Chapter 1

Changing the Hot Tempered and Grumpy Queenka

"Young Miss and young masters, we have..." the driver announced but was interrupted as Haera carelessly opened the car door and get off the car. The driver was startled at his young miss harsh actions but then relaxed. After three years of working for the Kang's, he got the hang of Haera and everyone else short and hot temper.

"Thanks for driving us here, Mr. So." Lay said as he patted the driver's back, giving him an assuring nod that everything was fine and exited the car. Lay is considered as the most patient and calm one among all the six young masters that Mr. So served but once he's mad,

he REALLY IS MAD and can be scary.

Kris, Luhan, Xiumin, Chen and Tao, the other five young masters and also SM Academy's Kingkas, followed suit and exited the car as well. They were a bit surprised to see Haera standing just a few steps away from the car and was staring at the gate entrance of SM Academy.

Haera suddenly turned back and faced her amazingly handsome friends and cousins. Her flaming red hair followed as her head turns. "DON'T. MAKE. YOUR. LUNATIC. FANGIRLS. GET. IN. MY. WAY." Haera bellowed, emphasizing every word that left . She wasn't in the mood to hear a single or even the tiniest squeal from their fangirls.

The guys looked at each other and nodded. It wasn't new to them. Haera never liked or should they say hate hearing the squeals and shouts of their fangirls.

"Put this on. I can't promise you'll never hear even the tiniest squeal from those fangirls." Lay said as if reading Haera's thoughts. He placed his headset on Haera's head.

"I don't want your headset..." Haera tried to take off the headset away from her head but Lay stopped her, pointing his finger to the crowd of fangirls and fanboys that was waiting for them.

"Fine." Haera grumbled and snatched the mp3 from Lay's hand where the headset was connected.

"lunatics" Haera hissed as she threw a dirty look at the crowd, stamping her feet towards the school.

"What's wrong with noona? She's too grumpy today." Tao asked randomly as they followed Haera entering the school gates.

"Beats me, ask the cousins." Chen answered and pointed to Kris and Lay.

"Ask hyung. Their blood is thicker than mine." Lay chuckled and pointed to Kris, letting the older one handle all the answering.

"What's the difference? She has always been like that. Even I, is sick of those 'lunatics'" Kris annoyingly said, quoting Haera's term to their fangirls and walked off, avoiding the approaching screaming fangirls.

"Gege, wait for me!" Tao hollered as he half run to Kris.

"Now that's no difference. Those two acts alike." Luhan muttered.

"I know right but I think we should catch up with them and stop those girls to go any closer to Haera. They wouldn't want to be the target of that brat's wrath."



"SCRAMMMMMM" Haera yelled from the school's gate and almost immediately all the student ran off to direction, avoiding the obviously pissed off and short tempered queenka.

"Too late and see she can handle them by herself." Luhan laughed as he watched all the the students scram to different direction.


"Aish" Haera hissed while closing her locker and walking towards her first class. The news of her yelling at the school gates spread like wildfire. Students that she passed by the hallways, may it be male or female, would immediately stood up and ran off, avoiding her wrath.  Everyone knew how Haera could be harsh when she's pissed. She had once used judo to one of the male student that pissed her.

Haera hated everyone and everything that day. First, she had to pass the ear bleeding squeals and screams of her friends and cousins lunatic fangirls every morning and today like some other days, her heart wouldn't settle. She knew something was wrong but the hardest part of it was that she didn't know the reason why her heart won't settle and she can't do anything about it.

Haera reached her class. Sliding the door open, she saw their teacher already starting her lesson. Haera entered, closed the door and walked to her seat without greeting her teacher. She couldn't care less.

"Miss Kang, you're late." Miss Park said with a bit of irritation. She didn't hate Haera, she hated her the-hell-I-care attitude.

"Well duh, sherlock." Haera retorted, pulling her chair so she could sit.

Miss Park's eye twitched. "Miss Kang, get out of my class. Not because you're the daughter of the biggest shareholder of this school is I would let you off with your attitude. Detention later." she calmly said,  pointing her finger to the door while trying to keep her irritation. She never liked students with attitude in her class.

Haera didn't need to be told twice. She grabbed her bag and exited the room. She went straight to the rooftop, her hangout area and the only place where anyone could find her. She put down her bag and layed her body on an elevated part in the rooftop where she used to sleep.

"I'm sorry, I can't do anything about it right now." Haera mumbled as she placed her hand on her chest as if comforting it. She closed her eyes and drifted to sleep. With that she decided to ditch all her class for the day.


First chap is done...

I hope it didn't bore you.

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