Silent Tears

Living A Fangirl's Dream

Jin Su, Chunji, Heemin and L.Joe looked at him.
“Ricky, what happened?” Heemin asked.

Jin Su left.
“You okay?” L.Joe asked. “Where’s Changjo?”
Ricky stared at them.

“Ricky yah, what’s wrong?” Chunji asked him.
“Changjo…He left…”

“Left where?” Heemin asked.
“Home I guess…”


“I’m not sure, he started crying and when I asked him why he just fake smiled and left me..” Ricky shrugged.

“What were you doing before he started crying?” Chunji asked.
Ricky thought for a second.

Then he answered:
“I was watching that cool good looking guy dance…”

“And?” Heemin asked.
“And, I just said that he’s the best dancer I’ve ever seen…”

“Ricky…Don’t you understand, you’ve hurt him!” L.Joe said.
“Hurt him?” Ricky asked.

“Yes, by saying that that guy is the best dancer you’ve ever seen…” L.Joe said.
“He was jealous, he thought that you think that Changjo is the best dancer you’ve ever seen…” Chunji said.

“I didn’t thought of that…” Ricky lowered his head.
“It’s okay I guess, we should leave back home?” Heemin asked.

Chunji and L.Joe nodded.
They went to Niel who was singing.

“We’re going home!” L.Joe said.
Niel just nodded.

“Who’s driving now?” Chunji asked.
“I’m not!” Ricky said.

Heemin shook her head.
Everyone looked at L.Joe.

“Aish, I’m not that good!” L.Joe said.
“Come on!” Heemin pushed him in the car.


Changjo ran on the stairs and went in his room, closing the door behind him and jumping on his bed, burring his face in the soft pillows.

He cried.
Cap knocked on his door and entered inside.
“Changjo?” He asked.

Changjo didn’t reply, he just cried even more.

“What’s wrong, what happened?”

Changjo looked at him…
Tears falling down without control.

Cap stared at him, the only time he saw him crying, was on stage.
Changjo was brave and fearless, why was he crying now?

“Changjo?” Cap asked.

“Ricky…” Changjo said.
“What happened?”

Changjo took breath and explained everything that happened.
“I thought that he thinks I’m the best dancer!”

“Calm down…”

“No, I won’t! I can’t! I’m hurt!” Changjo screamed.
“I thought he likes me…” Changjo buried his head in his own hands continuing his crying.

“We’re home!” Heemin shouted.

Cap looked at the door, then back at Changjo:
“What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know, hyung!”
Cap left Changjo’s room and saw Ricky on the door.

“Ricky?” Cap asked.
“It’s my room…” Ricky shrugged.

Cap nodded and let him inside.
Ricky looked at Changjo who was sitting on his bed, with his face in his hands.

He sat next to him and caressed his hair.

Changjo didn’t reply.
“Mianhae…” Ricky lowered his head.
“I didn’t knew…” Ricky said.

Changjo still didn’t reply anything.
“Please, say something…” Ricky said.

Changjo moved his head away from his hands and looked at Ricky.

“B-Because…I want you to talk to me!”

“Why should I?”
“Please don’t be like this…”

“Hyung, just leave me alone…” Changjo looked away.

“Changjo please, forgive me!” Ricky begged.
“Go away…”

“Cha-“ Ricky began but Ricky cut him off:
“I said GO AWAY!”

Ricky stared at him for a second, lowering his head, he went on his own bed.

Tears escaped his eyes as he fell asleep crying.
Changjo listened to Ricky’s crying and then stood up, leaving him alone.

He was on his way to the kitchen when Heemin popped in front of him.
"Hey Changjo..." She smiled.

"Hi, Heemin..." Changjo passed her.
She turned at him and followed him.

Heemin grabbed Changjo's hand. He looked at her.
"I can help you..." She said. "I don't need anyone's help!" He said.

"Changjo, I helped L.Joe and Chunji, I can help you and Ricky, too..." She said.
"L.Joe and Chunji is a different story, Heemin! They love eachother, so it's easy to bring them back together..."
Changjo said.

"So?" Heemin asked.
"Me and Ricky, we're not together, and we never were..." He sighed.
Heemin let go od Changjo's hand, and he went in the kitchen to eat.

Heemin sighed and sat on the couch.
She stared at the TV, not really watching anything, but thinking...


'Great, now it's both N.A.P and ChangRick I need to fix...' She thought.


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Chapter 18: I'll miss this story :<
Such a great story
kawaiiboo #2
Chapter 18: >~< that was so cute and funny... Good stoy, I wi miss it!!
Chapter 18: Aaaaaa!!! Exo with my baby Aaaaa!! Btw aww .. It end here :'( i will miss this story
Chapter 18: The end.. that was a good ending..happy ending.
Chapter 17: Hahaha,that was fun...
Chapter 17: lolz poor l.joe its always his fault xD but srsly he shouldnt have done that now heemins dad might not like her to stay!! aghh update soon
Chapter 17: Haishhh .. L joe .. I hope nothing bad happen ..
Chapter 16: lol ... l.joe
Chapter 16: Lol Ricky and Niel were so funny
Hi I'm a new reader and i really love your story. It was amazing and funny too ^^