The Case of Yoo Youngjae





            There are two children sitting on the grass. The dirt manages to stain their fresh-from-the laundry shirts and pants, as well as it’s smeared on their chubby cheeks. Their tiny hands and feet are digging through the soil with no care about nails or shoelaces getting dirty. All is heard are their high-pitched laughter.


            “Why are you so big?” The younger of the two asks, referring to his height. The elder smiles widely. “It’s okay, you’ll grow taller too. Maybe even taller than me!”


            “You really think so?”


            “Of course, Junhong.” He stands up on his wobbly legs and wipes his hands on his clothes. He pats Junhong’s head, his kiddy smile unwavering.




            ‘What is your name?’ Junhong wonders. ‘Why do you know mine?’



            ‘Who are you?’





            His eyes flutter open, almost blinded by the morning sunshine that has made its way to his vision. Throwing an arm over his eyes, he kicks his blanket off.


            “I can’t believe I wake up this early during the weekend.” Junhong grumbles to himself. He sits back up and checks the alarm clock on his bedside. It read 7:00am. This is unbelievable.


            It’s been over a month now since he’d first come to detention. For unknown reasons, he looks forward to it. You don’t hear any average kid saying that. What can he say? Sometimes Yongguk’s everlasting rage, Himchan’s gross advances, Daehyun and Youngjae’s jokester ways, and Jongup’s comforting smiles were more than enough for him to have motivation to attend class.


            Maybe this time, he has what you call friends.




            Junhong deflates upon thinking that. How could he think that when he can’t even talk to them properly?


            He looks out the window, and his mind begins to wander. What are you doing now? How do you spend your weekends? Are they anything like mine?






Case #2 – Yoo Youngjae


            The meeting place is under the road, beneath the tubes; in a rocky, messy basement of sorts. There's a table and wooden chairs surrounding it, as well as middle-aged men sitting on each. The leaks from the tubes pound loudly on the cement, almost on beat with the silent whispers and deals transpiring between the people. 'Aren't you too young for this?' one of them asks him. And he only nods, because it's true. When they hear familiar knocking above them----the same set of police who they hide from----they run for the exit.







            My name is Yoo Youngjae. I like singing and my best subject was math. I'm normal too, you know.


            "Uncle, I'm home." I call out once I enter the house. I let my bag drop onto the floor. No one was home yet. I lived with my uncle, well kind of. He wasn't home that often. I don't remember the last time I've seen my parents, which is why I spent half of my life looking for them.


           I grab a carton of milk from the fridge and drink right from it. It's not like uncle could tell if I used a glass or not. I slump on the couch tiredly. Come to think of it, I've never even seen photographs of my parents. But my uncle once told me I looked a lot like my mother; her eyes brown like mine, and her cheeks cutely rounded like mine.


            I don’t have money in my pocket to go looking for them, although. Neither does my uncle actually provide anything for me, besides shelter. I know he works hard to keep us both alive, but not even all the pennies in my piggy bank could help either of us. This is why I turned to juvenile drug-dealing.


            When I'm home, it's easy. I clean the house, do my homework, rest a little; it's a piece of cake. The hard part comes at 4am when I put my biggest coat on, hiding some illegal things in each pocket. I’ve never tried it, even though sometimes I was tempted to inhale it and see what it is that people find in it. Because sometimes, no matter how much you tell people you’re fine, you’d feel alone. Sometimes it eats you up, until you feel too numb to feel anything at all. Drugs make you forget the pain, that’s what most the people say.


            It was a dangerous life I lived. My life was shady and dark; hidden. If I’m not hidden enough, I’m caught. Then it all’s gone; all that I worked hard for. If some does catch me, I’d be forced to bribe them into not telling anyone. I wasn’t living like people my age usually did.


            Yet, that doesn’t change my goals on finding my parents. Why did my family me? That was a question I might never get the answer to.




            I dig my hands in my coat pockets, lowering my eyes to my feet. I was standing against hard concrete, breathing in and out, watching white mist blow from my mouth.


            “Hey, Yoo,”


            His name was JR, a frequent buyer of mine. Usually, the boy bought , exchanging a thick a wad of cash to me, for some grams of it. They pay pretty for drugs. I had already learned that from how long I’ve been doing this, and how big I’ve been earning.






            I got sent to detention some time in my freshman year; predictable right? At first it was only Yongguk and Himchan, then Daehyun was added, then yours truly, and then Jongup. Junhong was the newest addition. He wasn’t like us. You could say we were ten times more of a lost cause than he was. Yet, I wanted him to succeed in life. More than ever. Junhong was innocent; not jaded. I wanted him to stay that way longer, or forever, if it was even possible.


           Other than the group, I've had some history with Daehyun. We've always been classmates anyway. You could say he was my best friend.






            “Hey. Name’s Daehyun and I fancy your ring.” was the first thing Daehyun told to me when we first met.


            I look at my hand, but the ring was gone. I furrow my eyebrows at him, but Daehyun was just eye-smiling at me. He had a peculiar black mask over his mouth, but by the way his eyes scrunched up into little crescents, I could tell he was smiling. Then, he lifts his pinkie and sure enough, my ring was there.


            I raise my eyebrow to show that I was unimpressed, or at least trying to act like I was. “Do you do that to everyone you first meet?”


            “Yes.” Himchan answers for him. “Bastard stole my necklace.”


            “He stole my cap.” Yongguk adds.


            “More than once.” The two say in unison. I allow myself to laugh. Was this the so-called art of stealing?  “Nice magic trick,” I tell him as I pull the ring off of him. “But I need it back.”


            “What’s so important about it? Can’t you just let me have it?” He continues to joke.


            “Nah, I can’t.” I say. “It was my dad’s.”














                I was skimming through my history book the period before the quiz. It was a hard endeavour to imprint all these names and dates into my head in just minutes, but it wasn't anything I haven't done.


                 "Forgot to study?" All by fate, Daehyun became my seatmate this term. Knowing him, he wouldn't have touched any of his homework even for a second.


                 "Yeah." I say, smiling as I read. Daehyun was certainly the master of distraction. Was it a thief thing? "Did you forget?"


                 "As a matter of fact, I didn't." He says, bringing his book to his table top with a slam.


                 "So you studied?" I ask him, incredulously. 


                 "No. I didn't study. I remembered, but I still didn't study." He tells me rather proudly. But really, there is nothing to be proud about that. "I spent the whole night playing with Sooyeon. I now know how to dress a fake a barbie." Sooyeon was Daehyun's 5 year old sister, who actually reminded me of her older brother in many ways.


                 "'Bout you? Was your night well?"


                 "What do you think?" I turn a little, just enough for him to see a bruise under my eye. I regret it as soon as his breath hitches and as a look of worry flashes on his face. He reaches out to rub it gently, but I flinch from his touch -- it ing hurts.


                 "Why---Who---Did they hit you? Mother of god." Daehyun couldn't tear his gaze from me; I began to feel mighty bad. I knew where this conversation would lead to.


                 "This is why you should stop, Youngjae."


                 There it is. I knew he would bring this up again. "Last time I checked, no one hired you to make decisions for me." I tell him coldly. Daehyun was still staring at me, but the ring of the bell cut off our conversation. Thankfully.







            There would come a day that I fought with Daehyun, the person whom I’ve regarded my best friend. I knew that. He’d been telling me to stop my business all this time, all because he was worried for me and because he had put a stop his pick pocketing and scamming habits, thanks to detention or whatever it’s actually called. A part of me knew he was right -- but I'm stupid, and I wouldn't follow him.





            “I think Himchan’s dragging Yongguk to the karaoke today. Wanna come?” Daehyun asks Jongup, who right now, was ready to leave for home and do what he did best-----sleep. He, Daehyun, Junhong and I were the only ones left in the room; the older two always had a habit of leaving early.


            “I don’t know. Seeing you hyungs drunk is amusing, but… I’m rather sleepy.” Jongup smiles as he says this to Daehyun, before yawing. He waves goodbye and marches off.


            Daehyun begrudgingly mutters a ‘but you’re always sleeping’ before returning to sweetly beam at Junhong. “What about you, Junhong?”


            He shrugs as he carries his infantile schoolbag. “Well, I have to study…”


            “Aw, come on. Live a little!” I tell him, slapping his shoulder as a friendly gesture.


            He rubs the spot gingerly. “It’s an important test. Sorry.” Being the awkward kid he was, he dashes away from us both, leaving Daehyun more than disappointed. Why don’t my dongsaengs ever like me? That’s probably what he was thinking.


            “Don’t tell me you’re not going.” He says.


            “I’m not.” I answer back nonchalantly. I don’t bring much to school, so I usually don’t bring any bag at all. In short, I was pretty much set to leave.


            “You know, if this is because of your business, I’d advise you to quit. Like I always tell you, just quit.” His tone was as serious as ever, and Daehyun was hardly ever serious. I’d have to agree with him, though. Every day for me is a risk of getting in jail, and I’ve done my time. It’s hard to believe too, because I don’t look like the type who would resort to such things.


            “Yeah, and like every other crap advice of yours, I’m going to ignore it.” I retort.


            “I’m serious! How many years have you spent looking for them? And how many years have you wasted because you didn’t find them?”


            “Look, Daehyun----”


            I’ve never seen Daehyun truly mad. Not until today. “Come on, Youngjae. Is this more important than us? Ever think of Yongguk? Himchan?”


            “Jongup? Junhong?”


            Anger is bubbling within me. I don’t understand why----I had no reason to be angry; Daehyun did. Maybe I was angry because he was telling the truth. He was reading me like an open book. He understood me too well. I had to close him off.







            “You don’t understand, Daehyun.” was the best I could manage. I had to leave before I would explode. I move to the doorframe, but he catches my wrist.


            “Understand what?”


            I pull my hand away rather harshly. “You don’t understand because unlike you, my parents are alive!” I say. “I just have to find them. You don’t understand anything. I thought you did because you were my best friend, but I was wrong. You’re permanently an orphan, Daehyun.”


            I walk away abruptly, not sparing Daehyun a glance. That’s it. I’ve done it. I’ve hurt my own best friend for my own selfishness. The back of my mind was telling to go back and apologize, but my feet were working by themselves. I hated myself for it.


            It makes me undergo a slight fear of being separated from Daehyun. It wasn’t the first time we’ve fought; we in fact have squabbled about dumb things before. It’s just that I’ve always liked being lastingly by his side, when his unintelligent-looking mask off, actually seeing his smile.


            There are times after class, when we have our backs inclined on the wall at the back of the school. We’re facing greeneries and the endless sky, sometimes enveloped in comfortable silence, but sometimes imagining how life would be if we weren’t ed up to begin with.


            He’d be smiling, with his mask under his chin. He’d promise me that when he’s rich enough (well, in his dreams at least), he’d find my parents and we’d never have to resort to doing things like these.


            , I was acting like such lovestruck school girl. Reminiscing about Daehyun all of a sudden? Jesus, it’s not like I’ve been parted from him for a day. I clutch my chest; what is this feeling?








            Junhong is running towards me, barely able to carry his own heavy school bag. How many books does this kid bring home? He requests if he can walk home with me, and hesitantly I agree. He also mentions something about Daehyun seeming upset and that he didn’t even say ‘hi’ back to Junhong, and of course, I had to feel guilty. “Since you’re his closest friend, I hope you’d be able to cheer him up.” says Junhong.


            I just awkwardly nod. “Sure.”


            “Youngjae-hyung, why do you sell?” Junhong asks me, implying my drug-dealing. It was a sudden question. By this time, he should be on his merry way back to his family, not asking these things.


            “I need money.” I inform him, simply. He makes a confused face at me. He doesn’t get it; not alot of people do.


            “Why don’t you just work at café or something?”


            “It’s… not enough.” I answer.


            Junhong nods thoughtfully. “Well, how much do you need?”


            “Plenty. But I suppose I take anything I earn in a day.” I didn’t know where this was going, especially not when Junhong fishes in his pants pocket and brings out a ₩5,000 bill. “It’s not much, but it’s all that’s left of my lunch money.” He says sheepishly, tucking it in my pocket.


            “Thank you.” I was more than surprised, and a part of me thinks I should give it back. “But----”


            “Oh right, I forgot that my mom was waiting for me by the train station. See ya!” Before I could say anything to oppose him, he’d already taken off into the other direction. I sigh and pull out the bill. It’s certainly nothing compared to the money I usually get, and it definitely won’t get me anything of use in finding my parents.


            I smile subconsciously. Maybe today, that’s not what mattered.


            Sighing and ruffling my own hair, I walk to the convenience store a few blocks away from school. The money isn’t going to help me travel to where my parents were, but it was sure enough to get me some much needed ice cream. My stomach was grumbling and I haven’t eaten the whole day. Chocolate ice cream sounded good to me at this time.


            Once I finish all the contents of my ice cream cup, I decide to make a beeline back to the school grounds. (Admittedly, I was hoping Daehyun was still there.) While I’m at it, I thought that I should text him. To, I don’t know, say sorry.


            My phone flips open and I punch in a message.



            TO: Daehyunnie

            FROM: Youngjae

            I’m sorry.



         The room was empty when I peeked at it, and he wasn’t by his locker either. He’s probably not even home yet, he’s probably fetching his little sister from school. But then, at that moment, I got an idea.



            TO: Daehyunnie

            FROM: Youngjae

            Make sure to check your locker tomorrow.



            “Yoo Youngjae!”


            It was Himchan---who wasn’t alone, because wherever Himchan went, Yongguk went and vice versa. He was waving from the other side of the hallway, as if calling me, so I walk over to him.


            “Why’re you still in school?” He asks, throwing an arm over my shoulder.


            “I should ask you and Yongguk that, too.” I respond.


            “Can’t you guess~?”


            No, I actually can’t.


            “We had se----” Yongguk immediately covers Himchan’s blabbermouth with his hand in panic. “He’s kidding.” He tells me. If anything, I was more than just confirmed of my suspicions. Oh, silly Yongguk. You can’t fool the almighty brainbox.


            “Bull.” I think aloud. I could almost see the anger rising in Yongguk’s eyes as he glared at me, but Himchan runs a hand soothingly on his back. Himchan always had an effect on Yongguk, but I can’t really explain it. All I know is that when it comes to Himchan, all rage dies down.


            “What’s the hold-up anyways? Aren’t you supposed to be selling pot by now?” Yongguk says rather gruffly.




            Both of them gasp simultaneously. “You’re serious?”


            “Yep.” Today, I seemed like the master of short replies.


            “Well, that’s nice.” The younger of the two comments, a sincere smile on his face. Geez, he seriously was such a mom sometimes. And Yongguk’s like that strict father everyone’s scared of. (Don’t tell him I said that.)


            “Oh, wait!” Himchan pipes suddenly, stopping in our tracks.


            “Hm?” I intently look at him, and it turns out he was looking at my hand----or more accurately, wondering why it had nothing on.


            “Where’s your ring?” Yongguk appears perplexed; because as far as he knew, it was my most prized possession. Not anymore, though.


            “Ah, I must’ve lost it.” I lie.





            I smile to myself, silently thanking Junhong.











A/N: yay i finally got around to posting youngjae's......thingy lol

i had to edit a lot because it wasn't going like i wanted it to be LOL but yea ok 

next up is daehyun's ;u;;; i hope you're all still holding on lmfao


(ALSO GODDDD i rewrote this like twice??? i lost it so many times im sobbing T___T)

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Chapter 4: sighs, so sad that this story will never be continued
VIXsterna #2
Chapter 4: I'm so excited for this next chapter omg
Chapter 4: This is so awesome! I think even if I didnt already like BAP I would still love this story & the way you've written the characters.
i was squealing and yelling and crying and ugly sobbing and asdfghjklkjhgfdssdfghj-ing the entire story author-nim pls update soon omg i just love this story so much i can't /inhales slowly/
v3aish #5
i just read this and its great! its different from other fic and really well written! looking forward to your updates :D