a euphoria


A/N: go listen to The A-Team by Ed Sheeran (x) or Angel (English Cover) by Mi (x)



She could hear the pounding of her heart as she ran as fast as she could. Her legs were already hurting; almost numbing—either because of the cold or the over usage, she didn’t know—but she still pushed herself until she reached her destination. Five, long minutes later, she ran up the stairs and looked for the door she knew. Stopping in front of the rather worn down door with an already rusting metal placard that had ‘404’ printed on it, she started banging her fists as she caught her breath.


“Luhan! Luhan please open up!” she chanted, her banging keeping its loud intensity. A few moments after, she heard three locks being unfastened and the door being opened. Looking up at the thin boy who was just clad in a singlet and basketball shorts, she immediately ran and clung tight onto him, her arms around his waist.


The said boy tensed when someone suddenly tackled him as he answered the door but he relaxed, realizing who exactly was the… Human Koala clinging onto him. He sighed as he pulled her into his apartment and relocked the doors before leading her to his couch. She sat down but kept her grip on his battered singlet while he just stood in front of her. He knew she was hardly touchy—unless they were cuddling on his bed—but her tight grip said something was wrong. Even if couldn’t tell him directly.


The boy massaged gentle circles on her fists, urging her to let go and relax. After a few minutes of silent coaxing, she interlaced her fingers with his as she calmed down from her fit.


“I’ll get you water.” He whispers against her forehead and giving it a kiss. Pulling away from her, he turned around and walked forward a bit but she was fast. Before he could take another step forward, she hugged him from behind and inhaled his scent.


“I’m fine. Stay. Please.” She whimpered against his back, hugging him tighter. He smiled so himself and turned around, lifting her up to her feet.


“Come on, let’s get you into better clothes.” He pecked her lips and they walked to his room. She slowly peeled her dress off her, her back facing Luhan. After grabbing a shirt from his closet, Luhan turned around and sighed at the fresh new batch of red marks and bruises etched on the skin of her back. Walking up to her, he kissed each mark gently, carefully, soothing her.


Once she was settled out of her constricting dress and into his comfy shirt, they made themselves comfortable on his bed. Luhan was sitting, leaning against the headboard and she was between his legs, leaning against his lean chest. His hands crept up her shirt and wrapped around her bare waist, thumbs gently rubbing her skin. It was silent, but comforting. They were used to this. It wasn’t alien to them.


“What happened now?” Luhan whispers and kisses her temple before shifting himself a bit so he can see her face. She unwound his arms around her, turned around so she was facing him and interlaced her fingers with his, sighing.


“Mom came into my room and she hit me, again. I didn’t know what the was happening and I tried asking but dad came in too then he started hitting me with his belt. I just sat there, taking it all in. Mom was furious, saying one thing after another. So what if I went with my brother for a road trip without telling her? It’s as if I still have to ask permission.” She huffed.


“But I guess you have to understand them right? You… they trust you to tell those things. Even if they’re barely home they do care for you so it hurts them too if you know, you keep things like that from them.” Luhan said, massaging circles on her tense palms.


“Don’t you see? Luhan, she didn’t flip when I went out and looked for a job when I was 14, she didn’t mind if I came home at midnight, she didn’t even spare me a look of concern when she saw me coming in through the door bleeding.” She spat out sourly. Luhan remembered seeing her going to school with a band aid on her forehead. Whenever people would ask, she would reply sheepishly, ‘Oh I fell down face first on the way to buy some ramen.’


But when he asked her, she admitted that she got into a fight she wasn’t supposed to be part of. It was between her two best guy buds, Sehun and Jongin. On the way to pulling them apart somehow, she was harshly pushed away and she fell, her forehead hitting a large rock. She was okay, really, no concussions or internal bleeding. Just the hurt she felt from the two.




“Luhan, she told me to clean myself and asked what would my teachers think of me if they saw how I was.” She deadpanned, looking at him. “I know she cares and I know she loves me, I love her too, but… our mother-daughter relationship isn’t really… mother-daughter-y, y’know? It’s like she gives me money for my daily necessities and extra spending but it’s not normal for me to ask permission. And I can’t seem to open up to her. She knows about my religion—or lack thereof—and my ex… girlfriend… and . Well, yeah, she supports me—or she doesn’t mind, I really don’t know—and stuff but… I just can’t open up to her and be like those girls who are so close to their mom and they share secrets—I haven’t even hugged her properly ever since I was in the third grade…” she sighed.


“It’s okay.” He wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her in closer, letting her nuzzle his chest. “I guess she doesn’t really show it but deep inside, she really was concerned. Just… just try to understand where she comes from. What she goes through everyday… don’t hate her. Be thankful that you do have a mom; be thankful that you have friends—and me—that distract you from the hurt you feel at home. Because whatever happens, we’ll always be here… I’ll be here, and I’m sure your mom will come around. Maybe not now, maybe not soon but she will come around. And when she does come around, everything will get better because it always does.” He pulled away a bit and she looked up at him.


“Of course it does get better. I believe in that. I’m not Sunshine for nothing!” she grinned and she stared up at his cheerful brown eyes and everything came flooding back. How and why she fell in love with him in the first place, their first meeting, first date, first kiss… first time together—and she felt surreal. It was surreal for her, a euphoria she never thought she’d feel, to be actually loved by a boy like Luhan. Loved in a way that he accepted everything that she was and loved in a way she liked. He wasn’t overbearingly possessive, so was she. She didn’t like professing her love for him—no matter how much she does love him—instead, she just insulted dear little XiaoLu and he took it positively, even throwing insults back at her. It was an imperfectly beautiful relationship, full of ups and downs but they pulled through.


Luhan kissed her forehead, down her nose, her cheeks, her chin then her lips. She giggled when his soft lips met hers, her arms automatically wrapping around his neck and she scooted closer.


“You know,” he breathed as he pulled away. “I think you’re beautiful like this.” He mumbled against her lips before leaning down and kissing her again, only to get a smack on his arm. “No, really. I’m not lying. I like how your hair is everyday, how you can’t seem to do proper aegyo,—as if that works on me anyway—and how you make me fall in love with you everyday by just being yourself. Okay so you’re not an ulzzang or a K-Pop idol or a Victoria’s Secret model but I don’t care just as long as you’ll love me like I love you, I’m fine.” He kisses her again, long, deep, passionate and loving.


“You’re so cheesy.” She whimpers and nuzzles his neck, smiling against his soft skin. He laughs, the vibrations of his chest comforting her somehow. She scoots closer, her legs over his and her arms meeting at his back.


“I love you.” He whispers against her ear, swaying her from side to side.


“I… I love you too.” She replies and kisses him again. Luhan pulls away and lies down properly, pulling her to lie on him. Gently skimming his hands against her clothed back, he rolled to the side and kept her close, a hand in her hair, his arm as her pillow and another arm around his waist. She giggled and entangled her legs with his, loving how natural touching Luhan was.














“Babe?” he asked after a few moments of silence.


“Yeah?” she mumbled against his neck, giving it a small kiss.


“Remember the bar of chocolate you left in my fridge?” he grinned as he saw her eyes snap open and her brows furrow. “I ate it.” He pulled himself away form her hold immediately and ran to the living room.


“LUHAN YOU PIG YOU ATE ALL OF IT!?” she ran after him and tackled him to the ground.


^idek the ending dear god lmao

well i hope you like it <3


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Chapter 1: And love that gif, btw!
Chapter 1: Lol, perfect ending!
KrisHanna #3
Chapter 1: wahh. this is just so sweet :)

i personally dont like clingy people as i cant express myself like other people do.
the ending was cute too.. :)
Chapter 1: I really am not one who like clinging onto people or opening up. This is new to me, imagining me being like that lololol. Thank you for this, Kai! Kinilig ako hahaha. Don't worry, my life at home isn't great but it's bearable and I'm thankful. ;) Thank you xoxoxoxox.
Chapter 1: Hahah the ending.
Cute little story