Boy 3

Nerdy Boy??

Sunggyu walks inside his house just to find his brother in the middle of cooking…

“I’m home Jae Hyung…”Sunggyu greets his brother

His hyung, Kim Jaejoong stops whatever he does in that moment and smiles to his younger brother…

“Welcome home,Gyu… How is today??”Jaejoong asks

“It fine I guess…”Sunggyu says

Jaejoong frowns at Sunggyu’s answer because it’s definitely something wrong with the tone Sunggyu’s use when he speaks about his day

“Tell me what is wrong,Kim Sunggyu?? I know there is something wrong… You never can lie to me…”Jaejoong says

“Hyung,how about we talk about this later okay??”Sunggyu pleads

Jaejoong just sighs and says,”Okay but we will talk about this… Now,just take a bath so we can have a dinner together…”

Sunggyu just nods as the answer and runs to his bedroom… This house is the only thing that being left by his parent… His parent already passed away so now Sunggyu just live with his older brother who is take care of him very much… Sunggyu quickly takes a bath and goes to the dining room…

He takes a seat in front of his brother and smiles slightly

“So,what is wrong with today?? Are you having a problem??”Jaejoong asks as they begin to eat

“Yes and no… It’s not really a big problem just one of my classmates recognizes me at work…”Sunggyu says

“I already tell you so many time before to stop working,Sunggyu…”Jaejoong says

“Hyung,I won’t stop… We have to support each other like this because you still have university to go besides working all the time…”Sunggyu says

“I know that…”Jaejoong says and sighs softly because he doesn’t know how many times they argue about this… Luckily the both of them get a scholarship so they still can continue their education

“Anyway,can we not talk about this again?? It just a small problem and he promises me to keep it as a secret from school…”Sunggyu says

“Does he can be trusted??”Jaejoong asks

“I guess…”Sunggyu says and he doesn’t say anything about their deal at all

“That’s good then… Let’s just talk about something else…”Jaejoong suggests

“Yeah, how about your day,hyung??”Sunggyu says

They begin talk about each other day as their forgetting everything about Sunggyu’s small problem now because for Sunggyu that’s really no need to discuss something like that…

Like usual,Sunggyu walks to school until he accidentally bumps into someone…

“I’m so sorry…”Sunggyu says and bows

“It fine and that’s also my fault…”The stranger says and smiles at him

Sunggyu looks up just being greeted by the most handsome guy he ever meets…  He also notices that the boy is from a different school based by his uniform…

“Are you okay??”the boy asks

“Yes I’m fine… I’m so sorry…”Sunggyu says and bows once again before he leaves the boy

He gets to his locker as soon as he arrives at school… He hopes that he can avoid to meets Woohyun today but then Woohyun is one of his classmates and he has so many same class with the latter so that’s pretty much a false hope…

“Morning,Gyu Hyung…”

Sunggyu looks at the one who calls him just being relieved that it’s not the one who he is thinking right now…

“What is wrong with the scared face of you??”Sungjong asks and frowns

“It’s nothing,Jongie…”Sunggyu says

“No it’s not… There definitely something,you are so scared when I call you before…”Sungjong says

“It’s nothing at all… I just you know I have been watching some scary movie with my brother last night and that movie practically still haunt me around…”Sunggyu says

“Do you know that you are so bad at lying??”Sungjong asks rhetorically

“I’m not lying at you… Its true…”Sunggyu says and pouts

“Aigoo,Hyung why do you act so cute in the morning??”Sungyeol says suddenly and makes Sunggyu jumps in surprise by his sudden appearance

“Yah!!Don’t scare me like that!!”Sunggyu shouts

“Sorry,Hyung… I just pass by you and Sungjong when I see your pout in the morning…”Sungyeol says and smiles

“So,how about we go out after school??”Sungjong suggests as he changes the topic

“Good idea… We can go and watch basketball match you know… There will be a match between our school and our school’s neighbor… And I heard the boys are so hot…”Sungyeol says excitedly

“I think I will past again today…”Sunggyu says apologetically

“You always pass whenever we ask you to hang out,hyung… Come on just this time…”Sungjong says and pouts

“Yeah,Hyung… Come on just this time!! The match will be over by 4PM…”Sungyeol says

Sunggyu looks at his dongsaeng guiltily... Actually he can go if the match really over at 4PM and after that he can go to his work at 5PM… Maybe hang out sometimes with them wouldn’t be hurt right?? Even his brother wants him to hang out with his friend sometimes…

“I don’t know if this is really a good idea…”Sunggyu says

“Come on Hyung… Just come with us,just this time please!!”Sungyeol says

“I guess I can go until 4 PM because after that I still have something to do…”Sunggyu says

“It’s okay hyung the match over at 4 anyway…”Sungyeol says

“Fine I will go…”Sunggyu says and smiles

“Oh My god you are the best hyung…”Sungjong and Sungyeol say in the same time and hug him

Sunggyu laughs a little when the both of them hug him suddenly but he loves that… The both of them is really a great friends anyway

“You will be watch the match today,Gyu??”

A sudden deep voice startle the three of them make all of them looks at the source of the voice…

“What do you want Nam Woohyun??”Sunggyu growls lowly

“Actually I don’t talk with you but with him…”Woohyun says and points to Sunggyu

“Why would you talk with Sunggyu anyway??”Sungjong asks because it quiet rare that Woohyun bother to talk with them

“Who are you guys anyway??His bodyguard or something…”Woohyun says

“We are his friends and we have a right to know why would you talk with him?? Especially if you just want to hurt or bully him…”Sungyeol says

“What will I do to Sunggyu is my business with him not with you two… Now let me talk with him…”Woohyun says

“No we won’t… Just go away Nam Woohyun and leave us alone especially Sunggyu…”Sungyeol says

“Oh please you two just his friends you know but I’m more than that…”Woohyun says and rolls his eyes in annoyance

“You are nothing more than his classmate…”Sungjong says

“Really?? You should ask Sunggyu about that because I’m more than just his classmate… Do I right,Gyu??”Woohyun says and smirks

Sunggyu looks at his best friends who looking at him ask for his answer

“He is nothing guys… We just classmate really…”Sunggyu says softly

“No we are not… Do you forget that yesterday I just drive you home baby??”Woohyun says and sneaks his arm around Sungygu’s slim waist

Sunggyu sends him a glare which said what the hell do you want now Nam Woohyun??Then he smacks Woohyun’s hand away from his waist

“What?? So you can’t go out with us yesterday because you have a date with him,Hyung??”Sungjong asks disbelieve

“No I’m not guys… Do you believe to this jerk lie??”Sunggyu says

“But,Hyung… He said that you-“

“No we are not… We will talk about this later okay but now, Nam Woohyun-ssi can we talk for a moment…”Sunggyu says and gritted his teeth

“Sure,baby…”Woohyun says and smirks

“I will see you two later okay…”Sunggyu says as he drags Woohyun away from his two best friends

Sungyeol and Sungjong just stare to each other with confusion written in their face… Do their hyung really going out with Woohyun??




A/N : I decides to make Jaejoong as Sunggyu's brother...LOL... And do you know who is the one who bump into Sunggyu?? Thank you for your comment,subscribe and upvote guys!! By the way,should i add yunjae in here??XD

I'm so sorry for the mistake that i make

Hope you enjoy this chapter please do comment,subscribe and upvote!! Thank you for reading guys!!^^

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712 streak #1
Chapter 9: still unfinished 😭
Amberrosedang #2
Author-nim please update soon 🥺 I really miss this story.
killjoy501 #3
Chapter 9: Thank you for the update! Please don't take too long till your next update! Fighting!
imsmlee86 #4
Chapter 9: Let's vote nam woohyun as the most handsome bipolar of the year xD
sunggyu_chingyu #5
Chapter 9: awww hyun you are such a tease hahaha but gyu is too cute when he is sulking lol thanks for the update!
sunggyu_chingyu #6
Chapter 9: oh my god. please be strong Silvie :( i pray for your best. get well really soon. thank you Terra for always be by her side. please tell her that we will always support and love her. don't worry, i will wait patiently until you are ready :) your health comes first :) once again, please be strong both of you !
sunggyu_chingyu #7
Chapter 9: aww hyun you are such a tease hahahaha but it's cute when gyu is sulking lol thanks for the update!
Chapter 9: Ohh thank u for update <3
poor hyunnie ^^
please update soon **
sha_alina19 #9
Chapter 8: Aww...gyu...u should follow woohyun...he needs friends....poor him... Please update soon...