One Shot

Voice Of My Heart [Oneshot]

Title: Voice Of My Heart

Pairings: Kim Jungri, Lee Seungri

Genre: Drama, Angst

He dipped the tip of his fingers on the river, trying to feel its coolness. Every memories he had shared with her have been witnessed by this river—the sad and the happy moments.

He thought it was unfair, how God can give you someone to cherish and then take her back unexpectedly. He thought fate was playing with him. He thought it would be better to follow her to heaven, but something seemed to stop him, especially when he’s in front of this river.

It’s like her spirit’s there, and she’s warning him not to do something stupid, or else she wouldn’t stay by his side anymore.

She died through a tragic accident, she was walking at the sidewalk when a drunk driver had appeared out of nowhere, and the car he was driving was swiveling and eventually run on her, causing her death. She died almost immediately, and he wasn’t there.

He regretted not being there, not being there to protect her. If only he hadn’t asked her to go to the café first, then she would still be by her side. She would still be smiling his way, she would still be existing.

Everyone had assured him that he didn’t do anything wrong, but he thought otherwise. He kept blaming himself, and he drinks day and night. Sometimes, he would cut his wrists, but his friends would be there to stop him on time before he deepens the cut.

They almost gave up on him, but they knew better. Losing someone once is bad, but losing everyone at once is worse.

His friend, Kwon Jiyong, thought him of ways to bring his mind away from her death. He told him to write letters then fold them, and burn them so the wind could bring it to heaven, to her.

And so, he started writing.

With tears flowing out like waterfalls, he started writing what he was feeling deep inside. He started telling her that he misses him so much that his heart aches.

He wrote for a month and burned them after writing.


Two weeks later, he suddenly disappeared without a word.

His friends started looking for him, concerned that he might have done something bad.

They went to his parents’ home, to his deceased girlfriend’s house, but he was nowhere to be found.

Later at night, news broke out.

He committed suicide.

And he was found beside Kim Jungri, his deceased lover’s grave, and he was clutching on a small bottle of poison and a letter that he held by his heart.

The police read the letter, to their surprise, it was written in red ink, which is suspected to be blood. Lee Seungri’s blood.

Kim Jungri,

Wait for me, ok?

I’m coming for you.

I was waiting for your replies to my letters, I guess I grew impatient.

So, just wait, ok? I’m coming.

I love you,

Lee Seungri.


Author’s Note:

Random oneshot for my dongsaeng, Meryll! 8D

It’s so random x)


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