No idea of who I am


                Yongguk was obviously startled when a girl suddenly went limp on him. He tried shaking the girl’s body, yet you were not responding.

                “Miss! Miss!” There was no reply from you. Yongguk analysed your body once more and realised that this girl was beaten up. Feeling responsible, he scooped the girl like a bride and brought you back to his dorm. Throughout the journey, he kept wondering himself what had happened to this girl.

                Indeed he created quite a scene in his dorm by bringing a girl home. Not just a mere girl, but badly beaten girl. His mates were looking at him, asking for some answers but he knew it was not the right time. Not until they managed the girl.

                And so, Yongguk asked the youngest member, Junhong to bring him the first aid kit. With the help of Himchan, his roommate, he was able to clean your wound and applied bandage to your head.

                “Hyung, don’t we have to clean her up and change her dirty shirt also?” Daehyun’s question made them all startled. Himchan quickly smacked his head for being clueless.

                “She’s a girl, and a stranger. Would you like a stranger take off your sister clothes and see her even when she was dirty?” Himchan nagged him, receiving a cute pout from Daehyun.

                “She didn’t have any purse or identity card with her, hyung. Was she robbed?” The smarty Youngjae tried to reason.

                Yongguk could only sigh. Too many questions were playing on his mind and he was feeling the responsibility to bring you safe at least to someone who knew you. But now with no identity of you, he could only pray you would be ok and wake up soon.

                “Let’s just hope she would wake up tomorrow. Then we will ask her and send her home.”

                “Ok, hyung.” They nodded.

                “Hyung, where are you going to sleep tonight?” Junhong asked with care.

                “It’s okay. I can crash anywhere. Go rest.” With that, all of them dispersed to their own room and bed. You were lying unconsciously on Yongguk’s bed while Himchan went to his bed next to you. Junhong was sharing a room with other, Jongup, Youngja eand Daehyun.

                You woke up with your head felt like bursting. Slowly you opened your eyes, to be greeted with 3 pairs of eyes which were looking at you contently.

                “Hyung, she’s awake!!!” shout Jongup which worsen your headache. You frown upon that voice and looked at them. You saw 3 more guys came into the room and greeted you with looks that you could not comprehend.

                It took you 3 blinks before you realised that all of them were strangers to you. Looking at all those blonde guys made you had flashes of a haunting memory which made you shivers. You could feel your head being knocked on the heard wall and your body was welcomed with kicks. The flashes were really scary and you were trembling and afraid that those guys would do the same to you.

                “Aarrrggghhh!” You quickly scooted back feeling insecure an afraid and hugged your knees. “Who…who are you? Why am I here? Don’t hurt me please.” You cried uncontrollably. Your body was shaking more than anyone can imagine.

                “Hyung, are we that scary?” That was the only thing Daehyun could utter seeing you like that. Your reaction could be considered over-acting for them after they save you and cleaned your wounds. They were indeed was shocked with that reaction.

                “Miss, we just wanted to help you. You fell unconscious yesterday with bleeding head.” Yongguk tried to come near you but it made your cries worsen. Trying to find a safe spot, you ran to a corner to hide away.

                Yongguk faltered. He knew there was something wrong with you considering you kept mumbling, “Please don’t hurt me. Please…” non-stop.

                Himchan and Daehyun gave looks to Yongguk to know what was really going on. Yongguk thought, ‘perhaps what she needed is some assurance’. With that, Yongguk sent all s out of the room. He commanded Daehyun to bring a fresh set of clothes for you while Himchan and Youngjae needed to prepare a warm food for you.

                When all of them left the room, Yongguk took a safe distance from you. “Miss, I promise I won’t come closer to you and not to hurt you. I just want to help you, you were wounded yesterday.”

 His calm and caring words made you looked at him slowly with red eyes. You slowly tried to remember what had happened to you the other night, but all you could remember was being beaten, and fell unconscious on a guy.  ‘Was he the one who helped me?’, you thought yourself.

“I just helped to stop the bleeding at your head and bandaged it,” continued Yongguk as if he could read your mind. “I didn’t even touch your body; your shirt is still covered in blood now.” He tried to get your attention which was proven successful.

You looked at yourself and realised you were all messed up and your body was actually aching all over. It could be the result of being kicked non-stop by a bunch of guys. Suddenly, a boy came in again while brought a tshirt and pant with him. He laid them on the bed and talked a bit with Yongguk.

“Maybe you need to clean up first, miss. Then we will figure out ways to get you home.” Yongguk’s word of ‘home’ was making you blank. Home was seemed to be so foreign to you. “Had you have any home before? What is home?’ Thoughts hit you hard. Yongguk showed you the bathroom and left you alone to give you some privacy.

                After cleaned up and changed into the clothes that was provided, you walked out of the room limping. A very tall boy quickly helped you when he saw you out of the room and let you sit on the couch. Every touch from him gave you nightmares but you knew from his look, he meant no harm. He just smiled at you cutely and ruffled his hair in shyness.

                “That’s Junhong, our maknae,” said a pretty guy while brought a bowl of porridge in front of you.  “I’m Himchan. The guy inside the room with you before is Yongguk. That’s Youngjae,  Daehyun and Jongup.” He introduced to you each of the guys. You could only recognise Yongguk because you felt warmth with the way he calmed you in the room. “Don’t be afraid of us please. You need energy, so please eat” He talked calmly and tried not to push you too much.

                You just stared at your porridge. The smell was intoxicating you, maybe because you were too hungry and the porridge looked so delicious. Slowly, you took the bowl and took a bite when it cooled down. Feeling the warmness of the porridge, you continued eating until nothing was left on the bowl. Himchan smiled at you and gave you drink before went back to the kitchen to clean your bowl.

                You could feel stares were given to you from the guys. When Jongup came close to you, you scooted away, still feeling insecure with them, despite their good intention. It was a reflex that you could not help yourself.

                “Do you remember what happened, miss?” Yongguk asked while came closer, to which you react normally. You felt safe with him, maybe. “I want to change your bandage.” He sat beside you and  slowly take off the bloody bandage, trying not to hurt you.

                “I… I’m not sure what happened. There were some guys… I don’t know why but they… they…” Your voice cracked trying to remember the bad memory. You felt a hand was rubbing your back calmly and you knew it was Yongguk.

                “You don’t have to push yourself to tell us. Wait, we haven’t got your name, miss. What is your name?” That question again struck you hard. You did not know why it was so hard for you to answer it. You had no clue what was your name. What had happened to cause you not knowing your own self? You pushed yourself to remember but seriously no recollection of your past came to mind except for the fight. Your eyes started to tear up once more.

                “I… I can’t remember anything.”

                You had no idea of who you are.


Finally, I'm able to post the first chapter!

Exam is over, please pray I pass it... /cries/

I wrote this immediately after I finish exam... hahahaha

Tell me what do you think of it?

I haven't written anything for so long, so my language is kinda rusty. Sorry for any grammar or spelling error.

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Sorry for taking too long to update this story. Even though I finished my exam, but 2 of my siblings are getting married, and I'm a bit busy of that.


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Kena21 #1
Chapter 1: I think the storline is really good so far I cannot wait for you to update it. Also I hope you did really good on your exam =)
alienjello-dy #2
of course would bump into me hahaha just kidding update soon ~~ <3