Things I Hate About You, Kim Jonghyun!

Things I Hate About You, Kim Jonghyun!

1) I hate your puppy looking eyes. Why it has to be cute that way? 

2) I hate it when you smile. It seems to be contagious that after seeing you smile, I smile automatically and I hate it. 

3) I hate your voice. No one should be allowed to have a perfect voice. 

4) I hate the way you make me feel when you cry. It makes me cry also. I don't like crying. 

5) I hate the fact that you're short yet you have all the confidence to ignore the criticism you get. For that I hate you. 

6) I hate the way you laugh. It seems to be music in my ears. 

7) I hate the way you write sad songs. You don't have any idea how you make me feel after I listen to them.

8) I hate it when you talk. You talk to much for a guy. 

9) I hate the times when I'm writing, you can't see any page on the notes without your name on it. 

10) I hate the fact that I'm learning Korean now because of you. 

11) I hate it when you makes me worry about you. 

12) I hate it when you tweet a lot. I have to endure the long hours on the internet just to be updated. 

13) I hate it when you admit that you like Lee Minjung and Shin Sekyung on Hello baby. I promise that when I get famous, I'll do that also. 

14) I hate it until now that you really dated Shin Sekyung. It makes me get jealous. 

15) I hate it when I think of how is it to be your girlfriend. 

16) I hate it when you care for the other members too much more than yourself. It makes me hate you more. 

17) I hate it when you bite your lip. I hate the way I think it's so y. 

18) I hate it when you performed the 'Internet War' with Taemin. God knows how I hate you for that. 

19) I hate it when you show your body. Enough said, I hate it. 

20) I hate how your lips seems so soft. 

21) I hate it more when I think that thought when that lips would capture mine. 

22) I hate it the most when I know that no. 21 will never happen. 

23) I hate the fact that I don't have a boyfriend because of you. 

24) I hate the way I thought of you when I heard skinship. 

25) I hate the fact that I find your dino looking face cute. 

26) I hate it when you sleep with your eyes slightly open. It's just so cute, i hate it. 

27) I hate it when you smirk. I just want to punch you square in the face. 

28) I hate it when you look so damn perfect with simple tshirt and jeans. 

29) I hate it when you wore eyeglasses. 

30) I hate it when you play cool on stage. I just can't take my eyes off you. 

31) I hate the fact that you're the only one who can make me laugh so hard by your off remarks. 

32) I hate it how you portray being y, romantic, cute, cool, manly and funny at the same time. 

33) I hate it when you spoke about your ideal girl which make me wonder who is it in your mind all the time. 

34) I hate the fact that you're a pet lover. Sometimes I even wish that I'm a dog. 

35) I hate the fact that you ruin my bias list. 

36) I hate the day I got to know SHINee and got to know you. I freaking hate it. 

37) I hate the way you make me feel so mad about you for giving me so much feels. 

38) I hate the fact that I read fanfics of you just to fill my sweet fantasies. 

39) I hate you for teaching me to have self confidence. 

40) I hate you for giving me the reason to go on with my life. 

41) I hate you for occupying my mind always. It drives me mad. 

42) I hate it when everything I do, I relate it with you. 

43) I hate it when I woke up in the morning, your first person I could think of. 

44) I hate it when my phone runs out of memory because you have too many pictures and videos on it. 

45) I hate it when I have to admit that my room is occupied with pictures of you. 

46) I hate the relationship that exist between us is a fan-idol relationship. Out of all relationship, why it has to be that kind? 

47) I hate to endure the pain of the thought that the chances of meeting you was very small. 

48) I hate the fact that you don't even know that I exist. I hate it so much. 

49) I hate it when no matter what I do, I can't fall in love with other boy groups. 

50) I hate it when no matter how many negative issues there is on your group, I can't seem to leave this fandom. 

51) I hate the feeling I get when my world is against the world you are in. I totally hate it.

52) I hate it when fans brag about meeting and talking with you in person. 

53) I hate to admit that you're the only one right now who can make me smile, laugh and cry at the same time. 

54) I hate to admit to myself that you are always a star beyond my reach. 

55) I hate the feeling I have to endure when I'm watching you on monitor where it seems your just an inches away from me and the truth of our distance pains me. 

56) I hate the feeling when I miss you. 

57) I hate it when I want to give up fangirling but I can't because of you. 

58) I hate the fact that you're my ultimate bias. 

59) I hate to admit that there is actually no single thing that I really hate about you. 

60) I hate to say that the title of this should be : "The Things I love about you, Kim Jonghyun." because no matter how much I want to deny it, i'm so inlove with you.

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IsuelMaya #1
Chapter 1: no matter how hard i try to avoid him.. no matter how hard i try to forget him and try to look for other bias... no matter how hard i try to find someone in real world to love.... no matter how hard i try to fall for someone around me... no matter how hard i try to deny my filling for him... till the end of day... the only word keep fling in my mind is KIM JONGHYUN.... waeyo..... chincha waeyo.... why do i have to fall for u this deep till i feel no one can replace u in my heart.... you're just like a first love to me.... the most sweetest first love that will always be with me even though i can't have u in my real life... i'm happy to being in love with u in fantasy... at least through it can i feel the happiness of having u in my life for real... oppa.. KIM JONGHYUN oppa... thomo saranghaeyo..... chincha saranghaeyo...
plzzzzzzzzzzzzz update neh?
Chapter 1: matter how much i wanna hate him, he's too perfect <3
mandaria #4
how to upload the poster