Chapter 1

The Heart's Anatomy.

Chapter 1


It was easy to fall for Hyukjae, it was incredibly easy to drown yourself in those almond shaped orbs that looked directly into your soul. It was like lighting up a match. Quick and fleeting.


When Heechul told him to beware of the boy who would take his place after him parting to Kyoto, Japan for his new job as assistant manager for his father's company, let's just say he didn't believe anything that came out of Heechul's lips anymore. Kyuhyun can still recall his hyung saying clearly “Don't let yourself fall for him, if something happens I don't know whose side I'd take. Spare me the headache. According to the latter the guy was his half bother but as for the rest he didn't paid much attention. He thought the elder was being exaggerated, taking things out of proportion was kind of a hobby for Heechul. Come on, it was just one guy. Add to that the fact that he wasn't gay and till now he had always been particularly interested on his downstairs neighbor Seohyun. A beautiful girl, delicate as a flower and gentle. Someone who had pink sparkly pens, liked to highlight books with such dedication and always carried a baked sweet potato folded carefully in foil paper on her bag just in case he got hungry while they were practicing their singing...


That was all he wanted. He was sure about it, so sure about it.


It was the most ridiculous thing because it was a normal afternoon when someone knocked on the door and taking a quick glance at his calendar he noted it was in fact April 20, he had it marked *new guy arrival* he walked lazily towards the door, his disheveled brown locks looked like a dying poodle and he was sure it was obvious he had just woke up. Just before he was able to open the door there was another knock, softer this time and then... just like that; he was there. Soft blond hair, fair skin, a cute little button nose and underneath the bangs there were those enchanting brown eyes. Kyuhyun gulped trying his best to for once in his life not be so obvious about something when he heard the boy clearing his throat. It was only then he noticed the smaller one had two boxes full of kitchen ware and trying to keep his suitcases from falling giving them support with his knees.


“H- Hi”


His stupidity does leaves him stock-still for few seconds because of all the things to say in situations like this... “Need help?” “Can I help you with that?” “Come on in!” no he had to go for the stuttered forever awkward “Hi”. If the blond one wasn't there staring back at him he would've banged his face on the wall to counter his foolishness.


“Would you mind?”


“Helping me? Please?”

“Oh yes, of course. Come on in.”


To say he was proud of himself for at least being able to process the boy's words would be an understatement so he smiled for himself as he took the boxes from the latter who trailed not far behind with his green suitcases following him through the hall and into the small kitchen. It wasn't much but it had a good size fridge, a nice stove and a good amount of counter space to fool around with. All four walls were painted bone white and the appliance was completely good old stainless steel.


Kyuhyun managed to place the boxes safely on top of the kitchen counter and turned around to welcome his new roommate. After all the latter would be paying half the rent and cleaning the kitchen while he was in charge of the bathroom just like he and Heechul used to do.


“I'm Cho Kyuhyun nice meeting you...?”

“Hyukjae, I though Heechul hyung would at least mention the name of the person to take his place here.”


He probably did. He was sure he did. Who cares. Whenever Heechul wanted to talk he was having his Starcraft marathon of the week which meant his brain would not process a single world anyone said. Not even Seohyun. Besides people knew about his slight, rather out of hand addiction to the game so why waste their time?


Kyuhyun let out a timid smile before he walked away, motioning for the smaller to follow. He showed Hyukjae around, there wasn't much to see anyways. The apartment is rather small, the foyer leads to the open kitchen that faces the living room or how Kyuhyun likes to call it the gaming zone. The hall connecting both takes you directly to the bed rooms which are door to door, right door his room, left door used to be Heechul's and now would be Hyukjae's room. The bathroom is at the end of the hallway. Kyuhyun opened the bathroom door and showed him where to put his tooth brush and personal effects.


“There's good water pressure and don't worry about the hot water, the heater works perfectly fine.”


Kyuhyun mentioned trying his best not to make any eye contact with Hyukjae as he passed by him. Once out he quickly walked the smaller one to what would be from now on his new bedroom for the most important part... the number one and only rule when living with Cho Kyuhyun.


“Please whatever you do just don't touch my laptop. Or my gaming consoles...”

“Sure, I can do that”

And there was it. The smile that knocked Kyuhyun out. The turning up of the corners of that mouth, those spreading lips that made his heart stop for half a second before going back to it's normal pace. He didn't know what to do, What could he do? What the hell does one do in a situation like this? Well he didn't knew exactly what others would do but he did what he thought was best.


“Well, if that's it... I gotta go, my girlfriend is waiting for me.”


Which wasn't that much of a lie. Really, Seohyun was waiting for him in downstairs. They had a small musical coming up and had to practice almost every night... and she was a friend who happened to be a girl. He didn't have a girlfriend though, he had never found the courage to actually ask her out or anything but no one needed to know that part particularly.


It didn't matter at all for he was on his way to the door looking around for his shoes, grabbing his keys and not caring the slightest about how bad and pathetic he looked he was off the apartment closing the door behind him not before listening to a small shy “See ya” by the boy he just left in the hall.




For Hyukjae this was the normal... he'd never been able to find friends. Most guys tend to find him annoying, difficult to be around with. At least that's what seems to be the problem here. Ever since high school it's just him. Well, him and Heechul because his hyung never left him out and always tried to be around whenever time allowed. Apart from that every other “friend” he found never lasted more than a month or two. After that they would just drift away with an amazing number of “good” excuses on how it would best to not contact one another anymore because they just didn't work out as friends. Kyuhyun was a new low though, not even 3 hours and he fled from his own house just because of him.


He has tried everything. He used to talk a lot so he stopped. He used to like being in physical contact with people, a hug or two were always welcome.. he stopped that too. He used to laugh pretty loud, now he keeps it low and to a minimum. It's funny because nothing helps and he feels even more alone than ever before with Heechul being far away.


The blonde took a deep breath and turned around on his heels towards his room closing the door behind him just in case Kyuhyun came back with company. The least he wanted was to intrude the other.


The room was nice, wasn't big neither was it too cramped. He should have known though, if this used to be Heechul's room then it had to be fairly well decorated. He placed both his suitcases on top of the bed and took his time unpacking his belongings, carefully placing his t-shirts and tank tops on the wardrobe one by one making sure there were no wrinkles, that they were folded perfectly and arranged by colors. His comic books were next. He didn't bring them all just the ones he was currently into. The booklets were placed in alphabetical order and once he was done he left a pleased sigh.


“Looks good...”


He said while sitting down, the bed was soft, deep red sheets cold between his finger and he simply turned to his side lying there with a pillow underneath his arm looking at the way the rain was hitting the glass door that led to the small balcony that connected with the living room.


It's a pretty sight he thought as he fought to keep his eyes open.. Counting the drops, watching them slide down the door, that's how fell into a deep slumber that night.

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257471 #1
Chapter 3: update please, this one is good
ionlytoldthemoon #2
Chapter 3: I really enjoyed these three chapters, I am hoping you will update this story soon ^o^
heyitstheduff #3
Chapter 3: Update soon^^ love the story :D
Chapter 3: this story is so cute >.<
kyu, you better be hurry, or else wonnie will get hyuk's attention >.<
haebeast #5
Chapter 3: cute story. i love it! update soon~ :)
Chapter 3: So...there'll be wonhyuk too?
Nice...i love triangle
michikokasiumi #7
e? i thought i already subs this story kkkk >_<a
michikokasiumi #8
Yeeeeey,,, my best side pairing is heeere >0<
sihyuuuk,,, go go go go,, make my baby kyu all jellooow hyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyu ^0^
Chapter 3: Wonnie is here~~~~
Akuropanda #10
Chapter 3: dimples and tall?i'm guessing it was siwon~