001: Life

Dreamland: Silver Rose


My breath became short as I listened carefully to each word being told to me.  In front of me was a young teenager whose eyes were teary and lower lip was trembling.

                “Will I get through this? I don’t- t k-know how I c-can.”  Her trembling voice rang clear to me.  It was a silent plea of desperation, affirmation, something to tell her to keep fighting against the evil that haunted her.  Her dark orbs stared into mine beseechingly as she waited anxiously for my answer.

                “If you believe you can, you can.” I replied simply and I placed a hand on her back and patted her softly.  Her eyes softened and she looked at me again.

                “You know you want to make it, and if you want to make it you first have to believe in yourself and not let them sway you from your ambitions. They are bad, they bully you and harass you and, if believe in yourself and show them you are stronger than they, you will make it, they will not harm you.” I whispered softly letting the cool breeze of Dreamland blow my words away into the mist.  The girl let out a soft smile and soon her body evaporated away leaving no trace of her presence, she had woken up from her dream.

                I sat down in the field that skies used to be gray and dark when she first came to see me, were now a baby blue.  White, puffy clouds dotted the blue sky and I let out a soft sigh before completely lying down in the soft, green grass. 

                I let my eyes trace the outline of each cloud carefully, and my mind wandered off to think about all the people I had met over the past time.  I didn’t notice that a shadow was hovering above me for my eyes had drifted close but, when I reopened them I was greeted with a huge shock.

                “Ryeowook!” I exclaimed at the shadow of the guardian that had overshadowed me.  A huge smile painted both our faces as he lay down beside me.

                “It seems that your mind has wandered off again Mi Kyoung, what were you thinking of?” Ryeowook asked me earnestly.  Ryeowook was one of the guardians of Dreamland and he ensured that everything ran smoothly without a hitch here, he was also a close friend and confident of mine as we both enjoyed talking together.  He was a lovely person and I loved him to bits.

                “Just about people and all the people I’ve met so far…”  I mumbled softly.  Ryeowook nodded and smiled softly at me.  I let my mind wander off to the white clouds; they were so white that they resembled freshly fallen snow.   I looked around me and spotted the fiery red flowers that decorated the green hills, and the tall cypress trees that lay west of the bright flowers.  I looked at Ryeowook and he was staring at me.

                “Yah, why are you looking at me?” I asked him with wide eyes.  He smiled and poked my cheek softly.

                “You looked happy, people look the most beautiful when they are happy.” He replied his eyes curling into crescent moons.

                “Then you are always handsome Ryeowook, you always have a smile on your face!”

                “Why thank you very much Mi Kyoung!” Ryeowook smiled and sat up.  I followed suit and looked at him.  He gave me a soft smile and left. I sighed with bliss and proceeded to lay down and let my mind wander off again.  This time it was something that brought me the most bittersweet memories that I have always never have wanted to face.

                Hyuk Jae.

                He was my fiancé and the only one that I would love.  His bright eyes, cheerful gummy smile, the way he would laugh, the way his eyes would stare into mine, I missed him so much.  I was stuck here though, in the skies while my love was down on earth, on the mortal world.  I had learned of so much evil that happened on Earth that my heart would die a little each time knowing that my loved one was down there in that evil place.

                Without even realizing, a small tear had run down my face and landed on my hand.  I didn’t bother to wipe away the river of tears that followed.


                  In the cold streets of Seoul, I saw bright city lights.  I was standing by the window in my apartment, it wasn’t overly lavish place, nor was it small and dirty.  It had fit me and another. Notice how I said had.

               The person that used to live here was Mi Kyoung, my love, my only, the one that almost became my wife.  She was lovely, she was like a flower swaying in the wind, her laugh sounded like two small tinkling bells, she was as soft as cotton, and she was everything I needed, wanted, loved.

                It was snowing outside, harsh, cold wind crashed wildly outside the window. Swirling white snowflakes blew outside my door.  It was how I felt, cold, alone, forsaken.

                 I never wanted her to leave, it was that drunk driver’s fault, and he was driving on the wrong side of the road. But, I blamed myself for everything.  She was dead because of me, Jung Mi Kyoung would never come back, no matter how much I missed her and how I wanted her.

                   I got my coat and headed outside to the cold, windy, lonesome streets of Seoul.  I could see the snowflakes swirling around the dim lamp posts full of their soft light.  I let my feet take me to wherever it wanted to go and I found myself walking past places that had great meaning to me, they were the most meaningful places to me, to us.

                    I remember everything now, it’s like time stopped for a moment and let me remember each moment I had experienced with her, like it was torturing me, playing with.  Bitter tears rolled down my pale cheeks and my fists clenched together.  Not able to take the pain anymore, I walked away.


                     Another day, another dream.  I smiled as another person faded out of Dreamland.  I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to be greeted by Ryeowook’s smiling face. 

                    “Hello Mi Kyoung!” He greeted me with his signature sweet smile.

                     “Hi Ryeowookie, how have you been?”

                     “Good, you?”

                     “I’ve been okay.” I replied.  He instantly knew what I was thinking about and his arms wrapped around my frame easily.

                      Lee Hyuk Jae.

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... FOUND MY USB ^o^ working on the update


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Sweetlove123 #1
Chapter 1: Eunhyuk Pov really has made me sad. T_T
Sweetlove123 #2
The fic is really Interesting I bet say. I wish there were more to read. So plz update soon. ^_^