with you

My Life with you

One day while Myungsoo was over, you went to use the washroom, You walked into him in the hallway
"Sorry Myungsoo," You smiled
"Don't tell your brother, he'd kill me if he knew, But you're beautiful," 
"Thank you," You blushed.
"This seems weird, but I've liked you for a while now,"
"Me too,"
"Well.." He started "It will be are little secret"
You smiled to yourself as you watched him walk down the hallway.


You and Myungsoo have been seeing each other a lot, so he finally decided to ask you out on a date. You wore your favourite outfit.
You didn't know where he was taking you, but you trusted him.
He came to pick you up at 7, as you drove to your favourite place, the simplest park
You absolutely loved it here.
You wandered from the car, and Myungsoo followed close behind you, after talking for a while, he finally asked you "_____ will you be my girlfriend?"
"Of course!" You answered with a huge grin.


You searched your cupboards for food, 
Myugsoo came into the kitchen "I could care less."
"Great. Would you like to help me find something?"
"No, get it yourself, ing lazy," He scoffed
"Why are you being such a douche?" You asked him
He rolled his eyes "Why are you being such a ?"
By now, ,you were really offended " you! I'm done!" You cried, you left his place, going to your own.


"____-ah!" Myungsoo shouted pounding on the front door for the 100th time "PLEASE! ANSWER! I'VE BEEN HERE FOREVER!"
You finally give in and answer the door, "What do you want Myungsoo?" You ask him.
"I'm so sorry!" he begged "It will never happen again! Please!"
You had to consider for a second, but you pulled him into a hug "Promise?"
"I promise, I love you!"
"I love you too, Myungsoo"


2 year later, Myungsoo takes you to the same spot he asked you to be his. He got down on one knee before asking you to marry him, you smiled to yourself "Yes!"


your wedding dress:::

ignore her face

you ring::::


wedding place::::::::

your favorite places.


A Years later, you had 3 twin children... 2 girl and 1boys, Kim Chohee, Kim daehyun, and Kim Chi ran


baby::                                  teenagers:::::::




Baby::::                                                                                    teenagers::::


Chi ran::::





                                         THE END ..

                                            Hope your liked my Story !!!:D

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