Mysterious Night

Crescent Love


Somewhere in Tokyo

Girl: (scared) who are you?...leave me alone..

Axel: (smile insanely) Don’t worry I’ll do after getting what I want. (start taking the girl’s soul)

Girl: (screamed) nooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At the Dark bridge of Shibuya

Kairi: (made a firestone on her hand to lighten up the place)It’s such a very huge world. I can’t survive like this. I need to hurry. (sad) Xion, give me hint where you are. Mother, father, please give me strength to continue.

At Xion’s House, Dinner time

Xion: ( accidentally bit her tongue) ouch! I bit my tongue.

Elizabeth: They said if you accidentally bit your tongue it means someone is talking about you. But well, it’s just another popular adage. (laughed)

Lren: anyway, xion this weekend, what are you planning to do?

Xion: hmm…. What about going out with mom and dad?  (smile)

Lren: okay, that looks fun…right? (looked at his parents)

Romeo: yeah… it’s been a long time since we last go out together. It’s because me and your mom been busy with our works.

Xion: (giggles)

Morning came, Xion arrived in her classroom

Student: hey xion, good thing you’re already here. The principal is looking for you. He wants to see you in his office before the morning class starts.

Xion: The principal?... but why he suddenly wants to talk to me?

Sora: (seriously looking at xion while holding his book )

Student: I don’t know too. Better go there now. And know it yourself…

Xion: okay…. (hurriedly left)

In the Principal’s Office

Xion knocked on the door and the principal let her in. She saw her other classmates inside too.

Principal: We’ve been waiting for you xion. I called you here because you are one of those responsible for what have happened during the School festival.

Xion: what…what happened sir?

Principal: you don’t know? Eight students went missing during the school festival and several of them were last seen inside your class’ made haunted house and I heard something happened inside too that made people to panic. What actually was it?

Xion: (remembered what happened to her inside the school festival)

Principal: xion? Do you know anything? Feel free to tell me, it can help.

Xion’s classmate1: xion? Did you see what have happened inside? Aren’t you inside with your brother that time?

Xion: ….huh…yes… but that time…its…’s too dark to see.. and I’m totally clueless about the eight students.

Principal: (sigh) if that’s the case, I don’t have any choice but to rely on the ongoing investigation. And im sorry to say but your class will be banned for the next year’s school festival. You all can go now.

Outside the principal’s office

Xion: I know even if I tell it to them they won’t believe it. I don’t even recognize anymore whether if that was just a dream or not. But what if, it’s not? What if that guy really took the souls of those missing students?

Sora: (leaning on the handle of the stairs) souls? Why are you talking about souls xion?

Xion: Sora? What are you doing here? Are you listening to me all this time?

Sora: Nope, don’t worry I only heard something about souls. Anyway is it something so confidential that you need to hide it from me?

Xion: No! it’s nothing…. I’ll be going now, (go up stairs)

Sora: hmm,,, she’s making it a bit obvious. (little laughed)I better read more books.

Sora headed to the library while xion went in the rooftop. She looked up in the sky and feels the gentle wind around. She closed her eyes, her gerad shines and the surrounding suddenly became so calm and she can hear every sound whether It’s near or far away. All of a sudden she heard someone coming that’s why she opened her eyes again and everything came back to normal. Xion stared at the rooftop’s door and someone opened it.

Xion: Roxas?

Roxas: oh it’s you, (looked around) you’re alone?

Xion: yeah, I think so. Why?

Roxas: Nothing, don’t mind it.

Xion: why are you here? Do you want to use the rooftop?

Roxas: Something just brought me here and I’m not expecting to see you.

Xion: Don’t worry I can leave, (about to leave)

Roxas: wait, there’s something on your face.

Xion: hmm? On my face? (wipe her cheek with her hand) where?

Roxas: you won’t find it so better let me.

Roxas slowly came closer to xion, his gentleness making xion blush. He touched xion’s cheek and took something behind her ear and showed it to her….

Xion: a flower? Wait how did you…? (Hold her ear)

Roxas: they called it magic. Take it, you look bothered.

Xion: (took the flower) uhmm,, thanks but don’t worry about me. (smile) I’ll keep it!  Are we friends now?

Roxas: I don’t make friends with anybody, that flower means nothing, don’t take it seriously.

Xion: really? I thought it’s a sign of new friendship........

Roxas: Enjoy being disappointed then.....

Xion: But since you gave me something, i would treasure this....Thanks alot Roxas, i should go now.....thanks alot for this.....( Smile and Left )

Roxas: A smile..................No one has ever given me a smile....

Xion suddenly feel so happy because of the flower roxas gave. Classes were already Over but Xion won’t be able to come home yet so she asked Lren to leave first. After xion finished her tasks at school it is almost sun set. She decided to take a walk with some of her classmates using the subway.

Classmate1: hey xion, these past few days the way I observe sora, the way he look at you, it’s something weird. Don’t you think he’s interested in you?

Xion: sora?... no that’s impossible, I think he’s just kind. That’s all, no more no less.

Classmate2: (teasing) really xion? Then why are you blushing?

Xion: (touched her both cheeks) am i?... hey I’m not!

Her classmates laughed

Classmate2: I’m just teasing, but don’t worry we will keep it as a secret from sora.

Classmate3: anyway xion we need to take a turn now, are you sure you’ll be okay alone?

Xion: yes, don’t worry about me, (smile)

Classmate3: why not call your brother so he can fetch u from the park? It’s not so far from here.

Xion: No, no, I’m totally fine by myself. Thanks for letting me join you for a walk…

Classmate1: No worries, see you tomorrow! bye bye, take care on your way.

Xion: yeah… take care too.. bye!(waves)

Her classmates already left. Xion continue walking alone, suddenly she felt that someone is following her so she started walk quickly. Unexpectedly, Dark clouds came and the rain pour, xion don’t have any choice but to stop at the park and wait till the rain stop.

Xion: (looked at her watch) oh no, it’s already past six. Lren might get worried if I don’t go home immediately. C’mon rain, stop already… (took out the flower roxas gave and stare at it) his eyes so stone cold. It’s making me feel so curious about him.

Sora: (from behind a tree looking at xion seriously)

After a couple of minutes the rain stopped. But before xion stepped out from the park, her gerad glowed. She felt a powerful aura coming from behind her, when she looked back, someone is going to attack her, everything happens so fast that xion didn’t notice that her body move on its own and dodged the attack.

Bount1: oh, for a normal human, you are fast. But it’s just another luck, that won’t happen again. (slowly come closer towards xion)

Xion: (stepped back) who… are you? Don’t come any closer; what do you want from me?!!

Bount1: (touched his sharp and long claws) I… want your…freaking…soul…but before that, let me play with you first.

The bount attacked xion with his claw that’s why she fell harshly on the ground. Her uniform’s sleeve was ragged. She stood-up while holding his wounded right arm. The bount made the same attack but this time he aimed xion’s hip.

Xion: (touch her hip and saw her hand stains with blood)

Bount1: you’re tougher than I thought. But its making me annoyed. Maybe I better take your soul immediately. (saw something on xion’s arm that made him stop)is…that a gerad?

Xion looked at her gerad and suddenly she noticed that the flower roxas gave to her was thrown away as she fell down to the ground lately. She crawled towards the flower but the bount ruthlessly stepped on it. Xion was shocked while remembering the time roxas gave it to her.

Xion: (looked down) …..

Bount1: is this something precious to you huh? Don’t be sad because sooner you’ll be able to go after your little flower.

When the bount decided to hit xion with his claw, her gerad suddenly released a bright light that throw the bount away.

Xion: (stoop-up) how dare you destroy something so precious to me… someone like you won’t ever understand the meaning of value!

Xion used water prison towards the bount. The water released by xion formed a big circle and trapped the bount until he dies. The water prison vanished with the bount’s body.

Xion: (tired, sat down) The thing that happened just now... the guy from before and the one I countered right now, they’re both taking souls. My gerad and the power I released. What am I, really?

From somewhere not too far from the park

Axel: Master, did u see what happened?

Guy on a black suit: yeah I did, I wasn’t wrong, she’s a phantom. (Smile insanely)this is going to be more interesting. A phantom living in the human world. How interesting.

Axel: if you won’t mind, ill crash her right away. (about to leave)

Guy on a black suit: (blocked axel) Don’t touch her yet.

Axel: but why? The power she released lately, it’s a prove that she’s not just a normal phantom. If we let her live longer, she can be a pain for us.

Guy on a black suit: She won’t be. Instead, she’ll be a perfect gift for the king. Leave her to me. From now on she’ll be my business. (left)

To where xion was

Xion: (feeling dizzy) I’m already losing too much blood, (breathing heavily) Someone, please, please help  me….(looked straight and saw the guy wearing a long black suit coming towards her)

Xion forcing herself not to close her eyes to see the guy’s face but it was covered by his suit’s hook. Xion already fainted because of too much loss of blood. Lren and their parents already worried about her. He tried to call xion’s classmate but they said xion already went home earlier. Lren went outside to find xion but failed. That night xion didn’t go home, Lren can’t sleep he is just waiting the whole night for xion.

End of chapter V

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markjecc2 #1
ice workk!! i hope someone will do an animation of this story, i can't wait if that happens!! i am looking forward of your story ^_^