bad situations can make great stories

bad situations can make great stories




Your POV

You have no idea how it would be if you’re stuck in a dark tiny place with your crush waiting for rescue . actually two days ago a friend of mine invited me to her birthday party and i didn’t want to dissappoint her so i came with my bestfriend minho , or let’s say my crush , to her appartement …we got in the lift to go up to her place but unfortunately we didn’t , the lift suddenly went dark and stopped moving . i was frightened , but the good thing that minho could call our friend so she told him that we have to wait till she gets to the electrician of the place and here i am stuck in the absolute darkness with minho…okay he ‘s my bestfriend but i’ve always had feelings for him i love him more than just a friend .

I sat down as i hugged my knees , i felt something moving against me so i said 

‘ Minho-ya ! is that you ? ‘ 

i heard him chuckling and said  ‘ No i’m an ugly hungry monster…Pcht ..who would it be ? it’s me of course ‘

 i laughed softly 

‘how can you be like this in a such situation ? ’

‘why ? are you scared ? ‘…….

’to be honest i’m frightened , you know very well that i don’t like darkness , what about you ? scared ? ‘

‘No , i’m not . as long as i’m with you , everything is okay ‘

I blushed hard at his statement , fortunately he cannot see my face

‘ y-you’re acting so cheesy these days ! what’s wrong with you ? ‘

‘ i’m fine , and i meant what i just said , i really did ‘ he said in a serious tone as i felt arms surrounding my shoulders , i shievered 

‘ W-what a-are you d-doing ? ‘

‘ you said you’re afraid , aren’t you ? i’m trying to calm you down ‘ he said like it’s the most obvious thing in the world . he took me into his warm embrace , so i snuggled closer to him and melted into his touch , then he blurted out 

‘ _____- ah i-i want to tell you something ! ‘

‘ go ahead i’m lis-‘ i turned my head in the direction where his was voice coming from , as something soft and wet brushed against my lips . I gasped and tried to lean back when his hands reached for the back of my neck and pulled me into a passionate kiss , my heart skipped a beat and my mind turns blank then i started kissing back , it was a soft kiss ….a kiss full of love and passion .

When we pulled apart , i was speechless and my mind was a mess , i had too many questions , does he love me back ? did he really mean what he said earlier ? am i dreaming ? because if i am i’d never wake up . An awkward silence filled the atmosphere , he broke it saying 

‘ AHEM ! w-what i wanted to say is that I-I love y-you ….more than a friend , i-i’ve always felt something special for you ! and i realized that i fell head over heels for you ..’

‘ why did it take you so long ?’

‘ eh ?’

‘ ii was waiting for this since the day i met you… be-cause i-i’m in love with you too ‘

Suddenly the elevator lit up and i can see minho’s smiling and blushing face 

‘ See ! our love lit up the place’

Both of us stood up , as minho leaned forward and gave me a peck on the cheek then my phone vibrated

‘ yeobosey-‘


‘RELAX ! we’re fine ‘ i said

We heard a loud crack , while the lift continued his way up and the door opened , my friend hurrid towards me and hugged me

‘ OMG ! i thought it won’t open…i was so scared..i’m so sorry’

‘it’s okay , now everything is alright , after all it was a great experience ‘ he looked at me and winked , so i blushed a deep red when i thought about what happened .

Then minho took my hand and dragged me out waving to my friend 

‘ go in and enjoy your party , i’m sorry we won’t be joinig you we’re tired already so we really have to go ‘

‘OKAY ! guys see ya ‘

We walked together hand in hand , i was blushing all the way as he was staring at me

‘ yah ! watch the road , you may fall down ‘

‘ i may sound a creep ! but i really liked you since forever…and from now on i’ll never hide my feelings ____-ah I LOVE YOU ! i love you SO MUCH ! would you be my girlfriend ? ‘ i stayed still for a moment and i said 

‘ you know…..i love you as much as you do or even more…so YES ! , absolutely YES ! ‘ we hugged and kissed each other then i went into my house waving at him .

SO bad situations , can lead sometimes to good memories and good stories , that can't be forgotten .
A.N : this oneshot , i know :p bear with me PWEASE ? :*
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Hotcoco123pinkie #1
Chapter 1: So cute!!! It's good don't be so hard on yourself!!! I like the idea of the story!! :))