Chapter 2



SungGyu looked for a while at the pills in his hand before swallowing them.
It's been a month now that he started taking them and that  he resumed his activities with the other members.
It caused him to feel more relaxed, thanks to them he was able to forget his problems for a while. 
But he didn't know that he would become that dependent. At first he only took one, then three, then more. The greater the quantity taken, the greater the effect, he thought.
The members even thought that he was back to his usual self. He looked more energetic, after all the scandal faded off, they said. Well, all except WooHyun. 
WooHyun knew that something was off. 
SungGyu started loosing weight. His cheekbones standed out against his skin, he had sallow cheeks, his waist was shockingly thin. He looked like skin and bones.
The opposite of what SungGyu looked like a month ago. 
When the main vocal was in the living room he asked his fellow member about it, but he always received the same answers.
"It's normal hyung! He is so energetic nowadays!" responded DongWoo while looking at SungGyu across the room talking to the manager. 
"Yeah, he was always lying around all day, it's normal. But can we still address him as GrampaGyu ?" Joked SungYeol
" I wish I could lose some weight too, i'm on diet now" said Hoya while frowning.
Sometimes he wonders if the other members were stupid or needed to check their sight. A five years old could see that something was not right with the older. 
But WooHyun couldn't help but feel guilty. He didn't helped much the leader with his problem. He just thought that the older could bear up alone, that it could help him feel better. He thought that if he didn't talk much about it, SungGyu would forget it too. 
Maybe he was wrong.  
"Hey don't worry too much for Gyu Hyung! You know him! He always wanted to get rid off his cheek! I wish I could to..."  SungYeol said. 
"Hey, do you mind switching bed with me tonight? I want to talk to him" WooHyun said to SungYeol. 
He knew that the second visual was a sensitive sleeper while MyungSoo was the contrary, so he wouldn't want to disturb him.
"Oh I don't mind sleeping alone at all! MyungSoo sleep talks every single night, it makes me crazy!"
SungGyu POV: 
I drank some water then told the member to go to sleep.
I cant sleep at night, it's impossible for me to close my eyes. I feel both exhausted and not enough to sleep. 
When I closed the room's door I saw a shadow of someone sitting on my bed. When I went closer I could see that it was WooHyun. 
Since the accident I feel like he's distant with me. I know it's my fault. I think he should be ashamed of myself or something. I disappointed him. 
But I really miss him. I miss talking to him, it's been a while since we didn't have a simple conversation which excluded work. I always had strange feelings for him.
I approached him and went to sit near the edge of the bed.
"What it is WooHyun?" I said trying to avoid his gaze. I'm too ashamed of myself to dare to look at him.
"Hyung..." He said while taking my hand in his. My hand looking so small in his. 
"Hyung... I'm sorry" 
I don't understand why he's saying that, I should be the one to tell him.
" I know you're not ok, I can see it. I know you're not in a diet and..."
"I'm fine WooHyun and I should be the one apologizing here" I said while interrupting his sentence.
"No, I mean, I wasn't being a good friend, I left you leading with your problems alone"
"I don't deserve someone to help me for what I did WooHyun, it's not your fault, but now I'm fine" I said, trying to take my hand of his but without success.
"Everyone make mistakes hyung! And I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, but don't lie to me, look at yourself, you're just bones and skin !" The younger said while tightening his hold before continuing.
"Don't you trust me ?! Tell me what bother you! Tell me why you're being like that! You know you can trick the others but you can't hid it from me !" He said while rising his voice. 
WooHyun looked worried but he doesn't deserve to be for someone like me. I just cause pain to people.
"Stop WooHyun, I said I'm fine" I said while trying to control my voice but failed miserably at the end. 
He should have sensed it because right after I felt his arms around me. 
"Sssh, ok, just sleep for now" He whispered while lying the both of us on my bed without breaking the hug.
"Just sleep hyung, everything is going to be alright"  
Maybe I could allow myself to sleep for tonight...
Hey! Here the second chapter! Thank you for subscribing and reading. Please tell me what you think of it and I want to know if my English bother you! :)
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looshyhooshy #1
any soone updates??
elyelephant #2
Chapter 6: please update soon
Chapter 6: Best woogyu linee evr "let me be your drug" damn I just found my new fav story^0^ keep it up chingu♥
Chapter 6: Yes! let Woohyun be your drug \(°3°)/ I'm so excited for this story. Keep up the great work author-nim <3
Chapter 6: I'm glad you don't forget this story. I hope Woohyun can make Sunggyu get up from his depression
Chapter 6: great story so far...can't wait 2 see how it unrevels
looshyhooshy #7
Chapter 6: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♤♤♤
First I've got to admit ..
I'm sooooooo happy for this update even if it's short ..
I mean c'mon it's the beginning after stopping for a year or two * who counts?! .. I don't care *
I'm just excited .. wairing for your other updates ..
U have my full support dear ..
I liked that this time it was different ..
it was drugs!! .. we'll c what'll happen next and if it's gonna be only drugs or something more will happen..
I looooooooo...oooooo..oooved when Woohyunie said that cheesy line .. " Let me be your drug " ♡.♡
Best wishes ❤❤
looshyhooshy #8
Chapter 5: What was it?!
Is it a razor or something?!
Please please please continue this story ..
It is really nice ..
seeing Sungyyu's suffer and in this way made my hurt beats so fast ..
I looved it the angst here has a very different reason than the other fics.
So complete this pleaese * puppy eyes *
looshyhooshy #9
Chapter 3: Woogyu .. ♡♡
l liked how woohyun is worried about our gyu but it's really sad that sunggyu believes he's not worthless and no one should be worried about him! </3
looshyhooshy #10
Chapter 2: Sunggyu </3 :'(