
Defining Love, Again (a Sequel)

~Present Day
Suho and Haerim ended up ditching Miyoung and Kai since they took too long to clean.

Miyoung grumbled under her breath, "So after cleaning up all day, this was what I get? Ugh!"
She tossed and turned. She slept on the small couch at Kai's old house. It was so uncomfortable!"Ugh!" she got up, "I can't take this anymore."

Miyoung slipped on a jacket and stepped outside for fresh air, "Woah, this breeze feels so good", she cooed to herself.
"What are you doing here?" Kai asked.
Miyoung jumped and immediately turned back, "Oh my gosh, You scared me!"
Kai chuckled and returned back to what he was doing. Miyoung raised and eyebrow and took a step closer to Kai, "What are you doing?" she asked.
He lifted up what he was holding and Miyoung gasped. He was drinking.
"You can't be drinking!" Miyoung took it away from him, "This is bad for you. You're still having amnesia too! This is bad."
Miyoung looked at him curiously, "Why were you drinking anyways? Did you remember something?"
Kai shook his head, "I was thinking too much then I just felt like drinking. That's all."
Miyoung pursed her lips, " you have any more?"
Kai's eyes widened, "What"
"Do you have any more?" she reiterated.
Kai looked at her weirdly then pointed to the box next to him.
"Great!" she smiled, "Let's get drunk tonight!"
Kai looked at her as if she was crazy and rolled his eyes.
"Don't you feel me?" Miyoung burped, "I was so happy with him! Then suddenly, I leave without a word..oh my gosh! Henry must've thought I had left him or something! Don't you think my life is so messed up, I do!"
Miyoung was raging and letting it all out while Kai watched amusingly.
"I can't wait for you to gain your memory!" she yelled at him, "Only then, I can go back to Henry. Oh, then maybe he'll propose to me then we'll get married in a big church and my dress will be all puffy and I'll......never mind, let's not talk about that. It's making me too excited."
Miyoung and Kai sipped on their drink.
Miyoung curiously looked at Kai, "I've never asked you this, but how much do you remember?"
Kai pointed to himself, "Me?"
"Yea you," Miyoung pointed and stabbed him in the chest with her finger.
"Oh", Kai yawned, "I thought we were talking about you and your wonderful boyfriend", he said sarcastically.
Miyoung rolled her eyes and took another sip, "Okay", she asked out of the blue, "How much do you remember about Haerim?"
Kai scratched his head, "Well, I remember going to school a little, I don't remember much about her though."
"oh boy", Miyoung face palmed herself, "We have a long way to go."
Miyoung then started explaining to Kai about EVERYTHING! 
"See this can?" she asked Kai as she showed him an empty beer can.
"mmhmm", Kai nodded unsuringly.
"Okay," Miyoung explained, "This can represents you and this can represents Haerim."
Kai looked at her wide eyed and chuckled, "aha."
"Don't laugh at me," Miyoung warned him.
Kai straightened up, "Ahem, I wasn't laughing."
"Anyways", Miyoung cleared , "Once upon a time, you and Haerim met. We were, hmm around 8 years old I think, and met her. You and Haerim became friends in middle school and then even better friends in high school. You and Haerim fell in love with each other and started dating during senior year, then you two went to the same college, then you two were supposed to get married, but then stuff happened and then you got into an accident and here you are now."
Miyoung spoke so fast that Kai wasn't even able to comprehend everything, "huh?" he asked.
Miyoung's shoulders sank, "I give up!"
Kai sat in silence and thought about everything, this story was unfamiliar to him.
"Miyoung", he called her.
She coughed on her drink, "~cough cough~ What?!" 
"What about you?" he asked earnestly, "Everyone keeps on telling me that you were a big part of my life but I don't remember you...."
Miyoung stared at him and laughed, "AHAHHAA! what in the world? We were only friends. Our relationship wasn't all that important!"
Kai furrowed his eyebrows, "okay then...can you help me?"
"mmhmm, sure thing", she nodded, "what is it?"

"Well," Kai scratched the back of his neck and started, "I've been having these dreams."
"interesting," Miyoung nodded, "Carry on."
Kai continued, "I keep on seeing this same girl in my dreams. She was always there for me. She was my best friend. She's amazing...."
Miyoung looked at him impatiently, "and what else?"
Kai looked at the ground and thought hard, "It's weird but that girl looks like you."
He shrugged, "I don't know. It's just that you look like the girl from my dreams, but you don't act anything like her."
Kai sighed in frustration, "These past few days, I dream about her a lot but I don't know where she is. Was there someone like this that really existed in my life or does she only exist in my dreams? What do you think?"
Miyoung was blank and expressionless. She didn't know what to say to him. 
But she knew the situation.
She took another big sip out of her bottle and sighed, *i AM that girl in his dreams, but not anymore. That girl met new people, moved on and changed. That girl that he remembers doesn't exist anymore.*
"Miyoung", Kai asked again, "What do you think?"
Miyoung's breathing was uneven and her voice soon started to crack, "ahem. I think she's.....I think she doesn't exist."
Kai sighed and laid back against the wall and seemed to have given up his little search for his lost Cinderella....
Cinderella, that's who she is.
Miyoung was Kai's Cinderella.
They met, they were happy, she left him, then she changed. 
Cinderella changed back into a poor servant that was unrecognizable.
Now... She's not that same girl that the prince knew anymore, she's just a mere memory.
"Kai", Miyoung mumbled, "Don't think about her anymore. It's just not meant to be."
"oh, Okay then," Kai said sadly, "I guess."
"Good", Miyoung smiled and patted his head like a puppy.
"But Miyoung", Kai spoke up.
"What is it?" She asked.
"Since you're bad at explaining stuff, can you at least tell me more about myself?" Kai asked innocently. Miyoung gave him a face then smiled, "sure, why not."
"hmmm", she clasped her hands, "Well, You loved to play basketball even though you at it and only won once. You wanted to become a lawyer and make lots of money for you and your grandma. You always gave me good advice and were always there for me. You -"
"WAIT!" Kai asked, "I was always there for you? I was? WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPENED TO US THEN?"
"Uhhh....well", Miyoung blinked in surprise, "'s late. I'm gonna go sleep."
She immediately got up and walked back inside.
"What!" Kai grumbled, "Great! Now I don't know anything about anyone and nobody wants to help!"
"ew", Kai shook his head, "why am I starting to complain and sound like Miyoung?"
He snatched another bottle and started chugging it down.

Miyoung pulled the blankets over her head and asked herself that same question that Kai had asked her.  "What in the world happened to us? What did happen?" 






hello readers, 
I've decided to give this story a break. (just a month or so)
Honestly, I'm not motivated to write this anymore.
I bearly have any subscribers, I bearly have any feedback. 
Is anyone even reading this?
..I'm tired, I dont even know if my story is good or bad.
I'll come back later & finish this. 
But not now, I'm feeling too discouraged.

Posted 6-30-2013


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HtetLynn #1
Chapter 10: Please author nim comeback please. Actually I've been waiting for you to continue since I have read the oneshot..and now sequel..It's good!! Really GOOD!! I LOVE IT!!!!..the story is really.. make me move... and Please update..I've been waiting for you for many months to update..
Chapter 6: yey! *^* finally xD
Chapter 2: what will happen next?! omg... le me so excited for the upcoming chapters... lols.. update soon~ Fighting!!! :)