The Boys

My Sunny Day

[Sooyoung P.O.V]

"I wish I didn't have to unpack all this stuff," Sunny says to me, as I sit cross-legged on the bed on the other side of the room. She has three suitcases on the her own bed, and two more beside he feet, all bulging with clothes. Sunny pouts, scratching the back of her head. She looks so adorable when she does that. "It would be easier with a maid. Do you think they have maids here?"

"No," I reply, laying down onto my back. After the long ride here, my whole body just feels exhausted. This is part of the reason I asked Sunny to put away some of my things. The other part is that I simply did not want to. "You can just put my stuff in that dresser over there, and if there's more left, put it in the closet." Most of the stuff was mine, and I admit that I did feel a bit guilty.

Sunny just nods and starts dumping out the suitcases. I guess she figures that someone has to do it, and if she didn't, it would never get done. I'm not the most reliable person in the world--most of the time, I don't have the patience to organize all of the stuff, but Sunny does it just right. That's why I always ask her to do things for me. She just loves me so much, that she can't deny any requests. 

Pink clothes start tumbling out everywhere. Pink shirts, pink shoes, pink pants, pink sweaters... Sunny neatly folds each one and starts putting them away. It feels nice just to watch and relax. I watch her go back and forth from the suitcase to the dresser and closet. She's so precise with everything, making sure that everything is nice and tidy. Her two ponytails sway back and forth, and her eyes are soft and warm. After all these years, I still notice the little features she has. I don't think she can tell, though.

"Sooyoung," Sunny calls me, suddenly bringing me out of my thoughts. "Doesn't it feel nice?"

"Nice?" I ask, rolling over onto my stomach. "How so?"

"You know... Being away from your parents and stuff," she giggles and covers , glowing pink in embarrassment. "Plus, this is co-ed, so there's gonna be boys too," she whispers mischieviously, putting a sweater on a hanger.

All of our lives, we have been going to the schools of our parents' choosing. This meant that boys were absolutely forbidden. We were supposed to be perfect in their image. Sunny was much better at being 'perfect' than I was; I was the one who always got the beatings and scoldings, and she watched sorrowfully. Still, our parents didn't mind us spending tme together, so occasionally I was able to convince her to do things that she wouldn't normally do. We went to the movies, went exploring through forests, went to fast-food restaurants... My time spent with Sunny was always the best. She was the only person whom I knew had my back. I couldn't even trust my parents. No, Sunny was the only one, and she took me as I am through the good and the bad. We're like sisters; I can't even imagine a life without her.

As I'm reminiscing, Sunny finishes up, then comes to lay down in my bed beside me. She has a wide smile on her face, staring up at the blank ceiling, and I can tell that she's thinking about something. Before I can ask what it is, she speaks, "I grew up. It's a little hard to believe, but I did. I didn't even realize...Is that strange?"

I smile back at her. "No, it's not strange. I'm sure that this happens to everybody." Did it happen to me? I don't know. I don't feel any different. Yet here I was, in one of the best universities in the country, laying on this gorgeous bed in this wonderful dorm, beside my best friend. "It just takes awhile for it to feel real."

Sunny doesn't say anything for a long awkward moment. She just lays there. Then finally, "Yeah, I guess you're right... You're really smart, Sooyoung." She glances at me, giving me one of her sweetest smiles. "I can't wait to see what lays ahead for us. We're going to have even more fun than we did in highschool, right? I bet--"

A knock on the door interrupts our conversation. Sunny and I both look at eachother quizzically, before we each climb out of the ed at the same time. She heads to the door first, and I follow closely behind. "What if it's the maid?" she jokes. "A little late, don't you think?" She presses her ear up to the door. "Who is it?" she asks the person on the other side. I assume that it might be one of our professors. 

"Yo, open the door," a male voice responds.

Sunny and I look at eachother quizzically again. We know now that it must be a man, but we don't know who it might be. The voice was unfamiliar, and by the tone of it, it had to be a student. We hadn't met any of the male students as of yet. Sunny's eyes are asking me what to do, and I just shrug my shoulders. Whoever it was, he wasn't in much of a patient mood.

Hesitantly, Sunny pulls open the door, and to my surprise there is actually five male students. The tallest one stands in the front, and I figure that this must be the man the voice belonged to. All five boys are stylishly dressed, especially the one with short blond hair that is standing beside the tallest boy. He looks at me with bored eyes. "You're in our dorm," the tall one says.

Shocked, I look around the room. At first, I thought this was a girl's dorm. Now, it appeared as if it could be either. The furniture is all brown and white, so it could have been designed for both boys and girls. I turn back to the boy, and put my hands on my hips. His height didn't intimidate me. I was the tallest girl I knew growing up, and there was no way I was afraid of this jerk. "Who says it's so?" I ask him, looking him up and down. "We were here first, so scram." 

Sunny nods and pouts, putting her hands on her hips like mine. "Yeah, scram!" We all know she's not scaring anyone.

The boy takes a step forward into the room, and I take a step back. His four buddies decide to just walk in aswell. "You scram," he said. His voice wasn't loud, but there was a frightening undertone to it. "This is our dorm."

"It was ours first!" Sunny shouts. The tall boy gives her a look, and she becomes quiet quick. "A-And I already put away our stuff..."

"There must be a way to fix this," a different boy says. He appeares to be the oldest. A younger boy, with reddish hair and feminine features, nods his head in agreement. The oldest boy continues. "First, I think it's necessary that we introduce ourselves. My name is Onew, and this one here," he points to the tall guy, "is Minho." 

Minho rolls his eyes, then glances at the blond boy, who decides to introduce himself next. "My name is Key..." he mumbles. He seems as though he'd rather be somewhere else. It must be pretty embarrassing to be kicking someone else out. The last two--the muscular one and the feminine one--tell us that their names are Jonghyun and Taemin. The four stay quiet, as Onew thinks about what to do. I can tell he doesn't want to make us leave. He stands there thinking for a long time, and Minho checks his watch every now and then, taking the role as the everyday jackass.

"You know," Sunny begin in a tiny voice. She's always been shy around boys. "I believe there are only two beds..." She points her thumb towards the beds we were laying on a second ago, waiting for them to get the point.

Surprisingly, it takes the oldest one the longest to figure it out. "Ohhh!" he exclaims, snapping his fingers with a goofy smile on his face. "There are only two beds, which means that this dorm is only for two people! I knew the room seemed small." 

Jonghyun smacks Onew on the back of his head. "I told you!" He points at the rest of them, dramatically. "I told all of you! But no, no one listens to Jonghyun!"

"It has this room number on the paper," Key pouts. "Whoever did this is going to get fired! Quick!" The blonde turns and storms out of the room. Jonghyun, as if a puppy, goes right after him. 

"I apologize for that," Onew snickers. The other two, Minho and Taemin, stand there awkwardly. "So we told you our names," Onew says with a bright smile. I have to admit that his smile is pretty adorable. "What are yours?"

I point to myself. "I'm Sooyoung-" I point to Sunny "-and this is Sunny." 

Onew slightly bows to both of us, that cute smile plastered onto his face. "Nice to meet you. Excuse us. We'll be on our way." He heads to the door and gestures for Minho and Taemin to follow him. Taemin hurries after, but Minho stays behind to give me one last angry glance before leaving. I kick the door shut behind him. 

"What a piece of work he is!" I exclaim, heading back towards my bed. 

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x3trxn #1
Chapter 1: This is really good! Please continue!
KamiliaBBC #2
Chapter 1: ahaahha....poor one listen to him...minho should listen to him before he accuse people like that..update~~