Chapter 1.

Peanut Galleries are What We Need in an Espionage Mission


“Don’t look back, but I see a person at the door,” Jonghyun’s voice came through the earpiece warningly. He paused for a moment and continued, “It’s Choi.”

Jinki smoothly put down the audit files he was pilfering through and moved down the line to the property underwriting files as if he had simply mistaken one for the other. He began humming a little tune beneath his breath.

“, hyung. He is creeping towards you now with this super creepy leer,” Jonghyun said in a disgusted tone, “Gotta cut off communications. Incoming, LMFAO.”

Jinki’s eyebrows only twitched once when his ears were suddenly blasted by the strains of “I’m y and I know it”. Despite whatever violent thoughts he was harbouring towards Jonghyun at the moment, he accordingly changed the tune he was humming to suit the song. He even gave a credible little jump when hands encircled around his waist.


“Taemin!” Jonghyun leaned back on his chair and shouted, “Choi’s here!”

“What?” Taemin’s voice issued from the bathroom, “Wait, hyung, I am nearly done!”

“, Taemin, they are kissing already!” Jonghyun looked away disgustedly, “Choi’s moving fast; you better hurry!”

The creak of the door opening sounded and the rushed strides of bare feet crossing the wooden floor was heard. In less than three seconds, Taemin was already beside Jonghyun, hurriedly zipping up his pants.

Jonghyun eyed Taemin’s hands, “Did you wash?”

“Hush, hyung,” Taemin dismissed distractedly, eyes drawn to the screen, “I want to hear.”

“Stay away from me, dirty brat.”

Taemin ignored him and continued, “Hyung, the visuals are bad.”

Jonghyun looked back to the screens. One showed the dark grey of Choi’s shirt, another showed the polished sheen of Choi’s shoes. The third showed the darkened glints of the steel cabinets, and Jonghyun just shrugged helplessly. “That’s because of the location of the spy cameras. Not my fault.”

“It’s kinda boring though. Last time’s was more interesting.”

“And that’s because I managed to hack into their system’s cameras.”

“Can’t you do it this time round too?”



“I am lazy.”


“Just admire the audio, won’t you already?”

“But that’s just like phone ! It’s so lame!”

“, Taemin. You’ve been doing phone ?”

“No! Of course not! Why would I want to do something that lame?”

“You are one erted, little brat.” Jonghyun enunciated each syllabus forcefully.

“Hyun—“ Taemin’s retort was cut off by a particularly loud moan and the two of them froze, heads turning in concerto to face the screens.

“Who the hell was that?” Jonghyun asked above the sound of heavy breathing which was coming from the speaker.

“I don’t know. Jinki-hyung?” Taemin replied dubiously, “Oh my freak—the camera is moving up! It’s moving up!”

“. Hyung’s shirt is getting hiked up.”

“Wow, hyung, are they going to do it in the filing room?”

“I don’t want to sit through this.” Jonghyun groaned, hands on his head despairingly, “This is so ing disgusting.”

“Why? I think it’s kinda fun—freak!” Taemin’s voice suddenly turned a pitch lower and he punched to his side forcefully, hitting the innocent Jonghyun who was sitting to his right.

“, Taemin! What the hell was that for?” Jonghyun reacted immediately, glaring.

“Oh ! That was so ing disgusting! Choi’s face. I saw it. It just passed by the front camera just now. And —that was. It was so… greasy! Hyung, how the hell do you sit through these things daily?”

Jonghyun rubbed his arm balefully, “Now you know. The previous time was ok because you were looking from afar. But if you have to see the sort of crap I see on an everyday basis… Ugh.”

Taemin’s eyes were still riveted to the screens. “The front camera is only capturing air now. Crap, where did Choi go?”

“Down.” Jonghyun replied miserably.


“I agree.” Minho smirked.

“What?” Jinki looked down with hooded eyes.

“You are y,” he breathed, “And I know it.”

I enjoy seeing the 'completed' status beside my stories so much. Makes me feel really accomplished haha.

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Chapter 2: They're so funny I really want Jongtae to be together!!! ?
Chapter 1: I love all three of these with a passion and if u indeed decide to continue I fully support u :D
honestly I'm dying to know y is minho being followed? Does jinki rlly have no feelings for him? And I am obsessed with ur jinki. He's got this sharp kind of sassiness while still being the trusted leader. U just did a great job!!
oconje #3
Chapter 1: Lol, so funny! You are awesome for writing a 3rd bumbling spy Shinee Drabble!!! Thank you. But I'm a glutton and can't help wishing to read more! I love your wit and writing!
meandmyself #4
Chapter 1: Wow, I really love this, so funny :D
A good OnHo story!
Chapter 1: OMG THIS IS SO INTERESTINGGGGGG~ I'm loving it so much :P Please continue ittt!!! *in a beggy whiny voice* I really want to know more about Minho's character :P and why he's being spied on like this :P PLUS, ONHOOOOOO <3 and Jong and Tae are hilarious :P
SnHiromi #6
Chapter 1: don't know but am I the only one who are expecting ?? xD sorry
Chapter 1: Ahahaha! Oh my gosh it's so hilarious!
Onew had a hard life lol
Chapter 1: Hahahahahahaha. So glad to keep seeing these little installments :)
These characters and these stories are like Lays potato chips to me-can't have just one!
Chapter 1: i never quite shipped OnHo but then i read this and BAM
loving this not-quite-oneshot btw
Chapter 1: Hahahaahah! Taemin is eted, Jonghyun is disgusted, Minho is and Jinki is satisfied. Yes, it is complete :)