we sin and sin again

Of Life, Loss and Love

we sin and sin again 

(that's the thing, people hurt people.) 

idea: eseech; story: falliblefantasy

woohyun, sungyeol;  undefined genre



People are born selfish, Woohyun decides.

He shifts on the hard wooden stool, propping his elbows on the table as he watches Sungyeol prepare two portions of simple sandwiches. Carrying the plate over to the table with two cans of cheap beer, Sungyeol smiles apologetically, “I’ll get better stuff for us tomorrow when I get my pay. I promise.”

Sungyeol’s gaze is hopeful, like a puppy with a fear of abandonment.

Woohyun takes a swig of beer and reaches for a sandwich. He takes a bite, giving Sungyeol a reassuring smile. Through a mouthful of sandwich, Woohyun replies, “It’s okay.”

And Sungyeol breathes out in relief, gratefully pulling Woohyun into a tight hug. “Thank you.”

Don’t thank me. Woohyun swallows the food. Sungyeol’s so gullible, so innocent, willingly giving everything he has to Woohyun. Woohyun wonders how Sungyeol can be so selfless – saving every cent of his hard earned money just to support the both of them.

But Woohyun’s only human (such a hypocrite), and human beings revel in any form of comfort and affection. Allowing his chin to rest against Sungyeol’s chest, Woohyun wraps his arms around his waist. Was it his imagination, or did Sungyeol become thinner? He discards that fleeting thought as Sungyeol buries his face in the crook of Woohyun’s neck.

Reality is cruel and people are mere pawns in life’s game – so easily played with, and as easily discarded. Staring around the tiny apartment, Woohyun sees nothing but painful cracks and ugly stains, feels nothing but stale love (his, and maybe Sungyeol’s too) spun in cobwebs of delusions.

Nothing’s okay. (It’s not a sin to be selfish, is it?)

The sandwiches taste like damp cardboard.




author's note:

so this has been sitting in my dump of fic drafts and never seeing the light. i should be studying but then everything seems 1849372 times more interesting than my lecture notes so here i am. it's been ages since i wrote though and i think my inspiration might have drowned in a sewer but yeah, this was meant to become oneshot instead of a mere drabble.

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ew I'm ashamed of the graphics too LET ME FIX EVERYTHING OKAY ;A;


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and you don't have to do myungzy/ myungyeol or anything really your writing is just beautiful with anything and i realised i actually like myungjong more than myungyeol now //shot

i love lack of caps; maybe i should start doing that too sometime~
Chapter 1: asdsdjhasjdashj THIS THIS THIS ASDKJHASKJS ;A;

I have no coherent words because of my current feels but ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshYADONG and your writing THIS IS MY OTP <33333

can I have ur writing plz thank you :)
HAHAHA I got here! After half a life of Latin >.>