Chapter Three

Love Inside Farewell

A week later found you munching on a bagel as you finished another youtube video on your laptop. Before you could click another video a hand shut your laptop. “You know, too much exposure to a computer screen is bad for your eyes,” you brother smiled at you.


“I just need to protect my sweet baby sister,” he ruffled your hair.

“Ew, what do you want?” You scrunched up your face. Himchan was only like this is he wanted something, did something stupid, or was trying to embarrass you.

“Nothing,” he smiled sweetly. “Just some quality sibling time with you~”

“And since when have you ever wanted that?” You looked at him skeptically. “I have a feeling you’re planning something.”

“No, it’s just Gukkie isn’t here to entertain me,” he pouted.

Your eyebrows rose. “Gukkie? Entertain?”

“Yah! Not like that!” he scolded. ”Where on Earth would you get that idea?!”

“…one hears many interesting things in college,” you teased.

“Aish, you’re still supposed to be innocent! Come on, let’s go get ice cream and then go to the park, or something pure and innocent to cleanse your mind!” He exclaimed, pulling on your hand to lead you out of the apartment.

It wasn’t long before he’d dragged you to the nearby ice cream shop, where you each picked out your favorite flavors before sitting down to eat. Some people gave looks at the skinship you two shared and all the smiles, but you ignored them. You were just really close to Himchan, that’s all. It was really nice to be able to spend time with him again, since it’d been a while. Yet, you played around with him and let out your suspicions. “I still say you’re up to something.”

“…why don’t you trust your oppa?”

“Because it’s you. Anyways, I’m just teasing. Lighten up! So, since this is ‘quality sibling time’ why don’t you catch me up on your life. How’s work and such?”

“Work? Work is…fine.”

“What do you even do for a job? I don’t think you’ve ever told me.”

Before Himchan could answer he looked past you and smiled. “Oh, Daehyun-ah!” You turned around and sure enough, Daehyun had walked in.

“Oh, hello hyung and ______, I wasn’t expecting to see you guys here,” Daehyun gave a shy smile.

“Why don’t you go get some ice cream and then join us?”

“I’m not interrupting anything?”

“Not at all, now go,” Himchan waved Daehyun along so the younger male went to get his own ice cream.

“What happened to ‘quality sibling time’?” You raised an eyebrow at your brother.

“Daehyun looked so lonely though, and you know I have to take care of my friends too.”

“Yes, that’s why you’re like their mother,” you laughed.

“I make a beautiful mother,” Himchan winked just before Daehyun came and sat down beside him. “So what were you doing here all by your lonesome?”

“Just wanted ice cream,” Daehyun shrugged.

“Figured, you do always want food,” Himchan laughed.

“It’s amazing he’s not fat the way you guys say he eats,” you chimed in, making the guys look at you.

“I work out enough to keep weight off, I guess,” Daehyun suggested.

“That’s nice then,” you smiled before taking a bite of ice cream. Just then Himchan’s phone went off so he excused himself to answer it, leaving you alone with Daehyun. Unsure what to say, you kept eating your ice cream and he did the same.

It wasn’t long before Himchan returned, “Daehyun, I need you to stay with ________. ________, I’m afraid something came up and I have to go, but Daehyun will take you home and stay with you.”

“Why? Is something wrong that I can’t be alone?” You asked.

“I’d just, prefer to know someone’s with you. I’ll be back home soon though,” Himchan kissed the top of your head and then looked at Daehyun, who seemed to understand what was going on before Himchan ran out.

“Well, this is just…great,” you huffed before seeing a somewhat hurt and uncomfortable expression on Daehyun’s face. “Oh, shoot, don’t get misunderstand and don’t think I hate you or anything, but I’m just really sure he’s hiding something from me,” you explained, feeling uncomfortable yourself.

“I understand. But he’ll tell you when the time is right, I’m sure. He’s probably trying to protect you. Why don’t we finish up and then head back to your place?” Daehyun suggested with a small smile.

“Sounds good to me,” you smiled back. After a minute of silence with you two simply downing spoonfuls of ice cream, you asked, “So do you have any siblings?”

“Yeah I have an older brother. It’s what most of us have. Just older brothers. Although Yongguk has an older sister too,” he mused. “But I haven’t seen my brother in a while.” He looked down at his ice cream.

“Why not?” You questioned.

“Well I’ve been busy and haven’t had time to go see him. My family lives in Busan you see.”

“Oh,” you nodded and continued with your ice cream as he ate that last of his. “Seriously, how do you eat so fast?” You whined. “I had my ice cream way longer than you did plus yours was a bigger size!”

“Well I can help you finish if you want,” he gave a sly smile and gazed longingly at your ice cream.

“No! It’s mine!” You moved it closer to you to protect it from him. He laughed and for the first time since meeting him, you mentally traced the crinkle of his eyes as his bright smile came out. The full and thick lips pulling back to reveal sparkling white teeth… You shook your head mentally. Don’t think like that, he’s just another brother! You scolded yourself. But in that moment, you had felt something other than kinship with him. Something more…

“Let’s go,” you said suddenly and stood up to leave before you could finish that thought.

‘Okay,” he replied and waited for you to throw your garbage away before walking with you out the door. The two of you started walking home in silence before Daehyun suddenly grabbed your wrist and pulled you against him. Surprised at the sudden gesture,  you let the strong muscles of his arms tighten around you and felt his heart beating in his chest. You had to admit, it was a nice feeling. He let you go a moment later and explained, “There was a kid coming on a bike, he almost hit you.”

“Oh, kamsahamnida for protecting me then,” you smile and remind yourself not to get too caught up in his smile. “Let’s keep going,” you suggested and started walking with Daehyun. Soon enough, you reached the apartment and went inside, finding the place eerily quiet without everyone, or at least Himchan, there. “So…are you sticking around?” You turned to find Daehyun digging in the fridge.

“What? Oh, staying? Yeah,” he mused before making a disgusted face. “Why is there so much grape juice in here? I don’t like grape juice.” He shook his head before pulling out a water bottle.

“So, do you want to watch a movie or something since you might be here awhile?” You suggest and Daehyun gave a very helpful shrug in response so you end up picking a random movie and putting it in before settling on the couch with Daehyun.

Twenty minutes later, you were both squinting at the screen, just trying to figure out what the heck was going on. “Is there…a plot line to this thing?” Daehyun asked slowly.

“You’d think there should be…” you trailed off. “Maybe it’s not supposed to unravel yet. Let’s give it more time.”

Twenty more minutes later, it was obvious there was no plot line to the movie at all. “What is this supposed to be about?” Daehyun asked and grabbed the DVD case and read aloud, “Follow Woohyun as he takes a magical and emotional journey…”

“Yeah right,” you chuckled. But then an image suddenly popped on the screen and you realized why Himchan had that movie to begin with. With a shriek, you clung to Daehyun and buried your face in his chest. Granted, you did not have an exactly innocent mind, but  that didn’t mean you wanted images to go along with it as two guys started to get…heated with each other.

“Wha-oh my god,” Daehyun gasped and tried to reach for a remote or anything to turn it off while not letting you go.

“My brother is crazy to like these movies,” you mused in his shirt as he did manage to at least mute it. “I remember finding one when he was teenager…” you shuddered. “Just tell me when it’s over.”

“I don’t want to watch it either!” He protested, but had second thoughts as you tried to pull closer to him and he slowly put an arm around you. It felt right; it felt…natural.

The thoughts of the whacky movie dissipated as you realized how comfortable he was to lean on, how he was nice and warm, and his scent was like heaven to your senses. You gradually pulled your head out of his shirt to see he was looking down at you with warm eyes and a slightly shocked, but pleased expression.

Just as you parted your lips to say something, Himchan came through the door, ruining the moment. “What’s going on-OH MY GOSH WHY ARE YOU WATCHING THAT MOVIE!?” He yelled, frantically taking out the DVD.

“Why do you even have it!?” You retorted. “And why are there no warnings on the case!? Shouldn’t there be something saying ‘ual scene’ in there or something??”

“It’s just…don’t go into my movies anymore,” he blushed, which was amusing to see, but you were too worked up with confused emotions running through your head to find the humor in it at the moment.

“What’s-oh.” Yongguk also turned crimson upon realizing what’d happened.

You glanced between the two before shaking your head. “I don’t know about you two anymore.”

“Just…forget it,” Himchan mumbled as Yongguk patted his back.

“Well, um, I guess I’ll get going then,” Daehyun awkwardly cleared his throat.

“Oh, do you have to?” You asked, not wanting him to leave.

He glanced at Himchan’s warning look before giving a smile, not as bright as the previous ones. “It’s getting late. I’ll see you around.” With that, he got up and said goodbye to his hyungs before exiting.

Once he was gone, you looked back to the other pair. Shaking your head at them, you announced you were going to rest and went to your room before flopping on your bed. Holding a teddy bear close, your thoughts turned to Daehyun. Just the thought of his bright smile made one appear on your face as you squeezed your bear tight. Was this what it felt like to be in love? You’d had a secret boyfriend before (that Himchan never knew about), but it hadn’t felt like this.

Feeling giddy and ridiculously happy, you gazed out your window and came up with little romantic daydreams with Daehyun in them. Maybe one day they’d come true.

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Chapter 14: This story really got me, i nearly cried :(((( but great job author-nim!
Vixxet92 #2
Chapter 14: I cried for so long it took forever to read the end MY ZELO!!!!!!!
Chapter 13: Why is this so sad! ;(
Please let this all be a dream!
HeXm1_Park #4
Chapter 13: This is so sad
Swerve588 #5
When will you update?
Safiralice #6
Please update soon love your story Daebakkk ^^
imanezani #7
Chapter 11: woah !! Thank for updated it ^^ Nice story ~
HoeSengCT #8
Chapter 11: WOOHHHHH!!! Love this storyy!!! DaeHyun is soo sweet!!<3
Chapter 1: waaaah :D
I like how they describe dae oppa <3
imanezani #10
Chapter 10: Please update soon !!! I really excited to read it ><