
Overnight Transformation


A/N: Before I begin, I'm aware that their sleeping arrangements have changed, and Sungjong no longer has his own room, but I loved their previous arrangement, so yeah.




Sungjong yawned loudly as he ran a hand through his hair, shuffling his feet across the floor sluggishly. He head been hearing incessant meowing for the past 10 minutes, and if it weren’t for it, he’d still be Princess Sungjong in Divaland ordering his faithful subjects with his beautiful princess wand. And not forgetting the diamond-crusted tiara on his head, of course.


He opened his door, peeking his head out to the empty living room.


“Hmm,” he pursed his lips. “I could’ve sworn I heard a cat.”


As if on cue, there was that meowing sound again, accompanied by – the scratching of a door?


Sungjong jumped back out of reflex, his hand still on the doorknob. If memory served him right, Infinite owns no cat. Or any kind of animals, really (unless you count Sunggyu and his adorable cheeks) because right after that came a hoot.


A hoot?


“What the hell,” the maknae mumbled under his breath. “My hearing must be going off because owls don’t appear early in the mornings!”


He quietly left his room, tip-toeing, to stand in the middle of the huge living space, hands on his hips. The two animals stopped the moment he strained his neck to further hear it. Is this some kind of trick? he puffed his cheeks in annoyance.


“And why am I the only one awake in this dorm? Where’s Woohyun hyung? It’s his turn this week to wake us all up,” he grumbled, clearly not pleased that he be the only one awake.


“Hey, is someone there? Open this goddamned door!”


Sungjong whipped his head to the source of the voice. He couldn’t exactly make out whose it belonged to, but it did sound like it came from Sunggyu, Myungsoo and Sungyeol’s shared bedroom. So he trudged over to said door, wondering why one of them would want the door to be opened in the first place. Did they accidentally lock themselves in there? Was the door stuck? Did they lose the key –


“If someone is out there right now I demand you to open this door or I swear there will be serious consequences for you!”


That’s Sunggyu alright. But if his leader and the visuals can’t get out, that would only mean that there was something wrong with their door, right? What was he supposed to do?


“Yah, Lee Sungjong, I see your furry slippers, pink or not,  so I know it’s you. Open this door right now!”


Was Sunggyu on the floor and looking through the small gap under the door? Sungjong hastily fumbled with the doorknob, worried if it was indeed broken, but when he did, the door opened without difficulty.


“Ugh, finally.”


Sungjong raised his eyebrows as he walked into the room, finding no one in there. “Sunggyu hyung?” he whispered.


A flash of black caught his attention, so he darted his eyes down and nearly squealed when he saw a cat walking past his feet. “Hey, you. Where’d you come from? Were you the one that woke me up?” he picked up the cat and scratched its ear. “Aren’t you cute.”


“Who you callin’ cute?”


Sungjong dropped the cat to the floor, yelping. First, it was his hearing. Now, his eyes were going bad. He just saw, or he thinks he saw, the cat’s mouth move. And it was glaring at him, too.


The maknae blinked furiously as the black cat walked away from him. The cat’s eyes reminded him of a person he knew, and the way it glared at him –


“Hey, Jjongie.”


The said boy instantly looked up…only to see an owl fly past him, and he couldn’t help the scream that escaped his lips as he backed away.


“Hey, hey, hey. Watch the fur.”


Sungjong slowly turned around, his eyes widening even further once he saw a small fluffy hamster looking up at him. “Oh, my God!” he exclaimed, his eyes going back and forth the hamster on the floor, the cat that looked like it had no care in the world, and the annoying owl that’s flying over his head, hooting non-stop.


“I’m dreaming,” he pinched his arm. “My eyes are playing tricks on me. We own no animals. Animals can’t talk, and humans don’t understand them. I’m the first one awake, so I’m sure I didn’t let any animals in this morning. Plus, I don’t sleepwalk, that’s Myungsoo hyung’s job…wait, he sleeptalks. And I’m sure the managers hadn’t come in either,” he muttered all in one breath, all the while gripping his messy hair. “My tiara is gone! This is a bad dream. A really, really bad dream.”


“Are you done?”


He pointed an accusing finger at the ball of fur. “And why do you look like Sunggyu hyung?”


The hamster stared at him in disbelief, its whiskers moving slightly. “That’s because I am him, you twit!”


Sungjong swears that if he widens his eyes even more, it’ll indisputably fall from its sockets. The little ball of fur just answered his question. The little ball of fur understood him. And he, in turn, can hear the little ball of fur replying him. The little ball of fur can talk, and it talks just like Sunggyu. Hell, it looked just like him as well!


“You!” he suddenly pointed to the cat by the windowsill. When did it get there? “Doesn’t mean you’re creepily alike to Myungsoo hyung you’re him!”


The black cat stared blankly at him. “That’s because I am?” it responded in a flat tone.


Okay. The hamster’s Sunggyu, and the cat’s Myungsoo. Breathe in, breathe out. Makes sense, since their fur color is the color of his group members’ hair. And the attitude made up for it. And the stupid owl just won’t stop.


“Would you cut it out, you idiot! It’s cold enough as it is!” he shrieked, his hands swatting at the flying animal. He then narrowed his eyes at the pouting (eww, they can pout?) bird. “And I’m guessing you’re Sungyeol hyung?”


“Obvious, is it not?” the cat quipped, and did it just sigh? Was that possible?


“I’m panicking, okay!” the owl, or Sungyeol, screeched as it made itself comfortable beside the cat, or Myungsoo. “I’m a bird. A friggin’ bird!”


While he was contemplating whether or not to believe that this little ball of fur before him really was the group’s leader, and the other two really were the visuals, the small animal walked up to him (well, its small feet pitter-pattered across the floor), its eyes seemingly squinting at the younger boy. Either that, or the animal was dozing off…while making its way to him.


“You don’t believe it’s me?”


Sungjong mentally slapped his head. How can he believe that his hyungs had magically transformed into animals? It’s just not feasible! He momentarily looked at the visuals by the windowsill, and shuddered at how they seemed a lot like his group members simply at first glance. It must be true though since a) they resembled s so much that it’s starting to creep him out, b) the animals can talk and c) their voices!


“Uh, trying to.” The youngest’s eyebrows connected in perplexity as he crouched to the tiny animal’s level. “Let’s be rational about this while I take this all in. How – how did you guys become –“


“We apparently got in touch with our animal sides.”


The boy swiftly turned his head around to the source. That was not Sunggyu, not Myungsoo, and not Sungyeol talking. His eyes go wide once more at the view before him. Sungjong blinked repeatedly, his mouth agape. Oh, no, not another one, he grimaces.


He makes a face at the dark brown creature hopping towards him, his mouth curling in horror. “Please, please tell me you’re not Woohyun hyung.”


“Nope, won’t let you have the satisfaction, kiddo.”


Sungjong groaned into his palms, crouching down to the floor, feeling exasperated. “No, no. This is not happening,” he cried into his hands.


He was beginning to accept the fact that Sunggyu, Myungsoo and Sungyeol had indeed magically transformed into animals, and he was hoping they were the only ones. And now, right in front of him, Woohyun was giving him a weird look (yes, he could tell it was a weird look because all his hyungs’ animal faces could make expressions!), and what perturbed him more was that the grease had taken the form of a rabbit.


A. ing. Rabbit.


“Can you not look at me like that, hyung?” Sungjong frowned as he watched the main vocalist’s tall ears twitch up and down. “That’s not cute.”


Woohyun clicked his tongue, tilting his head to the side. “I can’t help that you’re looking at me weirdly too.”


“You’re a bunny, hyung. You’re an effing bunny!” The maknae flailed his arms around, enunciating every word through gritted teeth. “How did you even manage to get out of your room anyway?”


“Yeah,” Sungyeol piped up. “All this thing…” he side-glanced Myungsoo the cat, earning him a small growl. “…beside me did was scratch the door. Pfft,” he snorted. “And all that one did was peep through the tiny gap under the door.”


“At least I made some noise, you dickwad,” Myungsoo snarled. “And what did you do? Flap your wings like the choding that you are.”


“And I was not just peeking, you twerp,” Sunggyu suddenly voiced out, squinting his eyes at the owl a few feet from him. “If it weren’t for me, Sungjong might’ve not even come close to opening the door. You could’ve pushed the handle down with your – claw, hoof, or whatever it is you have for feet.”


Sungjong inhaled deeply. It was too bizarre for him, seeing his group members arguing with each other in their animal forms. He would’ve laughed (because Sunggyu might’ve squeaked at the end of his sentences), but the situation wasn’t right. The eldest male looked like he wanted to keep berating the other, but then Sungjong didn’t want this end badly, so he scooped the little ball of fur in his hands carefully, chuckling nervously.


“Okay, that’s enough, furball.”


Sunggyu glared at him. Well, his eyes looked close to closing, so the youngest wasn’t certain.


He sat himself down cross-legged on the floor, with Sunggyu the hamster curled up between his legs. “Woohyun hyung, care to explain how you –“


“Hey, put me down this instant!”


Sungjong, Sunggyu and Woohyun’s attentions were redirected to the abrupt wail, and they found themselves staring up at the ceiling; Sungyeol the owl had Myungsoo the cat securely gripped in between his talons. Don’t ask how it’s possible. If they could transform into animals overnight, an owl can carry a cat as well.


“Yah, Lee Sungyeol! Put me down now. Kim Myungsoo does not tolerate manhandling!”


“What man? Shut up, Myung,” Sungyeol said plainly. “We’re too far away from them. We need to get closer.”


“Did you just tell me to shut up? Did you just –“


“You called me a dickwad, we’re even.”


That seemed to have effectively shut the younger one up, and if Myungsoo were human at this moment, Sungjong could see his arms crossed in front of his chest (and most likely a pout too).


Sungyeol released Myungsoo when he was just a few centimeters above the floor, and the cat successfully landed on his feet with a small “oof”. The owl settled down beside the scowling cat, and all it did was stare at the feline with raised eyebrows. Seriously, animals do not have eyebrows. At least, it’s not visible to people maybe, but this one kinda does have eyebrows.


“Don’t glare at me like that,” Sungyeol scoffed. “If ever we get back to our real selves…no for a week, L Kim.”


Myungsoo’s glare was straight away replaced with big, anxious eyes. “I’m so sorry, Yeol. Please, anything but that! I didn’t mean to call you that!”


Sungjong inwardly gagged at their – exchange. No, just no, okay. It would’ve been normal, absolutely normal, if this conversation they had occurred the day before, when they were both boys. Human boys. His eyes went from the owl to the cat, and back again. If those two were in their original forms, he imagined Sungyeol with his arms across his chest this time, and Myungsoo kneeling before him with his hands clasped together, begging for forgiveness.


Okay, Sungjong exaggerated slightly, but one thing’s for sure: such a dramatic pair.


Before their conversation could get any more awkward (and gross, for Sungjong’s part), the maknae interrupted. “Guys, please. No talk when you’re like this, thank you very much. It’s just so wrong,” he shuddered, his mind imagining things he shouldn’t be imagining. “Woohyun hyung, may we now know?”


Woohyun the bunny pursed his lips. Again, not supposed to be possible. “I guess this is the only time I’m grateful I live alone, you know? My own room.”


Sunggyu the hamster clicked his tongue, lifting his head up and propping his small paws on top of Sungjong’s pants. “That still doesn’t tell us how.”


Sighing, the bunny continued. “In case you’ve forgotten, I practically live in the closet,” he pouted. Again, Sungjong winced, that gesture. “Sliding door, anyone?” and if Woohyun were a boy, the maknae could see him putting out his hands, palms up, in an inquiring motion.


The hamster, the owl, the cat, and the boy merely looked at him stupidly. So what if the closet’s door was a sliding one? That still did not answer the youngest’s question.


“I left the door ajar last night!” Woohyun said, his voice an octave higher. Aww, he sounds adorable though, Sungjong giggled to himself. “Well, it wasn’t big enough to fit me, you know, with me suddenly having this fat , so I used these,” he wiggled his left foot up in the air (tried to), then proceeded to lift the other for emphasis, somewhat hopping. “Now I know why they call it the lucky rabbit foot.”


Sungjong hummed. Okay, so Woohyun the bunny simply pushed the sliding door with his lucky rabbit feet, just enough to get him out of his room aka closet. Fine, he’ll buy that answer. He was too lazy to list the reasons on how, again, it wasn’t logical. Everything on this day was impossible anyway.


Sunggyu the hamster huffed as he rested his chin above his hands on Sungjong’s ankle. “Yeah, yeah. That’s great and all, but we still need to find out how we turned out like this.”


“I was fine last night,” Sungyeol sighed, tapping his feathered talons on the floor. “But then why am I transformed into an owl?” he all but screeched.


“That’s because you look like one,” Sungjong replied nonchalantly, earning him narrowed eyes from the older one. It looked menacing, if the maknae were to be truthful. Owls have naturally big and round eyes, so to have them narrowed at him made him cower a little.


“Sunggyu hyung looks like a hamster too, so…” he looked down at the tiny animal, and grinned innocently. What could the tiny creature do to him anyway? He would be so dead once his leader is back to his human form, but he should be allowed to relish this moment, right? “And Myungsoo hyung resembles a cat, and lucky for him, his hair color is black so his fur gets to be in his favourite color.”


Sunggyu and Myungsoo were both narrowing their eyes at the youngest for his explanation. Myungsoo was thinking of scratching the maknae’s so-called flawless face just to get him to shut up, but then he erased it from his head. Even though the thought sounded so glorious, and the claws, the sharp claws!


“And then there’s you,” Sungjong turned to the bunny with judging eyes. “Of course you had to be a bunny. No questions asked. I’m surprised you didn’t transform into a can of grease though.”


“Ha, ha, bloody ha,” Woohyun mock-laughed. Then his ears perked up, those tall, twitchy ears. “Hang on, we’re missing two of our members.”


The others began to notice as well, and true enough, their resident rappers and dancers weren’t in the living room with them.


As if on cue, a scream resonated throughout the dormitory. “Holy , there’s a ing extinct thing in the dorm!”


With widened eyes, Sungjong scrambled to get on his feet, unintentionally dropping Sunggyu the hamster to the floor with a plop. Huffing, Sunggyu glared at the maknae, who was running towards the absent members’ shared bedroom. Before the maknae could reach the room though, the door swung open as Hoya ran past him in a panicky state.


“Hoya hyung!” Sungjong called out, making his way to him.


“Huh? What?” Hoya abruptly turned around, but accidentally tripped on a certain animal’s tail.


Myungsoo let out a ferocious growl, hissing in pain at the heavy male’s weight on his precious tail as he scampered off to Sungyeol the owl for comfort.


“What the..” Hoya got back up on his feet as he looked at the cat and owl near him. “We don’t have pets.”


Sungjong held the rapper’s shoulders. “Hyung! Breathe!”


Hoya took a deep breath. “W-what’s going on, Sungjong?”


“There’s no legit explanation, but they’re Sungyeol and Myungsoo. And the bunny and hamster is Woohyun and Sunggyu hyung,” he stated hurriedly. “Where’s Dongwoo hyung?”


“I – I don’t know. There was something in our room,” he pointed in the direction of his room. “An extinct creature! I don’t know where Dongwoo hyung is. Do you think that thing gobbled him up? Poor hyung, he’s such a heavy sleeper he might not even realize he’d been eaten and –“


“I’m not eaten, .”


Walking (or rather, stumbling) out of the rappers’ bedroom was a creature that looked a lot like a baby dinosaur, a creature that was meant to be extinct. It was small, not as small as Sunggyu or Woohyun, but it was small to say the least; short.


Sungyeol flapped his wings as he went over to the stumbling creature, scrutinizing it. “Dongwoo hyung?”




Oh, so Dongwoo’s the medium-sized dinosaur, Sungjong deduced. He did look alike to the rapper, no questions necessary. Every one of the members always did think that Dongwoo resembled a dinosaur, a Pterodactyl, to be exact. The youngest was quite relieved he was transformed into a much smaller animal though. He was sure the flying reptile would be huge, but he didn’t expect him to be changed into a baby Tyrannosaurus.


At the questioning look Dongwoo was giving him, Sungyeol suddenly erupted into a series of HA-HA-HA’s, rolling his owl self onto the floor and guffawing hysterically.


Ridiculous, Sungjong wanted to say, but kept his mouth shut as he too, giggled. He didn’t exactly know who he was giggling at more: the fact that Dongwoo is a baby dinosaur, or Sungyeol outrageously and literally rolling on the floor laughing in his owl form.


Woohyun the bunny and Sunggyu the hamster stared at the owl with raised eyebrows, but their lips that curled slightly was a dead giveaway that they also found the situation comical.


“Yah,” Myungsoo the cat pawed at Sungyeol the owl’s shaking form. “Stop it. You are an embarrassment,” he said while frowning. “You look ridiculous, dork.”


Hoya, all the while, stared at his group members dubiously. What in the world was going on! And why was he and Sungjong the only ones who weren’t transformed? Right in front of him were animals, and they were his group members. The bunny and hamster were side by side, a smile on their faces (how are they even able to smile? his mind screamed. And this wasn’t the time to be smiling!), and the cat was continuously pawing at the still hysterical owl. Then there was Dongwoo the baby t-rex, plopping his to the floor, looking dejected – and oh my God was he pouting?


Sungjong was standing beside him, looking as if their situation was a normal one.


Hoya sighed, he didn’t need to ask if all these were true. The animals – attitude and features – resembled his friends, and it was enough for him to understand that it was really them.


“Oi,” he pushed Sungyeol the owl aside, making him finally stop his hysterics. “You really are Sungyeol, huh?” he  mused before sitting himself down.


“Don’t state the obvious, Hoya,” Myungsoo the cat rolled his eyes as he flicked the owl’s forehead softly.


“Why…” Dongwoo the baby t-rex voiced out, trying to occupy himself with his short fingers. “Why are we all of a sudden – this? And why are you and Sungjong the only ones still boys?”


Sungjong sat down next to him, patting his back.


“We don’t know, Dongwoo-yah,” Sunggyu the hamster’s feet pitter-pattered as he crossed the floor to get to the baby dinosaur.


Woohyun the bunny watched Sunggyu’s behind with a smirk. Even as a hamster, he still had a cute . Sungyeol and Myungsoo saw this and made a face at the ert.


“Well, what are we gonna do?” Hoya asked, picking up Sunggyu in his hands to properly place him on his lap. At least in his hamster form, his (unique) won’t hurt his lap. “Should we tell the managers?”


“We probably shouldn’t…” Sunggyu shook his head, eyes staring up at the boy. “…for now.”


“Today is our day off,” Woohyun added after hopping to where the others were. “We might change back to ourselves tomorrow, hopefully.”


“I hope it’s soon,” Dongwoo agreed. “I don’t want to be a dinosaur for the rest of my life!”


“But you already are,” Woohyun remarked with a laugh.


Dongwoo made to hit the bunny, but only ended up falling face flat to the floor.




Half an hour later, after Hoya and Sungjong freshened up, they were back in the living room.


While in the shower, Sungjong pondered as to why he and Hoya were still – them. As he lathered his body with soap, he carefully touched every part of his body, afraid that he’d suddenly find something that’d freak him out. He found no fur, no feathers, no cotton ball on his , and no scales at all, and he finally eased up. He also still had his fabulous hair, so he simply smiled while shampooing it.


Hoya watched his leader and the main vocalist arguing on the sofa about who gets to change the channel on the television. The remote was on the sofa, but they couldn’t hold it in their pitiful hands – paws – whatever, and all they could do was click clumsily.


“Stop changing it! I want to watch this, stupid!”


“Don’t call me stupid, stupid! Get your full of cotton ball out of here and just hop away!”


Sungjong was beside him when he heard the argument, a glass of orange juice in his hand. “Still arguing?”


“Uh-huh,” Hoya nodded.


Both boys then looked up to the ceiling. Sungyeol the owl was flying to his heart’s content, from the living room to their bedrooms, to the kitchen, and back again, singing “I believe I can fly! I believe I can touch the sky! I think about it every night and day~” off-key.


Sungjong cringed, both from the awful singing and the sour orange juice.


“You know, Myungsoo…” Dongwoo the baby t-rex said, stumbling behind the feline. “You should tell your tail to cover up your .”


The cat stopped in his tracks. “What?” he asked with wide eyes.


Dongwoo wobbled on his two big feet when Myungsoo turned to face him. “Your tail,” he cleared his throat. “It should go downwards, you know, so that it can cover up your . We can all see it in all its glory, if you haven’t noticed.”


At the comment, Myungsoo immediately sat on his hind legs, planting his to the floor. “I can’t tell my tail what to do,” he hissed. “I’m aware it’s right there, but I’d appreciate it if you don’t stare at my .”


Ignoring the cat’s statement, the dinosaur continued. “It’s a lot smaller than your man- though,” he squinted as if he could see the hidden part.


Myungsoo growled at this. “Enough with your talk, Dino.”


“No, really,” the other pressed on. “Your real ’s actually a lot bigger than this.”


The cat scoffed. “I’m sure the whole world knows that, no thanks to you. You’ve said that on live broadcast.”


“I had to tell my feelings about each of your butts. It’s just so strange looking at them now though, seeing as all of us have changed to various animals. Well, except Sungjong and Hoya. No matter what, Sungjong’s will always be my favourite. And I’m sure if he were an animal, it’ll still be nice. It’s just the right size and –“


“Ehm, I appreciate you liking my and all…” Sungjong looked down amusedly, an eyebrow quirked. “…but Myungsoo hyung’s already gone.”


“Huh?” Dongwoo raised his head, confused. He looked around and saw Myungsoo conversing with Sungyeol, who at last got down from his high. He then gave the maknae bashful smile as he shimmied away from him, probably to dig a hole to hide himself for talking so much about the maknae’s (fantastic) .


Sungjong chuckled and walked away. He wondered how long his group members would stay like this. If this transformation was to last for more than a day, he and Hoya couldn’t possibly be the only ones promoting Man In Love. And what excuses could they say? If it were only one member who couldn’t promote, they could just say that he was sick or something.


Shaking his head, he rid himself of thoughts regarding it and just did his thing in his room. It was no use anyway.


The day went by unexpectedly smoothly, with occasional bickering from the bunny and hamster, or the cat and owl, and even Hoya and the baby t-rex.


It was easy for Sungjong to hold Sunggyu the hamster and take him far away from Woohyun the bunny because of his mini size. And he was absolutely the most harmless. Woohyun the bunny had the tendency to kick him when he held him, Myungsoo the cat threatened to scratch his pretty face if he so much as to touch him, Sungyeol the owl would fly away from his grasp or even before he could get him.


Dongwoo the baby t-rex was another story. He had Hoya to take care of him anyway. And Sungjong didn’t really want to hold him, even if Dongwoo was the sweetest and nicest, but his animal form was the total opposite. Flesh-eating dinosaur, anyone?


Speaking of eating, Sungjong and Hoya thought that before they go out and buy different animal food for their group members (which earned them simultaneous “yuck!”), they should at least try to feed them human food first, to see if their taste was still the same.


Fortunately for the non-humans, their digestive systems still accepted human food. The unfortunate thing was that Sungjong and Hoya had to cut bits and pieces of the food for them.


Time went by fast for them, and before they knew it, it was 9 o’clock in the evening.


“Hey, guys,” Sunggyu the hamster looked up at the dancer and maknae. “Do you mind if we all sleep in one room?”


“Why not?” Sungjong pursed his lips. “Let’s all sleep in my room tonight.”


The others followed closely behind the youngest to his bedroom. Dongwoo stumbled again, and Hoya sighed, picking him up in his arms. He never did get used to walking correctly on is big feet.


Sungjong flipped his duvet, and that’s when he felt something tickling on his toes. He looked down and saw Sunggyu gazing up at him expectantly, as if saying “well?”. The maknae giggled inwardly and gently scooped the tiny animal in his hands, placing him on his mattress. Myungsoo the cat jumped from the floor up to the bed, and Sungyeol the owl easily flew to it.


“We’ll take the floor, Jjong,” Hoya announced, bringing in a mattress. We, as in, him and the baby t-rex.


“Hey,” Woohyun the bunny exclaimed before Sungjong could lie down. “What about me?”


“What about it?” the maknae teased.


“Yah, brat! I can’t jump that high.”


Sungjong rolled his eyes playfully. “Relax, bunny-boo,” he reached down. “Should I just pull you up by the ears?”


Woohyun instantly pulled down his ears. “Don’t you dare.”


“Just leave him down there, Jjong,” Sunggyu peered from the bed, a slight smirk on his furry face.


“Gyu…” Woohyun pouted, still gripping his ears. “Don’t be so mean.”


“What’s wrong with sleeping with us?” Dongwoo the baby t-rex questioned as he made himself cozy beside a chuckling Hoya.


“Because you two are Yadong,” Sungjong said knowingly, grabbing the bunny and alarming him as he wasn’t ready for that. “Now go to sleep all of you. Hoya hyung and I are tired because of your bossing around throughout today.”




Sungjong’s eyes flew open when he felt a kick to his side.


It was most likely 6.45 in the morning. His body remained still, eyes on the ceiling as his hands roamed around him. Another kick came to him, this time on his leg, and his body abruptly shot up, ready to reprimand the culprit.


“Oh, !” he clamped a hand to his mouth.


In front of him, on his bed, were a mix of different limbs. Human limbs. He couldn’t exactly see whose arms were splayed across his groin, so he carefully lifted it to see whose it belonged to. He made a face as those arms were connected to Woohyun’s body, so he threw the arms aside, but the elder barely shifted as he snuggled even more. And the Woohyun close to him had no more long, twitchy ears, and of course no more round cotton ball for a tail.


He took his time in looking at his group members, trying to process everything.


Next to Woohyun was Sunggyu, who had his head in between the younger male’s legs (and not in a dirty way, erts!) as he slept calmly. Sungjong peered over the leader’s body to see that his legs were dangling off the bed, scoffing at the sight.


He then moved on to the mess of hair at the end of his bed, finding it to be Sungyeol, snoring with his mouth open. Sungjong would’ve snickered at how stupid and unattractive he looked, when realization suddenly dawned on him. If Sungyeol’s head was where everyone else’s feet were, then that meant…


The maknae glanced back to his pillow, and he wanted to let out a bloodcurdling scream. “Ew! I slept next to feet!” he mouthed the words in disgust. “Ew, ew, ew! Gross.”


What he almost failed to see was that Myungsoo was sleeping beside Sungyeol, his face in the older’s neck, a string of drool visible. Sungjong cringed at how those two were disgusting. It made the youngest wonder whose (icky) feet’s scent he had inhaled in his sleep.


“Ugh, unhygienic!” he cried out unintentionally.


There was movement at the end of the bed, and Sungyeol groaned. “Shut it, Lee Sungjong. It’s too early to be a ,” he mumbled without opening his eyes as he shifted closer to the koala beside him.


He dares to call me a ? Sungjong was fuming on the inside at the insult, but he thought to just let it go. He refrained himself from kicking Sungyeol in the face, and opted to take a peek towards the floor where Hoya and Dongwoo slept.


He snorted at the view, resisting the urge to double over as his hands clamped over his mouth.


Hoya was sleeping soundly, with Dongwoo’s in the direction of his face. The older rapper was curled up like a fetus, his blanket not covering him up anymore.


“Hoya hyung!” Sungjong whispered. When the dancer made no move at all, the maknae frowned. “Lee Howon hyung!” he whisper-shouted, reaching over his bed to tap the other’s shoulders non-too-softly.


Hoya’s eyes finally snapped open at the harsh taps, and he groggily looked up to see Sungjong’s face near him. “W-what?”


Sungjong pointed to his head, and Hoya sighed, sitting up and ruffling his hair. He blinked twice before his eyes widened at the picture on the bed. His group members had returned back to normal? He side-glanced beside him, and let out a whining “Ugh!” as he pushed Dongwoo’s away from him.


Dongwoo merely rolled on the floor, but that still didn’t wake him up.


Hoya stood up on his feet and stared at everyone. They were back?


“Aish,” Sungyeol, the light-sleeper that he was, groaned again as he sat up, Myungsoo’s head falling off of the older male not as gracefully. “Why are you guys extra loud in the morning like –“


That was when he saw his outstretched legs. His eyes widened and he ran his hand through his entire body, feeling his skin instead of feathers, mouth instead of beak, and everything else on him was back to normal. He turned to his side, seeing a human Myungsoo instead of black fur.


Ignoring the wet patch on his t-shirt (yes, thank goodness they were all clothed!), Sungyeol shook the younger boy awake. “Wake up!” He then proceeded to Sunggyu and Woohyun, closing the eyes to their suggestive position. “Guys, wake up! Get up!”


Sungjong and Hoya also helped to wake them up, Dongwoo and Myungsoo were especially difficult to wake up, but in the end, every one of them opened their eyes.


“What?” Sunggyu rubbed an eye, stopping himself when he saw hands instead of paws. “W-what?”


“Oh, my God! We’re back!” Woohyun yelled out in happiness, sitting on his knees.


Myungsoo blinked his eyes repeatedly, as if dazed. He looked down to his body and finally realized he had no more fur and tail! His will no longer be out there for the world (or Dongwoo) to see!


“Dongwoo hyung, get up!” Hoya kicked the older male on the backside as a last resort.


“Ow,” Dongwoo rubbed the spot he was kicked, rolling over to carefully sit up. “What the hell was that –“


“You’re back, hyung! You’re back,” Hoya grinned, shaking his shoulders.


Sungjong crossed his arms over his chest. They might as well have a party here. He was happy, yeah, but they were all crowded on his too small a bed. It was fine the night before, because they had their own space, but now they were just a mix of limbs here and there and it was starting to get cramped and stuffy.


“Okay, okay. Get off my bed before I kick you.”


One by one, they got off the bed, glad to be standing on their own feet with no strange parts.


“Yah, Lee Sungjong,” Sunggyu narrowed his eyes at the youngest. “What did you say about me looking like a hamster?” he asked in a dangerously low tone.


Sungjong gulped. His leader only ever used that tone when any one of them was in trouble, and in this case, it was him. He giggled timidly, before dashing out of his room, with Sunggyu running after him.


“Yah, get back here!”




A few days went by after the bizarre incident, and Sunggyu smiled at the fact that they’d returned to normal just overnight. It was possible, he supposed, they did transform overnight, so it was only logical they changed quickly too. He had to admit it hurt his pride to be transformed into a tiny animal that is the hamster. Didn’t mean he looked like one he had to be one.


He puffed his cheeks and got out of his bed. It was his turn this week to wake his group members up, so he shook Sungyeol and Myungsoo harshly to get them up.


“Get him up, Yeol,” Sunggyu patted Sungyeol’s thigh when he sat up. “Or else I’ll kick him.”


Sungyeol saluted the leader in a sleepy state, and proceeded to hit the younger male softly. “Wakey, wakey, Myungie~”


The oldest male went to Woohyun’s room, but the main vocalist was already up. “I’m up,” he waved as he made his way over to his boyfriend.


Smiling, Sunggyu nodded and walked out of the room. Sungyeol and Myungsoo were thankfully already fully awake and were sitting in the living room. Myungsoo was dozing off again, but Sungyeol pressed his lips to the other’s, and that jolted him from his slumber.


A hand on Sungjong’s doorknob, Sunggyu turned it and pushed the door open. “Sungjong-ah, come on, wake – Sungjong?” he wanted to walk in when he didn’t see the youngest on the bed, but stopped when something walked past him.


“What is that?” Sungyeol’s voice echoed.


Sunggyu, Woohyun, Sungyeol and Myungsoo had their eyes on the animal in the middle of the living room, a look of utter disbelief on their faces.


“Tell me you’re not…” Sunggyu stammered. “…Sungjong.”


“If you make fun of me, I will castrate all of you in your sleep.”


Sungyeol stared at the maknae, trying to hold in his laughter. “Jjong, you’re a puppy.”


“Shut up.”


Sungyeol and Myungsoo were laughing behind their hands, the younger of the two slapping his free hand on his boyfriend’s knee.


Lee Sungjong transformed into a puppy overnight.


The door of the resident rapper-slash-dancer’s room opened slowly, and out came a wide-eyed Dongwoo. “Umm, guys,” he spoke bit by bit. “We have a serious problem.”


He opened the door wider, and everyone’s eyes resembled to saucers at what they saw.


“Hoya?” Woohyun whispered.


“Do not, I repeat, do not piss me off.”


The scene only seized to make Sungyeol and Myungsoo laugh harder. Sunggyu’s usually the more composed out of all of them, but this was just too much to take, and he couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped his lips.


“You’re a goddamned monkey, Lee Howon!” Sungyeol said, tears now forming in his eyes.


Sunggyu winced, looking back and forth Sungjong the puppy and Hoya the monkey. “Uh, yeah. I think now would be the perfect time to call our managers.”



A/N: The number of subscribers scare me! 25 for just a oneshot? OHMYGOD. I hope you lot comment. This is my first time writing crack, and please tell me if I made you laugh. It'd be really nice.

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Wow, did I just gain more than 6 subscribers? Eventhough this oneshot is complete? O_o


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Chapter 1: Oh My God this had to be the funniest fic ever. I mean really. Myungyeol is too cute bickering here and there but would always end up cuddling each other. It would also be nice if myung becane a koala instead and would be hanging on sungyeol throughout. I can imagine Sungyeol to look like a scary stupid owl with a "I'm High!" Kind of face. Oh and dongwoo had got to be the cutest dinosaur i've ever imagined stumbling over like a baby trying to walk and how Hoya scooped him up. I'm fangirling here~ I just love every bit of this story and let's not forget hamstergyu and namu as a bunny damn hilarious. And at the end when sungjong and hoya transformed it was so funny how cranky they were.

Thanks for the good laugh ~ ♡♡♡
Chapter 1: Ahahahaahahaha what the i laugh hard xD
Hoya and dongwoo sure make the weirdest couple u know their animal transform xDD
Chapter 1: WHOAAAAA.. i really enjoyed reading thisssss... and gosh, squealing over how cute it would be to see Hamster-Gyu, BabyTrex-DongWoo and Bunny-Hyun too =D
Chapter 1: HAHAHAHAH really cute!
Chapter 1: i cannot believe i only read this now.
i had to restrain my laughter cause my sis is sleeping on my bed, and it hurt cause i laughed a lot.
hoya, a monkey!? really?!
i imagine dongwoo to be the cutest baby dino ever XD
this is so cute!!!! I love it!! XD
hope u'll continue this though *wink2* keekekekeke
PrettyPotato1223 #7
Chapter 1: Oh god a stumbling baby dinosaur dongwoo is sooooo cute!!! Really good crack fic :)
Chapter 1: i think u should make the another for hoya and sungjong please~~~~~~~ this is so awesome to read and funny i think nearly busted my own ear drums a few times from this lol *hugs*
workinpro #9
Chapter 1: I'm sorry but this is so ing beautiful and amazing *wipes tears* You miss are amazing.
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh, that was awesomeXD it was so funny:D