I Love You

Loving You


You sat on the floor, with your cheeks puffed out and stared as your best friend,(and long time crush) as he ran from one corner of his room to the next.
"What are you doing? We're going to be late..." You complained. 
Hoya sprayed a splash of perfume on himself and pulled you up. 
"Sorry...it's just...nevermind let's go!" He stammered excitedly and grabbed his bag, rushing out the door.
"Yah! Lee Howon!" You yelled after him.
The bell rung and you changed out of your gym clothes, which was your second lesson of the day and rushed to the canteen to find your best friends. 
As you reached, you saw Hoya and was about call out to him, when you saw him walk up to a group of girls who were in his grade. He seemed to approach the leader of the group and shyly talked to her. Your open hand that was up to beckon him, curled in and your open mouth shut. 
"Hey _____!" Dongwoo stated and slung his arm around your shoulder. His girlfriend, your best friend, walked up to him and gently smacked his arm. 
"Yah! Don't touch my daughter like that!" Dongwoo whimpered and pouted, removing his arm and Myungsoo chuckled as he went to stand next to you. 
"Let's go,  _____-ssi.." He said, looking at you. You didn't respond, still staring at Hoya. The girl had delightfully laughed at whatever he had said and he seemed  to blush and rub his nape.. He noticed your gaze and gently placed a hand on your shoulder, turning you away. 
"Come on." He said, pulling you towards the rowdy table of your friends. You had come back to your senses and pushed Myungsoo away. He looked surprised as you faked a smile, taking a seat next to your best friend.  
The bell rang, indicating the end of school and you rushed out of class and to your locker. You packed your bag and closed the locker to see Hoya packing his bag. You jumped slightly in surprise but shook your head and leaned against your locker.
"Come on Hoya! Let's go back together," He shook his head and closed his locker.
"Sorry i have somewhere to go today. Maybe tomorrow?" And before you could even answer, he turned away, walking towards the girl from before. 
You stared jealously as he greeted her shyly before leaving  side by side. Myungsoo had just finished packing up and had seemed to see the interaction between you and Hoya. He sighed at your dejected figure and made sure Hoya left before approaching you. 
"Come on ______.... I'll treat you to ice cream!" You smiled and nodded, hugging Myungsoo suddenly. His eyes widened in surprise. You usually didn't initiate skinship at all but he slowly hugged you back and smiled. 
'If you only knew how i felt about you' he thought to himself as you let go of him, taking him by the hand.  
It had been 3 months since Hoya started going out with the girl. He never tried to catch up with you so you started to distance yourself from him. Myungsoo seemed to notice and took the chance to get closer to you. 
You walked out of your house when you heard someone shout out your name. You turned and saw Hoya running up to you. You smiled but frowned as his girlfriend approached him. 
"Hoaegi!~" she purred before kissing him and glaring at you. You glared back but was called by someone in front of you.
"Ah! Myungie!" You smiled widely and ran to him, falling into his arms as he laughed.
Hoya managed to pry himself away from his girlfriend and turned to look for you. He saw you clinging to Myungsoo and frowned as you giggled and smiled up at him. 
At school, Hoya managed to catch you in recess.
"Hey ___!"
"H-hey..." You stopped walking and smiled weakly at him. You didn't know why he was trying so hard to talk to you today when he had been ignoring you for the past 3 months. 
"Sorry I couldn't talk to you these days, I was busy." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. Your expression dropped to a blank one as you moved your bangs away from your face. 
"Yea with you being busy with your girlfriend and all." You stated dully and he looked at you in surprise.
"Oh yea! About Lily, we're not d---"
"HOYA BABY!~" a shrill annoying voice rung once again. Hoya watched as you cringed and step back. 
"I'll take my leave now, anyway iIve got to meet Myungsoo." Hoya frowned at that and grabbed your wrist as you turned away.
"No stay please. Don't go to Myungsoo." He insisted and you stopped, looking down at his hand before looking at him. 
His girlfriend finally reached and frowned seeing the skinship. She stepped up, pushing Hoya away and slapped you hard. 
"Don't touch my boyfriend!" You fell to the ground and held your stinging cheek. 
"Wasn't intending too.." You hissed under your breath. Hoya was about to help but Lily's friends stopped him.
"What did you say ?" She growled and you glared back.
"Nothing."  You snapped and she gasped and was about to kick you when you tripped her. 
"I'm going now." You stated coldly, glancing at Hoya. His look begged you to stay but you quickly turned away. Myungsoo had come to look for you. Hoya panted softly and pushed past her friends, pulling her up.
"Thank you oppa!" She said sweetly, batting her eyelashes at him. She was surprised however at his look of disgust and stepped back slightly.  
"NEVER. TOUCH HER. AGAIN. And i broke up with you 3 weeks ago! Get over it!" He yelled, pushing her back on the ground. She fell with a gasp and her friends quickly surrounded her.
He quickly followed you and found the both of you and Myungsoo in the school garden. You were leaning against Myungsoo's shoulder as he had his arm around you. It was silent and the only sound heard was your sobbing. Hoya hid behind the tree and listened.
"Myungsoo...thank you for being there for me..." You said in a hoarse voice. He shushed you and your shoulder. 
"It's ok...I don't mind." He said soothingly and you hummed softly. 
"Why....why does Hoya like her so much? Am I not good enough?" You said, choking on your tears. "I can't cheer him on anymore..." You mumbled as you sniffled, wiping away your tears. Myungsoo just sighed softly, pulling you closer. 
"Shh, its ok. And he doesn't deserve someone who won't love you after being around you for a long time... But i will.." You looked up and Myungsoo smiled down at you.
"I love you _______-ah..." He said, leaning down to kiss you. 
Hoya watched in shock as one of his closest friends kissed the girl he loved. 
"No...this shouldn't be...." He mumbled and was about to come out of his hiding spot right after you broke away from Myungsoo. 
"Myung," you mumbled and he hummed in response. "I...I can't."
"Why not?"
"I still love him." 
Hoya couldn't stop the heated feeling that encased his face. He looked away from the duo, attempting to cool down his heated face. When he looked back, he only saw Myungsoo sitting under the tree. His legs were outstretched and his hands were behind him as support. 
"I see you hyung," he called out, turning his head lazily to stare at Hoya. The elder boy stood up.
"You knew I was there?"
"You might want to hurry," Myungsoo said suddenly, ignoring Hoya's question.
Myungsoo nudged his head to the door where you had gone back into the school building.
"She's going. She still thinks you don't like her," he stated simply, looking back at the sky. "Go tell her."
"I'm sorry Myungsoo," was Hoya's last words before he ran into the building. Myungsoo could only scoff as his smile faded into a thin line. 
Hoya yelled out your name as you walked out onto the parking lot of the school. You stopped, turning to face him with an expression of shock. 
"Howo--" you were stopped mid-sentence as he raced up to you. He cupped your face in his hand, mumbling your name before leaning in to claim your lips. Your eyes widened and you tried to push him away but his arm had wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer. When he pulled away, you looked away from him, on the brink of tears. 
"What was that about?"
"I love you." Those three words surprised you and you looked up to see tears streaming down his determined face. "I love you and I'm sorry I didn't notice it sooner."
"It took me 3 months to figure out that I was in love with my best friend but you were so distanced from me already I didn't know what to do," he hiccuped and looked up to see tears streaming down your face. You smiled through your tears and sighed.
"You're so stupid," you said gently before leaning up to kiss him. "I love you too."
He smiled and you wiped away his tears as he wrapped his arms around your waist for a hug. You rested your head on his chest and sighed contently, listening to fast heart beat. 
'I'm sorry Myungsoo.' you thought to yourself, shutting your eyes when Hoya kissed your head. 
Myungsoo watched from the doorway as his two close friends got their happy ending. He smiled bitterly before turning away from the scene. He stuffed his hands into his pockets, walking towards his locker.
"Not everyone can get such a fairy tale ending," he muttered to himself as the bell rang. 
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