Jealousy Again

Living A Fangirl's Dream

Chunji along with Heemin went in the living room where everyone else were.
Heemin smiled and winked at L.Joe.

L.Joe came to Chunji.
"Hyung..." He said.

Chunji was listening to his every word. Not wanting to miss a thing...

"I am very sorry." He said.

Chunji stared at him. "Please, forgive me..." L.Joe said.
Chunji let out a small sigh, he looked at L.Joe and then nodded.

"I forgive you, Byunghun..."
L.Joe smiled and hugged Chunji.

Only, this hug was different.
It was a gentle hug that Chunji enjoyed, so he hugged back.

"Aww!" Niel smiled.
"So cute..." Ricky said.

The two broke their hug and looked at the others. "Okay, that's enough..." Chunji laughed.
Cap nodded. "Indeed, I would like to end all this cuteness because I'm not used to it lately..."

"What? Why not?" Niel asked as he hugged Cap who pushed him away.
Changjo laughed. "Because..." Cap began.

"Nevermind..." Cap said and pulled back Niel in a hug...

"Ah! Niel omma! Kiss appa please!" Ricky clapped his hands.
"Shush!" Niel screamed at him.

"Okay..." Heemin tried to clear the situation.
"Niel, when are you meeting Taeyang again?" L.Joe asked.

"Oh, next week!" Niel smiled and moved away from Cap who started filling with rage.

"A-ahh! Can you take us with you?" Changjo asked.
"What? No way! Why would I ever take you pieces of junk in YG?" Niel asked.

"Junk?" Chunji asked.
"Who are you calling junk?" L.Joe started punching Niel.

"Let's find out who's the junk!" Ricky shouted. "Get him!" Changjo ran at him and Ricky followed.
They all started jumping on top of Niel who was deeply pushed on the ground.

Cap sighed. "Aish, kids..."

Chunji kicked Niel's .
"Ah!" Niel screamed.

"That's for kicking me in Weekly Idol!"

"Stop it!" Cap shouted but nobody heard him.

Chunji kept kicking Niel, L.Joe punching him, Changjo pulling his head and Ricky just jumping on top of him over and over again.

"Ah! Let me go!" Niel demanded.

Nobody cared.

"Help me, Cap!!" Niel screamed. Cap sighed. "Okay..."

Cap went at the kitchen door. "I'm making toast!" He shouted.
Changjo gasped and let go of Niel's hair.

He ran at Cap. Ricky heard him too.

"Wait for me!" Ricky ran at them.
Heemin shrugged and followed the three.

Chunji decided that it was enough so he let him go and followed the others in the kitchen.
"Ya, L.Joe!" Niel pushed him away.


"This is how you repay me?"

"Ah, well not really..."

"So? How dare you attack me like that?"
"I have the right to!" L.Joe said.

"Oh yeah?"


"Says who?"

"The relationship between the hyung and it's dongsaeng!"

"Oh shut up!" Niel said and went in the kitchen. L.Joe followed him.
"Ah!" Ricky screamed.

"What?" Niel asked.
"You look like Lady Gaga!" Ricky said.

"What?" Niel asked again. "He means your hair..." Changjo said.
Niel looked himself in a spoon. "AH!"

"I look like a monster!"

"Told you, so!" Ricky said.
"No, you said Lady Gaga!" Changjo said.

"All because of your hair pulling, Changjo!" Niel screamed.
"Oh, so you want kicking, huh?" Changjo came closer to Niel.

"What? N-No No No! I mean, Chunji's kicks were fine!" Niel smiled.
Chunji smirked.

"So, will you take us to YG?" Changjo asked.
"Nope..." Niel simply said.

"Oh, is that so?" Changjo asked. He looked at Chunji. "Chunji hyung..." 
Chunji nodded and ran at Niel, giving him a kick in the .

Niel fell on the ground.
"Yah!" He screamed.

"No?" Changjo asked.

"Okay, fine!" Niel stood up.
"Yeah!" Ricky cheered and did a high five with Changjo.

"So, when are we going?" L.Joe asked.
"I told you, next week!" Niel said removing the dust away.

"Oh! I can't wait!!" Ricky jumped in happiness.
"YG, big deal!" Cap said.

"Is it YG, or Taeyang?" Chunji asked.
Cap sighed. "Both, I guess..." He said.

"Oh, you have something wrong against them?" Niel asked.
"Yes." Cap said.

"Alright, would you mind telling me what that is?" Niel began arguing.
Ricky moved next to Changjo.

"That guy is brainwashing you..." Cap said.
"Taeyang?" Niel asked.

"Yes, him!"

"Ah, why so?"
"He makes you forget about me, Daniel!" Cap pointed at himself.

Chunji and L.Joe got close to each other.
Heemin got to them. "Are they always arguing like this?" She whispered.

"No, but when they do, things get tough..." Chunji whispered.

"What are you talking about?" Niel asked. "You and I aren't even a couple!" Niel screamed.
"Not a couple?" Cap asked. "Not a couple?" He screamed.

"No!" Niel screamed back.
"What's wrong with you, Niel?" Cap asked. "Did you forgot all those moments we shared?" Cap asked.

Niel turned his head and laughed, then looked at him again.
"What moments?" He asked.

Cap's jaw dropped.

"So you did forgot! So, that guy did brainwash you!"
"Maybe he did!" Niel screamed.

"Stop shouting at me!"

"I won't stop! If you're jealous because of me and Taeyang, then you should just say it! I can't solve trick questions here!" Niel crossed his hands.

"You want the answer! Well, then... Yes! I am jealous Niel, and I don't want you to co-work with that jerk!"
"Stop calling him that, you don't even know him!" Niel shouted.

"Thank you for telling me, and no! I won't stop working with him!" Niel said.
"It would be my pleasure to work with someone like him!" Niel shouted and left the kitchen.

Cap sighed. He ran his fingers through his hair and walked around the kitchen.
"Hyung..." Ricky began, but Cap didn't answer and just left the kitchen, going outside the whole dorm.

"...Now what?" Changjo asked.

"Heemin to the rescue..." L.Joe said.

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Chapter 18: I'll miss this story :<
Such a great story
kawaiiboo #2
Chapter 18: >~< that was so cute and funny... Good stoy, I wi miss it!!
Chapter 18: Aaaaaa!!! Exo with my baby Aaaaa!! Btw aww .. It end here :'( i will miss this story
Chapter 18: The end.. that was a good ending..happy ending.
Chapter 17: Hahaha,that was fun...
Chapter 17: lolz poor l.joe its always his fault xD but srsly he shouldnt have done that now heemins dad might not like her to stay!! aghh update soon
Chapter 17: Haishhh .. L joe .. I hope nothing bad happen ..
Chapter 16: lol ... l.joe
Chapter 16: Lol Ricky and Niel were so funny
Hi I'm a new reader and i really love your story. It was amazing and funny too ^^