Chapter Five

Love Inside Farewell

Over the last few days you and Daehyun had worked carefully to plan out how the two of you could possible go on a date. There was a bit of a debate on how to make Himchan think nothing of it, since when you would suggest something Daehyun would think of a reason Himchan would find something weird about it and vice versa. It was only yesterday that you’d come up with a reason to go out. All the guys were coming over later, as usual. It was a few minutes before they were supposed to arrive so you began your plan, gathering the things together before going to Himchan’s room. Finding the door open you gently pushed it aside “Oppa-” you began but your voice caught in your throat as you took in the sight of your brother cleaning a handgun as he sat on his bed.trans.gif

He looked up at you with surprise written all over his features but before he could speak you began, “Himchan! What are you doing with a GUN?!”

“Yah, just because you’re surprised does not give you the right to be informal with me.”

“Oppa, now is not the time for that! Why do you have a gun?!”

He leaned back and put the weapon in his bedside drawer before looking at you again. “It’s just for protection in case someone tries to break in. There’s no reason to worry about it. I have to protect my home and my adorable little sister.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Didn’t think it was that big of a deal,”  he shrugged before you both heard loud voicing coming into the apartment.

“Noona!” You heard Junhong call for you just before he appeared and wrapped you in a friendly hug as usual. “I’ve missed you.”

“Junhong, _________-ah and I were in the middle of something,” Himchan stated calmed and you heard footsteps slowly gathering around to listen in on what could be going on. “So what were you going to say before?” He asked you and you knew he wasn’t talking about the gun conversation since his look told you to drop that issue.

“I was going to tell you that I’m going out to do dry cleaning and I’ll be back soon.”

“Oh, ____________-ah,” Daehyun stated and made both you and your brother look at him, “I’ll come with you. We’d have to go back to my place and get my things, but I really need to get dry cleaning done.”

“Sure, some company would be nice,” you shrugged and tried not to smile too much.

“Noona, can I come with you and hyung?” Junhong asked and you saw Daehyun give him a death glare for trying to intrude on your date, not that Junhong knew what was really going on.

“Not tonight, you have to work on your English,” you reasoned.

Junhong pouted, “But I’ll need your help.”

“Yongguk-oppa is very good at English, as are the rest of your hyungs. I’m sure they’ll help you.”

“Fine,” Junhong huffed, clearly disappointed he wasn’t going to spend time with you.

“Now, Daehyun and I better get going if we want to get out dry cleaning done,” you said as you looked at the clock on Himchan’s bedside table.

“Are you sure you have to go tonight? I mean, it’s getting late,” Himchan noted with a voice full of concern.

“Oppa, I’ll be fine, besides, Daehyun is going to be with me so I won’t be alone and unprotected.”


“I’ll watch over her hyung,” Daehyun swore. The two exchanged a look that you couldn’t read, but afterward Himchan gave a small nod and sighed.

He looked at you. “Well are you going or not? You better hurry if you want to get it all done.”

You suppressed a grin. “I’ll be home before you know it,” you promised and gave Himchan a peck on the cheek.

“Yeah, yeah just go,” he replied, but you could tell he was also holding back a smile.

You excited nearly skipped out the door, getting a look from Youngjae. Daehyun just silently followed, also hiding his emotions. Grabbing a bag, the two of you left, and it wasn’t until you were almost out of the building that Daehyun pointed to the bag and asked, “What is that for?”

“You don’t know?” You questioned and laughed when he shook his head cluelessly. “It’s laundry pabo! We have to be at least semi-convincing.”

“Oh,” his cheeks turned crimson. You just laughed and put your arm through his. “My oppa can be so silly sometimes.”

A smile lit up his face at your gesture and he shyly held your hands, interlacing your fingers. You beamed at him and for a moment, the two of you just smiled at each other. Then you broke gaze to focus on where you were going.

After dropping off the clothing at the dry cleaners, the two of you had a couple hours to spent to yourselves for your first date. You continued walking and let him lead you around to the place the two of you had planned to go to; a theme park. It wasn’t long before the place came into your view, and then you couldn’t help but feel the butterflies flutter in your stomach. After paying for the two of you to enter Daehyun looked around before looking at you, “So, what should we do first? “

“Umm,” you took a look around before seeing a ride that looked fun, “let’s go on that one,” you gestured toward it before you made your way over to it and waited in the short line. When it was finally your turn Daehyun settled in beside you and buckled the two of you in before the staff came to check that the two of you were secure.

“Nervous?” Daehyun asked as the cart began moving.

“No, you?”

“Not really,” he shrugged. Before you knew it you felt a dropping sensation and the ride was going at full speed through the twists and turns, making you slide around slightly in your seat. “Yah, stay on your side,” Daehyun laughed as you slide back into him.

“I just want to be close to my oppa~” You grinned as you were forced to lean against him until the ride came to a stop. With a smile, Daehyun unbuckled you and climbed out of the cart before turning and holding out his hand for you. “Such a gentleman.”

“I know,” he mused before the two of you started walking around the place. Any rides either of you saw that looked fun you went on. “Hmm, should I win you something?” Daehyun asked at one point as you passed by some of the games.

“It’d be nice, but how would we explain it to Himchan?” You pointed out.

“Ah, you’re right, maybe another time then. How about we go play laser tag before we go?” He changed his suggestion. You never played laser tag before put you knew what it involved; running around in near darkness to shoot people with lasers that you couldn’t see and likely running into a lot of people. Still, the thought of doing something new with Daehyun was appealing so you naturally agreed and let him lead you along. Your arrival at the arena area was at a good time, the next game was going to start in two minutes and there were still plenty of spots open. “So, are you with me or against me?” Daehyun asked as he signed his name in a spot.

“Of course I’m with you!” You felt yourself blushing at the words as Daehyun chuckled and wrote your name under his own.

Two minutes later the two of you had on your vests, which would register when you were hit, and were wielding your laser gun. Your teammates were thankfully around your age and not a bunch of little kids that wouldn’t understand why such “big kids” were there. A staff member came in and explained the rule before leaving to start the countdown. “5...4...3...2...1...begin.”

With that your team surged out of the waiting area to hunt for the opponent. You looked around before branching another way as your eyes tried to adjust to the new lighting. You could hear footsteps all around so you kept your back to a wall like you’d seen spies do in the movies. Of course you still jumped when someone touched your wrist. “Relax _____________-ah, it’s me,” Daehyun’s familiar voice whispered.

“Oh, I thought you went the other way,” you breathed in relief.

“I did, but then I changed my mind since I should defend you.”

“Awww, that’s sweet, but it’s only a game.”

“It’s not as fun if you think of it as just a game.” Even in the lighting you could still see him pouting slightly.

“Arasso, then let’s go kick some ,” you ruffled his hair before the two of you began moving to find the enemy. It wasn’t long before you found them and began firing, but your aim was rather horrible so it took a few tried before you hit one while Daehyun took out the other two. “Success,” you gave him a thumbs up, “good thing you have aim.”

“Yes it is, let’s keep moving,” he gestured for you to follow him so you did until Daehyun was shot. “I’ve been hit!” he gasped dramatically before heading back to the waiting area.

“I’ll avenge you!” You called after him before moving quickly to find the jerks who shot him. When you found them up on one of the towers you quietly snuck up behind them and worked to aim before shooting the first person and then the second. “Yes!” you cheered to yourself, it was kind of a shame Daehyun hadn’t been able to see.

“Nice work,” the familiar voice praised making you shriek.

“Dae! I thought you left!”

“I was supposed to, but I wanted to see how well you’d avenge me, you’re off to a good start right now.”

“I’m glad you approve, now let’s go before-”

“Game over,” the staff member’s voice came over the loudspeaker as the lights came on to let you get back to the waiting room. You took off the vest and weapon and placed it back in its place before leaving with Daehyun.

“I had a really good time tonight,” you admitted as you walked.

“Me too, we’ll have to plan another secret date as soon as possible,” he agreed as he casually swung your arms back and forth as you walked. This then started the conversation of planning the next time the two of you could go out again as you continued walking.

Daehyun chatted away and was confused when you started leading him a different direction. “Where are you going?” He asked; confused.

“You forgot already?” You laughed.

“Forgot what?”

“Well, I think it would be a bit suspicious if we went to get clothes dry cleaned and didn’t bring any dry cleaned clothes back with us,” you giggled.

“Oh right,” he blushed and you laughed more.

Kissing his cheek, you said, “My silly oppa.”

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Chapter 14: This story really got me, i nearly cried :(((( but great job author-nim!
Vixxet92 #2
Chapter 14: I cried for so long it took forever to read the end MY ZELO!!!!!!!
Chapter 13: Why is this so sad! ;(
Please let this all be a dream!
HeXm1_Park #4
Chapter 13: This is so sad
Swerve588 #5
When will you update?
Safiralice #6
Please update soon love your story Daebakkk ^^
imanezani #7
Chapter 11: woah !! Thank for updated it ^^ Nice story ~
HoeSengCT #8
Chapter 11: WOOHHHHH!!! Love this storyy!!! DaeHyun is soo sweet!!<3
Chapter 1: waaaah :D
I like how they describe dae oppa <3
imanezani #10
Chapter 10: Please update soon !!! I really excited to read it ><