i dont know.

Defining Love, Again (a Sequel)

~Present Day

Haerim was cooking lunch.
Suho smelt the scent from upstairs and came running to the kitchen.
"Haerim!!!" Suho exclaimed, "The food smells great! it makes my house feel more home-ly"
"That's cause you never cook," Haerim teased, "Kai and Miyoung must be hungry."
Suho leaned back on the doorway and shook his head, "naw, I dont think so."
"What do you mean by that?" Haerim looked at him confusedly.
"They left early this morning," Suho explained.
"To do what?" Haerim asked even more.
Suho shrugged, "I don't know. But she was all confident about making him remember, maybe she's off trying to trigger his memory or something."
"Oh I see", Haerim nodded and stirred her pot of soup, "That's good," she smiled to herself, *It was a good thing I talked to her last night, it knocked some good sense into her*
Haerim turned off the stove and grabbed the pot but the handle was still hot that it burned her.
“Ouch.” She yelped in pain. Suho acted in an instant and held Haerim's hand and placed it under cold running water.
"Why weren't you careful?" Suho said worriedly.
Haerim gulped, "errr, I'm sorry."
 It took him a few seconds to realize how close they were to each other. His body framing her petite ones, her back pressed against his chest and their hands joined together. Suho awkwardly stepped back and chuckled, "ahha. Why are you saying sorry? In situations like this, you're supposed to say thank you."
"I'm sorry!" Haerim blurted, "oh wait, I mean thanks."
She chuckled at herself, "Sorry, I'm more used to saying sorry than thank you."
"You just said it again!", Suho laughed.
"Ugh", Haerim silently groaned.
She turned off the faucet and dried her hands on the towel. Suho watched her actions, "How is it that you are so used to saying sorry?"
Haerim rested her back against the kitchen counter and shrugged, "I don't know, I just am."
Suho's tone suddenly changed. He furrowed his eyebrows, "Was that why you suggested that we bring Miyoung back?"
Haerim blinked in confusion, "What?"
"Did you suggest that we bring Miyoung back, because you're sorry?" Suho asked her.
Haerim bit her lips and played with her fingers. She stared at the ground and slightly nodded, "yes."
Suho rubbed the back of his neck and groaned in frustration, "Haerim, don't blame yourself for everything. That's not good for you."
Haerim argued back, "Then what am I supposed to feel? I feel what I feel....and I feel sorry."
Suho disagreed with her and gripped onto her shoulders making her pay attention to him, "I know you feel bad that things happened this way. But it's not your fault!"
"Yes it is!" She nodded.
"No it's not Haerim," Suho shook his head and looked her in the eye, "There's not an evil character in every story."
"Of course there is. Shall I list them off for you?, " Haerim challenged. She lifted up her fingers and started, "there's the evil mom from Boys over Flowers, there's the evil stepmother from Cinderella, there's the evil vampires from Twilight,........and then there's me."

Suho sighed, "Haerim you're not evil, you're just a human being," Suho explained, "and all humans make mistakes. They're not perfect."
Haerim opened to talk back but nothing came out. She didnt know what to argue back because deep down she knew that he was right.
"We're back!" Miyoung's voice rang through the front door. 
Haerim and Suho immediately turned their gaze away from each other and acted normal.
Miyoung and Kai walked into the kitchen.
"Haerim it smells good!" Kai lifted his nose up into the air, intaking all the good scents in.
Miyoung stared at Suho and Haerim's white faces and sensed the awkwardness between them, "What's wrong with you two?"
Haerim shook her head, "Nothing's wrong."
Kai sat down at the table, "If nothing's wrong, then let's eat!"
"Yah!" Miyoung snapped, "Did you forget your table manners too? Ladies first!" 

"This is where you lived Kai?" Miyoung gave him a disgusted look.
Kai shrugged, "I don't know. Suho says so."
Suho stepped in over the big pile of mess, "Yep, This was where he lived!"
Haerim sneezed, "Oh my gosh, this place looks worster than it did last time!"
Suho nodded agreeing with her, "There's dust and more spiders creeping here now."
Kai stared at the mess and started looking nauseated, "Can we go home now?"
Suho shook his head, "Nope. It's been months and nobody has been living here. We've got to clean it up"
Miyoung walked off and wandered around the house.
The living room was small, with a small TV and Kai's room had clothes all over the ground that you couldn't even see the floors. It was all so stuffy in there that she stepped out.
"This is much better!" She coughed then inhaled some fresh air.
She stepped out onto the rooftop which was overlooking the city, "Wow," she murmured to herself,  "I almost forgot how beautiful Seoul was."
"Why are you so amazed? Is this your first time in Seoul or something?" Kai joined her.
Miyoung looked at him, "stupid, I grew up here in Seoul with you. How many times do I need to tell you that?"
Kai blinked innocently, "well, it seems like it."
Miyoung face palmed herself. She couldn't take Kai's slowness anymore. 
"I'm going back inside," Miyoung told him and turned to leave. She walked off and ended up tripping over an empty beer can, "Woah!" she gasped as she caught her balance, "Where did this come from?" she asked as she bent down to pick it up.
Kai looked at her innocently and shrugged, "I don't know."
"Of course you don't, you dummy," she scoffed. She crushed the empty can by stepping on it many times, "there! That's good," she smiled at her accomplishment.
She glanced up and then saw many more empty cans, "Woah, are you kidding me? Who was so thirsty to drink all these?"
Haerim hesitated, "He-He couldn't do anything without you. He drank all day and ended up loosing his job."
*oh yea, Kai was the one who drank all this!* she thought to herself, *how sad*.
She stared at all the empty cans, "Kai why didn't you recycle these?"
Kai shrugged again, "I didnt know that these existed."
Miyoung shook her head in dissatisfaction. She glanced over and saw a whole stack of beer still full and unopened, "Wow Kai, this is too much."
Kai stood next to her and nodded, "mmhmm. I know, I wonder where they got it?"
Miyoung groaned, "ugh! Why am I still talking to you?" 

"Hey you two, come help us clean!" Suho yelled at them, making them groan.
"UGH" they both complained, "I dont want to!"


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HtetLynn #1
Chapter 10: Please author nim comeback please. Actually I've been waiting for you to continue since I have read the oneshot..and now sequel..It's good!! Really GOOD!! I LOVE IT!!!!..the story is really.. make me move... and Please update..I've been waiting for you for many months to update..
Chapter 6: yey! *^* finally xD
Chapter 2: what will happen next?! omg... le me so excited for the upcoming chapters... lols.. update soon~ Fighting!!! :)