hanging on the wall~” Queen Sungyeol sang “Stop your horrible singing and tell me what you want!!!” Mirror L said “Who is the best dancer?” Queen Sungyeol asked “JongUp White is and as you can see, she is getting better and better every second” Mirror L said as he showed Queen Sungyeol JongUp White doing stunts. The Queen was angry, she wouldn’t allow JongUp White to be better than her, she got some sneakers and cursed then so when she tries to dance, she won’t be able to, the shoes will become one with the ground and the feet. Queen Sungyeol hired huntsman Dongwoo to deliver the shoes to JongUp White and the moment she met him, she hated him “Hi Ma’am!!!” huntsman Dongwoo said cheerfully “Can’t you be, I don’t know, Less happy?!” Queen Sungyeol said angered “What? Why Happiness is the best thing in life!!!” huntsman Dongwoo said “alright, as a thanks for doing this, what do you want?” Queen Sungyeol asked “I want people to stop hunting dinosaurs and deer…oh and Unicorns!!! Need those unicorns” the hunts man said “Okay…as long as you deliver those shoes to JongUp White, Don’t tell her that it’s from me, tell her it’s from a fan” The Queen said “JongUp White?! Really?! Where can I find her?” The hunts man said more excited than before. “Could you please not be so loud?!” The Queen said “Sorry, where is JongUp White?” Huntsman Dongwoo asked calmly “She is in the forest, just give these shoes to her and do not tell her who it is from, understood” The Queen said “Yes, Ma’am!!!” the Huntsman Dongwoo said and saluted then took the shoes and left “Finally, he’s gone” Queen Sungyeol said “Why did you pick him?” Mirror L asked “ He’s the most gullible one” Queen Sungyeol said

A Few Days Later

JongUp White was trying on her new shoes, it was too big so she just took it off and put it aside, then one day a unicorn ran into the dwarfs home but his horn got stuck “Lay! Help me! I’m Stuck!” the horn shouted shocking both JongUp White and he boy “Transform!” the horse shouted “I Can’t!” the horn shouted. There was a puff of smoke and a boy walked out of it “Why did you run into it?” the unicorn boy asked “You’re the one that got me stuck!!!” The horn shouted “So it’s my fault now?!” The boy said “Yes, I’m glad you understand” The horn said “How is it my fault?” The boy asked “Well, you’re the one with the legs” The horn said “The reason you aren’t the body is because you’re not as tall” the boy said “I don’t care!!! Just get me down from here!!!” The horn shouted “Okay, Okay, don’t get your in a bunch” the boy said and pulled the horn out then soon after he transformed into a boy as well. “Ummm who are you and what are you?” JongUp White asked “My name is Lay, I am the owner of the unicorns body” Lay said “My name is L.Joe and… I am the owner of the unicorn’s horn…” L.Joe said “Now, who are you?” JongUp White asked the last boy “I’m prince Alen, I come from a kingdom far away from yours. You are?” Prince Alen asked JongUp White “I am JongUp White” JongUp White said “There they ar-“ a man shouted, L.Joe and Lay have transformed back into a unicorn and stabbed the man before he could finish his sentence ”That was…AWESOME!!! Could you do it again?” JongUp White said “There you are!!!” the Queen said to JongUp White “Grandma! You’re back!” JongUp White said “How many times do I have to tell you, I am not your grandmother” Queen Sungyeol said “If you aren’t then…what are you?” JongUp White asked “I am-“ Prince Alen cut the Queen off before she could finish “I’m Sorry your majesty but…could you leave us alone for a bit? We need to have our own little romance” Queen Sungyeol looked at Prince Alen and said “Did I come out too early?” Prince Alen took out a script “Yea, you came out a bit too early” Prince Alen said, the director motioned for them to resume “JongUp White, you’re the one for me. It doesn’t matter who you are, whether you’re poor, rich or an alien. I will always love you” Prince Alen brought his hands up to JongUp Whites chest “Huh? There’s nothing there” Prince Alen looked at JongUp White in shock, JongUp White puched Prince Alen so hard that he fell to the ground “Of course theres nothing you ert! I’m a guy!” JongUp White said “Why are you wearing a dress?!” Prince Alen asked “ae you blind? This is a shirt and a pair of jeans!!!” JongUp White said and walked away” My Love…” Prince Alen said, all left along


“Wait! Where’s my part?!” Queen Sungyeol shouted “You don’t have one!” Prince Alen shouted and started to drag Queen Sungyeol “No! Wait! You can’t drag a women!!!” Queen Sungyeol shouted “You’re a guy!” Prince Alen shouted and they all disappeared.


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Chapter 1: Haha this is brilliant! I'm so happy I found it! You've made my day! :D