
The Gangsters Daughter


Sitting in an awkward silence across from the Director, I waited patiently as his secretary placed the last tea cup from her tray and turned to address the Director, who had been given a fresh glass of brandy after my Father had left, just half an hour ago. Since then I had sat here, in silence, as the Director made a series of calls and orders frantically, making arrangements for me entering the Trainee program. 
"Would you like anything else, Director?" She asked politely. He waved his hand in dismissal.
"That will be all, thank you." He muttered. She bowed lowly at him before leaving the room quickly, closing the door behind her quietly. 
Keeping my eyes fixed on my tea cup, I me dry lips nervously and waited as the Director took a sip of his brandy, seemingly deep in thought. With a small smile and a sigh he lowered the cup and finally spoke.
"It seems we don't have a lot of time." He sighed. "I have prepared a bed for you in a dorm, as well as enrolled you in the appropriate classes. I have forged the paper work of your audition and will have a trainee ID card waiting for you at the reception desk tomorrow, when you will officially start your lessons." He spoke briskly. I nodded along with his words.
"You don't have to worry, Director. I will put my utter most effort into debuting." I told him confidently, and truthfully. He sighed again, this time looked exhausted. 
"I know you will, but I'm afraid it might just not be enough. I have no idea what skill level you're already at until you attend the lessons and get an assessment, nor do I really know how Manager Kim will take to you, joining so suddenly as you are. We normally don't take on trainees this suddenly."
"Manager Kim?" I echoed curiously.
"He is the Trainee Manager, and the one who decides who debuts. He's very strict with the Trainees, and he doesn't take to people easy, even those with obvious talent. He's a perfectionist, and he won't debut anyone who he thinks doesn't have the potential." I felt my heart squeeze painfully. 
He was right; maybe everything wouldn't be enough, in the end. Loads of Trainees worked their hardest everyday and had loads of talent, but it still took them years to debut. What made me think i was so special? No... I couldn't let myself be negative. Only positive tonight's; I CAN do this... 
"What about my tutors?" I asked, changing the subject. "When will I meet with them?"
"Ah... For the Tutor I have in mind, it might be a little difficult. I will ring up and make the necessary changes to their schedule tomorrow so you can at least meet them and have them evaluate you, so they know what needs to be worked upon. It all depends on now busy their schedule is."
"Thank you." I smiled gratefully. He took another long gulp of his brandy. 
"Tomorrow, once you've collected your things from home, talk to Min-Jae at the reception; she will arrange for somebody to you to your dorm." I nodded again.
"Thank you, Director." I smiled. He gave me a wan smile in return.
"It seems I have you to thank, my dear. You are the one who persuaded your Father into this little deal. Without it... SM would own our company tomorrow. At least this way, if the worst comes to it, we will try our best to raise the money owed in a year." 
"Not just that." I reminded him. "But my future relies on this succeeding too, that's why I will work extremely hard." He nodded and looked slightly relieved at my words.
"I really hope you can so this, Ha Na." He admitted. I swallowed thickly and reached for my tea, warming up my suddenly cold hands.
"Me too, Director. Me too." 
"Ah, you're finally home." Father acknowledged as I walked through the door of our apartment. 
He was sat in the living space with a women I  recognised next to him.
"Chun Hae unni!" I grinned, quickly kicking off my shoes and sliding my feet into my slippers. "What brings you here?" I rushed into the living space and dropped down on the sofa next to Chun Hae, my Father sat in his own large single chair facing us both. 
Casting Father a questioning look, which he inclined his head at, Chun Hae gave me a bright smile.
"I've been assigned to watch over you again." Se informed me stiffly. This was normal for Chun Hae; she was always so distant and professional, even when she had watched over me all during Middle School she had been the same. Still, I liked her this way; it was less fake. 
"Wait... What? Why now?" I demanded of Father, frowning. He smirked.
"Whilst you're a Trainee you'll be living in their dorms, so I can't look out for you. This way, I will know you're safe." He explained mildly. 
I felt like my eyes were going to bug out.
"Chun Hae is going undercover as a trainee?" I exclaimed, leaning back in shock. 
Chun Hae looked young for her age; being 27 but looking around 20. She was beautiful but cold; good at what she does, which is going undercover when the situation needs it. All through middle school she went undercover as my cousin, to make sure I was safe at school. I had only just managed to talk my Father into allowing me to attend high school without being watched, giving me a little freedom, but now...
I was back to being watched.
I liked Chun Hae, despite her distant attitude and often cynical nature, but that didn't mean I wanted her following me around again, watching my every move. 
"Indeed. I've just contacted the Director and he's making the necessary arrangements. Hopefully he will secure it so she can be your dorm mate, too."
"Wait... I thought you said you wouldn't interfere?" I whined. 
"I said I wouldn't interfere with you becoming an Idol - and I'm not. Chun Hae will not help you in any way, nor will she hinder you. She will simply pose as another Trainee and make sure you are safe, that's all." 
I cast Chun Hae a questioning look.
"Can you even sing and dance?" I demanded sulkily. She gave me a small smirk.
"I'm a reasonable singer, and I am capable of learning any moves I see at least twice." I groaned and sank lower in the chair.
It would be my luck Chun Hae is better than me at being a Trainee, since I had seen her memorise complicated fighting sequences in just a few times of seeing them. She'd be a dancing prodigy in no time. As for her singing... I could only hope she wasn't good. 
"Whatever." I muttered at last hurling myself to my feet and making my way to my bedroom. 
I had no time to argue and sulk, especially when I knew it wouldn't accomplish anything. When Father made up his mind then that was it - I had no say in the matter. I quickly stripped out of my uniform and headed into my en-suit bathroom, where I had a quick slower and pulled on my comfy sweats, which were my usual choice of clothing. Re-braiding my hair I headed back into my bedroom and looked in my wardrobe. Most of my clothing consisted of simple lounging outfits; sweatpants and jumpers. But as a Trainee, I'd need to dress more fashionable, even when lounging. 
With this mantra in mind, I began to pack my clothes into one of my suitcases, making sure to keep them folded and neat. I'd packed skinny jeans, pretty tops, jackets, skirts and shorts; all the clothing I normally wore when out in public when I wasn't in my uniform. After all, having the appropriate image when representing my Father and his company was important. Still... i'd need some more, if i was to dress this way full time. 
Next I took out a small suitcase and began packing my personal belongings, first questioning each one and whether I'd need them at all;
Pictures? Yeah, as much as he annoyed me sometimes, i did love my Father and I was going to miss him. 
Teddys? No... Just in case I was made fun of for being too childish. 
Manga? Yes... But I'd always keep them locked in my suitcase. Didn't want to be called a nerd.
Makeup? Definite yes. I'd have to keep up my "cool, fashionable" image as a trainee. 
School books...
I paused, confused, before storming back into the living room where my father was now sat drinking his brandy, alone, watching TV. At my entrance he gave me a soft smile. 
"Ah Ha Na,care to join me? I'm watching a great documentary on the nineteen hundreds crime incline..."
"No thank you, Father." I sighed. He was always the same with his ridiculous choices of TV shows. "I wanted to know what were going to do about school. Am i still to attend?"
"Of course you are." He answered, surprised. "You certainly won't be dropping out!"
"No no... I meant, wouldn't it be better if I enrolled in a school a little closer to the dorm?" 
"Traveling to Gangdong-gu from Hannam won't be a problem." He stated after some consideration. "I'll have Jae-Won pick you up outside your dorm and then take you back after school." 
"Then the other trainees will suspect something if I'm being picked up!" I complained. 
"This is none negotiable, Ha Na. You must keep up with your school work, or I will cancel this deal. Getting into that school wasn't easy" I rolled my eyes. 
I was currently attending the private  school Hanyoung Foreign Language High School. It was difficult to get into, and I had studied none stop all through middle school just to get into it. Lessons began at 7am which would mean...
"I'll have to set off at 6am." I muttered. Fathers expression didn't change. "That means I'd be up at half five to get ready!" 
"You made the deal, Ha Na. Before we sign the contract tomorrow perhaps you should consider backing out, hmm? Nobody would old it against you if you did."
"I'm not backing out!" I told him firmly. "I'm merely saying how will I have time to do anything when I spend half my day traveling to and from school!" 
"An hour is hardly your entire day, Ha Na." He sighed tiredly. I huffed.
"No, but it's still two hours a day I could be practicing! By the time I get back to the dorm from school it'll be 4pm. That's only six hours a day I have to practice!"
"A bit less than six." He smiled. I shook my head.
"No, all trainees are required to go to bed at half past ten to get amount rest for their school. So on an average, taking out the times to get changes from school, I'd have six hours to practice."
"Your forgetting the time to do your homework, and study." He pointed out dryly. I scoffed.
"I'd have to fit them in when I return to my dorm at half ten, obviously! Or during the weekend!" 
Father remained silent a moment, his expression unreadable.
"I'm telling you this now, Ha Na. If your grades slip lower than an A, in any of your subjects, I will pull you from this, bet or no bet. Your education comes first."
I swallowed thickly. I was afraid of this. It wasn't that I didn't get good grades, heck, I was the top ranking student of my year! But that was with spending most of my free time studying, with just a two our break a day for my dance and signing lessons. Which today in all the fuss had missed. I would be cutting my studying time down, which would, whether I liked it or not, effect my grades.
Everything seemed to be getting more and more difficult, and this bed seemed to be becoming more impossible by the moment. But I had to do this, for TS Entertainment, and for my own dreams.
"I won't slip." I muttered, determined. "I'll maintain my average A grade. But you must have Jae-won promise to pick me up a few streets away from my dorm, just like he does at school."
"Very well.." Father smiled, pleased. "Make sure to leave your packed bags outside your door tomorrow morning. Whilst your at school, we will have them taken over to your dorm."
"Thank you. With your permission, I'd like to go shopping tomorrow afterschool, for some more clothing." Father inclined his head in permission, too engrossed now in his documentary. Pleased, I bowed lowly, before rushing back to my room. 
Right, where was I... Oh yeah, school books.
"A definite yes." I mumbled, shoving them all in the case, taking up most of the room. Next I slipped in my laptop and the chargers, along with my camera and charger, iPad and charger, but my phone...
"Ah, I'll have to out the charger in tomorrow." I realised. I'd need my phone charged for tomorrow, after all. 
The suitcase was already full so I pushed it to one side, instead going to inspect my draws full of my uniforms. I'd need these, too, I supposed, and quickly made room for them in my clothing suitcase. By the time I was done packing, they were both completely compact and I still didn't have everything I needed. No... A shopping trip must be done, that much was obvious. I quickly checked my watch and groaned. 8.47pm... Father would never let me go shopping at this time, which meant I'd need to go straight from school if I wanted to make it back to see my dorm, unpack and meet my dorm mates, and perhaps even my teachers. I couldn't arrive too late, time starting tomorrow was precious, after all. 
Heading over to my desk I quickly caught up on tomorrows homework, did some studying and read some more Manga, before finally crawling Ito my bed. Looking about my room whilst tucked up under my covers, I sighed softly. This would be my last night in this room. If I and the bet, I'd be carrying on living at the dorms, living my life as an idol but if I lost the bet... I'd be heading to America to study. Everything had changed to much in a day and it was almost overwhelming. 
Closing my eyes I smiled as I pictured my life as an Idol. Bright stages, screaming fans and the spotlight on me, as I did what I loved most;



Authors Note:


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Next we will see Ha Na meeting her dorm friends, some fellow trainees and most importantly; her Private Tutor! 

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